. France Tomorro 7 VOL. XIV, NO. 44 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary’s MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 19.79 In Tehran Angry mob storms US embassy I The spokesman, who asked contacted by telephone from (AP)-A mob of Iranian not to be identified, said an New York, said a Scandinavian students overran U.S. Marine estimated 200 or 300 students ambassador in Tehran would guards in a three-hour struggle were involved. act as a mediator “to try to yesterday and invaded the The Tehran Radio broad­ convince the students to get out American Embassy in Tehran, casts, monitored in London, of the compound.” He said an seizing dozens of staff members said the embassy’s Marine Iranian Moslem religious leader hostages, Tehran Radio guards hurled tear-gas can­ also was reportedly trying to reported. They demanded that isters but were unable to hold talk the invaders into leaving. the United States send the back the waves of students. The spokesman said he was enough to e a t exiled shah back to Iran for None of the broadcasts men­ unsure of the identities of the trial, the radio said. tioned weapons other than tear two mediators. No serious injuries were gas. The State Department said * reported. Tehran Radio said as In Washington, State Depar­ in Washington the Iranian many as 100 hostages were tment spokesman Jack Touhy government had “given assur­ W*TA being held, but an Iranian said it was estimated 59 per­ ances that our people being Foreign Ministry spokesman sons were being held captive held are safe and well.” said he believed it was fewer and there was no firm evidence Just hours after the embassy than 45-about 35 Americans the invaders were armed. He invasion, seven demonstrators and seven or eight Iranians. said a State Department work­ chained themselves inside the One of the hostages is a Notre ing group was set up to monitor Statue of Liberty in New York Dame alumnus. The State the situation and added the Harbor to protest the ousted Department declined to identify U.S. government would have no Shah Mohammed Reza the individual, but said there immediate comment on the Pahlavi’s presence in New York, where he is hospitalized Chili dogs and cold weather went hand-in-hand this pasthas been no violence so far demand that the shah be retur­ for cancer treatment. After 3 % weekend, \photo by Dave Rumbach\ during the incident. ned to Iran. hours authorities cut the chains Some unconfirmed reports and took them into custody. said the hostages were blind­ The Tehran broadcasts, some With guns blazing folded and handcuffed, but the not clearly received, said the Foreign Ministry spokesman students were motivated by a denied this, saying the embassy “message” from the leader of takeover was “a very peaceful Iran’s Islamic revolution, the Jet fighters scatter protestersexercise. They are dealing with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. them very nicely.” The Moslem clergyman yes­ Asked whether the students terday once again denounced La Paz, Bolivia (AP) - Two Bolivian air force jet about an hour after students and workers began were armed, he said only he the United States for allowing fighters roared over downtown La Paz yesterday rebuilding street barricades. had heard no reports that they the deposed shah into the with their guns blazing, scattering students and The jets could be seen swooping low over the were. workers who had gathered in a central plaza to plaza and opening fire. One source who has The spokesman, who was [continued on page 5] protest the 4-day-old military regime. followed the military situation here closely and There were no immediate reports of casualties. was near the action said they made a half-dozen It appeared that the pilots sought only to passes and appeared to fire as they angled intimidate the civilians in San Francisco Plaza upward, indicating they did not intend to snoot and did not fire directly at them. those in the plaza. The plaza was also surrounded by about 20 Earlier yesterday Natusch declared martial law Park assassination sparks tanks and armored cars, and one was heard and press censorship throughout Bolivia as •firing a cannon shot. speculation fnounted that dissident military San Francisco Plaza is five blocks from the units were planning a counter-coup against him. international presidential palace, headquarters of Col. Alber­ Well-informed sources said yesterday that the to Natusch, who declared himself president aftei police in the eastern city of Cochabamba, turned just late last summer leading a coup against Bolivia’s civilian govern­ Bolivia’s third-largest, had declared themselves by M ary Fran Callahan from a three year assignment in ment last Thursday. in rebellion against the Natusch government. Staff Reporter South Korea, called the naval A local report said the planes attacked the The report could not otherwise be confirmed. maneuver a “normal opera­ presidential palace, but journalists who later The national labor confederation called a South Korean President Park tion . ’ YMC Gary J ohnson said went to the palace found it to be untrue. general strike Thursday in protest of what its Chung-Hee’s October 26th as­ that such a demonstration of The buzzing incident followed a night of bloody leader called the “fascist” military takeover. sassination has sparked reac­ military support should not be a clashes between soldiers and anti-coup students The strike has since been joined by the national tions from international ex­ cause of concern among Ameri­ and workers. businessmen’s group. perts, military personnel, and cans. It just lets people know Civilians building barricades on city streets The civilian president deposed in the Natusch native Koreans. we are there and we are ready Saturday night were attacked by troops who kept coup, Walter Guevara, was still in hiding with Like a scene out of a Shake­ to carry through with our up gunfire barrages for about five hours. The his entire Cabinet. spearean play, a diplomatic committment, “Johnson ex­ Bolivian Red Cross and the central hospital said Bolivia has had some 200 coups in its 154 years dinner party ended in a blood­ at least 20 persons were killed and 40 wounded as a republic. Gen. David Padilla, who took bath when KCIA chief Kim Jae plained. in that violence. power in a coup last November, set the stage for Kyu suddenly opened fire, kill­ Nine natives of Korea are A broadcast communique issued yesterday by democratic elections earlier this year. But none ing Park and several of his body currently studying at Notre Natusch described Saturday night’s bloody of the presidential candidates received a guards. Within hours of the Dame. Raised in a society that crackdown and the jet flights Sunday as part of a majority, and the selection of a president was news, the Carter administration cautiously censors the news “cleanup” operation. turned over to Congress, which chose the reaffirmed its military commit­ media in order to prevent any The warplanes struck at midday yesterday 68-year-old Guevara. ment to South Korea by placing infiltration from North Korea, 32,000 ground troops on high the students agreed to com­ alert. ment on the situation but requested that their names be Hayward defends Last Tuesday evening, the withheld. wire services disclosed that the United States Navy’s 7th Fleet “No one is worried,” one of the command ship USS Blue Ridge Korean students commented, paid a “ good will” visit to as long as the U.S. is there. ’ in address to NROTC students The students all agreed that Pusan-parading by the major the Navy. In his Saturday last 33 centuries, Hayward whileNorth Korea is a viable By Stephen Sharp Korean port. morning address to 250 NROTC said. “Without good, trained threat, it is not an immediate Staff Reporter Commending the United students Hayward stressed the leadership, airplanes don’t fly, States for literally sticking to its one if South Korea is assured Navy’s need for college-trained ships don’t steam, and weapons guns to protect South Korea, Western support. leaders. Without them, in 2 don’t fire. ” J ohnson paralelledthe student The Navy put up a better fight Professor George Brinkley, years the U.S. Navy will lose its Ironically, midshipmen and concensus by saying that the off the field than on this from the department of Govern­ last advantage over the Sov­ NROTC students learn how to mere presence of concrete mili­ weekend when it defended ment and International Studies, iets--superior technology. fire weapons with the hope that commented,“The U.S. has tary support is enough to college ROTC programs, in­ they will never have to use prevent a confrontation. Hayward spoke in the Mem­ done the right thing. In 1950, cluding Notre Dame’s. Throughout his sixteen year orial Library’s auditorium. them. Janice Buxbaum, the war broke out because the Representing the top brass Naval Academy’s student rep- presidency, President Park de­ was the Chief of Naval Opera­ “In the last 33 years, the United States pulled out.” complexity of naval warfare has A chief petty officer of the veloped a reputation for exer- tions, Admiral T. B. Hayward, [continued on page 9] the highest ranking officer in increased more than ever in the United States Navv, who re­ [icontinued on page 5] Monday, November 5, 1979 - page 2 Indiana students In Utah Hearings on MX missile begin Khomeini's advice CEDAR CITY, Utah (AP) - A the impact of the MX has begun roads and facilities at Vanden- house subcommittee opens to settle down on us,” Mathe­ berg Air Force Base, Calif., for hearings today on the Carter son said yesterday.
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