The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan VENUS (Jap. Jour. Malac,) Hme VoL 58, No2 (1999): 83-85 Notes on Nomura's Pyramidelloid Gastropods and vAN ShigeoHoRI*, James X. CoRGAN**, Jacobus J. AARTsEN**' *Laboratot:y ofIhvertebrate Zootogy, Department ofAquatic Bioscience. 7bkyo Uhiversio' ofFisheries, 4- ""Dcpartment and 5-Z Kbnan. Minato-ku, lbkyo I08-847Z lapan, ofGeology Geogtzrphy, Austin Peay ""Department State University, Clarksville, 71ennessee 37044, Usa, and ofMollusca, IVIztionaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, P. O. Box 9517, ACL 2300 RA, Leiden, The Netherlands Between 1935 and 1940. Shichihei Nomura (1892- 1972). Finally. Marginodbstomia has been used incor- 1945) emerged as one of the world's leading students rectly but is usefu1 name (van Aartsen & Corgan, of the superfamily Pyramidelloidea Gray, 1840, He 1999), Some of Nomura's nominal genera are usually described 336 taxa, 13 genera and 323 species. Some ranked as full genera, some as subgenera. For rnany, descripLions were based on fossils; some on Recent expert opmlon varles. specimens. Most species are represented by type spec- Besides 13 names above, Nomura (1936: 11) men- imens in the Saito Ho-on Kai Museum, Sendai, or in tioned a name Pseudocingutina, which is merely a the Museurn of Natural History, Tohoku University. misprint for Paracingulina (Schander et al., 1999). All type materials cume from Japan and Taiwan (Nemura,l935, 1936, 1937a, 1937b, 1938a, 1938b. The species 1939; Nomura & Hatai, 1939; Nomura & Zimbo, 1935). Today, many of Nomura's taxa are widely rec- and reference specimens of Type Nomura's ognized. This study assesses the status on Nomura's spe ¢ ics are held by the fo11owing museums: Saito Ho- pyramidelloid names. on Kai Museum, Sendai and Museum of Natural History, Tohoku University, Sendai. Four species bear The genera preoccupied names. Replacement names are provided below. Nomura's 13 nominal genera are well-known. Schander et al. each in one of the (1999)place genus claretta nom. nov. Megastomia families of the Pyramidelloidea, They also document a date and place of publication, identify the type species, Oclostomia clara Nomura, 1936, p. 33. pl. 2, fig. 13a- and provide information on type designatien. b. Not Odostotnia ctara Brazier, 1877, p. 259. Bibliographic details are net repeated here unless they Distribution: Shiogama Bay, Miyagi Prefecture, are required fbr clarity. Nomura's genus-group taxa Japan (Recent). are free of objective nomenclatural problems. They are Remarks: Nomura's name is preoccupied by Crenatodob'tomia Nernura, 1937; Eutimetiberia Brazier's (1877). While this species resembles typical Nomura, 1939; Hoonsvrnota Nomura, 193S; Odostomia, it has palatal ridges within the outer lip. Marginodostomia Nomura, 1936; Menesthelta This suggests placement in Megastomia Monterosato, Nomura, 1939; Mormurella Nomura, 1939; 1884. In the past some experts have ranked IVumaesitina Nomura, 1938; Paracingulina Nomura. Megastomia as a genus, while others considered it a 1936; Paramormuta Nomura, ]939; Puncticingutina subgenus of Odostomia Fleming, 1813. Anatomical Nomura, 1939; Rissosyrnola Nomura, 1939; studies by Hori (unpubl.) show fundamental contrasts Sinuatodostomia Nomura, 1937; and Siogamaia between Megastemia and Odostomia. Thus Nomura, 1936. Megastomia is here ranked as a fu11 genus. Three of these 13 names pose subjectiye or inter- pretive problems. Mermurella is probably an epitoniid 71trbonitla dioflelix nom. noy. <Makiyama, 19S8). Hbonsyrnota is sometimes viewed as a subjectiye synonym of Puposyrnola (Corgan, Turbonilla (7berhonilla) injialix Nemura, 1936. pp. 68- NII-Electronic Library Service The malaoologioalmalacological societysooiety of Japan 84 VENUS : VoL 58 , NQ .2 (1999 } − 69,pL l l,fig.92a b. Not Turboni’la infelix Thiele, 野 村 七 平 記 載 の トウ ガ タ ガ イ科 貝 類 の 1925 ,p.127 , pl,16, fig,15. 学 名 に つ い て Distribution: Shiogama Bay , Miyagi Prefecture, Japan(R ent ). ・ ー ・ ’ 堀 成 夫 ジ ェ ム ズ コ ル ガ ン Remar たs : Nomura s name is preoccupied by ー ’ ヤ コ ブ ス フ ァ ン ア ト ソ ン Thiele s (1925). The species is a Tu 厂bon〃 α and was adequa 吐ely described. 要 約 Tu 厂ゐ0 π ’伽 η 0 配 躍 α ’nom . nOV 。 野 村七 平 (1892 〜 1945) は戦 前 日 本 の トウ ガ タ ガ イ 超 科 貝 類 研 究者 で ,同 超 科 貝 類 に 対 し て Turbon 〃 a (∬ .)contraeta Nomura ,1938a , p.827, pl. い 22 9 fig 6Not Chemnitzia eontracta Schauroth 13 属 323 種 ,合計 336 も の タ ク サ を設 立 し て (), . , 1865 ,p.135 , pl.3, fig.27. る 。本報 文 で は そ れ ら の 学 名 を 検討 し ,以 下 の 4 “ ” Distribution: Wangwa northwestern Taiwan つ , の 新 名 を創 設 し た 。 1)Megastomia claretta nom . PliQccne . ( ) Ilov .=Odostomia ctara Nomura 1936110t Brazier ’ , , Remark ∫ : Nomura s name is a secondary 1877 2 T rboni nov = ’ , ) κ 〃α disJtStixnom . . T.in/lelix homonyln of Schauroth s (1865), By the subsequent Nomura ,1936 not Thiele,1925, 3)7:’zomurai n ⊂}m . designation of Herrmannsen 1852 : 136 the type ( ), = ・ nov . T .‘ ontracta Nomura ,1939 not Che 〃 7nitzia species of Turboni 〃α Risso ,1826 is τ costutata contracta Schauroth,1865, 4)Turbonilla nomurella Risso,1826. By monotypy , the type species of ’ ; . nom .nov . T.hrevisNomura ,1936 not Reuss ,1867 , Che 〃lnitzia d Orbigrly,1840 is ル1θ’ania campanellae Philippi 1836 . Both names are syn ⊂}nyms {⊃f Tu rho , References lacteus Linn6 ,1758 . See Montemsat 〔} (1884 : 92 ), − Arnaud (1979 : 139 ), and van Aartsen (1981 ; 75 76 ), Aartsen, J, J, v 跚 ,1981. European pyramidellidae: II. ノ r わo η ご”a .Bo ”,ルfα ’α c .,17: 61−88, pls l−6. Paramormula nom 撕 rella nom . nOV . Aartsen, JJ , van & Corgan , J. X .,1999. C .yctodostomia Sacco,1892 and Marginvd θ stomia N mura ,1936, two taxa of the Odostomiidae (Gastropoda : − Tzarhonil’a (ρyζgムgc 配 ∫)hrevis Nomura ,1936, pp.85 Heterostropha). Basteria,63. in press. − Amaud , P. M ,,1979. R6yisien des taxa malacologiques 86,p1.9, fig.67a h. Not Turb ‘m 〃 α わrevis Reuss , m6di 【erran6ens introduits par Antonie Risso. Ann . 1867,p.157, p1,7, fjg,9. ’ ルfustium d Histoire Naturelle de Nice,5 (1977): Distrib“ tion : Sh め gama Bay , Miyagi Prefecture. 101−150. Japan (Recent ). Brazier,」. W .,1877 . Shells collected dudng しhe Cheve直 − ’ Expedition、 P 厂 o (丶 L 加 n ,& ♪c , N ,∫, W .,1: 249 261 、 Rema 厂ks: Nomura s name is preocccupied by ’ Corgan , J. X .,1972 . Pacific species of Nesiodoste〃 1.ia Reuss s 1867 , While this species s ロ ( ) perficially Pilsbry,1918, and Pupos .vrnola Cossmann ,192 L − − resembles 7 ‘厂 boni〃a , it has elements of spiral sculp Veli8er,14 (4); 355 360. Herrmannsen , A . N ., 1852 . Indicis generum ture and varices fbmled by a 負亅sion of two or three − − Malacozo6rum . Supplementa et corTlgenda i iv: 1 strong axlal costae suggest this species .These features 140.Cassel. ’ − belongs in the genus Paramormuta Nolnura ,1939 . Makiyama , J、,1958. Matajiro Yokoyama s Tertiary霊bs sils fmm 職 rious 且oculities in 亅apan . Part IL Anatomical s [udies by Hori (unpub1 .)cornparing Paieont , − − ,∫‘ c .」とllフ.,SpeciatPaper 4; 1 6. Tu 厂わθ 加 〃a with Paramor 〃 ;uta show profbund diffヒr Nomura , S .,1935 . Catalogue of the Tortiary and ences within the alimentary system , Thus P “ 厂α 一 Mollusca from the isloand Taiwan , Quartery of (Formosa ) in the Institute of Geology and η 10 凵 ’α is horc rankcd as a full.gcnus . 1i Palaeontology , Tohoku Imperial University , ン 艦 − Sendai, part 2 . Scaphopoda and GastrQpoda. Sci, Ac 陀π 僻 ledgemen ’5 : We 砒 re thanksful to Y 組 sunori − Rep , Tohoku Imp .{ノni り.,ser.2,18 (2): 53 228 . Kano . University of Tokyo fof his kind help in search fbr ’ Nomura , S,,1936. Pyramidellidae from Siegama Bay , somc rcfercnces fbr this paper 一 ’ nOf 血 east Honsy 血, Japan . S‘廨 o H ‘丿 〇 n Kai ルtUb. − 一 Res. Bu 〃,,10: 1 108, pls 盛 12. Nomura , S .,1937a . Additional Pyramide11idae from 一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronio Library Service TheThemalacologicalsociety malacological society of Japan Hori et al.: Notes on Nomura's Pyramidelloid Gastropods 85 with remarks on the melluscan Siogarna Bay, Jour. Geot. and Geogr., 16 (1, 2): 39-64. fauna, especially Pyrarnidellidae from Sagami Bay, Nomura, S. & Zinbo, N., 1935. Mollusca from the being a comparative study. Saito Hb-on Kbi Mus. Yanagawa Shell-beds in Lhe Hukusima Basin. Reb'. Bull,, 13: l1-107, pls 4-13, northeast Honsyu, Japan. Saito Hb-on KZii Mus. Nomura, S., 1937b. Thc molluscan fauna from the BulL, 6: 151-195, pl. XV. Pliocene of Tosa. Jbp. Jbun Geol. and Geogr., 14: Reuss, A. E., 1867. Die fossile Fauna der 67-90, pl. Vl. Steinsalzablagerung von Wielicaka in Galizien. Nomura, S.,1938a.Pyramidellidmolluscs from thc Sitzungsberichte der Mathematische-Natur- By6ritu Beds ef Taiwan. TV'ans.Palaevntol.Soc. weisenschqfttichen Classe, 55: 17-182. J`u).. 45: 821-832. Schander, C., Aartsen, J. J. van, & Corgan, J. X., 1999. Nemura, S., 1938b. The third report on Pyramidellidae Families and genera ef the Pyramidelloidea basecl upon the specimens preservcd in the (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Bolt. Matac. in press. Collection of the Sait6 H6-on Kai Museum. Saito Schauroth, K. F. von., 1865. Verzeichniss dcr Ho-en KZzi Mus. Res, Butl., 16: 1-88, p]s 1-15. Versteinerungen im Herzogl. Naturalien-eabinet zu Nomura, S., 1939. Surnmary of the fossil and recent Coburg, 327 pp.. Coburg. Japanese Pyramidellldae, with the descriptionof Thiele, J., 1925. Gastropoda der Deutschen Tiefsee- several new species. Jubilee Publication in the Expedition. II. Teil. Wissenschcijlliche Eigenbnisse Commcmoration of Professor H, Yabe, M, I. A. der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition at<f dem '"Vlatdivia " Sixtieth Binhday, 1: 119-156, pl. 9. Danij7)er J898-1899. Siehzehnter Band Nomura, S. & Hatai. K., l939. 0n some fossils from Zweites Hof, 17 (2): 34-382, pls 13-46.
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