147 No. LiS. MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS 01' THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. THURSDAY, 29 APRIL, 1880. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The President took the Ohair at twenty.nine minutes a.£ter Foul' o'clock. M8'mocJ'S p,'eSeJlt ;- The Honorable Sir John Hay, K.O.M.G., P resident. The Honorable Archibald Bell, The Honorable Sir Joseph George TJong Innes, The Honorable William Byrnes, Knight, 1'h. Honorable John Oaml,bell, The Honorable John Marks, The Honorable Alexander Oampbell, The Honorable James Norton, The Honorable Oharles Oampbell, The Honorable George Oakes, The Honorable George Henry Cox, The Honorable Edward David Stuart Ogilvie, The Honorable Frederick Matthew Darley, Q.O., The Honorable William Richman Piddington, The Honorable Leopold Fane De Salis, The Honorable Sir John Robertson, R.C.M.G" The Honorable Joseph Docker, The Honorable Saul Samuel, O.M.G., Th. Honorable Edward Flood, The Honorable John Smith, M.D., LL.D., O.M.G., The Honorable William J ohn Foster, The Honorable Sir Alfred Stephen, O.B., The Honorable John Frazer, K.O.M.G., The Honorable Samuel Deane Gordon, The Honorable John Stewart, The Honorable William Gl'ahame, The Honorable George Thornton, The Honorable Thomas Holt, The Honorable John Brown Watt. 2. MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR :-The President reported and react the following Messages from His Excellency the Governor :- (1.) Obsceue Publications Prevention Bill:- AUGUSTUS LOFTUS, Messa~e. Governor. A Bill, intituled " An Act fa?' 11l01'C qffectually p,'eventing tlte Sale of Obscene Booles Picbu1'cs Prints and otlwJ' .L11,ticlcs,"-as finally passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of Her Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Coullcil, to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Officer for eUl"olment, in the manner requil:ed by law. GoveJ'nmcnt House, Sy(hICY, 22"J Ap"il, 1880. (2.) Tramways Extension Bill:- / AUGUSTUS LOFTUS, Message. Governor, A Bil1, intituled (C An Act to autlw1'ize the const1'uction am] maintenance of Prmnw((!Js along certain St1'cets and Higlw;ays in tlte Oity and Subm'vs of Sydney and elscwlterc,"-as finally passed by the Legislatiye Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency ha.s, in the name of Her l\fajesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Council, to be Dumberect and forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law. Government House, S!!dney, 28t" Ap,·a, 1880.' 3. 148 3HNUTES OF TIrE rnOCF.E~IN O S 3. PXI?EUS :-Sir J ohn Robertson laid upon the Table the undCl'molltioned Papers :­ (1.) By - I~,vs of the Muuicipal District of Hamilton. (2.) By-law unc\er t he Public Vehicles Regulation Act of 1873. (3.) 'I.'l'ust Moneys Deposit Accounts, from 1st·April, 1879, to 31st Jlf~rcb, 1880. (4.) Report fro m the Inspecto r General of the Insane for the year 1879. (5.) Amended By~la\Ys of the BOl'ough of Campcl'down under the ]1:uuicipa.lities Act of 1867 and Nuisances Prevention .Act of 1875. (6.) Repo,·t of the Council of' Education upon the Condition of the Public Schools for 1879. (7.) Report of the Council of Education upon the conciition of the Certified Denominationol School. fo r 1879. Ordered to be printed. (8.) Return to Address in reference to Mr. T. M. Slattery, lato Prothonotary, adopted by tho Legish tivo Council, on mo tion of nfl'. Foster, ou 1 5~h April, 1880. (9.) Returu to Address in reference to JlL:. T. M. Slattery, late Curator of Intestate Estate., adopted by the Legislative Council, on motion of Mr. Foster, on 15th. April, 1880. 4. PRIXTTh'G OOlli\UTTEE :- ].11'. Docker, a.s Chail'IDllil, brought up the Thirteenth Report from the Printing Committee. On motion of Mr:Docker, Report adopted, and ordered to be printed. 5. AnCIIIDA.T,D T]JO~lFSON'S 'l'nusT E STATE BILL:- (1.) Bill, on motion of Mr. Foster, read a second time. (2 .) On motion of Mr. F oster, the President left the Chair, and the House resolvec\ itself into. Committee of the Whole for consideration of this Bill. fl'he Ch ail'm an havi ng reported the Bill without amendment,­ 'l'he House adopted the Report. Ordered, That the third reading stand au Order of the Day for the llext day of sitting. O. PO S TrO ~"El\tENT-MJm.RIWA. CUURCH .AND PRESBYTERY LAND SA.LE BILL :-The Order of the Day for the second reading of this Bill postponed, on motion of Sil' George Innes, until this day week. 7. SECRE'I' Brr,LS 01' SA.LE ACT AUEND:'(ENT BILL (as amended i 1t Select Oommittee) :- (1.) 1\1:1'. Norton moved, 111hat this Bill be now read a second time, Debate ens ued, Que stion put n.ncll)aSsed, J3ill read a. second time. (2.) On motion ot ~fr . Norton, the PJ'esident left the Cbail', and the H ouse resolved itsel£ into a. Committee of the '\Vhole for consideration of this BilL The Chail'man reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again on this day week. S. ~1:E s SA GES FltOi\{ i 'HE LEGI SLA'£IYE ASSEMD Ly:- The President reported the fonowing Messages u'om the Legishttive A,sembly :- (l.) Miuing Act Amendment Bill:- MR. PUEStDENl', The Legislatiye Assembly having this day passed a Bill, inlituled "An Act to amend the Act 37 JTiclm'ia 1:lo. 13,"-pl'esents the same to t he Legislativo Council for its concurrence. L egislative Assembl.¥ Cltamber, G. WIGRAM ALLEN, S.¥dn~y, 29th April, 1880. Speaker. Bill, on motion of ~fl'. Samuel, read a first t ime. Ordered, 11'h n.t the secollCl reading stanel an Order of the Day for Tuesday next, and that t he Bill in tho meautirnc be printed. (2.) Oonsolidated Re,'ellue Fum\ Bill (No.5.) :­ (l.) JIb. PRESIDENT, The Legisla.tive Assembly having this da.y passed a Bill, intitul~ HAn Act to apply certain Su,ms out of tlte Oonsolidated R evenue Jilmd of N ew S outl" Wales towm'ds the Se1'vices of tlle Year I SSO/ '-presents the same to the Legislative Council £01' its concurrence. Legislative A ssembl;¥ CI,"",oel', G. WIGRAM ALLEN, S!/ilne!/, 29th April, 1880. Speaker. Bill, on motion of Mr. Samuel, read a fi rst time. (2.) Mr. Samuel, by consent, movecl, witlloltt previous N otice, That so much of the Sta.uding Orders be suspended as would preclude the passing of this Bill through aU its remainiug stages durll1g the l)l'csent sitting of the Council, and that the proceedings thereupon have precedence over aU other husiness on the Paper. (~ul" s tion put :lnd passed. Ordered tlLell, That the second reading stand a.n Order of the Day for the present sitting of the Council, a.nd that the Bill in the meantime be printed. (3 .) Bill, on motion of Mr. Samuel, read it second time. (4,,) On motion of Mr. Samuel) t he Pl'csident left the Chail', and the House resolved itself into & Committee of the W hole for consideratiou of this Bill. Ifhe Chairman h:.wing reported the Hill without amendmeut,­ The House adopted the Report. (5.) 'Bill, on motion of Mr. Samuel, read a third t ime, and passed. Mr. Samuel then moved, That the Ifitle of this Bill be HAn Act to apply certain Sums out of Ih~ OOl/so7idated Revenue Fund of N et/) SOlttl" Wales towards ilte S ervices of tlte YeaI' 1S80." Question put and passed. W hereupon 14:) OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. "\Vheroupon lVI1'. Samuel moyed, 'l'hat this Bill be retul'ned to the Legislative Assembly, with the following nfessagc :- Mn. S.PEAKER, ~ehc Legislatiye Council having thi s day agreecl to the Bill, intituled U An, A ct to appl,'I cel'tain Sums ont of tlte 0011solidated R cvcn'ue Fund of l{ew South Wales tou;m'd8 the 8m'vice8 of 'tlw Year l SSO,"-l'ctUl'llS t,he samc to the JJfgislative Assembly without :1meuclmcut. *' 11;. :;+: * *' Question put and IJ ussed. 9. POSTPO~"EMENT -BF. T T ING HOUSE S S UPPRESSION ACT AMENDMENT BILL :-The Order of the Day £01' the committal of' this Bill postponed, 011 motion of lVIr. Foster, until this day week. 10. LANDS ACTS FURTHElt AMENDMEN'l' BILL :-Sil' John Robertson moved, That the President do now leave the Chair, a,nd the House 1'eso1\'o itself into a Committee of the Whole for COllsideratioll of the Assembly's Message in refer ence to the Council's amendments in this Bill. Debate ensued. "l\1otion ) by 10a\'e, withdrawn. Ordcred then, That the considera.tion of the Assembly'S Message in Committee stand an Orc1E'r of the Day for rrl1csday next. The House adjourned at a quarter before Ten o'clock, until Tuesday next at Four o'clock. JOHN J. OALVERT, Olerk oftlw Parriamel1ts. NOTICES 0:1<' MOTIONS AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. TUESD.AY, 4 MAY. OJlttill.'leJtt lVotice qf Motion :- Mu. DOCREll. to more (·ujJon tile Order of tlte na,1j f01 ' tIw second 'I'eadill.r; of tI/C OIm?'ch lI1ul School L ands D edication B£ll bein.r; ?'cad ), That the President of the Synod of the Diocese of Sydney, being a Synod of the United Ohurch of England and Ireland within the Oolony of New South Wales, be 'heard by COllnsel at the Bar of the House in opposition to the said Bill.
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