THt YPttLANTI DAILY FREER YFEILANTI. MICH. WEDNESDAY. FEE *«. I*4l PAGE FIVE Sports Roundup »*• • Normal, College Overwhelmed by Michigan # State Men New York —INS The New York Yankees a* of today are committed to starting the 1941 American League baseball season Trackmen Ver*s*t’l«' WolvpeJne LEAVES STATE BOARD of Georg* W Campb*]! Owosm linn ¦ uld nominate Donald Mon major league Having U. Win publtshe front Lansing without a first baseman unless. Detroit, Feb 26—AP—State Box the Slate Board of roe o to replace Campbell sold Babe Dahlgren to the Boston Bees in a transac- lug Commissioner John J. Hettche Athletic Control. Hettche said Gov who>e term would haie expired tion announced last night, the erstwhile perennial world champions Nine Out of 12, announced Tuesday the resignation Murray D, Van Wagoner Informed June 13, 1944 will go along with Johnnv Sturm, brought up from Kansas City, or switch Tommy Henrich from the outfield to first base, or Joe Team Balanced Gordon from second to first, or buy George McQuinn from the St. Louis Browns. Michigan Establishes • * • Right to Unofficial i||H|.. V: Sarasota, Fla. —AP— Holdout Ted Williams appears to be giv- I inq the Boston Red Sox the silent treatment. No word has been re- State Championship as/ ttie ceived from him for seteral weeks. Bobby Doerr's coming to shouting afkufs* terms Tuesday left the temperamental outfielder as the socker's The I'uiverslty of Michigan, per- only real holdout. .Wothing has been heard from Oscar Judd, rook- ennial Western Conference track ie pitcher, but he is believed enroute liis home in Canada. champion, established its right to from Intercollegiate * * * the unofficial slate Tuesday Dy fj*f; —INS— Nathan Gus who championship over- gßffl Jfjl Detroit Mann and Lesnevich. meet whelming Michigan Normal ami in a 10-rouhd heavyweight fight in Detroit Olympia tomorrow- Michigan State in h triangular meet night, both came down the stretch today confident of victory. at Jenison Field House. Fast l.an- Mann, if he wins, will probably reestablish his reputation as a stng. The Woherines, winners in nine fighter. That reputation' was tarnished when Joe Louis knocked out of 12 events, piled up 75.2 him out in three rounds. Mann himself admits that if he loses to points. Mic-h.gan Normal was sec- Lesnevich he is just about “washed up." ond with 39.7 points, and Michi- * * * gan State trailed with only 15.1 points. — Tampa. Fla. —AP Manager Bill McKcchnic of the Champion Michigan was favored in pre- Cincinnati Reds is high on Monte Pearson, the former Yankee meet prognostications because of pitcher, and Monte is he will do all right with the Xa- its tremendous team balance. And confident the Wolverines power spare here, / had to tional Leaguers. "1 wouldn't be if I didn't think could help as they exerted complete domin- McKechnie along,” says Monte. "/ have plenty of good investment ance in every event except the property in California, along with a paid-up annuity policy tliaj mile run and the 75-yard high hur- willtake care me when 1 finally decide to quit.” dles. of Michigan Normal's individual * * e stars were Capt. Tommy Qu.ntt, Windsor, Ont. —INS— Joe Ryan, forward for the Assumption who won the mile In a brisk 4:20.2 FRANK MCCARTHY '43 College of Windsor basketball team, scored 23 points in leading hir pace, and Whitey Hlad. who easily Hurdles. Michigan team captured firsts in both high and Tuesday night to a 60-59 upset victory over the Toledo De- low hurdles. Sales. Four meet and two field house * * * records were marked up, but only Bowling — — Miami, AP— The New York Giants' two of the new marks were bona Scores Fla. holdout troubles Here the the are beginning to let up, but Bill Terry still has his headaches. He fide. are facts on records which were broken: LADIES' LEAGUE Cities Servlet The most talked about thing in mo- finally got in touch unth Second Sacker Burgess Whitehead by 75-yard dash —A1 Piel’s :07.7 per- Team 370. Hayward telephone and persuaded him to start camp immediately, then formance in a preliminary heal Standings Lidke 375. MctJuin for W L ess 354, Wales 472, Ryan 490 To- toring is Chrysler** Fluid Drive l learned that Harry Danning, who was expected Thursday, would- was counted as anew meet record since that distance has never be- Packers Outlet 40 23 tal* C94, 668, 699—2061. n’t leave his California home until that day. fore been used. Motor Stale 38 25 ary at 6 30. The froah downed 75-yard high hurdles—Hlad swept Mlller-Jones 35 28 Cleary earlier this reason through the high hurdles in 9.:! Independents 35 2s again seconds, anew meet record t'ltleg Service 33 30 Wolverine Michigan Colleges to Play But because of the use of the odd Wolverine 29 34 Signor 347, Conolly 463. Schlea- distance. Peninsular Paper 26 37 Inger 363, Max 361, Cooke 355. Han- Three 75-yard- low hurdles —For the dicap- 105. Totals 60S. 613 655 Basketball Games Tonight Shaefer Hardware .... 'l6 47 same reason Hlad's u8.6 in the low- 199 4 Last Night'* Score* hurdles was reckoned as anew (M). third: Ackerman (Mi. touith Xavier (Cincinnati) SO, Western Board to meet record. In addition that time Time—4:3o.2. Packers State 46. Planned is recognized as a field house stand- 75-yard high hurdles—Won by Bind 429. Hulnagle 372. Kindshov- Olivet 39, Hillsdale 38. ‘Keep Mouths Shut’ ard because five hurdles instead Hlad (N); F. McCarthy (M). sec on 344. Hutchins 111 Hornet 421 Assumption 60, De Sales 59. of the usual three were placed on ond; Sommertteld <N). third, lla l Totals 619. 657. 716 1983 Lansing. the track. (M). fourth. Time— :n9.3. (New Independents (Bv Press) Mich., Feb. 26—INS— Associated Broad jump—Michigan's Frank meet record ) Andies 183. Whitmire 285, Green Only three games Michigan local draft today will be played boards McCarthy eclipsed the former mee' 440-yar<i dash -Won by Barnard man 388. Williamson 409, Franklin tonight in Michigan college basket- were ordered by Col. Samuel D. mark of 22 feet 11% inches, set (Ml; Clark (N). second; W. Dob 412, Handicap 12. Totals 670, 668, ball leagues. Pepper, deputy director of Michigan by Walt Arrington, of Michigan son (M). third; Smith (S), fourth. 651—1939. service, State, last year, with a leap of 23 Time— : 51.8. Perhaps Drive The Michigan-Ontarlo Conference selective to refrain from > you have Fluid feet s inch. run- —Won by Winner heard rivals, Ferris withholding information contained Two-mile Mlller-Jones Institute and Calvin Pole vault—Charlie Decker, of (M); Zemper (N), second; Mon- Wiabin 398, Sturm 370, Rell 404, College, meet at Grand Rapids in draft questionnaires. Michigan, elevated the Held house roe (SI. third; Lee (N). fourth. Battelle 418, Marker (sub.) 432. owners rave? They are Chrysler’* while the M.I.A.A. champion Alma This action followed reports frdin record in the pole vault to 13 feet Time—9:43.*.. Handicap 27. Totals 747. 658, 644 Scots Invade the inches. of Kalamazoo Col- Detroit that members of Detroit 5V6 Earl Stolberg, Mar- 75-yard low hurdles —Won by 2049. best salesmen! lege stronghold. quette, reached 13 feet Inches Hlad (N); Thomas (M), second. State very board 23 "agreed to keep their 4% Motor In the Junior college circuit Ray a year ago for the best previous Hall (M). (hird; F. McCarthy (M). Mutt 370. Hal) 440. Garbe 331, City meets Port Huron. mouths shut" about requests for height. fourth. Time— 08 6. (New meet Miller 367. Cameron 471. Totals 660, Two of last night's three games deferment from Hank Greenberg. McCarthy, sophomore from Birm- and field house records.) 656—1979. by close ingham, was the 663. were marked scores. Oli- Detroit Tiger outfielder. Green- leading Wolverine 880-yard run—Won by Kautz vet nosed out 39 to 38, thinclad with a victory in the broad (M); (N», second: j. Dobson Shaefer'a Hillsdale. berg's request Was denied. Quinn while Assumption (Ont.) College jump, seconds in the high jump (M), third: Briezinskt (N). fourth Messner 334, Collier 358. West eked out a 60-59 victory over De "It is clearly Intended that the and high hurdles and a fourth place Time—l:s9.3. 393, Schaffer 297, Wales 438. Handi- Sales of Toledo, 0. Western State public; be kept Informed as to the in the low hurdles. In all h» Mile relay— Won by Michigan cap 21. Totals 661. 687, 583- 1831. Teachers were downed, to 45, by scored 12 points top (Matthews. 50 actions and records fit the local for honors. J. Dobson. Thomas and Peninsular Paper » Xavier at Cincinnati. Other .Michigan winners were I’fcr); Michigan State, second; boards aside from strictly privi- Bverard 363. Bates 352, Fallet Wally Hook in the shot put, Don Michigan Normal, third. Time 401, Wislner 370, Cole 427. Totals Cincinnati, O.—AP—A desperate leged matters,” Pepper said Canham in the high jump, 3:27.2. ? A1 Tho- 626. 673. 614-1913. final rally by the Western State "The public," he continued, "has mas in the 75-yard dash. Boh Bar- Teachers College nard in the basketball team a vital interest In the administra- quarter-mile, Ed Wiener failed to overcome 19-Joint deficit in the twomile. Jack tion of the Kantz in the here Tuesday night and Xavier selective service laws 580 and the Wolverine relay team. College cagers slipped by with a 50- and this great interest can only be Quinn, who was in front all the WRESTLING-ARMORY to-45 victory.
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