Psychologist– ψ Official Publication of Division 39 of the American Psychoanalyst Psychological Association Volume XXVI, No.1 Winter 2006 FROM THE PRESIDENT: You and Division 39 in 2006 David Ramirez, PhD emember that hole in the fence? A year ago I used the spring meetings, this one is a multi-year project, coming Rimage of a fence to illustrate my sense of the insider/out- to fruition thanks to the volunteer efforts of a score of sider dynamic I planned to address during my presidency. psychology, social work and psychiatry colleagues. In my The year that marked our 25th anniversary saw notable prog- view, the Spring Meeting is the most visible evidence of the ress in several domains. On the cultural/social diversity front, vitality of our organization. In a perfect world, all of our we were well represented at the definitive meeting on the members would attend, creating an intellectual plebiscite subject of diversity: the APA-sponsored National Multicul- on the importance and relevance of psychoanalytic theory tural Summit. Once considered outsiders without interest or and practice in our scholarly and clinical lives. Here’s a relevance, we are now squarely on the playing field, partici- chance to vote with your feet. pating in the “difficult dialogues” around race, culture, class As you can see in the announcement of the meet- and physical difference. Within APA governance, thanks to ing in this newsletter, the themes for the meeting include the leadership of our council representatives, we had a strong passions and disruption. As such, the program will make voice in debates related to ethics and the interrogation of the best use possible of symposia, panels, presentations prisoners of war by psychologists, deepening the view that and demonstrations to illuminate and articulate the vitality psychoanalysts have an investment in issues central to the of psychoanalytic theory and practice. And, this year there identity of APA as an organization. will be a new feature inaugurating the first meeting in the Among the most pressing needs within the divi- next set of 25: a dance. sion has been the need to shift the insider/outsider dynamic Do psychoanalysts go to dances? Do we dance? as it relates to students, early career professionals and Of course we do, but not usually as an official aspect of psychoanalytic candidates such that Division 39’s policies our annual gatherings. In the past, groups have gone off to and procedures act to facilitate the inward movement and clubs or private rooms to enjoy the pleasure afforded by development of those members. Thanks to the efforts of some good music and a little room to move. In the early the Graduate Student Committee, theTask Force on Early days of my attendance at Spring Meetings, it pained me to Career Professionals, and the initiatives of the Section see that there were groups of people who knew one another Representatives to the Board, programmatic and financial well enough to go off and socialize. I felt left out, standing modifications and enhancements have been developed and at the proverbial fence wondering what it was like inside. implemented. These will be most notable at the upcoming This is not a feeling that typically motivates attendance to Spring Meeting, the annual event that holds the greatest a meeting; I continued to attend because I was obligated by promise of addressing the experience of the insider/outsider virtue of representing our local chapter. Eventually I got dynamic as it relates to being a member of 39. For anyone to know others well enough to be included in the informal wishing to be more “inside” the world of psychoanalytic/ events that made meetings fun. psychodynamic thinking, the opportunity created by the As president, planning a dance represents the most spring meeting is important to recognize. “hands on” thing that I can think to do to help create the Which brings me to a question: Where will you be opportunity for everyone to be included in the pleasurable on April 19th or 20th? If you have not already made plans to socializing that can make a scholarly meeting more satis- do so, I recommend that you come to Philadelphia to attend fying. Music for the dance will be provided by the band, the 26th Spring Meeting of the Division. Like all of our Boogie Knights, led by a psychologist who was formerly Psychologist-Psychoanalyst, Winter 2006 GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING MATERIAL part of an intern group I supervised at Swarthmore College. Determined to take Submissions, including references, need to their educational experience to a new level, one of them hosted a party at the end be in APA style. Email your submission in of their year together featuring the band. As is often the case, students led the an attached Word or WordPerfect file to the way to the creation of a memorable gathering. I hope that you will join me in the Editor. If you do not have attached file capa- inauguration of what could become a new ritual for our meetings. bilities, mail the disc to the Editor. Hard I will close with a mention of prospective activities of the division and copies are not needed. Please write one or changes in its governance. Marsha McCary joins the board as Treasurer, having two sentences about yourself for placement served as member at large as well as having been an officer of Section VI (Local at the end of the article and indicate what Chapters). She will be responsible for oversight of the fiscal activities of the address information you would like pub- division, its nine sections and the 27 local chapters affiliated with Division 39. lished. Submissions should be no longer The scope of this position is broad indeed. Nancy McWilliams steps in as presi- than 2500 words. All materials are subject dent-elect as a warm up to her two-year presidential term beginning in 2007. to editing at the discretion of the Editor. In January, along with colleague Stanley Greenspan in our sister organization, the American Psychoanalytic Association, Nancy helped unveil the prodigious Unless otherwise stated, the views expressed Psychoanalytic Diagnostic Manual, a psychoanalytic annotation of the diverse by the authors are those of the authors and range of human experience and clinical phenomena that we face as psychoana- do not reflect official policy of the Division lytic practitioners. of Psychoanalysis. Priority is given to articles New Orleans will host Division 39’s summer meeting, Psychoanalysis: that are original and have not been submit- A Psychological Science, occurring in conjunction with the APA annual meeting. ted for publication elsewhere. Our presence in the flood ravaged city is likely be emotionally stirring for many. Plans are underway to coordinate our activities with the efforts and needs of ADVERTISING local colleagues. More details will follow. Psychologist-Psychoanalyst accepts advertis- Finally, the Austrian embassy in Washington, DC, will host an event on ing from professional groups, educational September 15, 2006, commemorating the 150th anniversary of the year of Sig- and training programs, publishers, etc. Ad mund Freud’s birth. Due to the efforts our board member Richard Ruth, the divi- copy must be in camera-ready form and sion has had a prominent role in the planning for this event and will be recog- correct size. Rates and size requirements are: nized as one of the principal psychoanalytic professional organizations in North $400 full page 7 1/2” x 9 1/8"; $250 half America. For at least one day we will be beltway insiders. page 7 1/2” x 4 1/2"; $150 quarter page 3” x 4 1/2". Checks should be made payable to Division 39 and mailed along with camera- MEMBERSHIP ALERT - 2006 ready copy. As most of you know, the Membership Directory is available on our DEADLINES website, www.division39.org. What you need to remember, however, is Deadline for all submissions is January 1, that it is your responsibility to update the directory with any changes you April 1, July 1 or October 1. Issues gener- wish to make. Even if you have sent in an address change to APA or to ally appear 5-6 weeks after deadline date. Ruth Helein with our central office, onlyyou can make the changes to our online directory. It is very easy. Please take the time to visit the website and COPYRIGHT POLICY check your information and add or correct information as needed. Except for announcements and event schedules, material in Psychologist- In addition to the newsletter, members also receive the quarterly journal, Psychoanalyst is copyrighted and can only Psychoanalytic Psychology and the quarterly summary of psychoanalytic be reproduced with permission of the journals and books, Psychoanalytic Abstracts. If you are not receiving these Publications Committee. publications, contact APA or Ruth Helein to make sure your mailing address is correct for these publications. EDITOR WILLIAM A. MACGILLIVRAY, 7 FOREST Finally, this newsletter is available in PDF format and can be accessed from COURT, KNOXVILLE, TN 37919 the Division website. Book reviews for the last six years can be accessed PHONE AND FAX: 865-584-8400, EMAIL: directly from the website as well. [email protected] 2. Division of Psychoanalysis (39) American Psychological Association 26th Annual Spring Meeting Love, Desire & Passions: Variety, Enigma, and the Disruption of Psychoanalysis ~April 19-23, 2006~ Loews Hotel Philadelphia, PA ·Continuing Education Credit for Master Classes and Selected Panels and Papers· Keynote Speakers: Jody Messler Davies, Ph.D. Ken Corbett, Ph.D. Guest Participants: Jane Fonda M. Night Shyamalan Actress/Author: Film Director: In conversation with “Gender and Destiny” Ricardo Ainslie, Ph.D. Continuing Education Master Classes with: Susan Coates, Ph.D.
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