NILES HERALD -SPECTATOR MyHor. M Locí NEWS SINCE 1951. ' Thursday, September II. 2014 niles.suntimes.com A WRAPPORTS conipan A CHICAGO SUN-T1MES., publication FOOTBALL Messi Week two results inside forpope SEE SP0R1 GO Sweet Charity' at Skokie Theatre PAGE 28 FOOD Chefs try new flavors for Oktoberfest New memorial honoring now-Saint John Paul Il draws crowd for its dedication I PAGE 5 PAGE 32 Nues Herald-Spectator ©2014 Sun-Times Media I All rights reserved I I'gii1;1 Pu Pe51Lmcolnwood Sunday, Sept. 14 lpm-3:OOpm ParksMecreation Join us for FREE kids' activities including kayak rides, disc golf, I 5OE_LO9 ruS31I1 karate demos, kite decorating, bounce house and more! ;LSI1ODIVO f0969 LdG L:}UV Lincoinwood Centennial Park C00O000IQo6-r03 9STE 6801 N. McCormick Blvd. 6T0_3M0l:L - :A flincolnwoodparks i THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBUCATION NIL . New Listing New Listina Morton Grove $475,000 Morton Grove $387,000 Nues $324,900 Morton Grove $323,800 Seta Ajram 773-467-5300 Eileen Hoban 847-724-5800 John Pappas 847-384-7563 Hsuia Fomina 847-696-0700 Morton Grove $299,900 Morton Grove $299,900 Morton Grove $279000 Morton Grove $275,000 Morton Grove $899,000 5634Capn.info Cheryl O'Rnurhe 847-724-5800 Steve Malone 312-965-4083 91O9ORIOLE.INFO Pauline Mazur 773-704-0394 582lMadison.into Chñslina Auer 847-945-7100 9O47Centralinto Bwry Mann 847-866-8200 Morton Grove $259,900 Nues $255,000 Morton Grove $249,900 Niles $249,000 Paula McGrath 847-724-5800 8l22Shernrer.urrfo Debbie Brooks 847-945-7100 Patricia Furman 847-724-5800 Shaun Raugstad ABR 847-724-5800 Morton Grove $249,000 6934 W Oakton St, Niles $245,000 Morton Grove $849,000 Teresa Spyrka 847-384-7569 l220Fosterinlo Dean Schneider 847-724-5800 6934006100 INFO Connie Redelsperger 773-415-3478 Ask us about a home warranty. 866.797-4788 Nues $240,000 Morton Grove $179,900 Morton Grove $132,500 Maña Delboccio 847-222-8672 58O4WASHINGTON.INFO John De Bau 773-398-3989 Frank Genualdi 847-384-7573 NOes $725,000 JennifeP Barcal 847-384-7503 llOIII! I Title Concierqe/Houiie Warranty Relue: et io ei Previews Commercial 888 4)1 hO/I 841 349-450 800-493-1181 800-323-9565 888572 Home 800-838-7922 02014 Coidweil Banker Residential Beai EnCate LLC. Ail Rights Beserved. Coidweii Bankor Residential Brokerage fully supporto the principies et the Fair Housing Act and theEqual Opportueity Act Operated by a subsidiary st NRT LLC. coidweli Banker and the Coidweli Banker Logs are registered serviceunartes owned by Coldweii Banker Real Estate LLC. Real estare agents affiliated with Coidweli Banker Residestiai Brokerage are indepesdenrcontrscrnr saies associates and are not employees nf Coidweii Bankeí Residential Brokerage NIL A PIONEER PRESS PUBUCA11ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 3 FLOOR® DECOR NOW OPEN! '4 IN SKOKIE OORBU . ER DEALS ONLY IN SKOKIE! LA M IN AT E LAMINATE CLASSIC WALNUT ANTIQUE WALNUT 12MM YOUR C HO POE YOUR CHOICE PORCELAIN SOFT, AMI ANTRACITA 199 8"X48" SOFT SPECIAL I .ECIAL BUY!' MARBLE WHIl t SOPPtIES LASI SPECIAL WHIt SUPPLIES ¡$51 SILVER FANTASY 12X12" TRAVERTIN E ENGINEERED BAMBOO LIGHT WALNUT WALNUT STRANDED 12" X 12" HARDWOOD LOCKING TRAVE RuN E 112"X3112" ARGENTO BRUSHED 12"X1Z' JOIN US SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH 12-3PM COMIE PLAY THE FIRST 200 PEOPLE ROLL THE DICE FOR A .AW'' - . - - .. -II A &l#1 fIAIi ráI DICE ROLL CHALLENGE '- I U WWUU S&RAN NOW 4 CHICAGOLAND LOCATIONS! OPENING! ARLINGTON HEIGHTS AURORAINAPERVILLE LOMBARD SKOKIE 81-4-7(r1 63O-49-1255 630-61 3-1 5q7 847-983-2987 600 E RAND RD. 307 S. ROUTE 59 1000 NORTH ROHLWING RD. 3300 OAKTON STREET ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL 60004 AURORA, IL 60504 LOMBARD, IL 60148 SKOKIE, IL 60076 7AM-9PM M-F 8AM-8PM 7AM-9PM M-F 8AM-9PM 7AM-9PM M-F 8AM-9PM I 7AM-9PM M-F 8AM-9PM 9AM-6PM 9AM-6PM 9AM-6PM 9AM-6PM VV, flooranddecor.com 44 . f ' KOKIE, ARLINGTON HEIGHTSAURORA & LOMBARD CELEBRATING * GRAND OPEIIHNi SPECIAL FINANCING N?J?L ON PURCHASES OF S499 OR MORE WITH YOUR FLOOR & DECOR CREDIT CARD THROUGH 10/13/2014. t4 ÇLJBJECT TO APPROVAL. MINIMUM MONTHLY PAYMENTS;ROtJIRED. SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. ' N) PURCHASE NECESSARY IO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE DOES NOT NCREASE YOUR (RANCES OFWINNING, CONTEST ENDS ON 9/13/2014. OPEN TO LEGAL U.S. RESIDENTSWHO UVE WOHIN 250 MIlES Of SKOKIE, IL, WHO ARE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER AlTRE TIME OF ENTRY. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. SUBJECT TO COMPLETE OFFICIAL RULESAVAILARLE AT FLOOR & DECOR LOCATEDAT 3300 OAKTON STREET, SKOKIE, IL 60076. ONLY THE FIRST (200) ELIGIBLE CONTESTANTSTOAITENDTHE GRAND PRIZE EVENT ON 911312014W1LLBE ELIGIBEETO PARTICIPATE N THE DICE ROLL CONTEST. IN ORDER FOR THE GRAND PRIZETO BEAWARDEDAN ELIGIBLE CONTESTANT MUST ROLLAIL 6 DiCE AND [ACH DIE MUST COME TO RESTWITHTHE PREDETERMINEDWINNY4G SIDE FACE UP. EACH FINALISTWILL RECEIVE A MAXIMUM Of ONE (1)DICE ROLLATTEMPT. THEWINNING SYMBOLS FORTHIS CONTESTARE; F-L-O-O-R-S. INTHE EVENTTHAT NO FINALIST ROLLS f-L-O-O-R-S AS REQUIRED BY THE OFFICIAL RULES, THE GRAND PRIZE WILL NOT 8E AWARDED. GRAND PRIZE IS 1250000. ODDS OF A FINALIST WINNING THE GRAND PRIZEARE i 46656. 4 I THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NIL NILES HERALD-SPECTATOR MMUNI1Y ' 5 Mv I1oeo. Mv Lyxt. NEws SNci 1951. BLOTTiR 9 limolby P. Knight CEO OPINION 16 John Biais bertLfl JIMMcOermofl REALESTATE IO VP and General Editor in Chief, VP of Advertising Manager VP of Digital Content 847-682-5907 CALENDAR.......___ 20 EDITORIAL ADVERTISING Ben Meyerscn, News Editor NkiN'sLAdvertising Director BUSINESS 23 312-321-2864 312-646-9552 [email protected] [email protected] RyiIBIsscu Managing Editor for Sports Disi*ay 847-486-9200 TREND 24 312-321-2694 cassifis847-486-9200 [email protected] [email protected] Rs Legale: [email protected] GO 28 suntimesreprints.com Oituaris847-998-34O0. option 6, or [email protected] pioneerlocaimycapture.com OBITuARIES 38 SERVICE & NEW SUBSCRIBETS COMMUNflY MAILING ADDRESS P1)04* 877-855-7722 350 N. Orleans, 10th floor, (na [email protected] CROSSWORD 39 Baffle against gun shop continues Chicago IL 60654 Despite being approved by the Niles Village Board, opponents of a Niles gun NEWSLErrER REGISTRATION Mon.-Fri. 6:30 am-B p.m. Emads w,th kxal toe stones every Wednesday and feday Sat.: 6:30 a.m.-4 p.m. SPORTS 46 shop are trying to rally school districts against the range. PAGEl ts ndes.sununtesconslnews4effer Sun.: B am-noon PUBLICATiON INFORMATtON s Corad-Spectatoo (USPS 390-680) Vot, 65, No, PUbhed 52 nones peo year AIJVERTtSING TElOaqO AND 0ONOITIONS Acceptance or ads by Pa1olntres s eopeesdy coedffienod se ares saNect to the otIoawrg teems Psb4eher means th,s publicaSes, its patent(s),ssdnndanes and aftdrates. by 5-T Medar. LLC, ® 2th4. 350 N. Orleans, hnagv IL 654 Sargie cepy $1.50. PenesNeapostage pa at Arleertiser agorar that Pubndhers handity n re1atnn to any act ormssron, faltete to pah4ish, or &rar n tre yeatdntdng o any adndl not exceed Theanarant paid tot nach ad. Under no cirtamstaeces a.Publisher eses he habte Oncago IL tOtO7and adiNhoind martg othces. One-year sabscrtarn, $52K. In-coutty oy. Cat (tTh ttd-7722 tsr any exhrect. consequentral or specaal damages. or arty otba costs anneg sut or related to any act. omasarn. halare to putndr, es erres etthe prdnrstang of an ad, t offre saresponsdrthty of thedavedisertO check the to suasthtje POSTMASTER Send address thanes to Nitos Head-Spectatar. o/o Pintona Newspapers Inc.. 350 correctness of each nseenen. Pnbbsftee reserves the troje to heal the amount of adae,lrsatc to edit, or yeect any copy. and to caec any adseel,sregat to soie disceetron rethout nonce. Adverysee agrees to relarteirfy and N Onleans, Otecago Il 80654. New sirscedne starts rnyare errai address. ti tar some reason yen choose to cansd hefd Pte1ea hwndess tenie and agarnst any Iiahrhty, loss os expense (utduderg teasesaabe .itoieayefees) rg hoer any claea aneaIÑfresNjaJtLatiOn by Pobhshee oftfre Mseetnees ads p'ease octe tttat a tefraid pcocesnng fee nary apIy. castenfly $6. B"H HIGH HOLIDAYS @ ROHR CHABAD CENTER OF GLENVIEW & MORTON GROVE 701 Harlem Avenue A FRESH START No Membership Fees or Tickets .HebrewíEnglish Prayerbooks Exciting Children's Proam Imagine your new beginning at No Affihition Neecesary The Homestead at Morton Grove. This ready-to-move-in rental community for those ages 55+ offers the best in maintenance-free living - including security, scheduled transportation, social activities, private patios and terraces, indoor parking and so much more. Rosh Hashana Yom Kippur Thursday, Sept. 25 Friday, Oct. 3 Friday, Sept. 26 at 6:15PM VISIT US FOR A TOUR Services begin at 9:30 Saturday, Oct. 4 AM Beginning 9:30 AM CALL TODAY to schedule a free, no-obligation followed by a Break the Fast tour at 847-581 -1 800. You'll find us at the corner Delicious Kiddush Buffet 7:09 PM of Lehigh and Lincoln Avenues. For n)r I I r t Ulf f ori plasc cal I 847-9 I O- I 735i Itc k out our V' cIr..ift: ww.ChabadofGIen'view.com 6400 LIncoln Avenue, Morton Grove 847-581-1800 THE Wh.iyow axui.ìyour cv www,homesteadatmortongrove.com AT MORTON (RQV lfcq3py, Healthy aqtdjSweetÑew Yea-ri W' ÍW (a)nty,ty flpmnn 1u fl]1 NIL A PIONEER PRESS PUBUCATION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 5 I I Nues Bishop dedicates John Paul II shrine at Maryhill Cemetery BY PAM DEFIGLIO For Sun-Times Media One of the most solemn mo- ments in Bishop Andrew Wypych's dedication of the St.
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