Public Document Pack SOUTH LAKELAND DISTRICT COUNCIL South Lakeland House Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4UQ www.southlakeland.gov.uk You are requested to attend a meeting of the Council on Tuesday, 18 December 2012, at 6.30 pm in the District Council Chamber, South Lakeland House, Kendal Note – As previously notified, a briefing on the budget will be held in the District Council Chamber at the Town Hall, Kendal, at 3.30 p.m. A light buffet tea will be served at 5.15 p.m. in the Bindloss Room for those Members who were present at the briefing. Tea and coffee will be available for all Members, also in the Bindloss Room, from 5.45 p.m. For those who wish to attend, Prayers will be said in the District Council Chamber at 6.20 p.m. Membership Councillors Caroline Airey David Evans Mary Orr James Airey Clare Feeney-Johnson Bharath Rajan Giles Archibald David Fletcher Vivienne Rees Ben Berry Andrew Gardiner Amanda Rigg Roger Bingham Gill Gardner David Ryder Rob Boden Clive Graham Sue Sanderson Jonathan Brook Brenda Gray Andy Shine John Clough Anne Hall Hilary Stephenson Stephen Coleman Heidi Halliday Jo Stephenson (Chairman) Stan Collins Tom Harvey Ian Stewart Brian Cooper Chris Holland Peter Thornton Nick Cotton John Holmes Graham Vincent Joss Curwen Helen Irving Evelyn Westwood (Vice-Chairman) Julie Dawson Janette Jenkinson David Williams Philip Dixon Pru Jupe Janet Willis Sheila Eccles Sonia Lawson Mark Wilson Sylvia Emmott Ian McPherson Mary Wilson Monday, 10 December 2012 Debbie Storr, Director of Policy and Resources (Monitoring Officer) For all enquiries, please contact:- Committee Administrator: Chris Woods Telephone: 01539 717440 e-mail: committeeservices@southlakeland.gov.uk Roll Call : Apologies AGENDA Page Nos. PART I 1 MINUTES 1 - 10 To authorise the Chairman to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 27 September 2012 (copy attached). 2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Any member of the public who wishes to ask a question, make representations or present a deputation or petition at this meeting should apply to do so before the commencement of the meeting. Information on how to make the application can be obtained by viewing the Council’s Website www.southlakeland.gov.uk or by contacting the Democratic and Electoral Services Manager on 01539 717440. (1) Questions and Representations To receive any questions or representations which have been received from members of the public. (2) Deputations and Petitions To receive any deputations or petitions which have been received from members of the public. 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations by Members and/or co-optees of interests in respect of items on this Agenda. Members are reminded that, in accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, they are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable interests which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. (It is a criminal offence not to declare a disclosable pecuniary interest either in the Register or at the meeting.) Members may, however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any other registrable or other interests. If a Member requires advice on any item involving a possible declaration of interest which could affect his/her ability to speak and/or vote, he/she is advised to contact the Monitoring Officer at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. 4 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972 - EXCLUDED ITEMS To consider whether the items, if any, in Part II of the Agenda should be considered in the presence of the press and public. 5 CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive any announcements by the Chairman. 6 QUARTER 2 2012/13 C ORPORATE FINANCIAL MONITORING 11 - 36 REPORT To note the financial position of the Council as at 30 September 2012, as detailed in the attached report. 7 CHANGES TO COUNCIL TAX DISCOUNTS FROM 1ST APRIL 2013 37 - 44 To consider the recommendations from Cabinet in relation to Council Tax discounts which are proposed to take effect from 1 st April 2013. 8 LOCAL SCHEME FOR COUNCIL TAX REDUCTION: A 45 - 60 REPLACEMENT FOR COUNCIL TAX BENEFIT To consider the recommendations from Cabinet. 9 COUNCIL TAX REDUCTIONS AND PARISH COUNCILS 61 - 66 To consider recent changes to the funding arrangements for parish councils. 10 MEMBERS' ALLOWANCES - RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE 67 - 86 INDEPENDENT REMUNERATION PANEL To consider the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Members’ Allowances to be adopted with effect from 1 April 2013. 11 2013/14 TO 2016/17 DRAFT REVENUE AND CAPITAL BUDGETS 87 - 150 To consider an update of the Council’s medium term financial forecast and the indicative revenue and capital budgetary requirements for 2013/14 onwards. 12 GAMBLING ACT 2005 - REVIEW OF THE STATEMENT OF 151 - 198 GAMBLING LICENSING POLICY 2013-16 To approve the Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy 2013/16. 13 SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT AND COMMISSIONING STRATEGY 199 - 230 To consider adoption of the Sustainable Procurement and Commissioning Strategy and Action Plan across the organisation. 14 CUMBRIA POLICE AND CRIME PANEL 231 - 244 To receive a report on the arrangements for the Cumbria Police and Crime Panel. 15 COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE REVIEW 245 - 262 To consider the proposal to undertake a Community Governance Review, in accordance with the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007. 16 REVISED MEMBERS SUPPORT STRATEGY 263 - 280 To consider the revised Members Support Strategy for adoption. 17 MINUTES OF MEETINGS To receive Chairmen’s comments (if any notified) in respect of the minutes of Committee meetings held between 3 September and 16 November 2012. If Members wish to raise questions with regard to any minutes of the Regulatory or Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings held since the Agenda was issued for the last Council meeting, then notice should be provided in line with Rule 10 of the Council Procedural Rules. 18 EXECUTIVE REPORTS, DECISIONS AND CABINET QUESTION TIME To receive the Executive Report from the Leader and to deal with any questions to the Leader and/or Portfolio Holders on any topic which is within the jurisdiction or influence of the Council, and is relevant to their Portfolio. Any Member who poses a question will be entitled to one supplementary question on the same topic. Members are encouraged to give Portfolio Holders 24 hours’ notice of questions. If no notice is received, then the Portfolio Holder can reserve the right to give a written answer. Where notice of questions has been given, these will be taken first. Where a Member wishes to ask more than one question, please submit questions in order of priority. If more than one Member sends in a question, these will be taken in alphabetical order of Members’ names. The question time will be limited to 30 minutes. a Leader and Promoting South Lakeland Portfolio Holder 281 - 282 b Deputy Leader and Environment and Sustainability Portfolio 283 - 288 Holder c Central Services Portfolio Holder 289 - 292 d Communities and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder 293 - 298 e Economy and Enterprise Portfolio Holder 299 - 300 f Housing and Development Portfolio Holder 301 - 304 g Policy, Performance and Resources Portfolio Holder 305 - 308 19 QUESTIONS To deal with any questions under Rule 10 of the Council’s Procedural Rules, of which due notice has been given and/or the Chairman allows as a matter of urgent business. 20 NOTICE OF MOTION The following Notices of Motion have been given in accordance with Paragraph 11.1 of the Council’s Rules of Procedure:- (1) “With events such as the Kendal Mountain Film Festival, this Council recognises the significant benefit the Adventure Economy can and does bring to South Lakeland District. As such, this Council wishes to support the application at Honister Slate Mine for a temporary zip line. Even though the application site is outside South Lakeland, we believe such an application will benefit our residents economically and socially, with the additional benefit of a 12 month trial run caveat to clarify any negatives from such a development on this historically industrial site.” (signed by Councillor Ben Berry) (2) “We recognise that as Principal Authorities abandon public conveniences, those lower tiers of local Government that take them on should be exempted from the presently applied business rates or given an equivalent grant to compensate them for these sites. This Council wishes to lobby Government on this point.” (signed by Councillor Ben Berry) (2) “Will this Council support the motion that whilst it accepts in principle the proposal to create three centres of excellence for Vascular Surgery to serve the whole of Cumbria and Lancashire it requires Lancaster Royal Infirmary to become one of the three rather than Preston. This to ensure a reasonable location of these centres throughout the area to ensure in turn that the residents of South Lakeland and parts of Lancashire are not disadvantaged in terms of travel time and distances. Further that if it is claimed that Lancashire Royal Infirmary does not meet the criteria at the moment (which is arguable) then resources should be put into LRI to ensure that it does.” (signed by Councillor John Holmes) PART II Private Section (exempt reasons under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, specified by way of paragraph number) There are no items in this Part of the Agenda. This page is intentionally left blank 31 Item No.1 27.09.2012 Council SOUTH LAKELAND DISTRICT COUNCIL Minutes of the proceedings at a meeting of the Council held in the District Council Chamber, South Lakeland House, Kendal, on Thursday, 27 September 2012, at 6.30 pm.
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