Page Two THE DAILY WORKER FORMER SM Chicago Labor Hits Syndicalist Laws BREAD PRICE UP, Berger’s Socialists Are HD KLUXERS (Continued from page 1) several delegates were on their fee EIGHT SWITCHMEN HURT FARMS ASK AID, PIGEON lii POSE at once demanding the floor. The Worse Off Than the Bat THREATEN MORE chair recognized Delegate Schussler IN COLLISION DUE TO SILENT who delivered a telling speech tha CALI was listened to with close attention. OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT Aesop OF“TIRED RED” Schussler declared that the resolu Gamblers’ Millions Paid Wrote About HERRINDEATHS was vital importance the tlon one of to Eight switchmen were Injured, by entire labor movement and not the for Workers two seriously, in accident at the ( only. He felt that the an Returns and Resumes Communists switching yard at Clearing, The price of bread went up in Chi- By J. LOUIS ENCDAHL Disarm 500 Klansmen/ capitalists were not going to coniine eaueed by the obsolete method used by the cago yesterday from one to three penalties of this law to the Com His Dirty Work the railroads in handling the freight cents a loaf. Flour continues to in- Sheriff Tells Small munists but that they were designed cars. crease in price, and bread Is expected TODAY, Victor L. Berger, the lone socialist congressman in the trade union movement also. By M. A. SKROMNY. for The freight which are backed to go still higher as the result ol Washington, (Special to The Daily Worker) He appealed to the delegates not to al cars gets his picture in the papers. Not that he up side of a hill are sent down speculation in the wheat market HERRIN, 111., Fob. The Chicago Herald-Exam- low their prejudices or their political one has wounded capitalism, any attack made upon it. I.—Sheriff the other tide by gravity. The which has boosted May wheat to $2.00 by George of differences to cloud their better Judg- ao- Galligan Williamson iner is out to beat the “scoop” oldent freight, per bushel on the Chicago board of Berger is not given this attention because of any fear he ment occurred when a county is in Springfield today, of the Chicago Daily News in speeding down the hill, collided trade. has aroused in the ranks of the class enemy of labor. His pic- personally putting before Gov- Against Any Recantation. running wild stories about Bol- with a motor speeder which was The workers are paying for the mil- ernor Len Small request reaped by ture Is not published as that of a capitalist foe. He is only his The central body he pointed out had climbing to the top of the hill. The lions of dollars in profits that the 500 klansmen In Herrin sheviks. previously gone on record against switchmen, gamblers In wheat As soon as the being rewarded by the kept press for tickling its humorous who were riding the who are armed to the teeth and Yesterday’s edition carried a criminal syndicalism laws, and against cars to put the brakes when the smaller bakeries run out of their old side, a speech on in that he made trying to tantalize the LaFol- ready to cause full-page the Michigan law in particular, and it the stocks of flour, they are advancing the more bloodshed, story of a stool-pigeon train neared foot of the hill, lette “progressives” in the house of representatives in con- be immediately disarmed. would look rather strange for us tc were hurled from the care by the price of bread. who is heralded as a “U. S. Sol- gress for professing themselves “good republicans.” Galligan has appealed to Small that repudiate our former position. Would collision. While the wheat gamblers were * * * * dier and University martial law be declared, stating Graduate” this mean that we had recanted in making millions of dollars at the ex that Herrin will be torn with strife until who went to Russia as a con- our opposition to the criminal syndl pense of the workers thru specula- But the funniest slant at Berger’s utterance is that it can oposed syndicalist the klan is made to disarm. vinced Communist but came calist laws, he asked. to the criminal tion, the farmers, who were forced to be used against Berger himself batter than it fits the bed-fel- took the Small Helps Klan. back entirely disgusted with the Schussler pointed out that the Struc- laws, and yet his committee sell their wheat crop below the cost lows of the socialists in the recent presidential campaign. cowardly position hiding behind a Gove mo.' Gmail has frequently been Soviets. tural Iron Workers in New York con of of production, were waiting to set Representative Frear, “republicans” one of the LaFoliette asked for troops by Williamson coun- Ha* Stoolplgeon Record. syndicalist sup “receive and file” recommendation what farm legislation would be a demned the laws and relief from Wisconsin, who j'oined the badger senator in the little ty’s sheriff, and has invariably shown ported resolution Bimilar the rather than for or against. passed by congress. As a matter of fact this “gent” was a to one badger game of fooling the petty bourgeois into believing reluctance to supply them. Small re- acting as a stoolplgeon In the United proposed here today. The federation Must Be S. L. P. Etc. Coolldge Refuses Farm Aid. they were going to have a nice middle class third party, made lied on klan support during his Nov- establishing danger- hearing begin today States as far back as the mlddls of would be a very Then a delegate, who must be eithe! Public will in his speech the right the ember election campaign, and is sa- the summer ous precedent If it accepted the recom a labor the senate and house agricultural defending of LaFoliette “progres- of 1919. member of the socialist party sives” to play on the private preserves of botaging the efforts of Galligan to At that time the Communist move- mendatlon of the resolutions commit or a reader of that party’s official or committees. The consideration of the the republicans. He bring peace in Herrin. argued for the right of the LaFoliette ment in the United States was in two tee. gan, delivered an attack on th( recommendations of President Cool following to remain in “There are 600 armed klansmen in groups—the Communist Party and the Delegate John C. Flora, a reaction DAILY WORKER for its statement oi ldge's agricultural oemmmision is now the republican party, when these same LaFoliette politicians Herrin,” said Galligan yesterday. “The Communist Labor Party. The stool- ary, but a cautious, "sociailist" pol he death of Sam Gompers. He favor before these committees. are supposed to meet in Chicago this month to form a “new police and my forces are powerless. I pigeon, Morris Oordin, was active tician, then moved as an amendment :d informing the Michigan supremt The recommendations were vague party,” so they said. In reply to Frear, Berger came to bat want 100 soldiers sent here to disarm about the party headquarters on Blue that the C. F. of L. reaffirm its prev court that it made a mistake in up and indefinite, and even these recom- with a bat story as follows: every klansman in Herrin. Then, may- Island avenue. ious attitude on the syndicalist laws holding Ruthenberg’s conviction, be- mendations, it is known, do not have be, between the police and men, * my When Ludwig C. K. Martens, rep- He made it quite clear that he war cause it would give Ruthenberg an op Coolldge’s support, as he has repeat “Aesop tell* a fable of the bat, who In a war between the quadrupeds We can take care of them.” resentative of the Soviet government doing this as a matter of political portunity to pose as a martyr. His edly declared It In violation of hi; and the birds, posed as a quadruped or a* a bird, according to which aide Klan Lawlessness. in this country, proposed to a group strategy, fearing that the rank am speech was almost word for word ac campaign pledges that he will oppose was victorious. But the bat waa found out and shunned by both tides “I regret to state that some citi- of Chicago comrades to organize a Ale would bombard the federation witl editorial that appeared recently in the any farme relief legislation. ever after. zens seem to think that the prohibi- Society of Technical Aid to Bovtet resolutions they repudited theii Weekly Cal’e Dope Is Good. tion law is the law to be enforced, if People on the same question. “My colleague from Wisconsin, Mr. Frear, reminds me of that fable Russia, a meeting was called for that position. reactionary, Members of the and some have violated other laws former This also felt that the ted house and senate and of that bat. Mr. Frear posed as a great LhFollette laet in purpose. declare man sum- their zeal to enforce the prohibition "We cannot afTord to let the Com eratlon would be In n bad position by that the “recommendation ol mer, when the more or less socialistic LaFoliette campaign Queer monkeys Coolidge’t loomed up law.” Behavior at Meetings. munists make out of us a: repudiating its former policy. Hr commission fall short ol big the political horizon. on In reply to Galllgan’s plea for A representative of the Soviet they have done before," said Dele hated the Communists so thoroly proposing necessary farm relief.’ mar- Jones, “And loi Mr. Frear has humbly kissed the flag—no, the law, again bureau gave a report on tho economic gate Flora.
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