LE SUEUR AIRPORT COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, March 31, 2019 Virtual Meeting 4:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order (Welcome New Members) 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of minutes from December 5, 2019 meeting 4. Projects Update – Silas Parmer A. Property Acquisition B. Taxi-lane Extension C. Taxi-lane Rehabilitation 5. CIP Update – Silas Parmar 6. EDA Partnership – Newell 7. Airport Manager Report 8. Next Meeting: May 28 or June 2 or June 3, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. 9. Adjourn Airport Administration Office 1500 North Commerce St., Le Sueur, MN 56058 Phone (507) 665-9941 • Fax (507) 665-9948 Minutes of the Airport Commission December 5, 2019 Members Present: Scott Schlueter, Jack Roberts, Debra Wilbright and Chairperson Krogmann Members Absent: Darrell Kolden Others Present; Airport & Facilities Manager Andrew Cemenski, Public Services Director Rich Kucera, Silas Parmar, Airport Consultant/Project Manager from Bolton & Menk and Mike Doherty. The Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Krogmann in the Council Chambers at the SRE building at the Airport at 4:30 PM. Approval of Minutes: Motion by Commissioner Schlueter, seconded by Commissioner Roberts to approve the September 5, 2019 minutes with the correction of Commissioner Schlueter and not Commissioner Roberts for meeting with the EDA, all voted in favor. Projects Update – Silas Parmar: Reported by Silas Parmar, Airport Specialist/Project Manager Discussion on the taxilane extension project, taxilane rehabilitation project and T-hanger project. Motion by Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Wilbright to recommend to the City Council to rehabilitate the south taxilane project. All voted in favor. Motion by Chairperson Krogmann, seconded by Commissioner Schlueter to recommend to the City Council to construct the East taxilane extension project without water and sewer. Ayes: Krogmann, Schlueter, Wilbright; Nays: Roberts. Motion passed. CIP Update: Motion by Chairperson Krogmann, seconded by Commissioner Roberts for Silas and City staff to put the water, sewer and T-hangers into the future CIP-CEP. All voted in favor. EDA Partnership: Update was given by Chairperson Krogmann regarding the discussion that was held with EDA President Ruth Vortherms about the potential projects at the Airport. Airport Manager Report: Reported by Andrew Cemenski, Airport & Facilities Manager Update was given on the fuel card system, snow removal equipment and the 5010 inspection. Chairperson Krogmann gave a thank you to Commissioners Schlueter and Kolden for their time on this commission as their terms are ending this year. Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for March 12, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. at City Council Chambers Motion was made by Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Schlueter, to adjourn the meeting, all voted in favor. ____________________________________________ Newell Krogmann, Chairperson Page 1 of 1 LE SUEUR MUNICIPAL AIRPORT (12Y) AIRPORT COMMISSION MEETING March 31, 2020 4:30 P.M. 1. 2020 Land Acquisition Project a. In December 2019 parcel 21.011.2700 just north of the Airport Entrance Road was listed for sale. 1.84 acres. b. The ALP shows the parcel being acquired for future hangar development. c. Acquisition of the parcel is eligible for FAA funding. d. City obtained property appraisal - $130,000 value. e. Estimated total project cost: LAND ACQUISITION TOTAL FAA (90%) STATE (5%) LOCAL (5%) PARCEL 21.011.2700 $140,000.00 $126,000.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 ENGINEERING (BOLTON & MENK, INC.) TOTAL FAA (90%) STATE (5%) LOCAL (5%) LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES $50,000.00 $45,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FAA (90%) STATE (5%) LOCAL (5%) BUILDING DEMOLITION $20,000.00 $18,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 CITY ADMINISTRATION (LE SUEUR) TOTAL FAA (90%) STATE (5%) LOCAL (5%) APPRAISAL SERVICES $3,900.00 $3,510.00 $195.00 $195.00 LAND ACQUISITION CLOSING SERVICES $10,000.00 $9,000.00 $500.00 $500.00 TOTAL FAA (90%) STATE (5%) LOCAL (5%) TOTAL PROJECT COST: $223,900.00 $201,510.00 $11,195.00 $11,195.00 H:\LESU\_Airport_Commission\12Y_033120.doc Le Sueur Municipal Airport Airport Commission Meeting March 31, 2020 2. East Taxilanes Construction / South Taxilanes Rehabilitation a. These projects will be delayed allowing City to utilize FAA funds on land acquisition. b. Will revisit the timing for each project on CIP later this year. 3. 2021 Snow Removal Equipment Acquisition a. The existing tractor has reached the end of its useful life. b. City will explore acquiring a new tractor with a snow blower, sweeper, and mower attachment. c. FAA funding for the tractor, snow blower, and sweeper. State funding for the mower. d. City is working in pricing out the equipment and ensuring the materials meet the FAA Buy America requirements. 4. Capital Improvement Program a. See attached 20-year CIP. b. Primary focus is on 5-year period. Contact : Silas Parmar, P.E. Cory Bienfang, P.E. email: [email protected] email: [email protected] phone: (612) 987-0138 phone: (507) 995-2936 H:\LESU\_Airport_Commission\12Y_033120.doc February 25, 2020 Mr. Richard Kucera Public Service Director City of Le Sueur 203 South Street Le Sueur, MN 56058 Phone: (507) 593-8370 Re: Appraisal Report 770 Elmwood Avenue S. Le Sueur MN 56058 Dear Mr. Kucera: Pursuant to your request, I have personally inspected and prepared an Appraisal Report for the above identified property. The appraisal estimates the value of the subject property, subject to the certification, definitions, and the assumptions and limiting conditions as stated in this report. The purpose and scope of our inspection being to estimate the market value "as is" of the Fee Simple estate of the property based on market conditions prevailing on February 24, 2020. The function of this appraisal is for City of Le Sueur airport planning purposes. It is my opinion and conclusion, based upon the analysis of all of the discoverable factors affecting market value that the allocation of damages for the property's acquisition, are as follows for February 24, 2020. Value $130,000. The attached report describes the methods and reasoning used in the analyses, as well as the data gathered during the investigation of the property and marketplace. This appraisal report has been completed in conformance with all applicable rules and procedures incorporated in MNDOT Right-of-Way Manual; MNDOT State Aid Manual, the current version of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) guidelines of the Appraisal Institute. This appraisal is written in an “Appraisal Report” format as defined in 2018-2019 USPAP Standards Rule 2-2. 1 13775 Chestnut Drive #101 Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Phone: 952-474-9443 This appraisal report is not subject to any proposed improvements. This appraisal is further subject to the previous improvements being constructed in accordance with the regulations of the local, county and state authorities. This appraisal does not warranty the exact location or capacities of public utility system or private system and drain tile. The plans, specifications, and representations provided by the City of Le Sueur, Bolton & Menk, owner and owner’s agent are an integral part of this report. This appraisal report is prepared for the sole and exclusive use of City of Le Sueur to assist with the airport acquisition decisions. No third parties are authorized to rely upon this report without the express written consent of the appraiser. The fixtures, equipment and items of personal property necessary to operate the real estate were not included in the valuation. Landscaping items are not included in the valuation. This appraisal is made in accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice as specified by the Appraisal Standards Board. The property has been appraised as though no other easements encumber or exist in the acquisition area. This transmittal letter is followed by the certification of this appraisal and the narrative appraisal report further describing the subject property and containing the reasoning and pertinent data leading to the estimate of value. Your attention is directed to the "General Underlying Assumptions" and "Limiting Conditions" which are considered usual for this type of assignment and have been included at the beginning of the report. The value is based on present economic conditions, a change in economic conditions, lease terms or financial terms may modify this value. We are not qualified to detect hazardous influences, therefore we are appraising the property as if no problems exist. Enclosed are two copies of this report. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Respectfully submitted: John D. Foster John D. Foster SR/WA, RW-AC Foster Appraisals Inc. Certified General Real Property License #4001942 2 13775 Chestnut Drive #101 Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Phone: 952-474-9443 Capital Improvement Program Report Minnesota Department of Transportation - Aviation Division Le Sueur Municipal Airport Report Filter - Types: All, Statuses: All Year Project Name Status FAA State Local Total All Projects 2018 RWY, TWY, APRON CRACK REPAIR SEAL COAT CIP 210,535.00 11,697.00 11,697.00 $233,929.00 (FFY 2017) SubTotal: $210,535.00 $11,697.00 $11,697.00 $233,929.00 2019 HCD ENTITLEMENT PAYBACK CIP 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 $50,000.00 SubTotal: $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 2020 NO PROJECTS PLANNED CIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 SubTotal: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2021 8-UNIT T-HANGAR (MNDOT HANGAR LOAN) CIP 0.00 0.00 623,080.00 $623,080.00 8-UNIT T-HANGAR SITE PREPARATION CIP 0.00 453,644.85
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