This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas. http://dolearchives.ku.edu "It was the first concrete evidence that MORE ABOUT IOWA . persistent campaigning over the last year might be starting to pay dividends." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEW YORK TIMES +: Des Moines Register straw poll of 1,200 * " The inspiration . and the strategy . is +: Iowa GOP leaders, taken May 21: * paying off." +: Which candidate do you favor for the * THE WASHINGTON POST +: Republican nomination for president in * +: 1980? * "George Bush has pulled off "a Jimmy Carter +: George Bush .... ....... ... 39.6 * ... " The Bush showing parallels Carter's +: Ronald Reagan .............. 25.9 * performance in the Des Moines Register straw +: Howard Baker . ..... ... .. 13.8 * poll in late 1975 ... Carter went on to win the +: John Connally ............... 10.7 * Iowa caucuses in January 1976 and was thereby catapulted into national prominence." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GERMOND AND WITCOVER " ... the candidate the GOP field is most worried "Have Iowans once again been the first to about is George Bush. (He) has concentrated perceive the identity of the next presidential substantial effort in Iowa and his first-place candidate-as they did with Jimmy Carter? showing indicates that his support extends Have they "discovered" George Bush and set beyond the top party workers who endorsed him on the road toward winning the GOP his candidacy." presidential nomination?" CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR George Bush for President. VOL. 1, NO. 4 JULY-AUG. 1979 In Washington: In Houston: 732 North Washington Street 710 North Post Oak Road Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Houston, Texas 77024 (703) 836-5705 REPORTS (713) 467-1980 MEETS WITH BEGIN, SADAT BUSH ACCEPTS INVITE TO ISRAEL, EGYPT Ambassador George Bush spent the nation must formulate programs along with first week of July in the Mid-East, bilateral plans to prevent the horrifying addressing an Israeli symposium on threat" of nuclear blackmail. terrorism as its keynote speaker, and Bush's four day visit to Israel included meeting with Israeli Prime Minister meetings with Prime Minister Begin , Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Defense Minister Ezer Weizman, and Anwar Sadat. former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Bush arrived in Cairo July 2 to meet with Sadat, and called it a "privilege" to "have Bush also conducted a tree planting the opportunity to receive assessments, ceremony in honor of four friends, from the leadership of Egypt and Israel, of including the late Congressman Bill current affairs in the region," and " what the Steiger of Wisconsin , and toured recent 25 percent price rise on oil by OPEC Jerusalem, the West Bank and Golan will mean from their perspective." Heights. Bush then flew to Jerusalem to address Returning to Houston July 7, Bush said the Jonathon Institute's Conference on he "fully supported" the Egyptian-Israeli Terrorism. Before delegates from the peace treaty," and that "it is essential" that United States, Canada, Israel and Europe, the U.S. maintain strong relations with both Bush said that "the nuclear age may o.ffer a While in Israel, Ambassador Bush also met with nations while we "continue to work toward realistic hope that world dependence on Mrs. A vital Shcharansky, wife of Soviet dissident bringing other nations-particularly the the use of oil will be significantly Anatoly Shcharansky, to discuss her concerns moderate Arab countries into the peace diminished," but warned, "each individual regarding her husband's safety. process." Page 1 of 4 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas. BUSH DISCLOSES 1973-78http://dolearchives.ku.edu TAXES; CALLS ON CANDIDATES TO DO SAME As he had promised earlier, George Saying "I want the American people to Bush set campaign precedent June 15 and know," Bush called disclosure "a kind of opened his income tax returns for 1973 invasion of privacy," but "a public through 1978 to public inspection, calling obligation" nonetheless of presidential financial disclosure by politicians candidates. "essential . to reduce the level of "I urge all candidates for the presidency, cynicism." regardless of party affiliation, to go the extra mile and make their own disclosure of their tax returns," Bush said. The returns cover Bush's work as U.S. Envoy to Peking, Republican National Committee Chairman, CIA Director and a private business consultant. Bush further pledged to release a list of his financial assets and liabilities "in minute detail." Prior to his May 1 announcement of candidacy, Bush resigned from all business affiliations and memberships on boards of directors. He has pledged not to accept any speaking fees or other honoraria, a practice he established as a Member of Congress, and has maintained in all other public offices he has held. BUSH FUNDS TOP **************************** $1.5 MILLION :BUSH URGES ENERGY SUMMIT; * icSENATE RESOLUTION FOLLOWS : Of the several tests of strength during a presidential campaign, one that nearly all ic Republican candidate George Bush cameras, let us thrash out our differences, * political observers pay close attention to is ic June 6 called for a U.S. domestic summit expose our weaknesses, reach an fundraising. ic on the i~:reasi .ngly tightening energy understanding on the magnitude of our * The George Bush For President s1tuat1on as a f1rst order of business." difficulties, but most important resolve * Committee, in operation since January ic The U.S. Senate followed up Bush's upon a national plan of attack." * 1979, has now received more than $1.5 ic leadership and called for the summit soon Bush said hard choices would remain million in contributions large and small, after by approving a non-binding after such a meeting, but "the price of * and is taking in an average $15,000 daily. ic resolution asking the President to call just indecision, of continual deadlock, will be * "What encourages us most about our ic such an energy conference. much, much higher. The only way we're * successful fundraising thus far," said Approved 90-3, the resolution urged going to break this hammerlock and re- Campaign Chairman James A. Baker Ill, "is i' the President to bring together industry, gain control of our own destiny is to stop * the broad range of sources this money is ic consumer and administration representa- dithering and start producing-it's that * coming from." ic tives to report on reasons for the current simple." The campaign reported June and expected shortages, an outlook for * * * * contributions already meeting August ic the future, and offer proposals for private Washington also took George Bush 's * projections, and coming from individuals ic and public action. advice on another matter: the U.S. * evenly representing the various ic In a Philadelphia speech two weeks monthly intake of Vietnamese refugees, * geographical, educational and economic before, Bush called for "a domestic or "boat people." On June 24, Bush said in sectors of America-at least initial success ic summit that brings together leaders of a statement: "Today we allow about 7, 000 * toward George Bush's intent to be "a ic government, of industry, of academe, of Vietnamese refugees into our country * · national candidate, not a regional ic consumer interests, of farming and each month. That number should be * candidate." others. Together," he said, "in open doubled." One week later. the President Bush said he was "pleased and grateful" ic session and before national television recommended just that. * for his campaign's financial support, but added: "I am depending still-not only on * new contributors. but on those who have * already generously helped me-for continued support and assistance during * the upcoming year's caucuses and * primaries." * * DEAR REPUBLICAN : In the age of the computer. and with thousands of * newsletters going out, you may * erroneously receive more than one George Bush For President newsletter. If * so. please accept our apologies, and pass the extra on to a friend. * ***************************** Page 2 of 4 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas. http://dolearchives.ku.edu GEORGE BUSH: OFF AND RUNNING BUSH WOWS SIGNS SOLID SUPPORT NEW YORKERS IN MASS., IOWA If the Republican Party has a Jimmy As in Iowa and New Hampshire the Carter, George Bush may be it ... to a point. month before, in June George Bush Bush told some 200 members of the announced impressive state organization Chairman's Club at the Nassau Republican triumphs in Massachusetts and again in Committee in New York recently, that, like Iowa. Carter, he will win the party nomination by In Massachusetts, four young, energetic building precinct strength and momentum. and highly-respected state legislators But, Bush emphasized, the similarity signed on to head Bush's Massachusetts stops there. effort. " I can do a better job. I have the Serving as Bush state chairman is Rep. demonstrated capacity for leadership. I Andrew H. Card, Jr., a moderate and the have the ability to bring excellence to assistant minority whip-one of the government," he said in a vigorous speech youngest members ever to hold a state which was interrupted by applause and House leadership position. followed by a standing ovation. Bush called Nassau GOP Ieder Joseph ADDRESSES NEW As Massachusetts co-chairman, Bush Margiotta as "one of the classic political NEW ENERGY ... named Reps. Andrew S. Natsios, a organizers," and according to Newsday, conservative; Argeo P. Cellucci, a liberal; convinced the crowd that as one official put and Leon J. Lombardi, a moderate. All four Looking ahead to the Feb. 26 New it, Ambassador Bush was "the best" of the have risen quickly and impressively in their Hampshire primary, George Bush spent three major GOP presidential hopefuls political service, and have distinguished four days there in June greeting early recently in Nassau. legislative records. morning workers at industrial plants, shaking hands and talking politics along Card and Lombard i were Ford the state's beaches, and touring local supporters in 1976; Natsios was a major business districts meeting the voter-on­ Reagan supporter that year.
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