Republic ol-rlE Phiiippines l)cparutlent ol Fdrlcolion Nationrl Ceiut Rcgion DIVTSION OF CII'Y SCHOOLS Q!EZON CITY Nuc\', Ecija Sl.. Bago 8antiry. Qusiroo Clitv August 2, 2012 MEMORANDUD1 TO: Assisant Schools Division Superintendents Divisio&lDistrict Supervisors Principals, Head Teachers and Omcer In-Charge (Public and Privat€, Elementary and Secondary Schools ) INTRAMUROS CEILDREN'S TOUR PROGRAM Auached is Regional Letter No. 2l I, s. 2012, datcd July 24,2012 tom Ms. Luz. 6. Aimed4 CESO IV, Director IV, DepEd-NCR, re: ..INTRAMUROS CHILDRf,N'S TOUR PROGRAM", the contents of which are self - explanatory for the information and guidance ofall concerned. Immediate and wide dissemination ofthis Memorandum is desired. coRAzQN C. RUBTO, CESO Vr Schools Division Superintendent EepElbllka ng piliplnas (Republi. of thc philipDi es) KAGAWARA],! ItG EDiJi{ASYON To: Schools Division Superintendents Dear SirlMadam: Enclosed is a letter from rntramuros Mr .Jose A. Capistrano. Jr.. Admrnistrator, Aoministratjon. whicn is setf-expla"it",il'ini'v'""i i"tl#ut,on approprjate action "no Attached is the tour schedule for /our reference lmmediaie dissemjnatton of this Regionat Letter is desireLl. Very truly yours, \.trDU I v Regional Letter No ,- il s, 2012 Va "qAa^t ., Aurrr"rtzr"ca, Vxnel/errcq 6-*-r"; "ad, 13 July 2012 DR. LUZ S. ALMEDA \ Director National Capital Region Depedment of ECucetion Misamis Street, Quezon City Dear Dr. Almeda, For the 18th year now, we are conducting the lntramuros Children's Tour Progtam Pasyal-Aral sa lntramuros fot elementary public school students of the National Capital Region. Once again, we rely on ydur support to make it a success. Pasyal-Aral sa lntramuros will be held on September 11-14, 18-21 , 2012 with the program consisting of a free guided tour of Fort Santiago, Baluarte de San Diego and Casa Manjla Museum. The tour starts at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m. We will iequest the mayors to provide transportation tor the students and accompanying teachers. We are looking foMard to your valuable endorsement of the program. Thank you very much ior helping us instill heritage appreciation among our Filipino youih. ai+r^h6,{ i6 +h6 }^' r. .^ha.l ,ta {^. ,,^ .tr .6J6.a.1.6. Very huly yours, ANO, JR. 5lh Floor, Palacio CelGobemador Comer G€n€ral Luna & Aduana Sts. lntranuros, Manila 1*.*/ PASYAL. ARAL SA INTRAMUROS September 1 1-14i'18-21, 20'12 SCHEDULE DATE CIfi/MUNICIPALITY PARTICIPANTS 11 Valenzuela . 300 12 rraariiti 300 't3 Taguig 200 ' Pateros 100 't4 Malabon 't 00 Navotas 100 Caloocan '100 18 Las Plnas 150 San Juan 't 50 19 Makati '150 Ouezon city 150 Pasay 100 Parafaque r00 Muntinlupa . 100. 21 Mandaluyong 100 Pasig 'too Marikina 100 5th Ftooi, Palacio dcl Gob€mador Corner Cen€rsl Luna & Aduara Sls. Intrarnuros, Manila Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region DIITSION OF CITY SCHOOLS oef;rru Quezon City, 2"d District. Meho Manila August 14,2012 MEMORANDUM TO: Asst. Schools Djvision Superinre0dcnts Division/District Supervisors/Coordinaton , Elementary/S econdary School Principals O fficers In-Charge Heads of Administrative Units -feachers All Contractual & Non- Icaching Personnel Concemed For the informatiou and guidance of the field, attached is a letter dated August 6, 2012 from Mrs. Editha V. Alzona, Cit, Accountant, Quezon City Hall, Quezon City, regarding the notice of suspension under NS.No. 12-017-100(1?) dated July 16, 2012, lequiring additional documents to support the claims for salaries of all teaching and non. teaching pe$onnel underjob order, which is self-explanatory. Immediate dissemination and compliance ofthis Memorandum is desired. ev4/a-a-L-2' CORAZON C. RUBIO, CESO VI Schools Division Supedntendent lncls.: As stated. t. t August 6, 2012 j. MS. MARLENE S, AGU1LAR .,:.i '"t og luc eon City Personnel Officer -ili-W: City Personnel Office f' This City '.\.r.. r\t)\:rn:" Dear Ms. Aguilar: Acting on the Notice of suspension under NS No. 12_012_ 100-(i2) {ated Juty t6,2OI2 which was received by this Depa;ment on.July_25, 2012 that requires additional documents to support the claims for salaries of employees under job.order contract, as iollows: fi{ ir,tl < r\. / L specific and quantafied wolk accomplishments properly t, _ signed by the emptoyee and approved by the immbdiate supervisor; ano 2. Certification by the Head of Department that the activities/ services rendered were vital and cannbt be provided by the regular or permanent staff of that Department. The abovd-mentioned documents is required under Sec. 4 (6) of P.D. No. 1445. In this regard, may we request that all succeeding claims involving payment for salaries of job order contracts have to be supported by the said documents: For your information and appropriate acuon. ' Very truly yours, ED ONA City tantJ r Republic of the Philippines Depaltmert of Education National Capital Region DIYISION OT CITY SCHOOLS DefrrKw Quez-on City, 2nd District, Metm Manila August 14, 2012 MEMORANDUM TO: Assl. Schools Di \.ision Superintendents DivisionDistrict Supe isors/Coordinato$ . Elementary/SecondarySchoolPrincipals Oflicers h-Charge Heads of A&nin istrative U.nits A11 Contractual 'f€achers & Non-Teaching Persgnnel Concemed For the information and guidance of the field, attached is a letter daled August 6, 2012 from Mrs. Editha V, Aizona, Cib Accountant, Quezon City Hall, Quezon City, regarding the notice of suspension under NS No. 12-01?-100(1?) dated July 16, 2012, requiring additional documents to support the claims for salaries of all teaching and non- t€aching personnel underjob order, which is self-explanatory. Immediate dissemination and complianoe ofthis Memoiandum is desired. CORAZON C. RUBIO. CESO \'I Schools Division Supednteddeot Incls.: As staied.'.
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