THE TECHNICIAN “of NORTH CABOLINASTATE COLLEGE Vol. XXIV, No. 9 EngmeerS’ Bran Gy oay Monarchs Of State Engineers Traditional St. Pat Student Coronal Heads Ritual At lea Dance A w a r d T 0 Outstanding Senior Engineer To Be Made Following Induction Cere- mony This Afternoon The annual “Engineers’ Brawl,” sponsored by the Engineers’ Coun-t oil, and always one of the feature events on the college social calen- dar, will be held in the gymnasium today. wThis afternoon, aritea dance will precede the Grand Brawl tonight with Chan Chandler and his band furnishing the music from 3 until 5:30. The feature of the afternoon dance will be the traditional ritual of the induction of .the Knights and Companions of St. Patrick. Lists of the men chosen to receive this sig- nal honor will be revealed then for the first time, and the men not present to receive their member- ship in the engineering organiza- tion in person will be stricken from the list. The Order of St. Patrick was, w. a. wave, according to legend, organized by Pictured here are the principal ofiicers of the Student Government St. Patrick, the patron saint of all‘ at State College. They are Hugh C. Murrill of Wilmington, presi- engineers. dent; Reese Bailey of Rocky Mount, vice president; E. R. Cole of Following the induction of the Phoebus, Va., secretary; and W. E. Wade, Jr., of Raleigh, treasurer, "‘ - new members to the Order, during which each of the recipients of the award will be requireda to kiss the Plans Formulated For ' National lest Given Blarney Stone in the colorful cere- mony, an award will be made to the most outstanding senior engi- Student Service Drive Io Freshmen Joday neer. The evening dance, The Grand WSSF Traveling Secretary Only Freshmen Entering Brawl, will run from 8 until 11 Describes Purposes of Na- College In June Take Tests; o’clock, and no figure will be held. tional Organization S nsored By National En- As in the past, the decorations for . neering Organizations the dances will be highlighted by Plans for State College’s parti- the large replicas of the keys and cipation in fund-raising campaign The School of Engineering at emblems of the various technical for the World Student Service Fund State College. has been invited to and engineering organizations mak- were formulated at a dinner meet- participate in a Measurement and ing Monday night at 6:15 in Leazer Guidance Project in Engineering Jwa a. (lasers! N Meets“? Flair: ~ . ing up the Engineers’ Council. Dining Hall, it was announced Outstanding students in the School of Engineering at State Col- Chan Chandler and his band will re- Education, sponsored jointly by the lege will be knighted into the Order of St. Patrick in traditional furnish the music for both of the cently by Secretary Ed. 8. King of Engineers’ Council for Professional ceremonies November 27. The Order of St. Patrick was named for dances. Chandler and his musicians the College YMCA. Development, the Society for the the legendary saint who, in chasing the snakes from Ireland, are well known in this ,section of Miss Patricia Sleezer of New Promotion of Engineering Educa- “invented the first worm drive” and thus became the patron of the country, having filled many en- York City, traveling secretary of tion, and the Carnegie Foundation. engineers the world over. Reigning over the ritual as Stp Pat and gagements in this vicinity. One of the W.S.S.F., described the pur- for the Advancement of Teaching. Princess Pat will be James B. Lambeth of High Point, president of poses of the fund to State Col-t the Engineers’ Council, and Miss Margaret Potts of Kernersville, his most successful was that at the The Faculty Council has ap- who are pictured here. Luminar Pavilion at Wrightsville .lege’s YMCA cabinet and other stu- proved the acceptance of the invi- Beach, N. C. He is noted for his dent leaders, and she will speak to tation for the college, and the tests novelties which make for a more a public meeting Thanksgiving Day will be given on Saturday morning Freshman Class Heads Film Shortage Holding enjoyable dance. in the College’s “Y” auditorium. and afternoon, November 27, begin- In t years past, the Brawl has According to Secretary King, the ning at 8:30 sun. been h d as the climax of the State World Student Service Fund, an The tests apply only to freshmen, Flerted 0n lhursday Up Agromeck Pictures College Engineers’ Fair, foremost international, non-political organio and only those first-year men en- event of its type in the state. zation, “provides direct relief for tering school in September are ss- The results of the election of the Complete Schedule of Pic- Seniors from each high school in students and professors who are officers of the freshman class were tures Announced Later; the state were invited to attend the victims of war, joins with students announced yesterday by Dean E. L. Freshmen Begin Monday, fair along with the dances, and the of other countries in raising funds Cloyd. November 29 fair with its many advanced tech- for student relief, believes that stu- nical and - scientific exhibits at- dents have a special responsibility C. Martin Michie, Jr., of Rox- for their fellow students, and boro, N. C., was selected as presi- Up until this time the stafl’ of tracted many persons from this sec- The Agromeck has been unable to. tion of the country before war- builds for the future through relief dent of the first year men in the plus education and reconstruction.” election held Thursday at 12 obtain enough film to photograph time restrictions made the ’con- the entire student body, so an al- tinuance of the afiair impossible. Miss Sleezer, whose visit to o'clock in Pullen Hall. Hugh C. ternate plan has been put into North Carolina was arranged by Murrill, president of the Student efl’ect. Last years proof will be All engineering students are en- King, will address the student Council, was in charge of the checked by the stat photographer titled to one bid to the dance set, bodies of the following Tar Heel balloting. and if there is another picture and these bids may be obtained colleges and universities in behalf Serving with President Michie which is as good as the one used from the head of the various engi- of the W.S.S.F. on the dates named. will be Charles A. Harris, Jr., of last year this alternate will be neering departments. It will be Campbell College, November 23; Roxboro, vice president, and Rob- used. In the event that the picture necessary for all students to pre- Atlantic Christian College, Novem- ert A. Yates, of Chadbourn, sec- usedlastyearisthebestinthe sent their registration cards when ber 24; N. C. State College, Novem- retary—treasurer. group, it will be put in this years applying for the bids. ber 25; Meredith College, Novem- At a previous meeting of the book. Transfer students and stu- All members of the engineering ber 26,Womans’ College of U.N.0., class last week, the Student Coun- dents in the upperclasses who were faculty wishing to attend the dance November 29 and 30; North Cano- December 12; Heifer-Junior cil representatives for that group not photographed last year will be may secure their tickets from Miss linaCollegeforNegroesinDur- lege, December 14; and Johnson C. “2 werechosen. TheyareW. F. Free- photographed for this years book. Bailey in Dean Vaughan’s oflce. ham, December 1; Wake Forest Smith University December man, Jr., P. Philip Stmle, and Dates will be announced later. College, December 2 (tentative); Otherspeakingengaguaents K. W. Wilkinson. According to the All upperclassmen are asked to mummmmmufivm Dmmsmbeamngedlater. new Student Council oonsfitufion, check by the Agromeck office begin- This information must be in by 6. Wilson Vocational Juoinr Col- AtotalcollectionofMJ'l the election of the oficers and the ning Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 30, to Saturday,Dec.4. legeinSwannanoa,December7and donatedtofllefundla‘m‘fr sound] representatives was de- fill out activity cards, and in the Thethnefupbotomhingflse8;AshevfldekgeDmbai;NuflrCuolhnW layed untilt late in this term. ease of graduation or leaving armyunitswillbeannouncedlater. East Carolina Teachers Collegatntions. H November'zs, 1943. AMERICAN HEROES S b) Lan North Carolina Well, Big Tom T., ’43, has tagged Ruth K. as his very own at long last. It should be smooth sailing State College fromnowon,emign.Wewerealsoblindedbythose sparklers Kitty is wearing. Gannon Wm ......................Editor-in-Chs'cf Our snooping correspondent reports that certain Pull ................. Business Manner Sigma Chi’s and S.A.M.’s disappeared with the most beautiful members of the all-girl barid. What’s this THE STAFF “rash thing” that Ada’s sister said she did? BIVIIL! Rosa .................... Manama Editor Question of the week: Why do so many students Janna R. Fowua ....................Sports Editor DON SAP? ........................... Sports Writer loaf around the Chem. E. office? Could it be the new Naw'ron Manon. ....................... Columt secretary? Hummmm. Vital statistics: Height: 5—0; Howm Xmas ......................... Colummt weight: 103; waist: 22; hips: wouldn’t you like to Flor!) ELLING'I'ON ........................ Cartoons know? Address: 324 Cutler St.; Tele. 2-2461. am. Paocroa ................. Circulation .Mmgcr NANCY BUNKIB ........................ Circulation Staff gossip: The music editor spends quite a few of his afternoons in Theim’s record department. It’s Suhdlniptionl’rice - - - $1.60PerCollegeYear not only to hear the latest discs either—ask Boots. law for National MD! As we hear it: Ada Leonard’s former profession National Advertising Service, Inc. Colic. Publbhan tat!" was even more interesting than her present one. as MADISON AVE. YORK. N. Y. Hint: see cut.
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