This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu TO: Senator Dole FR: Kerry RE: Senator Gramm' s "Founding Member Me·eting" Monday, October 18 8:30 a.m. Mayflower Hotel *You will be meeting with approximately 70 big money donors to Phil Gramm in town for two days of speakers and events. *Senator McCain will be giving the group a tour of the Capitol on Sunday night. You are the first speaker on Monday. Others include Senators Simpson, Grassley, Hutchison, Mack and Bennett, Brent Scowcroft, and Congressman Armey. *They're looking for 5-10 minutes of informal remarks, followed by Q&A. Page 1 of 13 IJCT- 14- 1'3'33 12: HJ FRIJM FR!Et,ms UF F'H!L CiRHMM TO ~1d0d2243153 P . 02 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas GRhttp://dolearchives.ku.edu.. ~\lI\11 a '96 CO(vnv1rrTEE M E M 0 R A N D U M 1'0: Kerry FROM: Heather Hopkins DATE: October 14, 1993 RE: Senator Gramm's Founding Member Meeting Thank you for scheduling Senator Bob Dole as the breakfast speaker at Senator Grarnm's Founding Member Me~ting. I wanted to confirm the details: DATE: Monday, October 18, 1993 SITE: The Mayflower Hotel 1127 Connecticut Avenue, NW 202/347-3000 ROOM: The Chinese Room (On the lobby level, down the promenade) TIME: 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Heather Hopkins or Ann Miller will meet Se nator Dole in the front lobby of the hotel. Senator Gramm will be introducing Senator Dole. If you have any questions, please call me before 2:00 p.m. on Friday, October 15, at 214/922-3366. If you have any questions or problems on Monday, please call me at the hotel 1 Carla Eudy at 202/675~6000 or Ruth Cymber at 202/224-2934. Again, thank y ou for hel p i ng t o make t h i s a successful event! P.O. Box 565087 · D:~lhs, Texas 75356 PageTCITHL 2 of P 13 . 1212 OCT 15'93 15:42 No.009 P.02 BOB DOLE ThisID:202-40 document is from8 the-5117 collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu F'. 1)2 PHIL GRAMM TCI 1~1Cl ·-1 ~' --1 '?c;!3 09~02 FROM FRIENDS OF GRAMMrJ '96 C()MMITI1~E MEMORANDUM TO : Jo Ann CoA FRO": Heath~r Hopkin~ DATE: OotobQr 14, 1993 --------~-------~-------~ -· ---·--~~--- 'T'~i~nk yo\.'\ for cohcdulin9 Senator 4\ob rn:lle as the breakfaGt speaker at senator Gramm's Founding Member Meeting. I wanted to confirm the det~ils: DAT~: Mond&y, October is, lP93 SITE: The Mayf lo~er Hotel 112? ~ .onna~:t..lcut Avenue, NW 202/347-3000 ROOM: The Chinese Room (On the lok>by level, down the p ro m~nade) TIME: 8;30 ~.ro. - 9:0V a.m. Heather Hopkins or An,1 Miller will meet Senator nole. in thQ £cont lobby ot tho hotel. Senator Gra:mm will be introducing Senator Dole. · !f. you have any q~estions, please call ine b~fore 2: 00 p.ro.. ,,m Friday, October 1~, at 214/922-3366. It you have any questiona or problems on Monday, pleast~ call me" a.t the hotel, Carla Eudy at 202/67~~-6000 or Rnth C')rmbar at ~02/2:l4-2934. Again, thank you for helping to make this ~ succet>ilfUl ~veint! P.O. Box 565087 • ualb.~. Ttx;;s 7$_,5(, ""·'"""· .. ' ... ,,.,. Page 3 of 13 BOB DOLE This documentI D: 202 is from- 408 the collections-511 7 at the Dole Archives,OC UniversityT 15 'of 93Kansas 15:42 No. 009 P. 03 http://dolearchives.ku.edu 1•• 1\: ·· ·· 15 -- 1993 09: l'~2 FR011 Fl< I EHDS OF PH IL GP.(4111'1 TD Record 1: l Act~ Y NAM!~ Mr:. Phillip D. Adams ADDRESS: 3000 Br1arcrest or., #508 A.DOR EX'l' : CITY"f Bryan STATE: TX zr~ CODE: 77802-3054 PERSONALt Phil ~ecord #: 2 Aotz Y NAMEt Mt". Ogd~n o. Al15brook, Jr. ~DDRESS: 115 Tillman Ln. ADDR EXT: CITY! Athens . STATE: OA. ZIP CODE: 30606- PER!ONAL: Oc;Jden Record #t 3 Actz Y N.AM,}.j: Dr. an~ Mrs. John c. Barber ADDRESS; 590 Squaw R.un n.d., E. ADD:R. Z:XT: CI~~ Pittsbu~qh STATE: PA ZlP C:ODE: l.5238- i'~ONAL: J'ohh artd Letha R*eord #: 4 Act~ ¥ NAME: Mr. Thomas J. Barnett• ADDRESS: 690 Atlanta Country Club nr. ADDR EXTt CITY! Marietta STATE: GA ZIP CODE: 30067 P~ONA.L; Jack Record I: 5 Aot; Y NAME: Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bearden J>.DL>P.ECth 3840 Oianond Loch, w. ADDR E.X'J.~ ; CITY! N. Richllaond Hilla STATE~ TX ZIP CODE: 761RO- PE.it.~0NAL: Chuck and Barbara Raoo~d #: 6 Act: Y NAMi: Mr. and Mrs. D~vid Clayton ADDRESSs 7939 Caruth Ct. ADDR EXTt CITYT Dalla& STATE: TX Z:t:!> CODE~ 75225- PER°SOHAL~ Davie;! and Libby Page 4 of 13 BOB DOLE This documentI D: 202 is from- 408 the -collections51 17 at the Dole Archives,OCT University 15' of93 Kansas 15:43 No. 009 P. 0 4 ·. ·; ...., ... ,, .. ,''' http://dolearchives.ku.edu (JCT. 15-1 993 09: 03 FROM rn IEt'-lDS OF PH IL GRHMM rn R2~nrd #: 1 Act: ~ NAMEr Mr. Maxie Davie ADDRESS: P. 06 Box ?.943 AODR EXT: ·. CITY! fort Worth S'l'ATE: TX ZIP CODE: ?6113-2943 i:>~'SONAJ.,: Maxie R~co~d /: 8 . Act: Y NAME: Mr. Maxie .· Davia hDDRESSa F. o. Box 2943 At>OR EXTi CI'rYT Fort: Worth · STATE: TX ZIP CODE: ?6113-'-Q43 PE'R'SONAL: . Maxi• kecord Ii 9 Aot: Y NAME: Mr. Robert K. Dawson AOO~ss: 2813 central Ave. ADDR EXTt CITYT Alaxan~rio STAT!: VA ~IP CODE; 22302- PER'gONAL: Bob Record #a 10 Act: Y NAME: M~. Robe~t S. Drieqert AnDRESS: 3 ShadywoOd Pl. AODR EXT: ClTYT Richardson STATEz TX ZIP COD!: 75080-4927 PERSONAL; Bob Record#: · 11 Aot: Y NAME; Mr. ~nd M~w. Irwin Edelatein ADDRESS; ~o Allenby Ln. hDOR EX'l"s ClTYT Scotch Plains STATE~ NJ" ZIP CODE: 07076-3964 PERSONAL: Irwin anrt M~rilyn Record #: 12 Act: Y NA.Mi: Mr. Gary Elkins ADDRESS: 16430 Koester AODR EXT: CITYT Houston STATE; TX ZIP CODE: 77040- Pr:RGONAL' Ga.i.-y Page 5 of 13 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University15'93 of Kansas 15:43 No.009 P.05 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117http://dolearchives.ku.edu OCT 1 l:J '. T -15- l 9~3 09: 03 FROM FR I ENDS Of= PH IL GRt~Mf1 ·rn 912024085117 P.05 Record 11 13 Aot: Y NAME: Hr. and Mrs. Jim Em.brae A.DDRESS: 30226 O&J.>J'Aont ADDR EXT; CITYT Georqetown . STATE: TX ZIP COOB: 78628• PE~ONALJ Jim and Yvonne kecord t: 14 Aetz Y NAME: Mr. Henry Foirley, III ADDRl!iSS; 33)3 Lee Pkwy., #650, LB JJ AODR EXTs OITYT Dallius STA'l'E: TX ZlP CODlr 7521~- PER!ONAL: Henry Record #: 15 Act: Y NAME: Mr. John E. Parar . ADOR!SSz 1608 Blackburn Rd. ADDR EXTs CITY: Saohsa STATE: TX ZIP CODE: 75048-2900 PERSONAL: John Record #: 16 Act: Y NAM!& M~. Welt Finkelman ADDaEss: 8020 Blankenship or.. AJ)CR E:X'l': CIT'lr Houston S'I'ATE: TX Zli' CODJ::: 77055- PER~ONAL: Wolf R•eord #: 17 Acta Y NAM~: ~r. and Mr•. Tom Freeman ADDRESS: 171~ 11th St. ADDR EXT~ crrYT lluntaville G'l1 AT~: TX ZIP CODE: 7·7340- PEnWONALs Tom and Vatsy Record #~ 18 Aett Y NAME: Mr. Raniro A. Galin~o AOORESS: 3015 Humminqbird Cir. ADDR EXT: CITY; Bryan STATE; TX ZIP CODE: 77801w3224 PERB°ONALI Ramiro Page 6 of 13 BOB DOLE This documentI D: 202 is from-4 08the collections- 5 11 7 at the Dole Archives,OCT University 15 ' of93 Kansas 15 :43 No. 009 P.06 http://dolearchives.ku.edu OCl ·-15-1993 0'iH 03 FROM FR I EMDS OF PH IL GRRl'111 '[I R~co~d #s 1g Aoti Y NAME: Or. and Mrs. Louis E. GibSOll ADDRRAS: P. 0. Ao~ 841 AOOR EXT: ~edical Arts clinic Assoc. CI'l'Y"'i Corsican~ STAT!J TX ZIP CODE: 75151-9007 PKR~ONAL: Louis and Betty ·'· R~cu&d #; 20 Aot: Y NAME: Mrs. Jay Gilliam ADDnESDt ~G2G N, Hall St, 1 #411 ADDR EXT; C.I~ Oall•s STATE: TX ZIP con'Et 75219- PE~ONAL: Brenda Record #i 21 Act: Y NAME: Mr. Ronold J. Goldman ADDRESS: 4401 OVerton Crest AODR EXT: CIT¥1" For~ Worth STATE; TX zrp CODB& 7610,-2,22 PER~ONALI Ronni• R9cord #: 22 Act: Y NAMEt M~. Jam•s P. QQodnight ADORXSS: 6516 Lonqfellow Dr. ADDR. EXT: Cl'l'YT Dalla• STATE: TX ZIP CODE: 75230-2848 PER°§ONA.t: Jim Record #: 23 Act: Y NAM!.:; Dr. and ML":i;. Edmond A. Hen6.ar soi1 ADDRESS: P. o. Box 576 ADDR EXT1 CITY: Devera STATE: TX ZIP CODE; 77538- ~'l!:R.~ONAL: Ed And Cathy Record #: 24 Act: Y NAME: Mr. Jeb Hensarlin9 ADDRESS: 705 'Lee Ave. ADOR EX'I': CITYT College Station STAT~; TX ZIP CODE: 77840- Plm.'!ONALi Jeb Page 7 of 13 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas BOB DOLE I D: 202-408 -http://dolearchives.ku.edu 5 11 7 OC T 15'93 15:44 No. 009 P. 07 . .. : .......... , ., . f.J'~ r ··· l 5- 1'39 .3 03; 04 FRDl'1 FR 1H~DS OF PH l I_ GRRl1M TO Ret;.,:1,.lL·d #: 2, Act: Y NAME! Mr.
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