( • i WHY JIMMY CARTER HOW JESUS AND HIS FOLLOWERS IS NOT A CHRISTIAN SAVED CIVILIZATION The born-again fraud Jimmy Carter Two thousand years ago, an insane Roman empire ruled the world. not only lies compulsively, but openly Controlled by magical cults, entertained by orgies and spectacles of promotes such anti-Christian evils as unspeakable cruelty, the ruling oligarchy destroyed the scientific drug abuse, the Right to Die move- accomplishments of the past and the economic basis for humanity's ment, and the destruction of the very continued existence. This was why the Christians called Rome "the science and industry by which man Whore of Babylon." carries forward his God-given role to By building a political movement based on the advanced scien- wield dominion over nature, tific knowledge of Greek civilization, Jesus and his disciples made In a guest editorial, Democratic the philosophy of Plato accessible to millions. They took the tradition presidential candidate Lyndon H. of the great Neoplatonist Rabbi PhiloJudaeus, the founder ofmod- LaRouche, Jr. counterposes to Carter ern Judaism, and collaborated to create a movement which estab- the type of moral president the U.S. lished a new moral world order in their own generation, and needs now if it is to avoid the road to provided the framework for progress in the West during the two Rome, or nuclear apocalypse, millennia which have followed. C mlmigner Vol. 13, No. 6 A Neoplatonic Republican Journal August 1980 6 Behind the Miami Riots by FeliceMerritt 16 How Jesus and His Followers Saved Civilization by Robert Carmen Dreyfuss -_i EDITORIAL 2 Why Jimmy Carter Is Not A Christian 4 Cohn's Latest Witch Hunt LETTERS 5 Power of Ideas, Marlowe and The Jesuits NEWS 72 Call for Falk Investigation Corners Terrorist Professor 74 Humanist Academy Stages Cervantes 74 Public TV Touts Right to Die BOOKS 75 A Greenie Witch's Brew 77 Why Zero-Sum Is Zero-Sense. Editor-in-Chief On the Cover Carol White The Carter family with Pope John Paul II Managing Editor Photo:UP! Kenneth Kronberg THE CAMPAIGNER is published 10 times a Assistant Managing Editor year by Campaigner Publications, Inc., 304 Charles Tate w. 58th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019. Telephone (212) 247-8820. Subscriptions by mail are $24.00 for 10 issues in the U.S. and Art Director Canada. Air mail subscriptions to other coun- Deborah Asch tries are $48.00 for 10 issues. Second class postage paid at New York, New York. Production Editor Copyright © CAMPAIGNER PUBLICA- Gail G. Kay TIONS, Inc. ISSN 0045-4109 EDITORIAL Why Jimmy Carter Is No t A Christian The ongoing, extensive media Jewish--forebears were pitted in coverage of a fundamentalist reli- a life-and-death struggle against a gious revival in the United States morally degenerate Roman Em- was not lost on the campaign or- pire whose cult rituals and orgies ganizations of the announced pres- stupefied the Roman mob until it idential candidates, most of whom could no longer distinguish be- have tripped over one another in tween the divine qualities of man their haste to proclaim that they, and mere beasts. too, had been "born again." Car- Today's cults were designed ter, Anderson, Reagan and Ken- to play an identical role. Glance at Carter makes Caligula look moral. nedy in his own way--have all our drugged, purposeless youth capitalized on this media celebra- and deny we face the same Sodom sordid figures as we should ever tion, whose initial purpose was, and Gomorrah today! desire our nation and our people after all, to gain an independent As for Jimmy Carter himself, to suffer." political standing and self-identi- LaRouche notes in an unexcerpted The upcoming Democratic fled political constituency for this portion of his statement: "Carter's Party convention will serve as a brand of religious kookery. For notorious interview with Playboy significant test of whether the although tailored to a conservative magazine, back in 1976, is not American people are fit to survive. audience, born-again fundamen- irrelevant to the man's psycho- No Democratic candidate but talism is just as much a synthetic profile. Juxtapose a man occupied Lyndon LaRouche has demon- cult product of the think tanks of with pornographic fantasies, the strated the qualities required to the liberal "Aquarian Conspir- habitu6 of the Allman Brothers' return America to its former posi- acy" as the Moonies, Hare Krish- disco orgies, with the sheer hypoc- tion of world leadership and moral has, Ayatollahs, Transcendental risy of the 'Sunday-School purpose. He should be nominated Meditation nuts, and hundreds of teacher,' the inveterate liar who this August and elected in No- other assorted drug- and non- professes 'never to lie,' and one has vember. drug-induced brainwashing an accurate general image of the Excerpts from Lyndon La- routes to sensual solipsism, mental life of Jimmy Carter .... Rouche's reply to the Carter press The following guest editorial "Such a man would require conference follow. is excerpted from a statement is- no more than repeated . , . sued by Democratic presidential applications of 'light rinse brain- candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, washing' by the son of such a In general, especially in the Jr. after Jimmy Carter's March 14, monkey-trainer as Dr. Peter Bible Belts of our nation, it is a 1980 press conference. It serves as Bourne to become the 'perfect commonplace practice among a particularly appropriate intro- puppet'J. Paul Austin is reported "handlers" of politicians to in- duction to the extensive historical to have described Carter to be to struct their candidates to make a and scientific treatment of the the New York Council on For- large noise about joining, or re- birth of Christianity which ap- eign Relations .... joining and becoming visibly ac- pears in this issue. As Robert "Carter is to the United States tive in a church of this or that Dreyfuss makes clea_ in his "How what Nero and Caligula were to denomination. This is underlined Jesus and His Followers Saved ancient Rome. At best, Carter is as by the fact that Carter's alleged Civilization," our Christian--and bad an approximation of those "religious conversion" occurred 2 August 1980 / CAMPAIGNER in the aftermath of a political- Brothers and their disco-setting posite. He lied again. Carter's campaign defeat, performances is otherwise directly pledged word is worthless. Some persons might object, opposed to the enmity against such When Carter was stating pub- arguing that it is impermissible to dionysian cultism among the licly that he was against the desta- inquire into the "sincerity" of a Apostles, with St. Augustine and bilization of, first, the Shah's gov- person's professed beliefs. "That," others. Certainly, a Baptist, who ernment of Iran, and, later, of the they argue, "is a matter between rejects St. Paul's recommendation government of Prime Minister the person and God." On the con- of "a little wine for your stom- Shahpour Bakhtiar, Carter was trary, whenever a politician waves ach's sake," is obliged if he or actually supporting the overthrow around his or her activities in a she is actually a Baptist--to abjure of both the Shah's and Bakhtiar's religious denomination as part of and to combat every effort to de- government, supporting the luna- political-campaign public rela- stroy large portions of our nation's tic Muslim Brotherhood's ("Is- tions, the nose of any sensible citi- youth through toleration of"rec- lamic Fundamentalism") Ayatol- zen begins to itch. Looking closely reational" drug-usage, lah Ruhollah Khomeini. at Carter's manifest morality in Perhaps my own insight into Do not reject that last state- key features of his personal life and such matters is slightly more acute ment. Every leading figure in the in duties of office, the smell of an than that of many other of my United States, including most of "Elmer Gantry"-like phony be- fellow-citizens. Although today I the Republican candidates run- comes too conspicuous to be po- believe the Apostolic current of ning for President, knows facts litely overlooked. St. Augustine to have been a cot- which prove to them that I am Take, for example, Carter's rect choice over most Western entirely correct on this matter. former close personal association European Protestant doctrines, I The documents exist proving that with the Warner Communica- was born into the evangelical fac- the Carter administration will- tions property, the Allman Broth- tion of the Society of Friends, and fully orchestrated the taking of ers. The Allman Brothers, a nota- spent most of my boyhood sharing U.S. citizens hostage by the Kho- bly dionysiac sort of rock group, communication with Baptist meini dictatorship! Any one who was the property of a Warner churches--the liberalism of the denies, this is either simply misin- Communications subsidiary, Ca- American Friends Service Com- formed or, if a person of high pricorn Records, and was other- mittee being abhorrent to me. If political rank, a liar. wise notable for a "cocaine bust" my experience of the 1920s and (The Republican candidates which set back the group's career. 1930s provides criteria, and if my are "sitting on" those facts, ac- It is notable that a professed more comprehensive knowledge cording• to the terms of a "Na- "born-again Baptist," such as acquired since is added, then Car- tional Unity" agreement negoti- Carter, should not only be at- ter is no Baptist as I have known ated between [then-] Secretary of tracted to a dionysian-cult-like and understood Baptists. State Cyrus Vance and Henry A. group linked to drug-usage, but In matters of statecraft, Carter Kissinger last November.
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