All UM New» of WE DO BED BAJTi and Surrounding Town! OUR PART Told Fearleaily and Without Biaa. RED BANE l»md tVMkljr, Rattnt u Stcond-Vluit Mattu «t th» Fo»t- Subscription Prlc*i One Jfett IX.tiO. VOLUME LVII, NO. 44.' offioe tt R«d Bank. N, J, under th. Act of March 8, 1870. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1935. Six Month a {1.00. Singlt Copy1 *c PAGES 1 TO 16< Summer Camp Quads To Present A COMING PET SHOW. WANT LOWER KATES. Anniversaries Of Council Doings It Will Bo lKld June 1 and 2 nt Galaxy of Stars of Chamber of Commerce Now Negoti- For Youngsters Three-Act Comedy Brookdale Farm at Llncrofi. ating With Hallway Express Co. Red Bank Couples At Fair Haven A pet show for children of Bed. The Red Bank: Chamber of Com- Mr». Matthew Greig Head* Di- and vicinity will bo held Saturday merce has been negotiating with the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Project Which Was Succewfully and Sunday, June i and 2, at Brook- Screeti, Stage, Radio Railway Express agency for lower Auditor Submits Annual Report Carried Out Lait Year Will rection of "Big Hearted Her- dale farm at Llncroft. Mra. Lewis rates from iN'ew' York to this com- John E. Chamberlain—The —AH Dumps Cleaned Up—i Again be a Feature of Emer- bert" With Cait of Thirteen— S, Thompson has donated the use of munity, particularly on small pack- C. V. Shropshire* and T. F. Borough to Pay $5,000 on a largo building; on tho place for the Red Bank Chamber of Commerce Mid-Night Benefit ages of merchandise. Following con- Seymours Also Celebrate. gency Relief Work. Dancing to Follow. event and Bhe has also offered a prize ferences with represc.iitaUves of the Bond Issue—Other Matter*. One project which tho Emergency It has long been an open question of a silver trophy. The show will be Next Saturday to Be a Real Vaudeville express company, Mr:;. Mildred Cong- The weelding anniverdaries of Mr. The annual report of John P. Mul- Relief Administration at Monmouth aa to whether father or mother under the auspices of the Monmouth do ni .sccrntary oi the Chamber of and Mrs. John E. CifSmbevlaiIrfsm n of vlhlll, auditor, was received and filed county carried iout last summer and knows beBt how to bring up the chil- bounty Organization for Social Ser- Treat—Twenty Acts Assured. Commerce, reports that tlie cumjmny Branch avenue, Mr. anr! Mrs. Charles at Monday night's meeting of th« which it plans to repeat this year on dren. Some oay one thing, scene say vice and Shrewsbury post of the at tne present times has in effect trial V. Shropshire of Hudson avonurf and Fair Haven mayor and council, Mr. a larger scale is that of a farm camp another. Sophia . Kerr and Anna American legion of Red Bank. The rates on two railroads frum Nev Serjeant and Mrs. Theodore F. Sey- Mulvihiil made several recommendd" The Carlton theater should be inent places In town where people York to Philadelphia and in termed i for boya. The camp last year was Steese Richardson seem to side with animals and birds will be judged not packed to tho doora next Saturday congregate. motif of Fort Monmouth were cele- tions and in hifl comment ho com- under the direction of the leisure mother and prove their point very as with regards to appearance but as ate poinU at .-vab.stanUa) reduction, brated With family dinner parties mended Collector Percy D. Bennett to Intelligence, physical oddities and night at the midnight show to be The restaurants have signified their for \he tronnpoiintion oi regular mer- tlmo department of the administra- logically and entertainingly in their presented by tho Red Bank Cham- intention of remaining open prac- Friday night at the RopevelL tea for the amount of road, sidewalk and tion ana it was lit Tinton Falls. The hilarious play entitled "Big Hearted things of that uort. chandise. After a reasonable time has room at LatUe Silver. curbing assessments collected in ber of Commerce; One of the great- tically all night In order to accom- elapsed in whi'jii ID estimate r^HUlta location of this ycar'a camp has not Herbert." A report about the pet ehow was est array of talent representing stars modate tho after-theater parties who Mr, and Mrs. Chamberlain were 1934.• The total amount of assess* been selected, but It will probably be ot thin exijcrimojii, if found "KUCCGS.S- celebrating their golden wedding. hients wn.s reduced from $10,000 to This three-act comedy will bo pre- niade at the legion meeting by James of the stage, screen and radio, ever desire something to eat before re- ful, similar m\in will bo \>ul in effect nn a property not . far from Red sented by the members of the Reu S. Parlies, chairman of the entertain- seen In any theater in this section turning home after the show. They were married April 19, 1885, by $2,500. A" request of $3,000 from tha Banlc. There wero 210 lads at the to Xtcd Bank and other shore com- Kev. R. F. Harbrough, pastor of the board of education was granted. Bank Quadrangle club Friday' night, ment committee of the yos't. The of the state will be on hand to en- The advance sale of tickets has munities. It this is done, I he. contin- Ti.htpn Polls enenmpment and a larg- May 3, at 8:30 o'clock in the Red Drum and Bugle corps of the post of- : Red Bank Presbyterian church. Soon Councilman Sooly B. Tuthill reported (SrSJiumber Is expected this summer. tertain. been exceptionally utrong and the uation of 'Jie lower rate; , ihu. express afterward they became members of that provision was 'being tnada iov Bank Catholic high school auditor- fered to provide music for tho show. ticket committee look to a reason- conipany'H i t-pru.-ientii fives stated, The ,boys will have gardens and will ium by special arrangementa with The entertainment committe1 e for the Methodist church and have taken the payment of $5,000, together with raise part of their food supply. It the Sam C. French company. Danc- this presentation has been busy for ably strong sale from now on until would cleponci upon increased pat- an active part in its growth. Mr. interest of $1,500, on tho bond Issue Is planned to start tho camp at the tho past three weeks getting to- the time of raising the curtain. ronage of this means of transporta- Chamberlain was superintendent of due May 1. ing will follow the performance. Tickets can be purchased from mem- tion. The ReU Bank. Chamber ot opening of the summer vacation per- Herbert may be a great man in his The Middletown gether a program that will surpass tlie Sunday-school many . years and Councilman Arthur B. Sickles re* iod. in variety anything of a similar na- bers, at the Chamber of Commerce Commerce will be kept advised ot his wife was a Sunday-school teacher. factory, but at homo he seems to be rooms in the Patterson building at development.:; and will p-hm the infor- ferred to the appropriation received Tho leisure time department la un- unable to adjust his viewpoint toward ture and according to a member of She is a member of thn Women's by the borough of Little Silver from Health Center Ball the committee yesterday morning at (i'O Broad street or at the Carlton mation on. to the public through the Christian Temperance union and der the direction of Edward C. Hil- the rising generation, and the result and Strand theater box oillces. Logo local papers. tho state highway commission iov nndbrand of Asbury Park and the Is an evening1 of unbounded pleas- least twenty acts have promised to Navesink Rebekah lodge. Both are resurfacing a road In that munici- Everything Ready for Event to be on hand for this gala benefit scats on sale at the Carlton theater enjoying excellent health. Mr. Cham- form camp for boys 'is only one of ure to tho theatergoers. box ofllco only. pality. He said that an Investigation many activities which It sponsors Herbert Kalness self-made be Held Saturday Night at the show. ] bcrlain, has been engaged tn the should be made to determine wheth- Frederick V. Bowers and his song wholesale candy business for many to help solve the problem of provid- business man who insists that his Molly Pitcher Hotel—An Morris Jacks, proprietor of tho Local Rotarians er or not Fair Haven could benefit ing recreation and help for the unem- Carllon theater, who has given the writers of the gay nineties will be cars and is still active in this line. in a like manner. Ho mentioned ployed and other victims of the de- plain traditions. When his daughtei Elaborate Program. use of the theater without charge,, one of the feature acts on the bill. Knapahot.3 of the couple in gold .several roads which should be resur- pression. It provides, trained work- becomes engaged to a Harvard man Mr. Bowers, who is well known in To Elect Officers frames were presented to the women. faced with tarvla. Councilman Hen- era to direct various activities, but Arrangements are completed for was in New York yesterday contact- Bed Bank and vicinity and a pop folks at the party. ry A. Fricdlander, chairman of the and his wife has not only Ice cream the charity, ball to be hold Saturday ing with several theatrical Interests ular playwright, composer and solo- doea not supply materials or other but Harvard men to dinner, Herbert night at the Molly Pitcher hotel at for several additional acts to make Barney Freedman Will be Ele- Those present were Mr.
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