/03 18 2011 / 02 volume 65 Call & Response New book celebrates wiNNipeg's music sceNe arts page 15 local 5 bands you need to know about arts page 11 is baNkruptcy bad? news page 3 02 The UniTer February 3, 2011 www.UniTer.ca looking for listings? cover image CaMPUs & COMMUnItY LISTInGs AND "it was death, Under Pressure (R.I.P.) perform live VOLUnteer OPPORTUnItIES page 6, at Ragpickers. a look at the lies the MUsIC page 12, destruction and chaos – Photo by FILM & LIt page 14, that was my time in iraq." Food network peddles Ailsa Dyson GaLLerIES & MUseUMs pages 14 & 15, from the new book Call*Response: tHEATRE, DanCe & COMeDY page 15, Present, Past and Beyond – Volume I NEWS page 5 COMMENTS page 8 AWARDs anD FInanCIaL aID page 18 See story on page 15. news UNITER STAFF ManaGinG eDitor BIZ makes cuts to Cruz In Downtown event Aaron Epp » [email protected] BUSiness ManaGer Funds pulled from long- Geoffrey Brown » [email protected] PrODUcTiOn ManaGer running event, given to Ayame Ulrich » [email protected] support two new events cOPy anD styLe eDitor Britt Embry » [email protected] instead Photo eDitor Cindy Titus » [email protected] newS assiGnMenT eDitor LAUREN PARSONs Andrew McMonagle » [email protected] BEAT REPORTER newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor Kristy Rydz » [email protected] arts anD culture eDitor Organizers of an annual charity event that brings Matt Preprost [email protected] auto enthusiasts and spectators together down- » town for live entertainment and car shows feel cOMMents eDitor they have been mistreated by the Downtown Andrew Tod » [email protected] Winnipeg Business Improvement Zone (BIZ) Listings cO-OrDinator Cindy Titus after it decided to pull funding from the event. J.P. Perron » [email protected] The BIZ announced late last year that the Downtown streets will be without the classic car enthusiasts drawn to the cruz in Downtown street festival every money that has gone to Cruz In Downtown for summer as organizers have decided to relocate the event due to lack of support from the Downtown BiZ. caMPUS BeaT rePOrTer the past 10 years will be used to fund Cyclovia Karlene Ooto-Stubbs » [email protected] and Lights on Broadway. The Dycks met with with Stefano Grande, ex- “If they can't support our event in their down- BeaT rePOrTer “They told us the reason for withdrawing (the ecutive director for the BIZ, in December 2010 town area, then we don't want to be there,” she Ethan Cabel » [email protected] funds) is that they wanted our event to grow,” and were told that although the event is an asset said. BeaT rePOrTer said Bev Dyck, who organizes Cruz In Down- to Winnipeg's downtown, the BIZ believes it no For people who have gone to the event every Lauren Parsons [email protected] town with her husband, John. “Well, how does longer requires its support to continue. year, like Dave Kwiatek, president of the Drag » that help us grow?” In a letter to the Dycks dated Jan. 17, 2011, Racing Association of Manitoba, there is a lot of BeaT rePOrTer Grande presented further explanation of the disappointment. Vacant “we've been able to help that BIZ's new goals in supporting downtown “There are a lot of cars and a lot of clubs in culture rePOrTer event (Cruz In Downtown) events. Manitoba, and there are a lot of people upset Catherine van Reenen » [email protected] The letter stated that the BIZ would like to about it,” he said. off the ground, and now we focus on events that couldn’t happen without its Kwiatek is a member of the Manitoba Associ- can help other events off the funding, including events “that have been oper- ation of Auto Clubs, where John and Bev Dyck CONTRIBUTORS: ground.” ating for several years and are willing and able to sit on the board. He said there were a lot of emo- grow in regard to providing more programming tions in the room during a general meeting last aranda adams, Bethany Berard, – JenniFer Verch, ManaGer OF cOMMUnicaTiOnS anD and drawing more crowds, and creating more week in which Cruz In Downtown’s future was Justin charette, Graeme coleman, MarKeTinG, DOwntown winniPeG BiZ excitement and overall spinoffs.” discussed. Mike Duerksen, Timothy Dyck, ellie Dyck was encouraged to move her annual fes- “It's going to be a great loss for downtown einarson, will Gibson, Bev Greenberg, Jennifer Verch, manager of communications tival from St. Mary Avenue to Portage Avenue, Winnipeg,” he said. “It brings quite a bit of en- Dylan hewlett, Jordan Janisse, and marketing for the BIZ, explained that be- make it a two-day event and add more attrac- thusiasts and people downtown.” arlen Kasdorf, alex Krosney, Leslie cause Cyclovia and Lights on Broadway are both tions in order for the event to grow and attract Although it will not continue to provide fi- Loofbourow, Justin Luschinski, Jonah in their second and third year, they still need a bigger crowd. nancial support, the BIZ has offered Cruz In O'neil, andrew Podolecki, Sarah reilly, seed funding to grow and succeed. Even with these changes, there is no guaran- Downtown continued in-kind support which Thomas rousseaux, David Seburn, “We decided we need to make some tough tee that the BIZ would provide financial sup- includes set-up, clean up, security and advertis- Sara Shyiak, aaron Snider, Jon decisions with our budget this year and shift port. ing. Sorokowski, Samuel Swanson, Lisa the funding,” said Verch. “We've been able to “The cost would be double ... and it's just ri- Over the 10 years it supported Cruz In Down- Varga, erin Vosters, J. williamez help that event (Cruz In Downtown) off the diculous to close Portage (Avenue) for two days,” town, the BIZ invested over $35,000 cash and ground, and now we can help other events off said Dyck, who has decided to remove the event $50,000 of in-kind safety and cleanliness servic- the ground,” she said. from the downtown area entirely. es. The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership based organization in which students and community members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www. BY JUSTIN LUSCHINSKI uniter.ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a Q: Do you feel there is a social stigma attacheD to Declaring bankruptcy? member of the canadian University Press and campus Plus Media Services. SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@ uniter.ca, or the relevant section editor. Deadline for gerald medel, office melvina Vallentyne, early michael ambrose, submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before publication. Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, clerk childhood educator marketing assistant six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves “Yes. Bankruptcy implies “It’s definitely seen as a bad “Not really. These are the right to refuse to print submitted material. The bad choices.” thing. It follows you through tough times we’re living Uniter will not print submissions that are homophobic, your life.” through.” misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. CONTaCT uS » General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 advertising: 204.786.9790 editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.uniter.ca LOCaTION » Jessica aliaga labun, barry mcleod, fifth-year makaria aliaga labun, room OrM14 fourth-year student student fourth-year student university of Winnipeg “It’s not bad. It’s just 515 Portage avenue “There is definitely a “Totally. It’s one of the most Winnipeg, Manitoba r3b 2e9 stigma, what with a lot negative things you can file for.” difficult to live without of fraud going on.” money.” Mouseland Press Board of directors: Michael rac (chair), Shawn coates, courtney Berthelette, clayton winter, alex Freedman, Shannon Sampert, Brian Gagnon, Kelly ross, caroline Fisher, Ben wickstrom and Fabian Suarez-amaya. For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] News 03 www.UniTer.ca February 3, 2011 The UniTer Bankruptcy may not be all that bad Misconceptions about what it means to be bankrupt and how to avoid it He added that it’s the cost of doing busi- your lattes to one a day. That pocket change ness, which is one of the reasons creditors adds up,” he said. charge 14 to 18 per cent interest; they have to But without proper education on bud- cover their losses. get management or managing credit, a lot of Those who do get stuck paying off the people are left lost. minimum payment on their credit card are providing good business to the creditors. “no paycheque comes with “The best way to avoid bankruptcy is to instructions on what to do.” avoid credit,” said Caplan. “It’s so easy to get a credit card and make a minimum payment – christi QUinn, creDiT cOUnSellor without realizing how much it costs.” Caplan explained that bankruptcy’s stig- “No paycheque comes with instructions ma has changed over the past 60 years since on what to do,” said Christi Quinn, a cred- the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act was put it counsellor for the Credit Counselling Soci- into place. ety in Winnipeg. According to Caplan, it is more acceptable Quinn encourages a person to always seek for a person to declare bankruptcy today. out financial advice and to receive a second “If people are going out and running up opinion from an unbiased source.
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