, •, '" ,'I Ij , - j I " , ~.. , " I I oman -- Iladelphia led al round 'or the . \erving The State University of Iowa find the People of Iowa City f th ~ biggest , student who Member of Associated Press - AP Leased Wire and Photo Service Iowa City. Iowa. Wedoesda)'. June 27, 19511 ... ~~~~---------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~= ICly"ski ' ; Farm $1 Billion More Than Ike ·Asked- I The ~Ilwau. Innounced the ,r Ed Kuczyq. ~e of MHw&u. looi, to a ' 1957 ~ iIIe, Ind., o{ League. "\ 4-3 asses· won.lost enate , 92 strikeoutS n 49 Innin~ . Iraves' minor next spring \ $33 ~illion Th. Weather 48-40 Yote , Highway Bill Fair Victory for Icrest and Democrats Cool Goes to' Ike WASHlNGTON 11\ - 11M! Senate ~ of " rejcctl'd Pr sident £1 Dhower's WASHINGTON \of! - Tbt~ 33-bll­ lion dollar highway bill, bigaest Jowa City's cooler weather wUl a segmenL of the naLlon's air lomes " non-defense spending pro;:ram in last through today, but will prob • power needs Tue day and voted • ·".m. , history. was passed by Congress ably turn warm Thursday. nearly a billion dollars more UUIn he wanted for the Air For~ in ,tine Ay •• " Tuesday and sent to Presidf>nt Eis· Skies wlll be fair today with n· cal 1967. enhower. highs in the upper 70s and 80s. I" FINt · The 48-40 roll-eall vole wo n !th, _rlv,'-. Congressional action was com­ Lows will range Cram the mld- pleted by an 89.1 roll·call vote in 50s to 60s. smashlnr victory (or Senate Ilt'mo­ the Senate. The lone dissenter was The low In Iowa City Tuesday crats. who r fused to aCC(!pt 0 • Sen. Russell B. Lon;! (D-La.!. was 68 degrees, with the high in surancc o( admlniltration I aderB Earlier in the day, I.be House the 80s. About half an Inch at thaL Ole Alr Force would have passed the bill by voice vote and rain fell here {rom 5: 30 t non enough mon y to keep ahead ·oC without debate_ The outlook for Thursday RUISia In th struul for world air .upr macy. The roadbuilding program In· generally fair and warmer. c1udes just about everything Mr. Voti", was preceded by a bit r ~, .: '!* ; ,-. attack on Secretary of Defense (SUI I'belo) Eisenhower requested, except ror FINDING HIS FIANCEE in the arm, of hil best friend I.}Y .. Ch.,II. bond finllncing of the federal out.­ Wilaon, who was called inept. vllin. R,"r, pl.yld by Werre" Hovious, EI Paso, Tex., .peechl ... m. Military Rule arro,ant and contemptuou of Con· a, lays. Congressional De/llocrats suc­ Ire s. ~ ment.rfly in ''Th. T.nder Tr.p," comedy which will open. 3.c11y run ceeded in substituting tax boosts 'lMay .t I ,.m. at UniYersity Theatre. Virginia Kay Sch.ul.nd, A2, to help pay Cor the 13-year pro· Th extrll Air Force mon y. MUSCAtine, I, shown II SylYia, ,the witty. lind b.autiful yOUnt wom.n gram. In Guatemala' most of It earmarked r~ Improved WhO h" Don.ld Kno.pfl.r, G, Iowa City, plilying Joe McC.II, the Mr. Eisenhower has lIsled the aircraft, was added to the ~C n e married fr!.net, in .n. tion.1 .pin. highway !Jill as an "urgent" item Dcp rtment's budiet for the 12 on hfs program for Congress. Sup- Student 'Riot months be,lnnln, n xl Sunday. Th n the Senate passed the 35- !)Orlers I)f the legislation expect GUATEMALA UI'\ - President (1)011 , \O ...n no,o by ..' "ornl) him to sign It promptly, I*rhaps Carlos ·Castillo Armas clamped "WHAT'S GOING ON?" thll puppy ...ml to .aII u h. peer' .round • hll th.t II I.",.r tN.n 1M il. bllUon-dollar d fen measur on 0 n.. routine roll<all vote of 88-0. Th ~o~edy -Opens this week. military rule on Guatemala Tues- puP9Y wu • f.ther'. ct.y ,1ft to L.WNtte. lI'IIr, R.Il. 4, from hi' wit. Shlrl.y .net children L.rry, 7, .net , The but provides for a $14,800.- day after a death-dealing clash K.thy, S. bil bill provides about 16 ~ billion for the Alr Force. 10 billion for th ~ A ~ ~~~~to~~~_~~~~a~ -~------------------------~--------~ SUI Th Navy and Marine Corp and 7~ billion for the Army. Th balance would ,0 for mist lInneou9 D · j ~ t", ",,:. will 'P'" ,~,,!.~~!..~., ." ,ho Ef['!,!:~!~!1::0~7E:41 ~F.~1;:~i~~;;' Ike T0 Ru n; ,N 0 ·~~ c ~T~~=-:n:~ f nse Department need !!. -:; The Hou luis yel to oct on the • SUI Theatre under the direction of Willard Welsh, instructor in the SUI One of the tax boosts would add ltal's main avenue. Three students Gov. A. B. (Happy) Chandler Department of Speech and Dramatic Arts. 1 cent to the present 2-cenLs-a· were killed instantly and two more Tuesday told tile annual Govern· controversial air power I ue, D' b' Kid which Is sure to reverberate in the Cast as Charlie Reader, main character in the play, will be Warren gallon federal tax on gasoline lind died during the night. Seventeen or's Conrcrenc his wife was or· 0 U t.. nOW a n election campal," lhl fall . If the Hovious, G, EI Paso, Tex. The motor fuels. others were wounded. rested In so many tates for House approves \.he extra mon y. young women who shower him The mllasure represent~ (l com- The government said one police· specdinll that hc had a lovernor .bl· l remains to be seen wheth rEi· promise, worked 'out last week, of man was killed and three were WASHINGTON Pt.fI - The White alized with partial blockage of the plae d on the acc !erator of .. j' \. _ with attentions will be played by difrering, bills voled earlier by the wounded. House Tuesday fended of( onoUler small Intestine. Car In 1936. , • aealaower wID .pen4 it or lin • epu Pre R \ lean c Joy Szuhay, secretary in the SUI twp branches. ' The students. half of them girls. round of inquiries regarding Presi-l A spoke man sold the President Chandl er said shorUy • It, as ldent • I .f.... " . Department of Speech and Dra· Us n'lajor 'feelw'e' calk (or a were marching on the palace to ...t Eisenhower's s cona term In- now has complete freedom to walk ward h WICe 'W drjvl~ ~4 ' ~ A~~~~~ matic Art; Virginia Kay ' Schau· 14,000 mUe network ' of iuterstaLe protest a state of alarm proclaimed tentions. It did so after Senate Re- around his hospital word whenever their t\\ chiJdrc In,the cat Wlds qI'tcJ by nar Governors land, A2, Muscatine, and Nancy superhighways ,to' cost slJmc. 27h Sunday after an antigovernment publican Leader William F . Know· he wishes. sou(hl ,o pass another \~ , • Sen. stuart ImJqtoe D·Mo .) , " Sowder, A4, Staten Island, N.Y. billion dollars. <rM federal ,overn- demonstraijon was put down. land declared he has "no doubt" Senate GOP Lellder Knowland's "The governor tAlI' over !lnd onc of the leadln, advocates of ". Joe McCall, married friend who m.ent would pay !fO per cent Qf the Castillo Armas, a former mili- the President will stay in the race. assertion he has "no doubt" Eisen- she couldn't ,Ii. ,.. Chandler more air power, conceded In ad· · pport Ike envies Charlie's care-free fun, will bill; the statell lbe rest. tary man, . declared the state of James C. Hagerly, Eisenhower's how r will remain in the presiden. said, IIi:Iln,: vaoce of the voUng that a Demo· be played by Donald Knoepfler, G, Fdederal spending on eXI'isUng siege. a modified fonn of martial press secretary, continued to come tial race was made at the While "$be ~ that damned coverD- ~ratle victory m\ihl be only "theo· SU reUcal ," ,Ince th admini lroUon Iowa City. Others i,n the cast are roa programs also 't\ou d be Ia,w. This meant stricter controls up with sLock replies to all ques- House Tuesday morning after he or \1\ k111 U, yet. i ATLANTIC CIT" N J greatly increased under ' the bUl's than were provided under the state tions on ·"'at matter - either "no and other top congre ional Repuh- "Ob~ th children said, did not have to spend the xlr • ,. J, " iA'I - Re- Fred Rhoads. G. Clarinda, and \.I , or pJ;ovisions. These outlays would of alarm. comment" or an answer he has giv- Iicans had conferred with White 'But.. MtltJfer, the damned. gov, money. nllblicanl~ governors put their sec- George Quenzei, G, Iowa City. tota I $2,550,000,000 in the nex t All constitutional guarantees have en scores of tJm~ since the Presi· House aides regarding the legis- ernor isn't even her .' .. But Sen. Richard B. Russell 10- ond term support for Prcliidr:.nt Eis- The comedy by Max Shulman three years and Would be matched been suspended (or 30 days. dent was hospitallzed June 8: laUve program. Ga.) said the United Slates mu enhower in writing Tuesd~y while and . Robert Paul Smi~h was wr~t- so-so by stale contributions. Security chief Ismael Ortiz Orel- "1 have only one interest and The Caillornia senator said he A k B ·t · h bnve "the greatest straLegic al r a survey turned up stronr,l backl11g. inten 1955ID 1954 with and Frankmade IDtOSinatra a movIe and AddIlona't' I sums wou Id be spen t lana said the stud~nt demonstra- t ha l is to get the President of the had received no word from Eisen. S S rl IS ' (orce In the world" to make ure on roads in natlonal parlt.~ and tion was linked with a Communist United States out o( the hospital." hower on the President's political • oJ "its protection and the mainten· in states with Democralic gaver- I Debbie Reynolds in the leading forests and on Indian rescrvations, plot Lo overthrow the government.
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