The Clinton Independent. VOL XXVIL1.-NO. 3ft. ST JOHNS, MICH.. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 13, I8»4. WHOLE NO-1447 Have your Watches. Clock* and Jew­ THE SCHOOL MEETING. IwtallaitM, itlOMi rr. elry repaired at Alliaon'a. the old reli­ Mamed —At the bride s home. Thurs­ A fair sized crowd congregated at The following officers were ens tailed We are prepared night and day to re­ able jeweler. day. July A, Thomas H. Corbett, of Ann Athletic Park Monday afternoon to In the respective chairs for the present spond to falls for services and gotida in Arbor, and Myita J. Wise, of St. T»i« N mI Mn»»r«ml)r All»»4«l awl Most Spectacle* and Kye Glasses at almoat witness the ball game between the crack the Undertaking line. Charges Always Johns, the Rev. Fredrick Hall officiat ­ KSlnM ot Amf tor Maui V«« term in the Banner Lodge No. 139. D. as low as the lowest and satisfaction wholesale pnoea at Krepps. DeWitt A team of Hobbardston and the St. Johua of li.,1.0.0. F.. last Saturdav evening* ing. The regular annual school meeting guaranteed. Residence. No 1U5 Wight Co.'a. Kyea tested free. About fifty invited guests assembled nine. They proved easy prey for St. N 0.—Mrs. l Nr. street, store. 1« Clinton Ave. of district No. 4, Bingham, held at the V. U.-MIln___ M Wsn_ E. I. H ull . at the residedoe of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Johns. Washburn got in with the first R. NcrrUn -Him-Mln 8. Pouch HOME lATTERN. main school building last Monday even­ F Mrs. C. Holton Wise Thursday afternoon. July 6, to ■core and all followed, the Hubdard- Treasurer—L. Ttvl l Hue* KsehMf*. ing. was the most numerously attended, stona getting goose eggs until the last W. -c. Da—n A good pair of farm bursas to ex­ witness the marriage of theirdaughter, and most spirited of any previous meet­ 0— C. Mint Myrta J., to Thomas H. Corbett, of half of the seventh inning. All kinds CWo-k. Yiak. change for one good hone. Enquire at ing of the kind in this district for many K. 8 N ft— K Lyon . tins office. —Latagaburg has a K- O. T. M. band. Ann Arbor. The appointed time having years. of ball, good, bad and indifferent, was L 8. N. O.—K Lyon —Baronin* circus will be in Owoaao arrived. Mendelsohn ’s wedding march played hut much interest w*as manifested R H V. Q.-L. Craw Smoke "Crown of SC. Johns." lOoente After the reading of the minutes of by the crowd. L. ». V.U.-MMeB. \jguat #. was begun. Mias Matie Nichols presid ­ the last regular meeting and the finan ­ 1. 8. U.—Mias J. Hi____ The Greatest bargains in Ribbons on —Owoaao lias a population of 8.279, ing at the piano. The wedding proces­ It is a noticeable fact that the specta­ O. S. O.-Mtu L Holme* sale at EL L. Krndkice ’s. cial statement for the last year, both of Prices always the lowest. Corunna 1,564 and Ovid 1.440. sion entered the room, preceded by tors are top willing to "guy ” the home —W. T. Church shipped a carload of which were accepted and adopted, the team in case of an error. Such conduct UN of TkMk.. Charles Reed, usher, who was followed meeting proceeded to the election of Great Cut Price Sale on (Japes and horses to the eastern market last Friday tends not only to "rattle'’ the player To fbc many friends and fraternal Mah At L. Kendrick ’s. in order by the officiating clergymau, three trustees in place of Jueiah Upton. H. night. hut puts a damper on his enthusiasm. who so luadly saNstod us in eating for 00r Prices always the lowest. the bridegroom and beet mau. the M. McDonald and E. E. White, whose dearly beloved Hrete during ber illness, death —Geo. Boucher has the contract for bridesmaids, and lastly the bride lean­ The boys are certainly olavinggood ball and burls), we desire to return our most great A. M. Hsleow. finishing a bouse for Ed. Jura, in Ben- terms liad expired and by resignation. this season and should lie encouraged ing upon the arm of her brother. Then The voting was to be by ballot and fal thanks, and beg to assure them that rkeir Agent for the popular Champion Mow­ rattier than discouraged. Below is the kindness will never be forgotten. ers. Reapers and Binders, keeps a com ­ igd township. followed the beautiful and impressive strictly in accordance with the law' in —Buy your gold filled watches of score in full : V W. RKDPEHN AND FAMILY. plete assortment of repairs for same. marriage service of the Episcopal such case made and provided. Six tel­ Krepps. DeWitt A Co., leading jewelers, Church which made the happy pair man ST.JOHNS A B H R. A E. PO •IO Hrw.nl lers were selected —four gentlemen and Bavlls.of .................. 6 0 1 0 0 1 »th Graft*. iind save money. and wife. The bridesmaids a ere Miss For gasoline stove that I cannot repair. two ladies. Coleman. 2d b........ 6 3 1 6 2 3 * The following sixth grade pupils I*ricee lowest. Gku. D. Cooper , —The Mercantile Co. slice department Maud Curtis, of Ovid, and Mias Bertha Derr, p.................... 8 2 2 6 0 2 have fouud it necessary to add another The ladies constituted about one-third taught by Miss Whitlock, were omitted At the Bicycle Shop. St. Johns. Noll, of Ann Arbor. Mr. J. W. Murphy, of the audience which numbered about Squair.» s.................h I a l 3 0 clerk, and Will Baldwiu ia the choice. Washburn. Istb...6 2 2 0 1 12 from the pupils neither absent nor tardy Cloth** CImum S. I»»*ft a oft H*| of Ann Arbor, acted as best man. and 25U. a number of whom were not voters Moinet. rf............. 5 1 2 0 0 0 published by us two weeks ago ! By H. Hickey, over Clark A Hular —St. Catherine’s Guild will give a lawn little Emma Kuebltr.alaoof Ami Arbor, :mcial to-morrow (Friday) evening, at in this meeting. The following was the Kinmond. c............. 6 1 2 0 0 6 RBf Averlll. Paul Oibbs. store. __ __ __ was dower girl. The bride was given result of the Richardson. If........ 6 3 1 0 0 0 CksrlM Baldwin Maud Harr. the home of Chas. E. Chapin. State Pitton.3db ............6 114 1 3 Jennie Bower, Pearl llokart. fall On Ni- away by her brother, Mr. F. E. Sulim. 1st Ballot. LenaBesley. lookoUajr. For everything modem, durable and '.rest east. After the cermony was completed de ­ Uaj Cone. Sadie Travia. low iu price in plain and upholstered —About twenty-five trom St. Johns Mrs. L. K. Patterson .................16 50 13 15 16 7 27 Minnie Dart* Minnie Walker Mrs. Eunice Baylis................... 1 Edith Waahburn Furniture We thank the people tor licious refreshments were served, while HUBHAKDSTON. ;ook advantage of the Christiau En­ the company seemed animated by the C. S. Allison ................................... 7 their exceedingly liberal patronage al­ deavor excursion to Cleveland Wednes ­ L Hoffman ................................... 11 Catltn.c.................. 4 0 0 1 2 2 ready bestowed. E. I. Hull . joyousness which such an occasion Mrs. D. U. Hunt .......................... 1 Redner. s s.............*.4 0 o 3 1 4 Cllalwii County Sunday School Hally. No. 16 Clinton Ave. day morning. might be expected to warrant. The M. McDonald. .............................. 8 Irish. 2d b............... 4 1 0 5 0 1 Clinton county Sunday schools are in —Ed. English was arrested Saturday rooms, though not profusely, were F. A. Travis..................................42 Wiggins, p.............. 4 0 0 2 3 2 line this year and will observe Rally I.oao null Hoy. Wanted L night for being drunk and Monday J. E. Littell................................... 2 Vance. 1st b.......... 4 2 1 2 3 12 To shoot harmless firecrackers. Fur­ neatly and tastefully decorated with M. A. Knifflu ................................. 1 Hale. 3d b..............3 10 13 1 Day. which is rapidly growing in favor. morning was let off by Justice Sever­ beautiful plants and dowers, so that Brooklyn. N. Y.. hasjobeerved this dsy nished free at 9 o clock a. m.. July 4th, ance by payment of $6-20. fine and costa. Wm. Cochrane.............................. 63 Harris, rf................3 0 0 0 o 1 At Sfauldino A Co s. the general effect was unusually pleas­ J. S. Osgood ................................... 34 Taber. If............... 3 1 1 0 0 2 for over 00 years, and it has become the Opposite The Steel. —The St. Johns Athletic club will Joeiah Upton ............................... 34 Day. c f................. 3 0 0 0 1 2 ing. The bride was the recipient of a great day of the year there. The date For Mol*. play the Owoaao Mutuals at Athletic large number of valuable and useful luu> not fully been settled. Excellent park July 20. and has the promse of a No choice. 219 32 5 2 14 13 27 A three-fourths blood Red Foiled Bull presents, many of which came from 2d Ballot St.Johns........*..0 2122410 0—16 speaking is assured by persons of state Calf 2 month old. Inquire at this office. with the Indians of Mt. Pleasant Ann Arbor, which will serve as touch­ reputation. All clergymen and Sunday For handsome goods, cut and made up m Mrs. L. K. Fattereon. ................. 12 Hubbardston .......0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0—2 ing reminders of this happy occasion. C. S. Allison ...................................2 school superintendents are requested to in latest and best style for man.
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