Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused, Vol. 71, Pages 48–68 Research paper Distribution and population density of the Russian desman (Desmana moschata L., Talpidae, Insectivora) in the Middle Volga of Russia Alexey Andreychev*, Vyacheslav Kuznetsov and Alexandr Lapshin Andreychev, A., Kuznetsov, V., Lapshin, A. 2019. Distribution and population density of the Russian desman (Desmana moschata L., Talpidae, Insectivora) in the Middle Volga of Russia. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 71, 48–68, ISSN 1406-9954. Journal homepage: Abstract. To date according to the registration work, the number of the Russian desman deter- mined actually is 588 individuals in Mordovia. Based on extrapolation, the total desman pop- ulation in Mordovia is about 1,400 individuals. We may assume that the most of the desman population is concentrated on floodplain lakes and reclamation canals. The highest density of the desman population in Mordovia was recorded in Krasnoslobodsky and Temnikovsky Districts (10.5 and 8.2 burrows per km, respectively). About 400 animals may live on the shore of the rivers Vad, Partsa, Yavas, Vindrey, Nuluy, and Kundybolka. The mean value of density of the desman population on the rivers was 0.9 burrows per km of the coastline, which corre- sponded to habitat quality class IV (0.5–5 burrows per km). The distribution of habitats across river basins is extremely uneven. The main part of the desman population is restricted to the Moksha basin (more than 1,350 individuals), and in the Alatyr basin (left tributary of the Sura River) just twenty individuals were recorded. Key words: Red Data Book, desman, burrow, number of individuals, river, lake, Mordovia. Authors’ addresses: Department of Zoology, Mordovian State University, Bolshevistskaya str. 68, 430005, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russia; *e-mail: [email protected] Introduction the Republic of Mordovia was initiated by well-known mammalogist L.P. Borodin. In The Russian desman Desmana moschata (L.) his monograph and articles L.P. Borodin is in the Red List of the International Union stated the following habitat areas of the des- for Conservation of Nature (Kennerley & man within the territory of Mordovia: Zubo- Turvey, 2016; Rutovskaya et al., 2017b), the vo-Polyansky, Temnikovsky, Tengushevsky, Red Data Book (2001) of the Russian Feder- Kochkurovsky, Bolshebereznikovsky, and ation, Appendix II of the Bern Convention, Dubensky Districts (Borodin, 1963, 1970). and Red Data Books of Russian regions, in- He noted that the desman was registered in cluding the Red Data Book (2005) of Mor- the Sura, Moksha, Vad, Vysha, Yuzga, Partsa dovia. The study of the Russian desman in Rivers and their tributaries. DOI: 10.2478/fsmu-2019-0012 © 2019 by the authors. Licensee Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Cre- ative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) 4.0 Inter- national license ( 48 Distribution and population density of the Russian desman (Desmana moschata L., Talpidae, Insectivora) in the Middle Volga of Russia L.P. Borodin stated that there had been In the past, the Sura basin was part of natural population of the species in the ter- the area of the Russian desman. According ritory of Mordovia for a long time, which to M.N. Bogdanov (1871), the desman was was only to some extent supported by re- numerous in the Sura valley up to Penza. introducing the animals in the 1930s. In B.M. Zhitkov (1898) notes that the des- October 1937, 98 animals (46 males and 52 man was especially abundant in the mid- females) were brought to lakes Inorka and dle reach of the Sura, and along the Alatyr Valza in the Mordovsky Nature Reserve and Pyana it lived only near the mouths from Kadomsky District of Ryazan Region, of these rivers. In 1925–1928, the desman that is, from the lower Moksha floodplain. lived throughout the floodplain of the Sura On September 10, 1938, another 97 animals (Paramonov, 1928). It was also noted that were brought from Kadomsky District and the desman was common in many areas released into Inorka, Tarmenka, and Tara- along the Sura, and along the Alatyr it was tino lakes (Borodina et al., 1970). found in the lower reaches near the river Basins of the rivers Moksha and Sura mouth (Anonymus, 1936). According to are in the desman range. According to the N.S. Kufeld (1939), the desman was nu- literature dating back to the first half of the merous in the upper flow of the Sura to 20th century, in the Moksha basin the des- Inzensky District of Penza Region. In low- man was common along the Moksha, start- er areas within the borders of Mordovia, ing from the Kovylkino station and up to the desman was seen occasionally near the the river mouth, along the Partsa River with villages of Sabaevo and Permisi and far- tributaries and on the Vysha River near the ther from Bolshiye Berezniki village to the village of Kirillovo (Kufeld, 1939; Borodin, Alatyr River. Along the Alatyr, the desman 1963). According to the data for 1954, the was common from the mouth to the bor- desman in Mordovia was spread along the ders of Ichalkovsky District of Mordovia Moksha from the town of Temnikov (Tem- (Borodin, 1963; Tereshkin, 1971). Accord- nikovsky District) to the village of Noro- ing to L.P. Borodin, until 1966 the desman vatovo (Tengushevsky District) and along was found in the floodplain of the Sura in the Vad with its tributary Partsa within the Kochkurovsky, Bolshebereznikovsky and borders of Zubovo-Polyansky District. In Dubensky Districts. In 1953–1956, desmans the second half of the 1940s, I.S. Tereshkin were captured in Kochkurovsky and Bol- witnessed repeated desman captures on shebereznikovsky Districts, where 56 and the Yuzga River (the Moksha tributary) 68 individuals were caught, respectively. below the road to the village of Tengushe- The desman was seen in Dubensky District vo. The desman also got into fishing creels of Mordovia, but there was no hunting ar- on the branch connecting the large forest ranged (Borodin, 1970). lake Piyavskoe (near the village of Ivanov- In 1961, L.P. Borodin and I.S. Tereshkin ka, Tengushevsky District) with the Yuzga set up three stations to study the desman riverbed. In 1950, a pond was built near the (two in the Moksha River floodplain, and village of Aleksandrovka on the small riv- one in the Sura River floodplain) (Borodin, er Vyazhga, which joins the Moksha down 1963; Tereshkin, 1971). The first station was the village of Narovatovo (Tengushevsky laid in the Moksha floodplain between the District). In 1953, I.S. Tereshkin caught a town of Temnikov and the village of Stary desman with a dragnet in this pond. All Gorod. The floodplain width in the obser- the literary facts mentioned above for the vation area reached 5 km in diameter. The Moksha and its tributaries confirm a rath- floodplain is right-sided, mostly open, with er widespread desman distribution in this a large number of lakes. Many of them river basin, and thus indicate the long- had a muddy bottom. Ten lakes (Shirchek, lived habitat of the animal. Bobrovoe, Ogorodnoe, Vatazhnoe, Cher- 49 A. Andreychev et al. nomutskoe, Starica, Nemcovo, Krasnenkoe, (Shidlovskaya, 2018). According to these Linevo, Olyushka) with a total coastline results, the average population density in length of 8 km were chosen as references. the station was 3.5 individuals per coast- Over the years of observation, the average line km or 3.2 burrows per coastline km. number of desman burrows per coastline In view of the value of the results obtained kilometer varied from 2.9 to 4.1. for this station, the distribution of burrow The second station was set up in the densities over specific lakes should be Moksha floodplain within the territory of made since the variation is significant. For the Mordovsky Nature Reserve. The width example, the density at Lake Zaresheno of the floodplain in this area reached 4 km was 0.33 burrows per km, and at Mochilki in diameter. The floodplain is two-sided. and Ovechiy Poldnik lakes it was 22.5 bur- Nine lakes (Kuniha, Gorbatenkoe, Korlysh- rows per km and 30 burrows per km, re- ki, Krapivnoe, Chernenkoe, Chernye Lu- spectively. Moreover, the report provides zhki I, Chernye Luzhki II, Chernye Luzhki information about banding of the desman III, Dikaya) with a total coastline length of on non-station lakes, namely the Telim- 8 km were chosen as references. erka, Baklusha, and Uzhovo lakes. The third station was set up in the Sury In 1982, V.S. Vechkanov, Head of the Zo- floodplain to the east of the village of Per- ology Department, V.M. Smirnov, Head of misi, to the south of Lake Inerka, Bolshe- the Zoology Department Laboratory, and bereznikovsky District. The station lakes a group of students A.A. Ananyev, A.V. were located within Bolshebereznikovsky Shevorakov, V.M. Matyaev, Yu.A. Tomi- and Kochkurovsky Districts. Ten lakes lov, G.F. Grishutkin, S.A. Mikova per- (Pendelyukha, Chudomaz, Sarazerka, Bu- formed registration work on 163 lakes of kach, Bulyk, Kriusha krestovaya, Shirokoe Mordovia. According to the survey and bolotnoe, Dolgenkoe, Kriusha Arapovska- registration results, scientists noted the ya, Bezymyannoe) with a total coastline desman’s dwelling in water reservoirs length of 8 km were chosen as referenc- of six districts: Zubovo-Polyansky, Kras- es (Borodin, 1970). In 1968, I.S. Tereshkin noslobodsky, Elnikovsky, Temnikovsky, registered 4.7 desman burrows per coast- Ardatovsky, Kochkurovsky (Report, 1982). line km at the reference station in the Sura The results of the surveys revealed 5.25 floodplain (Tereshkin, 1971).
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