Tlte Grand Valley Ledger Serving Lowell Area jjS* Readers Since 1893 * Volume7j8sue45 September 14,1983 Administrators shuffled following Jacob's resignation The Lowell Board of Educa- gust meeting. Superintendent Weerd of Lakeview School Dis- tion held its regular meeting on Fritz Esch recommended the trict. Battle Creek. Michigan September 12 at 7:30 P.M. in the Board appoint Mr. Gary Kemp was recommended to the Board Board room. Following the ap- to the position of Assistant as the newly appointed High proval of the minutes for August Superintendent effective August School Assistant Principal with 8. 1983, the Board discussed 22. 1983 and that his annual sal- an annual salary of $32,000 pro- plans for representative atten-. ary be set at $41.500 pro-rated to rated to his first day on the job. dance at the Michigan Associa- his first day in his new position. DeWeerd was awarded a one- tion of School Boards/Michigan The Board unaminously ap- year probationary contract as is Association of School Adminis- proved the recommendation. customary procedure for new trators (MASB/MASA) meeting Esch futher explained to the employees to the district. scheduled for October 10 Board that the position of High In other personnel matters the through October 12 in Detroit. School Principal had been posted Board approved probationary The joint MASB/MASA meet- and interviews had been held contracts for the employment of ing is held every other year and with interested candidates. He Raddie Maurer as the High provides Board members with recommended that the Board ap- School Arts and Crafts teacher; updated issues and status reports prove his recommendation to ap- Jill Wilson. Middle School Spe- in the field of Education. Linda point Richard Korb. former High cial Education teacher; Cindy Beers will represent the Lowell School Assistant Principal, to Middlebush. Middle School Board of Education at this meet- the position of Principal effec- Special Education teacher; and ing. Gary Kemp tive August 25. It was further Richard Korb Janice Whttley, High School James DeWeerd Following the payment of bills recommended that Korb's an- Science teacher. Julia Colvin for the month of August, the changes were created with the nual salary be set at $37,500 pro- eral applications were received was approved by the Board as the agreement with the group at the Board turned its attention to sev- resignation of Dr. George Jacob rated to the date of August 25. with initial screening for the pos- girls tennis coach for the 1983- end of August. The new agree- eral items related to personnel. who resigned his position as As- The recommendation was ap- ition completed by Gary Kemp 84 school year. ment calls for hourly wages Several recent administrative sistant Superintendent at the Au- proved by the Board. and Dick Korb. Two candiates The board approved the re-call ranging from $4 per hour for at- For the position of High were presented to the Superin- of teachers. Kim Lum to teach Continued on back page... School Assistant Principal, sev- tendent for review. James De- 2nd grade at Runciman. Carol Titcombe. vocal music at Runci- Bus drivers Cilley awarded by Dodge man; Ron MacPherson. 6th grade; Cindy Gillette, vocal received an awanl for individual music at Bushnell; Laurie Kuna, approve a performance in selling Dodge High School English, and Mary vehicles. Schramm. 3rd grade at Runci- 5 year contract A resident of Lowell. Cilley man. ifK has reached the Silver level of In the last item related to per- The Lowell School Board recognition in Dodge's unique sonnel. the Board accepted the unanimously approved a five- Sales Professionals club. resignation of teacher Al Dood year agreement with the Lowell Specially-designed incentives who was formerly re-called to Bus Driver Association during and awards are provided for out- the Science position at the high Monday evening's regularly CUB SCOUT AND BOY SCOUT ROUND-UPS standing product knowledge and School and the resignation of scheduled school board meeting. sales achievement at three per- Caron Stetler who was scheduled Drivers had ratified the agree- Cub Scout Rounds-ups for both pack 3188 and 3102 are slated for formance levels - Bronze. to teach Special Education at the ment a week earlier by an over- tonight. Wednrwhy. September 14 at 7:00 P.M. Parents and boys Silver and Gold. Membership in Middle School. whelming margin. aged 8 to 11 are urged to attend and sign up for scouting. Pack 3188 each level is determined by In other business. Mainte- Describing negotiations as meets at the Runciman School and Pack 3102 will gather at the points earned for sales of new nance Supervisor, Clare cordial. Chief Board Negotiator, Bushnell School. cars and trucks. McCaul. recommended that the George Jacob said, "We are very The Lowell Boy Scouts are holding their round-up Monday. Sep- The program continues Board approve the middle school pleased with the five-year pact, tember 19 at the Scout Cabin located at the extreme north end of N. roof be surveyed for possible re- and grateful our drivers organi- BabCOfcy throughout the 1983 model sales Washington Street. Parents and boys age 11 or older can begin ar- year. The top 50 Dodge retail pairs. The proposed method for zation was receptive to the long- riving at 7:00P.M. Bob Cilley. new vehicle sales- sales personnel will win a trip to making this survey is a process term commitment." person of Vennen Chrysler a three-day National Sales Con- called Thermocore Infrared De- Terms of the agreement call CLASS OF 681 FIFTEENTH Dodge Inc., Lowell. Michigan. ference. tection provided by Tremco. a for hourly wages ranging from large state-wide roofing com- $4.00 per hour, for bus school at- The Lowell High School Class of 1968 will hold their fifteenth pany. This process provides a tendance. to $9.90 for regular class reunion on Saturday. September 24 at 4:30 P.M at Fallasburg virtual "x-ray" of the roof, locat- run drivers daring the 1983-84 Park. Details can be obtained by calling either Barb Gould at 897- Strand Theater re-opens ing all wet roof insulation and re- school year, increasing at five 8549 or Yvonne Free at 897-6324. sulting in exact data necessary Good news! Good news! per cent per year over the five- this Friday with Supperman III. for precise roof management. Good news! The Strand Theater year life of the contract. YOUTH BOWLERS NEEDED! followed by Poiky's II. Hercules The cost of the survey is $4,520. is re-opening for a 10 week fall Other benefits extended to the (a new version). Octopussy. Dis- The Board will consider the pro- season. The theater will be open drivers include board payment of There are still openings in the Lowell YMCA Youth Bowling ney's Snow White and the Seven posal at a Special Board of Edu- Friday. Saturday. Sunday and required chauffeur's license fees Leagues being held Saturday at the American Legion Lanes. Grade Dwarfs. Mau I rom Snowy River cation Meeting to be held on Monday for one show each eve- and driver identification jackets, School (thru 5th grade) bowls at 9:00. Middle School bowls at 11 ;00 (an Australian film that has out- Monday. September 26. 1983. ning at 8:00. All seats for all as well as improved insurance, and Senior High at 1:00. Cost is $2.00 for 3 games. grossed even Star Wars in that The Board also approved the shows will be bargain priced at sick day. and longevity pay- country) and War Games. The five year contract with the dis- $1.50. Owner Bob DeNolf ments. OFF THE BLOTTER remaining three weeks have yet trict's bus drivers after Board hopes that the bargain price will to be scheduled. negotiators had reached a table attract crowds large enough to Jack Ryan. Jr. 25 of Lowell backed into a vehicle driven by James DeNolf urges everyone to take Appointments not always put the theater into the black. advantage of these low priced Wylie. 42 of Grand Rapids. Friday. September 2. The accident oc- SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER needed at Vanity Hair Fash- The ten week season opens shows, and guarantees that the curred on Main St just west of Monroe, no one was injured. 17TH - Steak Dinner at the ions, Open Ave days Lowell. popcorn will be as good as ever Gregory Hill. 20. of Lowell was cited to appear in 63rd District Lowed V.F.W. 8303 the third 897.75*. at the re-opened Strand. Court by Lowell officers on charges of furnishing alcohol to a minor WE STILL HAVE OPtN- Saturday of every month. in connection with an incident which occurred Saturday. September INGS - for Bowlers on the Main St. LowcH tnm 4-8 P.M. PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS - 3. Sunday afternoon 4:45 mixed PRECISION ft FASHION Sfazfcr, Ribeyes, T-Bone, Sir- Basic 35mm photography, Injured in an accident early Tuesday morning. September 6. were league. Any couples or teams HAIRSTYLING - For both loin for Two. Dance to the Thursday nights starting Sept. Alfred. 26 and James. 32. Scott, both of Lowell. Alfred lost control Interested contact American men and women. Man's World music by the Dixie Drifters. 29. CaV Modern Photo- of the Jeep he was driving and rolled it over into the Grand River Legion Lanes to sign up. HairstyUng. Phone 897-8102. c44-45 graphics 897-5606. south of Front Street. Reported to Lowell officers Tuesday morning of September 6. was the theft of 12 tires and rims from Wittenbach Sales and Service on West Main St.
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