REGISTERED NO. D. (D.N.) 2 The Gazette of India EXTRAORDINARY PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No 460] NEW DELHI, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1985/ASVINA 3, 1907 Separate Paging is gives to this Part in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation 859 GI/85—1 (1) 2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. VKa 3 niE GAZCITL OF IMDIA • EXTRAORDINARY [?ARf H_ s ( (u , J TUIi Lik/hl It Of INDIA . hATRAOIliVN\RY ![>„, u „ 7 3 J THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P*RT II-Sr~ -M, "i 5I «S-2 T 10 THF G\ZETTEOFINDI\ I YIX \O^iM \ VRY [p a i)^(. ! i 12 LHE GA/bi ib Oh INDIA . LX [R/vORmNAR Y [P\.u h _^ c , IJ n lrir&AznrronNDiA ?XTR\ORDI ,AR\ [t'Airit s__ 3(ll \:< 1? Hit <-r\l' 1 II 01 IMPI\ FXTR\O^].]\\ \ I.H-TT. 17 ?S9 GI|85~ 18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—Stc. 3(i)] 19 20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART II-SEC 3(i,)] 21 22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II-ISEC 3 :• 2^ 24 HIE GA/HTTE OF INDIA 6XTHAORDINAR\ [P«T ir_3^r , ->< ^GI/85-4 26 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P.\RT [[- -Snc •? - * '/ 28 GAZE11C0MNDIA LXTRAORD1NARY [P\wi if-Scc l(liV 29 U l "° \'f rii Of INDIA L\THAOPDIS\RV [Mul[ ->n 3(U)} .11 HI! G\/miOI IM)U . XJlUOfUMWlU [P M IT S'< ^ 3i : '' ^P5~5 ' 34 1 HII GA.ZUI ft Ol- INDIA : EXTRAORHIN \RY |PARI II -SIC. 3(i 3. Ministiy of Communications (Sancha/ Mantralaya) : (i) Department of Posts (Dak Vibhag). (ii) Department of Tele-comniunicatiorts (Door, sanchar Vibhag). 4. Ministry of Defence (Raksha Mantralaya) : (i) Department of Defence (Raksha Vibhag). (ii) Department of Defence Production and Supplies (Raksha Utpadan cur Poorti Vibhag). (iii) Department of Defence Research and Development (Raksha Anusandhan aur Vikas Vibhag). 5. Ministry of Energy (Oorja Mantralaya) : (i) Department of Coal (Koyala Vibhag). CABINET SECRETARIAT (ii) Department of Power (Vidyut Vibhag). NOTIFICATION (iii) Department of Non-conventional Energy New Delhi, the 25th September, 1985 Sources (Gair-Paramparik Oorja Srota Vibhag). S.O. 696(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (3) of article 77 of the Constitution, the 6. Ministry of Environment and Forests (Paryavann President hereby makes the following rules further to aur Van Mantralaya): amend the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961, namely :— Department of Environment. Forests and Wildlife. (Paryavaran, Van Tatha Vanya Jeev "1. (1) These rules may be called the Government Vibhag). of India (Allocation of Business) (One hundred and Seventy-fourth Amendment) Rules, 1985. 7. Ministry of External Affairs (Videsh Mantralaya). (2) They shall come into force at once. 8. Ministry of Finance (Vitta Mantralaya) : "2. In the Governmen't of India (Allocation of (i) Department of Economic Affairs (Arthik Business) Rules, 1961, for the Schedules the following Karya Vibhag). Schedules shall be substituted, namely :— (ii) Department of Expenditure (Vyaya Vibhag), 'THE FIRST SCHEDULE (iii) Department of Revenue (Rajaswa Vibhag). (Rule 2) 9. Ministry of Food and Civil Supplies (Khadya aur Nagrik Poorti Mantralaya) : MINISTRIES, DEPARTMENTS, SECRETARIATS AND OFFICES (i) Department of Food (Khadya Vibhag). (MANTRALAYA, VIBHAG, SACHIVALAYA (ii) Department of Civil Supplies (Nagrik TATHA KARYAJLAYA) Poorti Vibhag). _1. Ministry of Agriculture (Krishi Mantralaya) : 10. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (i) Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (Swasthya aur Parivar Kalyan Mantralaya) : (Krishi aur Sahkarita Vibhag). (i) Department of Health (Swasthya Vibhag). (ii) Department of Agricultural Research and (ii) Department of Family Welfare (Pariv* Education (Krishi Anusandhan aur Shiksha Vibhag). Kalyan Vibhag). (iii) Department of Rural Development (Gramin : Vikas Vibhag). 11. Ministry of Home Affairs (Grih Mantralaya) 1 (iv) Department of Fertilizers (Urvarak Vibhag). (i) Department of Internal Security (An*- * Surksha Vibhag). 2. Ministry of Commerce (Vanijya Mantralaya) : (ii) Department of States (Rnjya Vibhng). (i) Department of Commerce (Vanijya Vibhag). (iii) Department of Official Language (Rajbha^: (ii) Department of Textiles (Vastra Vibhag). Vibhag). (iii) Depjitment of Supply (Poorii Vibhag). (iv) Department of Home (Grih Vibhag). 35 12. Ministry of Human Resource Development 21. Ministry of Programme Implementation (Karya- ,\|anav Sansadhan Vikas Mantralaya) : kram Karyanvayan Mantralaya). -(i) Department of Education (Shiksha Vibhag). 22. Ministry of Scien'cc and Technology (Vigyan (ii) Department of Youth Affairs and Sports aur Praudyogiki Mantralaya) : (Yuvak Karyakaram aur Khel Vibhag). (i) Department of Science and Technology (iii) Department of Women's Welfare (Manila (Vigyan aur Praudyogiki Vibhag). Kalyan Vibhag). (ii) Department of Scientific and Industrial (iv) Department of Arts (Kala Vibhag). Research (Vigyan aur Audyogik Anusandhan Vibhag). (v) Department of Culture (Sanskriti Vibhag). 23. Ministry of Steel ami Mines (Ispat aur Khan 13 Ministry of Industry (Udyog Mantralaya) : Mantralaya) : (i) Department of Industrial Development (i) Department of Steel (Tspat Vibhag). • (Audyogik, Vikas Vibhag). (ii) Department of Mines (Khan Vibhag). (ii) Department of Company Affairs (Kampani Karya Vibhag). 24. Ministry of Transport (Pariwahan Mantralaya): (iii) Department of Chemicals and Petro- (i) Department of Railways (Rail Vibhag). • chemicals (Rasayan aur Petro-Rasayan? (ii) Department of Civil Aviation (Nagar • Vibhag). Vimanan Vibhag). (iv) Department of Public Enterprises (Sarkari (iii) Department of Surface Transport (Jal- *' ' Udyam Vibhag). Bhootal Pariwahan Vibhag). 14. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting 25. Ministry of Urban Development (Shahari Vikas Soochana aur Prasaran Mantralaya). Mantralaya). 26. Ministry of Water Resources (Jal Sansadhan 15. Ministry of Labour (Shram Mantralaya). Mantralaya). ;. 16. Ministry of Law and Justice (Vidhi aur Nyaya 27. Ministry of Welfare (Kalyan Mantralaya). Mantralaya) : (i) Department of Legal Affairs (Vidhi Karya 28. Department of Atomic Energy (Parmanu Oorja Vibhag)". Vibhag). (ii) Legislative Department (Vidhayee Vibhag). 29. Department of Electronics (Electroniki Vibhag). 30. Department of Ocean Development'(Mahasagar (iii) Department of Justice (Nyaya Vibhag). Vikas Vibhag). 17. Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Tourism Smsadiya Karya aur Paryatan Mantralaya) : 31. Department of Space (Antariksh Vibhag). ' , (i) Department of Parliamentary Affairs 32. Cabinet Secretariat (Mantrimandal Sachivalaya). (Sansadiya Karya Vibhag). 33. President's Secretariat (Rashtrapati Sachivalaya). '• (ii) Department of Tourism (Paryatan Vibhag). 34. Prime Minister's Office (Pradhan Mantri Karyalaya). ,18. Ministry of Personnel and Training, Administra- N Reforms and Public Grievances and Pension 35. Planning Commission (Yojana Ayog). ^armik aur Prashikshan, Prashasanik Sudhar aur : ?b Shikayat tatha Pension Mantralaya) : ; THE SECOND SCHEDULE (i) Department of Personnel and Training (Rule 3) (Karmik aur Prashikshan Vibhag). DISTRIBUTION OF SUBJECTS AMONG THE (ii) Department of Administrative Reforms and DEPARTMENTS (VIBHAG) Public Grievances (Prashasanik Sudhar aur . MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Lok Shikayat Vibhag). (KRISHI MANTRALAYA) (iii) Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare (Pension aur Pension Bhogi Kalyan A. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND Vibhag). COOPERATION ']• Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (KRISHI AUR SAHKARtTA VIBHAG) •-'oleum aur Prakritik Gas Mantralaya). Part I In . The following subjects which fall within List I of • Ministry of Planning (Yojana Mantralaya) : the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India : (i) Department of Planning (Yojana Vibhag). ' 1. Liaison with international Agri-Organisations like f'') Department of Statistics (Sankhyiki Vibhag). Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United 36 THE GAZE I IE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II- MC. 3(n)j Nations, handling of CARE goods concerning agricul- 17. Proiessions (Vetejiiary Practice). ture etc. 18. Prevention of the extension fiom one State to 2. Participation in" international conferences, asso- another of infectious or contagious diseases or pests ciations and other bodies concerning ngricultuie and affecting animals or plants including locusts. implementation of decisions made thereat. 19. Price control of agricultural commodities except 3. Convention on Locust Control. foodgrain'% sugar, vartaspati, oil seeds, vegetable oils cakes and fats, jute, cotton and Tea. 4. Plant Quarantine. 20. Production of Oil Seeds. 5. Industries, the control of which by the Union is declared by Parliament by Law to be expedient in 21. Pa'tern of financial assistance to various State public interest; as far as these relate to :— Undertaking Dairy Development Scheme either through their own agencies or through the Cooperative Unions. (a) Processing and refrigeration of certain agri- cultural products (milk powder, infant-milk 22. Operation' Flood I and II, and all matters per- food, Malted milk food, Condensed milk, taining thereto. Ghee and other dairy products). Meat and 23. Prevention of Cruelly to Animals. Meat products; (b) Development of agricultural industries includ- Part III ing machinery, fertilizer, seeds and cattle- feed with the limitation that in regard to For the Union Territories the subjects mentioned i» the development of agricultural industries Parts I and II above, so tar as they exist in regard to including machinery and fertilizer, the func- *hese Territories and, in addition, to the lollowinjr tions of the Department of Agriculture
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