n News of Significance DECETBER,,1988 flilu[D r The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought gUIH ha;Tu-r bee;-p;5Tmea EN lfr'erLcan ritrary. tris anthology features 26 articLes and speeches by Ayn Rand, gnEIsil a an introduction and five Ford Hal1 Forum talks by ESITSII Leonard Peikoff, and an article by Peter Schwartz. ntfusr Now availa.ble from Second Renaissance Books- _- I|llHfi ffi.# I We the Living, the movie, has pre-March openings scheduled in Santa Barbara, Dec.9 (Victoria St.); Hartford, Jan.13 (Cinema City); Seattle, Jan.27 (Neptune); PortLand, Jan. 27 (Cinema 21) i fthaca (NY), Jan. 27 (Cinemopolis) i Chicago, Jan. 27 (Facets); Will-iamstown (MA), Jan. 29 (fmages); Washington, D.C., Feb. 10 (Bi.ograph); Atl-anta, Feb. 10 (Tower Square); Denver, Feb. 18 (Ogden). I The movie of We the Living has already been widely reviewed in rnajor dailies and trade papers an-a on national radio and television. Most reviews have been highl-y positive, with many, Like the Boston Globe (9-15-88), praising it as heroic and iomantic. Especially encouraging--ana-Gfr:-sing--has been the treatment of Objectivism: few writers have used the movie as an opportunity to attack Ayn Rand. Most reviews have conveyed, accurately or even approvingl-y, important Objectivist ideas. Variety (11-14-88) wrote that "Fascist authorities quickly got wise that the film's anti-authoritarian message directed at comnunists could just as easily be meant for them"--many reviews, even The New York Times, made this point. And New York Newsday (11-25-88), calling the movie "one of the best" of 1988, stated: "fndividual rights--that's the subject of the fi1m....it is an attack against any theory that says man should exist for the state....it is a dramatic statement of the author's theory of rational selfishness, an insisLence on individual liberty over and above all restrictions invented by the coLLective mind." t The Jefferson School announces its fourth SurmnerConference, to be held August 6- 20, L989, at the University of California, San Diego. For further details, write the Jefferson School-, P.0. Box 2934, Laguna Hj.11s, CA 92654. lA two-day conference will- be held in Dallas (March 3-5) and in Ann Arbor, MI (March 31-Apri1- 2), featuring lectures by A11an Gotthelf, David Kelley, and John Ridpath. For information, contact Donald Heath in Toronto at (519) 744-9747. rThe second annual EuroCon conference, organized by European Objectivists, will be held in Amsterdam, May 26-28, 1989. The featured speaker will be A11an Gotthelf, whose topic is "Love and Philosophy: AristoLelian vs. Platonic." For information, write Klaus Nordby, Helgesensgate 84C, Oslo 0563 Norway (phonez 02-684203). r Op-Ed. The Institute's second op-ed article, "Racism on Campus" by Michael Berliner, appeared in the Orange County Register on November 18, 1988. The article traces the upsurge in campus racial incidents to ideas taught in college classrooms and to university po1-icies that encourage race-consciousness. r Campuscl-ub talks scheduled: York, David Ke11ey, January 11, "Life, tiberty, and Property." Harvard, John Ridpath, December 8, "Ayn Rand vs. Adam Smith." lRecent campus talks: Harry Binswanger at Stanford ("'Bny Anerican' is Un-American") and U.C. Berkeley ("The Is-Ought Gap"). David Kel1-ey at Harvard ("Free Wil-l'). Shoshana Knapp at Virginia ("Free Will in Literature"). Edwin Locke at'Ca1. State Long Beach and U.C.L.A. ("Animal- RighLs"). John Ridpath at Michigan ("The Value of Money"), Waterloo ("Ayn Rand vs. AdarnSmith"), and York ("Perestroika"). I To enable us to plan appropriately, please help us update our list of Objectivist students and teachers. We are interested in hearing about philosophy graduate students, phil-osophy majors (upper-division undergraduate), and high-school English and humanities teachers. We would also l-ike to learn of other high-school or cotlege faculty who have shown interest in Objectivism. Ayn Rand's Lectures on Fiction Writing (FW) and Leonard Peikoff's courses, The Philosophy of Objectivism (P0), Understanding Objectivisn (UO), Objective Comurication (OC), fntroduction to Logic (IL), Ancient Philosophy (AP), and Modern Philosophy (MP) are starting in the foll-owing areas: Ars! Course Cont6ct Arer Course Contact CA! Cgrtr lles. IL Bii! Klein 714-754-4310 VT8 Burlington PO Steven EolDeE 802-853-8831 col.rr llP David Harrioan 805-683-2274 CANADA: Occanride F0, U) John Cllbrrith 519-721-1144 B.C.: Vancouver 0c Stephan leaver 504-2!14-4343 Prlo Alto ALL COURSES Rose llalker 408-996-1444 ONTr Toronto ALL COURSESD6n St. Alant 416-291-9689 Redlande P0 Lori Benjaoin 7L4-79E-4719 Toronto FO ftrkar Ghate 416-340-O409 San Anrcloo ALL CoURSES Bobby Sandler 415-459-6680 OVERSEAS: @: Golorado SprinSs PO Robert lloreheld 719-574-E565 ruffi ILr Chicago PO Bill Gerland 312-248-5102 l{elbourne ALL COURSES John Dcvgon 03-578-5083 llA: Spcnccr PO, tb Lavrence Rl.zzo 508-885-5848 E}IGLAND: If: Ann Arboi UO Too Hayoeh 313-662-7606 Biroinghao AIl. COURSES Suregh PaEel 021-551-2208 lblro.zoo K) Dennis llunson 6f6-345-5195 INDIA: XN: Rochertar PO Paul Elsnau 507-288-0657 Boobay F, u0 Tara lhlkrni E9-0801 llO: St. lordg AP Rly Peffy 314-469-1214 Calcut,t! Por IJO Barun llltra 47-4554 llllr Albuquergue PO RrlPh l(oroskl 5or292-74L3 ISMEL: l{Y: llcv York FT Robln Fleld 2L2473-7388 Te1 Aviv For uor AP Boaz Erder 03-571-7004 Queons UO Sabln€Klrstein 7lE-729-1805 NETEERLANDS: Roch..uer to RoElrio S6ya 7L5-2!t4-89O7 Leiden AII COIJRSES Estelle ll,ayher 071-131-458 Troy AP Claudlo C.b611ero 5lE-2724239, NflIJAY: OB: Colnobue FO Thooag Rorland 5L4-252-7575 Oclo ALL COTJRSESXlru8 Nordby 02-211983 PA: D'rnver PO Lupit. l{{ggana 2L5-267-O2L5 Oslo ALL COIJRSESTore Boecknann 02-684702 flrrington PO Jio Brovn 215-343-7561 S|EDEN: fX: Austin PO Chris l{alker 5L2-462-O437 Stockholo ALL COI|RSES Henrik Unn6 08-947588 IMPAGTis published bimonthly by the Ayn Rand Institute. A1-1-rights reserved, copyright L988. THE AYN RAND INSTITUTE 330\trTashington St., Suite509 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 ADDRESSCORRECTI ON REOUESTED.
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