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AU7100-1862 ISBN: 978 1 921494 55 0 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by the University of Queensland Library www.library.uq.edu.au and the Richmond and Burnley Historical Society home.vicnet.net.au/~rbhs Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use the bookmarks and Adobe Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages. Alternatively use any table of contents or book index to look for specific information and then use Adobe Reader’s page navigation controls in the status bar at the bottom of the window to go to the relevant page. Searching this CD • This CD is searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later. It is also FASTFIND enabled, giving very fast searches of all files on the CD at once! The FASTFIND search enhancement only works with Adobe Reader 6 or later. Use the Binoculars/Search icon in Adobe Reader or “Search” under the Edit menu to initiate all searches. • For more information on advanced searching and other tips for the best search results click here • Generally 95% - 99% of the words can be searched. Where the original type was poor the words may not be recognised for searching. The technical advancements that allow this searching bring a wonderful finding aid but there is still no substitute for reading the book! This is one of over 900 Australian and New Zealand products and over 3000 internationally from the international Archive CD Books project Click on this box for the full online catalogue www.archivecdbooks.com.au FREE download samplers available for most Australian and New Zealand products Archive CD Books Australia exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available in digital form, and to co-operate with family and local history societies, libraries, museums and record offices to digitise their collections in return for other benefits. Copyright © 2008 Archive CD Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved THE VICTORIA GOV E R N MEN T G AZETTE ; Uubliobcbby autbarity OF HIS EXCELLENCY SIR HENRY BARKLY,K.C.R. VOL. XXIII. FROM 1ST JANUARY TO 30TH JUNE, 1g62. 3si uttjotiti: JOHN FERRES, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. THE VICTORIA GOVERNMENT GAZETTE; ioubustjebby4 utboritp or HIS EXCELLENCY SIR HENRY BARFLY, K.C.B. VOL.XXIV. FROM 1ST JULY TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1862. UP autbovitg : JOHN FERRES, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. I N ID EX TO THE VICTORIA GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 18621 *** Articles twice or oftener repeated in the G azette are , for the most part , only once referred to in this Index. A. Agriculture--continued. - agricultural statistics for the year ending 31st March, Abattoir site licenses. See Lands. 1862, page 884. Abattoirs. SeeSites. - bye-laws of the board of agriculture, 1513. Aborigines: Alcoholmeter, authorized, 1713, 1749. - honorary correspondents of the central board for aborigines, 291, 365, 527, 1180, 1235, 1251, 1392, 1557, 2297; honorary Albert park, 1338. medical officer, 1557. Alberton. See Trustees. - caution against receiving blankets or clothing from abori- nes for drink, 1014, 1027, &c.; land at Tangambalanga (Little Alberton road district, meeting, 2172. iver)reserved for aborigines, 978• ditto at Watts' river, 2674; ditto at Woori or Worn Yaioak, 88; ditto revoked, All England united gold mining company, notice, 2024. 2706. America: maintenance of neutrality in the hostilities between the United and Confederate Accountant to the board of education, Thomas Testar, 1973. 485, 707; issue of letters of marqueStates byof the North United America, States Accounts, public: government, 2061. - regulations, &c.: particulars of the supplies of gaol rations, Amherst. See Commons. Sites. 922; collectors of imposts to distinguish certain items, 1251, &c.; regulation as to licenses issued or receipts given by col- Amherst municipality: enlargement petitioned for, 116, &c.; lectors of imposts, 2031, &c. ; regulation as to collectors of added to, 393; streets, 963; bye-laws, 75, 293, 937, 1727; half- imposts accounting for printed forms of a money value yearly reports, 1044, 1067, 2626, 2654 ; elections, 423, 442, 970, entrusted to them, 2463, &c.; caution against incurring ex- 985, 2108, 2134. penditure in excess of authority, 1433. Amherst pound : cattle impounded, 96, 159, 261, 283, 360, 404, - outstanding payments waiting at the treasury and its 481, 702, 736, 825, 989, 1161, 1307,1467, 2110, 2695. branches, 111, 178, 327, 491, 551, 654, 709, 918, 1028, 1286, 1457, 1726. 1949, 2040, 2262, 2314, 2510, 2584; registration fees re- Amherst and Climes road district altered, 449; meeting, 2415; fundable at the customs, 2647, &c. accounts, 2655. - claims against public departments &c., to be sent in : trade Amphitheatre, petty sessions discontinued, 2000. and customs, 2609, &c.; sheriff anti gaols, 2637, &c.; public works, 2637, &c.; attorney general's, 2577, &c.; of the minister Anderson, Musgrove Wroughton, resignation of offices, 407. of justice, 2577, &c.; against captain Scratchley and the royal engineers, 1281, &c. Andrews, Thomas, deceased, notice to creditors, &c., of, 1584, 1613, 1639. Accounts of companies, cemetery trustees, &c. See Cemeteries and the names of companies, municipalities, and road districts. Animals lost, &c. See Cattle. Pounds. Acts of parliament (imperial), passengers act of 1855, § 13, 14, Antimony. See Mineral lands. suspended, 507; ditto, notice incorrect in 486; passengers act of 1861, pages 487, 488. Antimony reef, Costerfield. See Marinovich. Acts of parliament of Victoria: Appointments:- (See also Aborigines, for correspondents of the central abori- - left to their operation, Nos. 124-130, page 71 ; Nos. 131-137, ginal board. Bailiffs, for bailitl,. Lands, for officers au- page 1976 ; Nos. 138-143, 146-150, 152-154, 156-161, page 2738. thorized to prefer informations for unauthorized occupation; - applied for. See the names of companies and localities. officers authorized to issue licenses, &c. Magistrates, for justices of the peace. Mining surveyors. Registrars of - extended. See Dog nuisance. Fisheries. Gunpowder. births and deaths. Slaughter-houses, for inspectors of Health. Town and country police. slaughter-houses, &c. Trustees, for trustees of cemeteries, church and other sites. Vaccinators.) Addis, J. C., his notice as to W. J. Laude, 500. &'Beckett, William Arthur Callander, returning officer, South Addresses of condolence, replies to, 1501, 1772. province,1235; ditto, Brighton district, 1027. &'Beckett, William Goldsmid, assistant surgeon, West Mel- Adelaide, Waterloo, &c., common. See Commons. bourne V.R. corps, 1453. Acton, William, powder magazine keeper, Inglewood, 2402. Advertisements. See Gazette. Agg, Alfred John, municipal and charitable institutions com- Agents for crown lands licenses. See Licensing officers. missioner, 1615; correction, 1629. Alley, James Henry, commissioner of crown lands, 1180; Ages of the population, 1202. police magistrate, Sandhurst, 1525; warden, Sandhurst, 1525. Agricultural lands. See Lands. Amos, Gilbert Andrew, commissioner of crown lands, 1180; police magistrate, Avoca, 1199; warden, Avoca, 1199; Agriculture : returning officer for Maryborough mining district, 1557. - experimental farm, notice to claimants, &c., 3; manager for Amsinck, Eugene Charles A., election auditor, Eastern pro- ditto wanted, 3. vince, 1281. Anderson, Caleb, captain commanding the Castlemaine light - premiums offered by the board of agriculture for beef and dragoons, 265. pork, 605; ditto,conditions altered, 1657; for designsof a Anderson, Robert Stirling, captain, Emerald Hill battery farm dwelling-house and steading 667 ; motto on wine samples, R.V.V.A.R., 1027. 993, 1007 ; notice to exhibitors of=wine, 1815, &c. Anderson, William, poundkeeper, Bacchus Marsb, 1516. A 2 INDE X TO THE VICTORIA Appointments-- continued . Appointments- continued. Anderson, William Acland Douglas, colonel commandant of Campbell, Colin, returning officer for Ripon and Hampden, volunteers, 527; ditto, correction, 614. 1976. Ande,Son, W. H., collector of imposts, 1199; clerk
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