SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 194®*. Average Dally Ofrculallhn Ihe Weather . MancUosler luvenins: Herald I or the MtMitb at January. 1814 Forecaet of li. S. Weetber Bureau 8,599 Fair with moderate temper­ X ature tonight, and Tneedny. Speakers at Deilieation Ceremonies .Member .of the Audit ^ About Towii^ /^^ /\lt}ng Main Street BaruM ef Mnalattoas ^ WANTED... USED CARS Hianthe»fer—^4 City of VUkgte Charm 11M WonMB*i AuxOiMT «f\ St And on Some of Manche»t0r$ Side StreeU^ Too ALL SHAKES! ALL MODELS! (TWELVE PAGES! PRICE THREE CENTS r« church on Oolway street tf.TlaisIflrit AdvertlalBg ea Bage 19) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, FEGRUABY 21,1944 wfll hsrvs ■ pre-L«enten suftper at VOL. LXIII., NO. 120 J * . ^ ternoon A sharp shooter waa heard the-^ A local market received a can PutaAl ' — other night in the Centoi Lunch of waste far for salvage one day • tfiM trying to sell a WU of goods. He 1 recently that proved to be of lit- HKjHEST PRICES PAII> was going along nicely with a line J tie or no value to_The war effort, Hitler Uses ‘Superboys’ Now t M AIbntHB. CarlMn. a m . of of patter about the "boya over! The can was afiput two-thirds flU- w 1 ,ltr . and Mra WUHam Carlson of thew" untU he ran afoul of sled with pand-ind waste fat had ,/* l WMt atreet' bas returned to sailor home on leave—one who had ' been poiired on, top. After the can MANtHISTER m 6 t 0 R SALES ChBn> IWa, Califs afU<- spending been right where thU chap w a t; had b ^ n turned Into the store a WEST CENTER ^REET / i M i y furlough at hla home. talking about [elerk became suspicious because It ' ^ m a d e the trip by airplane. ____ _______ X . ____ ', :_____________________________ It seems that the high pressure | didn’t seem weigh In.-correct chap was trying to interest the i Profmrtiop with other-/cans of --SsT,. ^ Temple Chapteri No, 83, O.E.S., V i r r 3 6 H .o u t s ; win precede lU tnectlng Wednes­ pr^rietor orth e Center Lunch in i similar aiae A butcher knife, was a proposition to buy some tobacco ! K*"*""* ""d toen AttaekXn Truk; day evening In the Masonic Teni- tor « n v e n ie a s boys. > the sand ,waswas discovered. Now la with a pot luck supper at most stores are using the knife EVERY SATiURDAi lVIGHT AT RtlS S;30. The ofHcera will be in It sounded good. The idea was to send along this particular brand method of determining for a cer­ tWRNTY-FfVE CAf FOR $1.00 ^ehatipe. Those planning to attend tainty that the can is fliled with , arc reguested to provide a cas­ of tobacco In the "roll .your own" fat salvage. Some people Just serole dish or a salad, rolls, des­ style. He was Just in the midst of can’t be on the level. m'WM sert and colfee^edll be furnished. his convincing talk^when the sailor Motion pictures aIH be shown af­ Bteijped Into the picture. "How ter the,hnslness -tesslon by Mrs. comb7” asked the gob. "Are yon Last week, on Woodland street, American ami British Fortresses, Liberaton Alltss Boaglund. sendirtg this style tobacco over on the day the Manchester paper Infantry and Miipmies acrossT^^n’t you know that there truck was due, piles of papers At Least 201 Planes De­ Says Tokyo Bombard Northwest ndg« W. J. Shea CoL A. L. Bullard John Andlslo - — AT — Blow Struck Forces Stop Suprenie ' Mrs. Richard Ruddell of Ben­ is more money now among the en­ wet* out on the curb. A good stroyed and Terrific Driving Enemy from Germany Few Houn ton Street is a patient a* the Hart- listed men than ever before? They fneiid of ours and two neighbors ’Three speakers will participate in the dedication ceremonies at the Itaiian-Amerlcan club tomorrow Eniwetok; Half of Is­ Effort by Germans Still Faces hospitol, and Is making fa­ can buy, for\slx or seven cents, had to argiia and practically 8ght afternoon. The ttalian-Amerlcan colony has an hono^’^ redl and aervice Aag of all the men and Damage to -Land In­ At Japanese To Wipe Out Bridge­ After Stuttgart Is Ham* vorable progress, following an op­ cigarettes alreltdy rolled, packed to prevent a Hartford Salvation women now serving with the Armed forces. The speakers (above) reading from left to right, -are: The Arnpy Navy Club land Seized in New eration. and ready for smoking? Got any Army truck from taking the pa- Judge William J. Shea, Col. A. L. Bullard and John Andislo, club presidenL stallations Score^ in head; Throw Enemy Air Blows mered by British Fliers idea who Is,going to take time out pefs. The truck was plain, no No gasoline? Can’t ase your car? Landing V Casualties Boy Scout Troop 15 will meet at to roll their own cigerettes when identifleation on it at all. ’The Then why -not walk? It’s not too far. Raid by American Pa­ Hurtful One Back Two Miles To­ —Force ‘Approximates’ the recreation room o r the Poltsh- women, one In' particular, decided airangements have been made to Continue Light; No In they can buy ’em and even better And you will find oiir Bingo’s fun cific Fleet; No Men­ » Size of Record Air Ar­ Araerican Chib, 108 Clinton street. than that, they buy them by the that the local hospital was more Three Hundred Expected carry the speakers’ addresses to all, formation as to Extent ward Carrocelo; 'Halt­ Fact ISo Carriers or Bat' Monday, at 7 p. m. All acouU are carton and ten cent cigars if and their Interest than any good the parts of the club. ’There win be a With many prizes to be won. urged to be present^___________ tion Made of Mighty Attacks After ing Uses All Eleinehts. tleships Among Toll mada Hitting Leipzig when they can get them. You’re on Salvation Army would ever do long list of guests of men promi­ (20) $5.00 GAMES '(3 ) $10.00 GAMES Of Japanese Resistance the wrong track tonight, buddy.’’ them. They argued ^ t h the men Landings by Troops. | defeat ,1 . \For Flag Dedication nent in civic affairs. (1) $20.00 GAME (1) $50.00 GAME of Germany No Reason for Under­ AlJCg; OOI-’RAN The chappie picked up and de­ from the truck about 20 minutes Allied Headquarters, Na­ London, Feb. 21.-^/P>—U before the men were Anally con­ It was understood today that U. S. Pacific Fleet Head­ (fUioHm Aa Uneen AUoe) parted wlthojit another word. -I the .committee has been working Predicted Today By ples, Feb. 21 Ameri­ estimating Damage. S. Fortresses and Liberators vinced that they simply couldn’t Approximately three hundred^speakers available for this occa-' U. S. Pacific Fleet Head­ quarters, Pearl Harbor, Feb. SPIfUTUAi MEUItlM have the paper. ' ’ for ovei; six weeks to arrange for quarters, Peart Harbor, Feb. Doolittle in Speech. can and British forces have dealt the Nazi home front iti Sei'snth OeagMcr of a Seventh Son Every time we wander astray in members and guests are expected Sion. ' this affair and every detail was 21.— (^)— Moving swiftly to U. 8. Pacific Fleet Headquar­ fourth great aerial blow ia Bom With A Veil Advertise in The Herald— ll Pavs 21.—<;P)— Nineteen Japanese stopped a supreme effort by th? columns of 'The Herald we are to gather at the Italian Americata The club has been decorated and completed last evening. close their death trap on Jap­ ters, Pearl Harbor, Feb. 21— )— Bcadhigs Unlly. Including Sunday, One day this week on her way ships sunk, at l^ s t ^01 London, Feb. 21;;— Mighty densely-pack^ German (JF 36 hours by bombarding not allowed to forget it. So we to school, a Hollister school pupil club on Eldridge street tomorrow i anese defenders of the west­ Don’t underesUmato the damage northwest Germany today i t A M. to a P. M. Or By .Appoint­ get some consolation when we are planes destroyed and terrific aerial blows against Toliyo after troops to \Vipe out the Anzio ment, In the Servlee o< the Peo- was hailed on Henry street by two afternoon to honor the men and ernmost atoll in the Marshall inflicted on the Japanese fleet at few hours after the R.A.F. able to report some slips other pa­ damage to land installations, the defeat of Germany^ were pre­ bridgehead and have thrown, ' pie for 80 Veare. other girls—fourth graders, all of women of Italian extraction who islands, United States infan­ Truk. , pers make. them. At the top of a hill on the the enemy back two miles to­ had hammered Stuttgart on 189 Chnrch Street. Hartford, Cunii. For, exan>ple the other day one are now serving with the armed was the score today in the dicted today by MaJ. Geh. James try and Marine troops now Phone ASiris street. Rev. Rejuiolds’ hunting dog United States Pacific fleet ward Carroceto, Allied head­ It may seem disappointing that the southwest border. To­ Hartford paper printed a storm forces of the United States. At H. Doolittle, who led the American are driving the enemy from Looking very, very young to be fighting In the ranks of Hitler s the United States carrier forces day's American forces was offt was tied to a tree with a rope, and raid on the Japanese capital in quarters announced today. warning, sa^ng that there would had wound himself so tightly 12:30 there will be a dedication ^ raid on Truk, the enemy s Eniwetok Island.
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