168 0. Johant~O'I!Parhophysiology /6(2009) 157-177 observed in female mice. It is concluded that both types of GSM·modulated radiation could affect spleen lymphocytes. exposure conditions induced moderate elevation of antibody CS7BU6 mice were exposed 2 hlday for 1, 2 or 4 weeks production only in male mice. in a TEM cell to an SAR of 1 or 2 WJkg. Untreated and Irradiation with electromagnetic waves (8.15-ISGHz, sham-exposed groups were also examined. At the end or the I Hz within,lJLW/cm2) in vivo increases the cytotoxic activ­ exposure. mice were killed and spleen cells were collected. ity of natural killer cells of rat spleen [59]. In mice exposed The number of spleen cells. the percentages of B- and T­ for 24--72 h, the activity of natural killer cells increased by cells, and the distribution ofT-cell subpopulations (CD4 and 130-150%, the increased level of activity persisting within CD8) were not altered by the exposure. T- and B-cells were 24 h after the cessation of treatment. Microwave irradiation also stimulated ex 'Pivo using specific monoclonal antibodies of ammhls in vivo for 3.5 and 5 h, and a short exposwe of or LPS to induce ·cell proliferation, cytokine production and splenic cells in vitro did not affect the activity of naaural killer expression of activation markers. The results did not show cells. · relevant differences in eitherT- orB-lymphocytes from mice Whole body mlcrowave sinusoidal irradiation of male exposed to an SAR of I or 2 Wlkg and sham-exposed mice NMRI mlcc with 8.15-18 GHz (I Hz within) at a power with few exceptions. After 1 week of exposure to I or2Wikg, density of l1J.W/cm2 caused a significant enhancement of an increase in IFN-gamma (lfng) production was observed TNF production in peritoneal macrophages and splenic T­ that was not evident when the exposure was prolonged to lympbocytes [60). Microwave radiation affected T-cells, 2 or 4 weeks. This suggests chat the' immune system might facilitating their capacity to proliferate in response to mito­ have adapted to RF radiation as it does with other stressing genic stimulation. The exposure duration necessary for the agents. All together, from their in vivo data, they concluded stimulation of cellular immunity ranged from S b to 3 days. that the T- and B~ell compartments were not substanlia1ly Chronic irradiation of mice for 7 days produced the dec~­ affected by exposure to RF radiation and that a clinically rel­ ing; of TNF production in •peritoneal macropbages. ··The evant effect of RF radiation on the immune system is unlikely exposure of mice for. 24 h increased the TNF production to occur. [Another explanation could be that the cells were and immune proliferative tesponsc, and these· stimulatory unable to deal with the exposure and the obvious follow-up effects persisted over 3 days after the tennination ofexprisure. question then will be: What happened with the immune cells Microwave treatment increased the endogenously produced after months and years of exposure?] . · TNF more effectively than did lipopolysaccharide, one of On the other band, Kolomytseva et al. [63], in their whole­ the most potential stimulj of synthesis of this cytokine. body exposure experiment designed to study the dynamics Microwaves, thus, indeed can' be a factor interfering with of leukocyte number and functional activity of peripheral tbe process of cellular immunity! blood neutrophils under whole-body exposure .of healthy A very intriguing investigation was canied out by Gapeev mice to low-intensity extremely high-frequency electromag­ 2 et a!. !61 ), who compared hom, dielectric nnd chiUlOel anten­ netic radiation (EHF EMR, 42.0 GHz, 0.15 mW/cm , 20 min nae and their matching with various types ofloads. including daily), showed that such a whole-body exposure of healthy a biological object. The channelantetula in contrast to dielec­ mice to low-intensity EHF EMR has a profound effect on tric and hom provides the uniform spatial distribution of the indices of non-specific inununity. It was shown that specific absorbed rating in the frequency range used and the phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neuttophils was wide-band matching with the object both in near field and suppressed by about 50% (p<O.OI as compared with the far field zones of the radiator. It is shoWD, that low-intensity sham-exposed control) in 2-3 h after the single exposure to electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency in EHF EMR. The effect persisted for 1 day after the exposure, near field zone of the channel radiator modifies the activ­ and then the phagocytic activity of neutrophiJs returned 10 the ity of mouse peritonea] neutrophils on a quasi·resonancc normal within 3 days. A significant modification of the leuko­ manner. The interaction of electromagnetic rudiation with cyte blood profile in mice exposed to EHF EMR for 5 days the biologics] object has been revealed in the na.rrow·band was observed after the cessation of exposures: the number frequencies of 41.8--42.05 GHz and consists in inhibition of of leukoCytes increased by 44% (p < 0.05 as compared with luminol-dependent chemiluntinescence of neutrophils acti­ sham-exposed animals), mostly due to an jncrease in the lym· vated by opsonized zymosan. No frequency dependence has phocyte content. The supposition was made that EHF EMR been found of the electromagnetic radiation effects in the far effects can be mediated via the metabolic systems of arachi­ field zone of the radiator. The results obtained suggest, that donic acid and the stimulation of adenylate cyclase activily, the quasi-resonance dependence of the biological effect on with subsequent increase in the intracellular cAMP level. the freque'ne)i"of the ele'ctroinagnetic ·radiation iii the near The. mOdification of. indices' of the. humoral . inunune field :tone is conditioned by structure and nature of the elec­ response to thymus-dependent antigen (sheep erythrocytes) tromagnetic radiation in this zone. after a whole-body exposure of healthy mice to Jew-intensity In 2003, Gatta et al. [62] ·studied the effects of in extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation was vivo exposure to GSM·modulated 900 MHz radiation on reponed by Lushnikov et al. in 2001 [64). Ma1e NMRI mice mouse peripheral lymphocytes. The aim of this study was were exposed in the far-field zone of hom antenna at a fre­ to evaluate whether daily whole-body exposure to 900 MHz quency of 42.0 GHz and energy flux density of 0.15 mW /cm 2 0. JoiKmsson I Patlropllysiolo11y 16 (2009) 157-177 169 under different regimes: once for 20ntin, for 20min daily not significantly differe~t among exposed, sham-exposed and during 5 and 20 successive days before immunization, and control mice. B-cells from these mice, challenged in vitro for 20 min daily during 5 successive days after immuniza­ with LPS, produce comparable amounts ~f IgM and lgG. lion throughout the development of the humoral immune Moreover, exposure of immunized mice to RF fields does response. The intensity of the humoral immune response not change the antigenlspecific antibody serum level. Inter­ was estimated on day S after immunization by the number estingly, not only the 'production of antiren-specific IgM of antibody-forming cells of the spleen and antibody titers. but also !hat of IgG (which requires T-B-cell interaction) Changes in cellularity of lhe spleen, thymus and red bone is not affected by RF-field exposure. This indicates that the marrow were also assessed. The indices ofhumoral immunity exposure does not alter an ongoing in vivo antigen-specific an4 cellularity of lymphoid organs changed insignificantly immune response. In cOnclusion, the results of Nasta ct al. after acute exposure and a series of five exposures before and l66) do not indicate any effects of GSM-modulatcd RF radi­ after immunization' of the animals. However, after repeated ation on the B-cell pCrlpheral compartment and antibody exposures for 20 days before immunization, a statistically sig­ production. j nificant reduction of thymic cellu1arity by 17.5% (p < 0.05) Whole-body microwave sinusoidal i.Iradiation of male and a decrease in cellularity of the spleen by 14.5% (p < 0.05} NMRl mic:c, exposure' of macrophages in vitro,- and pre­ were revealed. The resuiiS show that single low-intensity liminary irradiation of, culture medium with 8.1>-IBGHz extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, at the (I Hz within) at a po-Wer density of 1 J'Wicm2 caused a frequency imd cnCigy fitix density used, does not inftuence the significant enhancement of tumour nCCTosis factor produc· humoral inunune response intensity in healthy mice but influ­ tion in peritoneal macrophages (67]. The role of microwaves ences immunogenesis under multiple repeated exposures. as a factor interfering! with !he process of cell immunity Experiments have also been conducted to elucidate the must, thus, be seriously cOnsidered. Fonhcrmore, the effect effects of chronic low power-level microwave radiation on of 8.15-lSGHz (l Hi within) microwave radiation at a the immunological sys)ems of rabbits [65]. Fourteen male power density of I 1-1 W/cm 2 on the , tumour necrosis fac­ Belgian While rabbits were exposed to microwave radiation tor (1NF) production ~d immune response ~as tested by at SmW/cm 2, 2.1 Glh, 3 h daily, 6 days/week fer 3 mun\hr. Nowse1o\la c.t a). [68]. A single 5 b who\e-bady exposure in two batches of seven each in specially designed riliniature induced a significant increase ln TNFproduction in peritoneal anechoic chambers.-Seven rabbiiS were subjected to_&ham macrophages and sple_hic T-eens. The mitogenic response exposure for identical duration.
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