FORM 1 M APPLICATION FOR MINING OF MINOR MINERALS UNDER CATEGORY ‘B2’ FORLESS THAN AND EQUAL TO FIVE HECTARE (II) Basic Information :- 1 Name of the Mining Lease site: M/s. Shri. Ashurbha R Rasal & Shri Abhijit K. Tighile. Gut No-85/1, Manjarsumba, Tal- Beed &, Dist- Beed, Maharashtra 2 Location / site 18° 50' 44.9478"N 75° 43' 12.2196"E (GPS Co-ordinates): 3 Size of the Mining Lease 4.84 hector (Hectare): 4 Capacity of Mining Lease (TPA): 201527 T/A average 5 Period of Mining Lease: 5 year 6 Expected cost of the Project: 25 lacks 7 Contact Information: M/s. Shri. Ashurbha R Rasal & Shri Abhijit K. Tighile. Gut No-85/1, Manjarsumba, Tal- Beed &, Dist- Beed, Maharashtra Signature Name Address Pre-Feasibility Report (PFR) for Stone Quarry M/s. Shri. Ashurbha R Rasal & Shri Abhijit K. Tighile Gut No-85/1, Manjarsumba, Tal- Beed &, Dist- Beed Maharashtra Prepared by GMC Engineers & Environmental Services Kolhapur www.gmcenviro.com E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected] Contact: 99211 90356, 8275266011 1.0 Brief Introduction: The M/s. Shri. Ashurbha R Rasal & Shri Abhijit K. Tighile. owner of Gut No-85/1, Manjarsumba, Tal- Beed &, Dist- Beed over a total area of 4.84 hector. The said land as been converted as non-agriculture for the purpose of small scale industries. Accordingly the quarry plan is prepared along with application form 1, PFR & EMP for the approval. 4.84 Need for the project: The region is economically backward mostly depends on seasonal forming. The per capita income of the villagers is much below the national average. As a result of this project various facilities like educational medical social benefits will get augmented in the area. In view of the above, the The M/s. Shri. Ashurbha R Rasal & Shri Abhijit K. Tighile. In tends to produce stone from Gut No-85/1, Manjarsumba, Tal- Beed &, Dist- Beed Maharastra. The requirement for the proposed production is - 1. Reserve availability--------------------------Sufficient 2. Infrastructure for the production---------will be organized 3. Quarry operation-----------------------------Modern technology 4. Environmental status----------------------- Scientifically maintained 5. Environmental Management Plan--------Scientifically maintained The above details are given in the following sections. 1.2 Location & Accessibility The quarry falls in Gut No-85/1, Manjarsumba, Tal- Beed &, Dist- Beed, Maharastra. Google Image : 2.0 Introduction of the project/ Background information. 2.1 Identification of project and project proponent. M/s. Shri. Ashurbha R Rasal & Shri Abhijit K. Tighile. is having crusher, bricks manufacturing & other building materials to meet the requirement of the locals. Besides, experienced in the field of building stones extraction, road metal extraction.Considering the experience and request and to meet the raw materials for our own quarry has been applied to GoM. 2.2 Brief description of the nature of the project M/s. Shri. Ashurbha R Rasal & Shri Abhijit K. Tighile. quarry will be operated for building stone in a systemic way its salient features are given below. 2.3 Imports vs. Indigenous production. There is no need of any material by importing for this project. 2.4 Export Possibility. There are no possibilities for export the material as it is being used in domestic purpose. 2.5 Domestic / export Markets. There is a good demand for local market. 2.6 Employment Generation (Direct & indirect due to the project) The man power requirement for the M/s. Shri. Ashurbha R Rasal & Shri Abhijit K. Tighile. Man power requirement Sl.No Designation in Proposed in nos nos 1 Manager 1 2 Blaster 1 3 Driller 2 4 Driver 1 5 Operator 4 6 Staff 1 7 Watchman 2 Total 12 Direct employment for the project is 12nos, whereas indirect employment will be more than 60 people considering 5 persons dependence on direct employment. 3.0 Project Description 3.1 Size or magnitude of operation. M/s. Shri. Ashurbha R Rasal & Shri Abhijit K. Tighile. quarry covering an area of 4.84 hector only. All the quarry activities are confined within this area. The production of building stones proposed to be 201527 T/A. The operation will be carried out by manual method. From the above it could be summarized that the quarry operations and connected activities are in the micro level and there is no impact on environmental parameters. 3.2 Project description with process details (a schematic diagram/ flow chart showing the project layout, components of the project etc. should be given) Development and extraction of building stones is planned from this quarry.Plain quarrying with single/high bench/low bench/multiple high bench/low bench. Though the above quarrying methods are adopted as per the site condition, but the general procedure’s to be adopted in development and extraction of building stones is Clearing of bushes, removal of topsoil and overburden weathered rock to expose the sheet rock or boulder. Developing face by key cut or channels cut for extraction of building stone from sheet rock. The building stone which recovered will be directly supplied to the buyer and sent to crusher to bring it to the required size specification by the buyer. 3.3CLIMATE , RAINFALL, GEOLOGY & RESERVES Beed is one of the district of Marathwada area of Maharashtra. It is situated flanked by Aurangabad and Jalna districts in the north, Parbhani in the east, Latur in the south east, Osmanabad in in south and Ahmadnagar district in the west and southwest. It is bounded by north latitude 18°28’ and 19°28’ and east longitude between 74°48’ and 76°45’. The district headquarters is located at Beed Town. For administrative purpose the district has been divided in 11 talukas viz., Beed, Beed Patoda, Ashti, Shirur (Kasar), Ambajogai, Kaij, Majalgaon, Dharur, Parli (Vaijnath) and Wadwani. CLIMATE AND RAINFALL: The Climate of the district is characterized by a hot summer and general dryness throughout the year except during the south-west monsoon season, i.e., June to September. The temperature rises rapidly after February till May, which is the hottest month of the year. The mean daily maximum temperature during May is 42.0°C and the mean daily minimum temperature during December is 12.0°C The normal annual rainfall (1901-1996) varies from about 600 to 800 mm. It 3 is minimum in the western part around Ashti and gradually increases towards east and reaches maximum around Majalgaon. The study also reveals that except the western part of the district around Ashti, the entire district experienced moderate and severe drought conditions for more than 20% of the years and can be categorized as “drought area”. GEOLOGY: The district can be broadly divided into 3 physiographic units namely; Lowland Beed, Highland Beed and Sina basin. Lowland Beed is the low lying northern part comprising a part of Godavari valley and is also known as Gangathari. It has a general elevation rangiong from 400 metre above mean sea level (m amsl) in the east to 500 m amsl in the west with number of residual hills reaching upto 600 m amsl. Highland Beed occupies the southern part forming a part of Balaghat Plateau. This dissected series of hills extending from west to east divides the district into two parts. Sina basin is low lying undulating area southwest and west of Highland Beed comprising almost whole of Ashtitaluka. It is interspersed with many low lying residual hills. The district is drained by Godavari, Manjra and Sina rivers and their tributaries. Godavari River flows from west to east along the northern boundary of the district. Manjra River starts from the mountains of Patoda taluka and flows west to east forming the southern boundary of the district. Sina River flows along the south-western boundary of the district. In the district, rocky and thin layered soils are observed in major part of the district except on the banks of Godavari and Sindphana Rivers, where dark brown to black and clayey loamy to loamy soils are observed. The nutrient levels in almost all the soils are low The M/s. Shri. Ashurbha R Rasal & Shri Abhijit K. Tighile. quarry is located on the boundary of close pet Basalt band , The major litho logical formation observed in the area are soil cover Basalt band. SOIL COVER: The soil of the district is basically derived form Deccan Trap Basalt and the district is broadly classified into three major soil types. Shallow Soils occur in small patches in western and northwestern parts of the district. These soils are light brown to dark grey in colour and loamy to clayey loamy in texture. BASALT Basalt is the predominant rock type found in this area. It is well exposed all over the area. The entire deposit is a flat terrine, the exhibit foliation predominantly on the weathered surface. The rock having medium grain size and the color varies from grey to pale grey and shows typical greasy luster. Since, it is a soft rock it is suitable for building stone purpose. RESERVES Based on study carried out, 95% of Basalt production from the RoM considered as production. The corresponding Geological plan & Sections is enclosed in quarry plan. 3.4 Quarrying method In the Ist, IInd&IIIrd year one slice advancing upto the quarry boundary for the production of 201527 T/A. In the IVth &Vth year second slice will be advancing. The corresponding Development & Production plan & section and the details year wise, section wise & level wise production and development proposed for the next five years is enclosed in quarry plan. SLOPE QUARRYING: In order to maintain the safety of the pit and movement of machinery, the quarry bench height of 5 mtrs will be maintained and width of 7 mtrs will be maintained.
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