October 2, 1987 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 26303 derstand that certain Information re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. There (b)tl)<A> The Bureau ls authorized to 11>1.tng to that has been decla.ssliled has been ·no ur-.a.nimous-consent re~ 11,ward &eholanb.1.Ps to exceJ>UonaJ stu­ and It Is on lls way to me ID this quest. dent&-- Chamber at this moment. Mr. HELMS. You have to nave a <1) who have not obtained 26 rears of q-e; Now, my PDint Is. I thlnlt the Ameri• unanimous consent u:, Jay aalde the <Ul who a.re enrolled 1n lnatJtutlona of hfghtr educaUon; can people ought to be let In on what pending amendment. And I ask unanl• <Ul> who are studyblg 1n the Soviet On1oa Is happening, what the Soviet Union Is mous consent that it be laid aalde tem• In programs AJ>proved by such Jnatltutlon&; doing, and not have this Information porarlly and the regular order bring it and obscured by classification. After all, back. <Iv> who meet the condlt.ton.s: of paragraph the Soviets know what they did Uld The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is (2), we know what they did. Just about the there obJectlon? <ll> In aW8l<ltng 5Cholarsl>lps under tbt,; only people who do not know are Mr. PELL. Could you repeat tt? PaJ'aU'Tl\ph. the Bureau Aha.11 consider the fl· Members of Congress and the Ameri• Mr. HELMS. Laying aside the pend• nanctaJ need ot the appUcanu.. Ing amendment teDl))Orarily: of course <C> Each •eholar&hlp awarded under can people. l think the latter two clause <A> m.ay not exceed $5.000 .tn any aca­ grolll)S. especlally the American regular order would bring It back. dcmJ.c year ot study. people, oUgbt to be let In on Informa­ Mr. PELL. Of course. <2) The Bureau sh&ll prescr{be such r-eau~ tion. and apparently the White House The PRESIDING OFPICER. Hear­ tatlona u may be nece38al'Y to e&tabllah pro,. agrees with that. Ing no objection, It Is so ordered. cedure,J tor the submisston an<l review of a_p. Mr. President. I Yield the noor. Mr. PELL. I wouJd suggest the ab­ pllcaUons for scholarahlpe aw&rded under 'nlADlt YOU VerY much. sence of a quorum. this section. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (3>(A> A student awarded a 8Cbolanlh1p The PRESIDING OFFICER. The under thta subsection shall continue to re­ Senator from Rhode Isla.nd. clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded u:, ceive such scholaJ'1ihiP only dur:ina sllch pe­ Mr. PELL. Mr. President, I think r1o& u the Bureau ftn& that he or sbe Ls many of these Issues that were so ably call the roll. ma.tnt&lnlns sa.Usfa.ctory s,roticlenc.y tn ht., cllscussed bY the Senau:,r from North Mr. fl4'.l'l'CHEU.. Mr. President. I or her 1tudles. C&leolina have been discussed In the ask unanimous consent tbat the order <B) Not late-r tha.n 30 day• after the eloae last couple of weeks and voted on In for the quorum call be resctnded. of an academic year tor which funds &re connection with the Department of The PRESIDING OFFICER. With· made avru.lablc under this secuon. each ln• out objection, It Is so ordered. ~ltutfon ot hlgber education. one or more ~ense authorization bW. StUdcnt.$ ot wbtcb h.aVC been &W&tded a The effect of this amendment wouJd ~ KO. 8t 'f scholat&hiJ:> Wlder thl.s seeuon, ah.all prepare be to open the way to violation by the (~: To provtde tor t. S&mantha Smith and transDllt- to the Bqreau a report describ­ United States of all maJor arms con­ Meroorla.l Exchange Program to promote ing the level of proficiency achieved by ~ch trol treaties with the Soviet Union. youth exehan&'es between the Unit~ students in tbetr studies. This provl.slon could lead to the de­ States and the Soviet Utllon, and for other ct> For- purposes of th!& suoo«tion, the struction of the ABM Treaty and the purpoaes> term ''tn.stftutton of higher education•· has Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. President. I the sattte mea.nJn.a" sit,en sueh term In sec:­ 1963 Limited Test Ban and undermine tlon 120-lCa> of the HJah(lt Education Act of any prospects tor ratl(!catton of the send an amendment u:, the desk ,µid 1865. Threshold Test Ban and Peaceful Nu­ ask tor lls lmmedlate consideration. (c) In addJtion to funds authorized to be clear Explosion Treaty. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The appropriated tor the Bureau tor th& fiscal Ju.st as the President Is tzylng u:, amendment will be stated. year 1988, $2,000,000 shall be avail•ble ln forge new agreements. the Senate, The lel('lslatlve clerk read as follows: ft.seal ycu 1988 only to catty out the pur­ rather than uniting behind the Presi­ The Senator- from Mable- (Mr, MJTCHEUJ. poses of th.ls s~lon. on behalf of h1mae11, Mt-. CoHl:lt, and Mr. (d) A.ctlv1tle& carried out u.nder tbls a,ec­ dent, would be trYing to unravel the Uon may be referred to as the •·Samantha existing arms control regime. &MOM proposes an amendment numbered 847. Sm.1th MemortaJ 'E:xchangc Program'', To my mind, this Is not sound for­ eign policy. lt Is slnlPlY capricious mis­ Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. President, I Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. President, with ask unanimous consent that the read· Senator CoHBN, I prol)08e an amend• chief-making and ahoUld be treated as ment the State Department author• such by the Senate. Ing of the amendment be dlsJ)enSed to with. lza.tion, which under the United States At the appropriate time my own Information Agency's Bureau of Edu­ view Is that we .should n,ove to table Lt. The PRESIDING OF'li'ICER. With• out objection, It ls so ordered. cational and Cultural Affairs, WOUid Mr. HELMS. Mr. President. I sug­ establish the Samantha Smith Memo­ gest the absence of a quoram. The ainendment Is as follows: On page 75, between. lines 12 and 13. rial Exchange Program, to promote The PRESIDING OFFIC~ (Mr. greater understanding between t.he DASCBLE}. The clerk will call the roll. Insert the tollowlna new scctlon: S"EC. %It. SA.MAJtmlA ~MITH MEMORIAL EXCltANGE United States and the Soviet Union. The legislative clerk proceeded to The 81llendment Is Identical to s. call the roll. PROORAM. Cal<l) The purpose of UtJg ctecc.ton .Ls: to 1468, which Sena!A)r COREN and I In• Mr. PELL. Mr. President. I ask promote trten&hip and underst1U1ding be,.. troduced earlier thla year, and to S. unanimous consent that the order for tween the United Sta.tes and the Soviet 1847, which was Introduced in the the quorum call be rescinded. Union U1t'Ouah the enablJ.ehment of a. pro,. 99th Congress, shortly before Pres!· The PRESIDING OFFICER. With• gram tor the exchange of youth& of the t-wo dent Reagan's Geneva SUlJlllllt With out objection, It Is so ordered. oount.rtes and to recolD,lte the contrlbuUon Secretary Ch>rbachev. made by Samantha &nltll In furthering tJ>Js Mr. PELL. The amendment of tbe S. 1468 has received bll)Qttl.aan sUp• Senau:,r from North carollna Is the goal. <2> To carry out the pW"J)OSeS of this JJec• POrt. Its cosponsor,; Include, besides pending business and when the time Uon. the. Bureau of Educat1otl.l,} and C\lltur­ Senator Com:r,, SenaU:,rs BRADLEY. comes I will move to table. al A.Ualrs <hereafter 1n this secUon referred Bl:NCAMAl'f, BOllB:N, COCHllA.R0 HE:INz, Now we could move on and recognize to u the ''Bureau.. > ls a.uthor11.ed to provide HOLLINGS, HECST, INOUYE, JOBlfSTON, the Senator from Maine-- by ,rrant. QOntract, or otherwt.se tor eduee.. K:l:mmo~, 'KElu,y, LEvn<, MATS11NAGA. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does tton!.1 e,ccb.a.nps. vb.lts, oT lnterc.hanaes be,, and&looRD. the Senator from Maine see1< .,.. · .- : .:~ ... " ·: •1n1ted Statts a.nd the Soviet -. • .. ' ,•• rtcan -.ad Soviet youths under The propasal la consistent with the tlon? . --:,Z• 'J'•, ~J. Cultural Exchange .Agreement signed Mr. Just & mmu\,..;, "2,a. HELMS.. Ct) ·::..:.~ ~Jdent .b authorized to enter at the 1985 Geneva summit, and with President. What was the unanlmout­ into an agreement with the oovcrrunent of President Reagan's faith that "1>eople­ consent request? the SOviet Union to CWTY out pangra.pb (2), to-people contacts can build genuine 26304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE October 2, 1987 constituencies tor peace" In both the Smith's memory ts especially chet• from Maine who helped nurture the United States and the Soviet Union. !shed, Just as It Is In the Soviet Union. spirit of Inquiry, hope, and friendship It also Is especl&lly fitting as a me­ T.he State Department author!zatlon which has led to the growth In Amer!, morial to Samantha Smith, the young bill, as currently written, already con­ can-Soviet exchange programs. girl from Maine, who 4 yean ago this tains a minimum of S2 million for All activities Carried out by USIA past summer, Journeyed to the Soviet USIA grants, generally, "for exchange under thls amendment would be Union. In doing so, she syml;>ollzed a of persons programs between the known as the·&mantha Smith Memo­ hope that world peace might be at,. United States and the Soviet Union." rla.l Exchanse Program. ta.tned throush Individual Inquiry, and Thls amendment Is consistent with I can think or no better way to small Individual gestures of frlendshlp.
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