rv PAGE TWENTY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., June 1, 1978 Police $73,601 secreted in. deceased woman^s home. Page 12 f ■ The weather Becoming cloudy this afternoon. Highs around M, 27 C. Chance of showers or thunderstorms late this afternoon continuing tonight. Lows around 60. lianrljPHtpr lEupning Bmlii Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers Saturday. Highs in the 70s. Probability of precipitation 30 A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 percent today 50 percent tonight 30 percent Satur­ day. Winds light and variable today tonight and Vol. XCVII, No. 206 — Manchester, Conn., Friday, June 2, 1978 Single Copy 20 Cents Saturday. National weather map on page 20. New ISMcoalA . ShidsT, Study: UoS. protests bug MOSCOW (UPI) - The U.S. Em­ seven stories to meet the tunnel, devices found May 25 were of “an in­ bassy said today it has lodged a which branched off at an angle, they telligence gathering nature,” but he protest with the Soviet Foreign said. declined to give any details about the Ministry over electronic eavesdrop­ There was no indication how long it number, locations or type of equip­ ping devices discovered in the em­ had been in use. ment. bassy building. Ambassador Malcolm Toon was in An embassy spokesman confirmed Washington for vacation and con­ In 1964, with information supplied a State Department statement in sultation and other embassy officials by a Soviet agent who defected to the Washington that "electronic devices refused to comment on the announce­ United States, the State Department of an intelligence gathering nature” ment made Thursday in Washington. located 44 listening devices that had Important The south wing of the embassy was were found May 25. been built into the walls of the But the spokesman refused to com­ not damaged in the fire, which broke Moscow Embassy when it was con­ ment on reports from other out the night of Aug. 26, but structed in 1952. American sources that the devices American personnel, including Navy had been planted in a secret shaft Seabees, are extensively renovating Two years ago, the United States connected with an underground the building in addition to fire complained that the Russians were tunnel leading toward Soviet apart­ repairs. beaming microwaves at the U.S. ment and office buildings. In Washington, State Department Embassy in Moscow in an attempt to Workmen remodeling the embassy spokesman Tom Reston said the eavesdrop on conversations inside. following a fire there in August came upon the shaft in the south wing, which houses embassy apartments, the sources said. Angry Carter denies They said a workmen who went down the shaft to investigate came upon a Soviet man who hurried out the other end. There was speculation the Soviets realized the shaft had Post’s SALT article been discovered and had sent the WASHINGTON (UPI) - President “I understand that on occasions man to strip it of wires and other Carter angrily denied today a there will be inadvertent inac­ Girls can be farmers, too electronic gear. published report that he had frozen curacies in reporting of news ... and The sources said the devices in­ U.S. talks on limiting strategic arms live with it. But this morning there Farming isn’t just for boys. The girls treated to an outing at the center, each year. cluded a dish-shaped unit resembling because of political considerations at was an example serious enough to showed just as much interest in the tour Glenn Reichle, left, explains the workings of an antenna used for transmitting and home and abroad. warrant a direct appearance before given of the Vocational-Agricultural Center a tractor as other children await their turn to receiving. The Washington Post report. you by the president of the United at Rockville High Scool TTiursday. Children sit in the big seat. Reichle is a Vo-Ag student. The shaft was either part of, or Carter said, is “totally inaccurate” States. near, an unused chimney toward the from the first grades in area schools are (Herald photo by Pinto) and “damaging (to) our country and “This story in the Washington Post back of the roof and extended down our credibility.” — the White House is reported Carter, carrying the newspaper in freezing the strategic arms talks — is his hand, called reporters to the Oval totally inaccurate. Before the story Office to personally castigate the was published the reporters were in­ Inside today Post for running the copyrighted formed the story was totally inac­ Court overrules PZC story. curate. The editors decided to go “It damages our country,” the ahe^.with it anyhow. president said. “It damages my (barter said U.S. arms negotiators Manchester credibility and I think it damages the had never discussed such an option, prospects for continuation of the “even informally.” A fair housing plan foi basic policy of our govemement Manchester will be discussed next in Lenti subdivision Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and which has not changed since I came Carter aide Hamilton Jordan as well week |)y the Board of Directors ir Residents, however, expressed in office, that is, to proceed the wake of HUD’s refusal to give By GREG PEARSON tablished that receipt of evidence as Press Secretary Jody Powell were Herald Reporter concern about the safety of children after a public hearing is improper,” aggressively with SALT negotiations, also quick to deny the Post renort the town its Community Develop- in the area and the possibility of to conclude a treaty as early as possi­ ment grant. See page 2. he said. An appeal of a proposed subdivi­ flooding if the basin overflowed or ble — and that is without delay or sion on the Lenti Farms tract in the dam broke. The firm had been retained as because of political consideration — Town receives rough estimate MacKinnon Manchester has been sustained by engineers by the applicants and, to make sure the treaty, when con­ that Hilliard Pond’s appraisal is Court of Common Pleas Judge Four residents of Thayer Road and thus, was not a disinterested cluded, will be in the best interests of 510,500, far below the price now Edward Y. O’Connell. one from Tuck Road appealed the ap­ technical advisor, the judge ruled. our country.” fires back under consideration. See page O'Connell ruled that the town’s The defendants in the case argued proval of the subdivision and an The Post, quoting reliable sources, HARTFORD (UPI) - Ad­ 12. Planning and Zoning (Commission in­ that a public hearing is not man­ ' inland-wetlands permit granted by said in today’s editions that the ad­ ministrative Service Commissioner correctly accepted evidence after a datory for subdivisions. Thus, certain the PZC. ministration decided it would be a Daniel MacKinnon, fired by Gov. public hearing on the subdivision. rules should not be required. political mistake to sign a SALT The 59-lot subdivision had been The inland-wetlands permit appeal Elia T. Grasso only eight months Vernon agreement because current domestic after she chose him for the important proposed by developers Robert Stone was bSsed on a technical error which “The court is not persuaded by this and international problems make The Committee on Public and Jack Goldberg for the 40-acre was corrected through a second argument,” O’Connell wrote. “The post, has blamed resistance to ratification of such a treaty unlikely. political interference and favoritism Sno Ekiucation (COPE) is continuing Lenti Farms tract off Gardner public hearing on the matter. There law will not allow a hearing to stand The Ppst reported administration its support for reinstatement of Street. The PZC voted 4-1 last Oc­ was no appeal of the second inland- that violates the fundamental rules for his downfall. officials said the net effect of the tac­ But in a verbal punching match the original "Board of Eklucation tober to approve the plan. wetlands permit. of natural justice.” tic is to reject any new Soviet between the two Thursday, Mrs. budget. The budget was reduced The subdivision has sparked much Judge O’Connell’s decision was not The proposed developers. Stone proposals for the time being. Grasso said MacKinnon, a former by $125,000 by the Town (Council. discussion and opposition since it was based on the merits of the subdivi­ and Goldberg, could not be reached “ We’re stuck, we’re not Marine and no-nonsense It will be returned the same way first proposed more than a year ago. Smokers rate taste of MERIT lOO’s equal to sion, but on the acceptance of for comment this morning. demonstrating flexibility,” one of­ businessman, “pushed people to a second Town Meeting. See A previous Residence AA’ Cluster evidence by the PZC after the public ficial was quoted as saying. page 10. Zone subdivision had been rejected But Carter angrily rejected that by the PZC. hearing. They could appeal to the state —See Page Twelve A search through a wooded area account. Neighbors who opposed the Supreme (Jourt. They also could sub­ off Interstate 86 in Vernon failed On Oct. 19, the PZC received new -or better than-leading high tar 100k proposal spoke most often about a mit another application to the PZC, to reveal any clues concerning the hydraulic calculations concerned detention basin that would be in­ Alan Lamson, town planner, said i t f i remains of the body of a Rockville with redesign of the basin. The infor­ cluded as part of the subdivision. The mation was submitted by Griswold & today. woman found there last month. Se, basin would hold water during rainy Can low tar MERIT lOO’s—packed with Confirmed: 85% of MERIT 100 s smokers say page 10.
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