PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS Jocks in film By George Dickie Maybe” are among the cred- its on this former NBA star’s Questions: resume. Can you name him? 1) This former wide receiver 8) Matt Dillon wondered what had roles in “Brian’s Song” this NFL quarterback was and “Sharky’s Machine.” doing in “There’s Something Name him. About Mary.” Who is he? 2) These Yankee teammates 9) This former relief pitcher played themselves in the portrayed himself in “The 1962 feature “Safe at Home.” Slugger’s Wife.” Name him. Who were they? 10) What Baseball Hall of 3) What former NBA star Famer’s film credits include played himself in “The Fish “The Pride of the Yankees” That Saved Pittsburgh” and and “The Stratton Story”? “Airplane!”? 4) This former catcher’s film Answers: credits include “BASEketball,” 1) Bernie Casey “The Scout” and “Mr. Base- 2) Mickey Mantle and Roger ball.” Can you name him? 5) What baseball hero played Maris a football hero in “Dallas 3) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Cowboys Cheerleaders”? 4) Tim McCarver 6) This former boxing champ 5) Bucky Dent starred in Italian films such as 6) Marvelous Marvin Hagler “Indio” and “Notti di paura.” 7) Alex English Who is he? 8) Brett Favre 7) “Amazing Grace and 9) Al Hrabosky Chuck” and “The Definite 10) Bill Dickey WORD SEARCH O A L X P J E A I V M V B R P R S D K T F U M E R O H K S D T M W N M D W S F R E G N W H E G E A O J L B G L T A O C M O X N Y L F Y A B J P R S A E U E D G P T N S C G F C I I N G N I L L I K J L A V I U N T F P T N S L M O N I C A R A A I W C M B Z U D W M S L H M L A Y K M X E A I X S G C J O Q Q N U I D M O E I Y I F K L M E R N F Z Q C L R Z D A W A I G D Q H K D E S I G N E D G S U O Y G U M V X H K C V T E B S C H W A R T Z N O Z R U M Q “Marvel's M.O.D.O.K.” on Hulu (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (M.O.D.O.K) megalomaniac (Patton) Oswalt Mental Monica Wendi (McLendon-Covey) Organism Jodie (Aimee) Garcia Designed (Only for) Lou (Ben) Schwartz Killing Melissa (Melissa) Fumero GRUMBL PAGE 6 Custom Features Release the week of May 16 - May 22, 2021. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS TV CHALLENGE STUMPERS CHALLENGE STUMPERS SPORTSJocks in film TV SPORTS By George DickieJocks inMaybe” film are among the cred- its on this former NBA star’s By George Dickie Maybe” are among the cred- Jocks in film resume. Can you name him? By George Dickie Maybe” are among the cred- Questions: its on this former NBA star’s 8) Matt Dillon wondered what its on this former NBA star’s Questions:1) This former wide receiver resume. Can you name him? this NFL quarterback was resume. Can you name him? 1)had This roles former in “Brian’s wide receiver Song” 8) Matt Dillon wondered what Questions: 8) Matt Dillon wondered what hadand roles“Sharky’s in “Brian’s Machine.” Song” thisdoing NFL in “There’squarterback Something was 1) This former wide receiver this NFL quarterback was andName “Sharky’s him. Machine.” doingAbout inMary.” “There’s Who Something is he? had roles in “Brian’s Song” Name2) These him. Yankee teammates About9) This Mary.” former Who relief is pitcher he? and “Sharky’s Machine.” doing in “There’s Something 9) This former relief pitcher 2)played These themselves Yankee teammates in the portrayed himself in “The Name him. About Mary.” Who is he? portrayed himself in “The played1962 feature themselves “Safe inat theHome.” Slugger’s Wife.” Name him. 2) These Yankee teammates 9) This former relief pitcher 1962 feature “Safe at Home.” Slugger’s Wife.” Name him. Who were they? 10) What Baseball Hall of played themselves in the portrayed himself in “The Who were they? 10) What Baseball Hall of Slugger’s Wife.” Name him. 3) What former NBA star Famer’s film credits include 1962 feature “Safe at Home.” 3) What former NBA star Famer’s film credits include Who were they? 10) What Baseball Hall of played himself in “The Fish “The Pride of the Yankees” played himself in “The Fish “The Pride of the Yankees” 3) What former NBA star Famer’s film credits include ThatThat SavedSaved Pittsburgh”Pittsburgh” and PIROS PIZZA and “The Stratton Story”? played himself in “The Fish “Airplane!”?“Airplane!”? “The Pride of the Yankees” That Saved Pittsburgh”Steaks • Hoagies and •and Stromboli “The Stratton Story”? 4)4) ThisThis formerformer catcher’scatcher’s film Answers: credits include “BASEketball,” Answers: “Airplane!”? credits include “BASEketball,” 1) Bernie Casey Large “The Scout” and “Mr. Base- 1) Bernie Casey 4) This former catcher’s film Answers:2 Large “The Scout” and “Mr. Base- 2) Mickey Mantle and Roger credits include “BASEketball,” ball.” Can you name him? 2) Mickey Mantle and Roger 1) Bernie Casey ball.” Can you name him? Maris “The Scout” and “Mr. BasePizza- Pizzas 5) What baseball hero played Maris 2) Mickey Mantle and Roger a5) football What baseball hero in “Dallashero played 3) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ball.” Can you name him? a football hero in “Dallas 4)3) TimKareem McCarver Abdul-Jabbar $ 00Maris $ 00 Cowboys Cheerleaders”? 5)Home What ofbaseball the hero played PLUS TAX 4) Tim McCarver 3)PLUS Kareem TAX Abdul-Jabbar 6)Cowboys This former Cheerleaders”? boxing champ 5) Bucky Dent $13a +football tax Large hero Pizza in “Dallas13 25 TAKE OUT ONLY TAKE OUT ONLY starred6) This informer Italian boxing films suchchamp as 6)5) MarvelousBucky Dent Marvin Hagler Cowboys Cheerleaders”? 4) Tim McCarver “Indio”starred and in Italian “Notti filmsdi paura.” such as 7)6) AlexMarvelous English Marvin Hagler 6)WE This DELIVER former boxing champONLY WITH5) COUPONSBucky •Dent EXP 12/31/21 Who“Indio” is andhe? “Notti di paura.” 8)7) BrettAlex EnglishFavre (609)starred 729-3235 in Italian films such(not good as with6) any Marvelous other specials or Marvin promotions) Hagler 9) Al Hrabosky 7)Who “Amazing is he? Grace and 8) Brett Favre “Indio”Open: 11:30am and “Notti - 8pm di paura.”4023 New7) Alex Jersey English Avenue Chuck”7) “Amazing and “The Grace Definite and 10)9) Al Bill Hrabosky Dickey Fri. &Who Sat. 'tilis 9p he? • Closed Sunday in8) Wildwood Brett Favre Chuck” and “The Definite 10) Bill Dickey 7) “Amazing Grace and 9) Al Hrabosky SEARCH Chuck” and “The Definite 10) Bill Dickey WORD SEARCH O WORDALXPJEAIVMVBRP SEARCH R SDKTFUMEROHKSD WORD O ALXPJEAIVMVBRP T MWNMDWSFREGNWH O ALXPJEAIVMVBRP R SDKTFUMEROHKSD E GEAOJLBGLTAOCM R SDKTFUMEROHKSD OT XNYLMWNMDWSFREGNWHFYABJPRSAE T MWNMDWSFREGNWH UE EDGPTNSCGFCIINGEAOJLBGLTAOCM E GEAOJLBGLTAOCM GO NILLIKJLAVIUNTXNYL FYABJPRSAE O XNYL FYABJPRSAE F PTNSLMONICARAA U EDGPTNSCGFCIIN U EDGPTNSCGFCIIN I WCMBZUDWMSLHML G NILLIKJLAVIUNT G NILLIKJLAVIUNT AF YKMXEAIXSGCJOQPTNSLMONICARAA Q NUIDMOEIYIFKLM F PTNSLMONICARAA I WCMBZUDWMSLHML E RNFZQCLRZDAWAI I WCMBZUDWMSLHML GA DQHKYKMXEAIXSGCJOQDESIGNEDGS A YKMXEAIXSGCJOQ UQ OYGUMVXHKCVTEBNUIDMOEIYIFKLM Q NUIDMOEIYIFKLM SE CHWARTZNOZRUMQRNFZQCLRZDAWAI E RNFZQCLRZDAWAI G DQHK“Marvel'sDESIGNEDGS M.O.D.O.K.” on Hulu G DQHK DESIGNEDGS (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) U OYGUMVXHKCVTEB (M.O.D.O.K)U OYGUMVXHKCVTEB megalomaniac (Patton) Oswalt Mental MonicaS CHWARTZNOZRUMQWendi (McLendon-Covey) Organism S CHWARTZNOZRUMQ Jodie “Marvel's(Aimee) M.O.D.O.K.” Garcia onDesigned Hulu (Only for) “Marvel's M.O.D.O.K.” on Hulu Lou (Words (Ben)in parentheses Schwartz not in puzzle)Killing (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Melissa(M.O.D.O.K) megalomaniac (Melissa)(Patton) Oswalt Fumero GRUMBLMental (M.O.D.O.K) megalomaniac (Patton) Oswalt Mental Monica Wendi (McLendon-Covey) Organism Monica Wendi (McLendon-Covey) Organism Jodie (Aimee) Garcia Designed (Only for) Jodie (Aimee) Garcia Designed (Only for) Lou (Ben) Schwartz Killing Custom Features Lou Release(Ben) the Schwartz week of May 16Killing - May 22, 2021. Melissa (Melissa) Fumero GRUMBL Melissa (Melissa) Fumero GRUMBL Custom Features Release the week of May 16 - May PAGE22, 2021. 7 Custom Features Release the week of May 16 - May 22, 2021. PAGE 8 PAGE 9 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 PREAKNESS The 2021 Preakness Stakes will be the 146th Preakness Stakes, a Grade I stakes race for three-year- old Thoroughbreds at a distance of 1+3⁄16 miles (1.9 km). The race is one leg of the American Triple Crown and is held annually at Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore, Maryland. The Preakness Stakes is traditionally held on the third Saturday in May, two weeks after the Kentucky Derby. The 2021 Preakness is scheduled for May 15 with a post time of 5:45 p.m. Eastern Time, with television coverage by NBC HOLIDAYS NATIONAL APPLE PIE DAY – May 13 National Apple Pie Day, America’s favorite dessert, is observed annu- ally on May 13th. The first apple pie recipe printed was in England in 1381. The list of ingredients included good apples, good spices, figs, raisins, pears, saffron, and cofyn (a type of pastry crust). PAGE 13 NATIONAL HOLIDAYS THIS WEEK While the apple pie existed well During the turn of the 20th century before the Pilgrims landed on the when whole toasted cereals were be- eastern shores of what is now The coming the ‘health food’ fad, pie gained United States, Americans wax po- a bad reputation.
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