EU STRATEGIC TALKS Successful Premiere for LGP: EU Strategic Talks Vol.1 The Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl and her Luxembourg colleague Jean Asselborn (right) were interviewed by ORF moderator Tarek Leitner on stage. Well in time before Austria assumes the rotating EU Council Presidency, the House of the European Union in Vienna’s historic city centre turned into a think tank for the future of Europe. At the invitation of LANSKY, GANZGER + partners, attorneys at law, numerous experts came to Vienna to discuss urgent questions regarding the European Union: Is increasing nationalism endangering the cohesiveness of the community? Which steps are necessary to overcome the obvious crises the EU is facing? What will be next for the countries of the Western Balkans? t the premiere of the “EU Karin Kneissl and Luxembourg’s Minister this has been overcome and replaced by Strategic Talks”, organised by for Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean As- a sense of pragmatism: “We must think the international business law selborn were faced with the critical ques- through possible scenarios and conduct firms LANSKY, GANZGER + tions of Tarek Leitner, renowned anchor- negotiations on an orderly Brexit accord- partner (LGP) and Amsterdam man at the Austrian public broadcaster ingly.” A& Partners, in cooperation with the Euro- ORF. Mr Asselborn was highly optimistic pean Parliament’s information office and that a sensible agreement could be found Homework instead of new rules. To the representation of the European Com- with the United Kingdom of Great Britain strengthen the people’s diminishing trust mission in Austria, an informal meeting and Northern Ireland in the framework of in the European Union again, Europe of foreign ministers took place. In front the Brexit negotiations. Ms Kneissl de- must analyse closely what EU citizens of more than 220 listeners and numerous scribed the EU’s first reaction to the Brexit are most concerned about, Mr Asselborn journalists, Austrian Federal Minister for referendum of 23 June 2016 as “shock- stated on the issue of the loss of solidarity: Europe, Integration, and Foreign Affairs induced paralysis”, but went on to say that “We have to do our homework internally Photo: LGP/Brandl 12 LGP news 1 | 2018 EU STRATEGIC TALKS instead of constantly putting out new sets sovereignty which we had long believed respondent for Europe at POLITICO, dealt of rules and regulations.” While the Aus- to be vanquished are back on the agenda with the important issue “EU reform plans: trian Minister of Foreign Affairs posited and threatening the common peace project. ever closer union or stronger national sov- the lack of a basic education informed by Austria, as the new EU Council President, ereignty?” Othmar Karas, Member of the humanism as a possible reason for EU- has the unique chance to find flexible an- European Parliament and Chair of the Par- citizens’ increasing fears concerning mi- swers to this and to defend the EU as an liamentary Delegation to the Committee gration, her counterpart from Luxembourg essential value-based community against for parliamentary cooperation EU-Russia, pleaded passionately for an obligatory ad- further disintegration in the face of the demanded more sincerity from politi- herence to the contentious quota system in forthcoming Brexit.” cians instead of attempts to gain points European asylum policy: “This is an essen- with empty promises, as is so often done tial core aspect which could otherwise lead Founding partner Gabriel Lansky similarly during electoral campaigns: “To design a to a dangerous split between the various stressed the immediate need for landmark more democratic, more efficient EU that is EU members. This principle should not decisions regarding the future viability of more capable of acting, we have to solve be questioned by the Austrian EU Council the EU, and went on to attest to the EU an its problems together. We all know exactly Presidency either.” overly technocratic mode of governance what it would take. In the age of globalisa- and an advancing erosion of its common tion, nationalism is a dead-end strategy.” Previously, following the official welcome values: “When EU-member states advo- The former President of Poland, Alek- by Georg Pfeifer, head of the European cate opposing sets of values, it is going to sander Kwasniewski, referred to a para- Parliament’s information office, co-host be difficult to enforce a uniform jurisdic- dox situation in his home country in this and managing partner Robert Amster- tion.” context: “According to Eurobarometer sur- dam had analysed the current situation veys, the Poles are the most pro-European in clear words: “The European Union is Disagreements between Eastern and people in the EU. Yet, they have still voted at a historic crossroads. Past concepts of Western Europe. A panel discussion mod- a conservative, anti-EU government into authoritarian power politics and national erated by Matthew Karnitschnig, chief cor- office.” Still, Kwasniewski sees grounds LGP founder Gabriel Lansky at his opening speech (left), prominent speakers discussed EU reform plans (center), nearly 200 Photos: LGP/Brandl interested parties and 20 media representatives from home and abroad followed the „EU Strategic Talks” 1 | 2018 LGP news 13 EU STRATEGIC TALKS Panel discussion on the upcoming Brexit and its consequences (top right), introductory words by Ewald Nowotny, Governor of the Austrian National Bank (bottom right) for hope: “The governing PiS party could be a strong signal if Germany for exam- of the Treaty on the European Union, all only mobilise the support of 35% of the ple would forego its veto right and accept panellists agreed that London, with a daily electorate. The next elections in two years’ majority decisions in the EU’s foreign and turnover of USD 537 billion, will remain time could change things for the better.” security policy.” the most important marketplace for Euro- Ivan Krastev, Chairman of the Centre for denominated transactions. Liberal Studies in Sofia and Author of the Brexit – a self-fulfilling prophecy? Brexit bestselling book “After Europe”, in his and its impacts: this conflict-prone topic “For me personally, a capital market union statement pointed towards another East- was at the centre of a keynote delivered by without London is hard to imagine. There- ern European tradition: “Democracy for Ewald Nowotny, Governor of the Austrian fore, a ‘soft Brexit’ would probably be the these people means national sovereignty National Bank, and a subsequent panel best solution for the member states, espe- and opposition to certain types of cosmo- discussion. Moderator Ivo Gabara of the cially since access to the common market politan ideas. In many of these countries, London-based consulting firm Gabara will have to be renegotiated in any event,” the idea of change has a strong negative Strategies welcomed to the panel former Michael Ikrath stressed. connotation. For this reason, a multi- Hungarian Minister of Finance Tibor speed Europe would be a good option.” Draskovics, Member of the Austrian Par- Even though Austria will feel the impact Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman of the liament Martin Engelberg, Member of the of Brexit less than most other Eurozone Munich Security Conference, made refer- European Economic and Social Commit- countries, Angelika Mlinar thinks that ences to the massive need for reforms to tee and LGP of Counsel Michael Ikrath, smaller companies and start-ups will find make Europe more capable of acting in and Member of the European Parliament it harder to gain access to cheaply finance an increasingly complicated world – es- Angelika Mlinar. Even though the Brexit their competitiveness and innovativeness. pecially when it comes to the Common negotiations have to be finished by March “Not least the young people in the UK’s Foreign and Security Policy. “It would 2019 at the latest according to Article 50 deeply divided public will have a hard time Photos: LGP/Brandl 14 LGP news 1 | 2018 EU STRATEGIC TALKS dealing with leaving the EU and the reper- for Southeastern Europe and Turkey at the for a soon-to-be agreement in the name cussions. Only Frankfurt am Main stands Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Petritsch dispute between Greece and Macedonia. to profit from Brexit, as it will probably stressed the historic window of opportuni- “The prospect of EU-membership depends be able to position itself as the Eurozone’s ty for an agreement between Belgrade and to a considerable degree on the ability to new financial centre in the long run.” Pristina; here, Austria should use its Presi- uphold the common values that unite the dency of the European Council to support countries of Europe: democracy, rule of The Western Balkans between Europe the negotiations. law, protection of fundamental rights, the and China. “Even if it is already clear fight against corruption and organised that there will be no EU enlargement dur- Petritsch and the Members of the Euro- crime, and the establishment of a function- ing Austria’s EU Council Presidency, the pean Parliament Eduard Kukan and Knut ing market economy” Western Balkans states must be offered Fleckenstein agreed that it was now Pris- a credible EU perspective – not least for tina’s turn to show a willingness to com- “During its EU Council Presidency, Aus- reasons of geopolitics.” With this clear promise on the issue of Kosovo: First and tria should promote the convergence of statement, former EU Special Envy for foremost, the majority-Serb municipalities the Western Balkans region to Europe,” Kosovo and High Representative for Bos- in Kosovo must be offered substantial, Gabriel Lansky suggested in his wrap-up nia and Herzegovina and LGP of Counsel far-reaching autonomy as soon as possi- of the conference and warned: “Many em- Wolfgang Petritsch opened the debate on ble, as already agreed upon between Bel- pires collapsed due to a lack of legitimacy.
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