-I ~jrmsiTi aiItedh¶a2THUajIrnruaL TE1JOURNAL OF THE " RHTH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. EDITED BY NORMAN GERALD HORNER, M.A., M.D. VOLUME I, 1928. JANXUAFY TO JUNE:. -1 ioubou:0 PRINTED AND PUIBLISEED AT THE OFFICE OF THE IRT-ISUFSDIOCAL ASSOCIATION, TAVISTOCX SQUARE, LGNDON, W.¢1. 'II1 i JAN.-JUNB, I928[ MDAL JoImNAI. KEY TO DATES AND PAGES. Tim following table, giving a key to the dates of issue and the page numbers of the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL and SUPPLEMENT in the first volume for 1928, may prove convenient to readers in search of a reference. Serial Date of Journal supplement No. Issue. Pages. Pages. 3496 Jan. 7th 1- 38 1- 8 3497 ,, 14th 39- 82 9- 12 3498 ,, 21st 83- 120 13- 24 3499 ,, 28th 121- 164 25- 32 3500 Feb. 4th 165- 204 33- 40 3501 1th 205- 244 41- 44 3502 18th 245- 292 45- 56 3503 25th 293- 334 57- 68 3504 March 3rd 335- 382 69- 76 3505 ,, 10th 383- 430 77- 84 3506 17th 431- 480 85- 92 3507 , 24th 481- 534 93- 100 3508 ,, 31st 535- 582 .101 - 112 3509 April 7th 583- 618 .113 - 120 3510 14th 619- 650 .121 - 124 3511 21st 651- 700 .125- 136 3512 28th 701- 742 .137- 180 3513 May 5th 743- 788 .181 - 204 3514 12th 789- 832 205 - 212 3515 ,, 19th 833- 884 .213- 220 3516 -26th 885- 930 .221 - 228 3517 June 2nd 931- 966 .229 - 236 3518 9th 967 - 1008 .237 - 248 3519 16th 1009 - 1054 .249- 264 3520 23rd 1055 - 1098 .265- 276 3521 30th 1099- 1134 .277 - 288 INDEX TO VOLUME I FOR 1928. READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate but nearly synonymous headings-such, for instance, as Brain and Cerebral; Heart and Cardiac; Liver and Hepatic; Renal and Kidney; Cancer and Carcinoma, Epithelioma, Malignant Disease, New Growth, Sarcoma, etc.; Child and Infant; Bronchocele, Goitre, and Thyroid; Diabetes, Glycosuria, and Sugar; Light, Roentgen, Radium, X Rays; Status Lymphaticus and Thymus; Eye, Ophthalmia, and Vision; Bicycle and Cycle; Motor and Automobile; Association, Institution, and Society, etc. Subjects dealt with under various main headings in the JOURNAL have been set out in alphabetical order under their respective headings -for example, " Correspondence," 4 Leading Articles," " The Week," " Reviews," etc. Original Articles are indicated by the letter (0). A. ACHARD, Ch.: Clinique Mldicale de l'Hpital Alcoholism, etiology of: Discussion at the Royal Beanjon, rev., 635 Society of Medicine, 594-Correspondence on, AARON, Charles D.: Diseases of the Digestive Acne, ultra-violet rays for, 966, 1C07 691 Organs, with Special Reference to their Acriflavine in wound treatment (J. G. Grabam), ALDRIDGE, E. A.: Appreciation of Basil Thorn Diagnosis and Treatment. fourth edition, 173 Lang, 201 rev., 806 Acta Medica Scandinavica: Supplementum xix: Alepol." 225 ABADIE, Dr., appointed an officer of the Legion Der Gehalt des Blutes an Calciutm und Kalium ALEXANDER, A.: Treatment of ulcers of the of Honour, 243, 291 (Eskil Kylin), 60-Memoir of Karl Petr6n, 119 mouth, 2q3 Abbreviations, use of, 5S2 Acta Paecliatrica: Possible dangers of cod-liver ALEXANDER, Browning: Liver diet in pernicious ABDERHALDEN, Emil, nominated an honorary oil (E Agduhr), 639 anaemia, 179 member of the Chinese Physiological Society Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica: Viggo ALEXANDER F. Matthias: Body and mind, 788 at Pekin, 1096 Christiansen number, 231 ALEXANDER, Sir Sidney: Intravenous treatment Abdomen, acute (E. R. Flint). 209 (0)-Corre- Acta Tubercu-loee, Scandinavica * The "BHil- of varicose ulcers, 898 spondence on, 284, 325, 377, 411, 470 san" Institute in Norrbotten (Gustaf Neander), ALFORD, Henry James. obituary notice of, 882 Abdomen, acute, diagnosis of (John Marnoch), 638 Alkaline treatment of gastric and duodenal 136-Review of books on, 223, 1069-" Rising Actinomycosis of the lung, primary (Herbert ulcer (Hugh MacLean), 619 (0) test" for, 788 Sharpe), 1107 (0) Alkaloids, the production of (T. A. Henry), 638 Abdomen, foreign bodies in the. 199. See also Actinomycosis pulmonary (F. M. Johns), 404 Alkalosis and ketosis, 402 Foreign body Actinotherapy, review of books on, 356 ALLAN, F. J.: Painless first labour, 480 Abdominal pain as exemplified in acute appendic- Acute abdomen. See Abdomen ALLAN, Goo. A.: The early detection and super-. itis (John Morley), 887 (0)-Note on, 906- ADAM, James: Peptone treatment of asthma, vision of rheumatic infection in children, 39 Correspondence on, 1085 328-Laryngeal myxoedema, 594-Five genera- (0) Abdominal wall, gynaecological involvements of tions attended by one doctor, 832-Otosclet osis, Allan , James Cyril Dalmahoy: a memoir, rev., the (Frederick Roques), 55 983 139 ABERCROMBIE, R. G.: Curvatures of the spine ADAMS, S. (and H. C. WESTON): On thte Relief of ALLIBUTT [Sir Clifford] memorial at Papworth. following encephalitis lethargica, 174 (0) Eyestrain among Persons Performing very See Papworth Aberdeen. See Scotland Fsne Work, 1119 ALLEN, Geo. P. F.: The Meinicke syphilitic Abortion, criminal, medico-legal aspects of ADDISON, 0. L.: Treatment of hare-lip, 1025 reaction, 1049-Heat cramp and heat hyper- (G. Roche Lynch), 452 Addison's disease (L. Abrathamson), 452 pyrexia, 1C98 Abortion and sepsis, 1049 Adenoids, death after operation for (parlia- ALTOUNYAN, E. H. R.: Blood group percentages Abortion and shock, 239. 327. 375, 471, 524 mentary note), 616 for Arabs, Armenians, and Jews, 546 Abortions to be reported in the city of New York, Adolescence, review of book on, 806 ALTROCK, Hermann: Kleine Sportskunde, 365 81 Adrenaline in medical and surgical practice " Ambidex " wrist splint, 1115 Abraham, Karl, Selected Papers of, 225 (W. M. Beaumont), 1104 (0) Ambulance Service: Home Service Ambulance ABRAHAMSON, Leonard: The over-sensitive Committee report, 603, 1053-First-aid service child, 220-Psychoneuroses, 221-Addison's AFRICA, SOUTH, UNION OF: on the roads, 603 disease, 452-(And T. Gillman MOORHEAD): Asbestosis, pulmonary in (F. W. Sir;son), 885 Ambulatory treatment of varicose ulcer. See Thrombo-phlebitis migrans, 586 (0) (0) Ulcer Abscess, hepatic, and appendicitis (W. A. Barnes Food, Drugs, and Disinfectants Bill, 1043 America. See United States and L. V. Pearson), 390 (0)-(William George), Health Insurance, National, in, 673 American tour of the Surgical Section of the 633 Health legislation, 370 Royal Society of Medicine, 186 Abscess, renal, following gonorrhoea (T. K. G. Medical Association's Congress, 684, 742 American universities, impressions of, 366 Way), 716 Medical, Dental, and Pharmacy Bill, 516,1042 AMERY, Mr.: Health of the Colonies, 1118 ABT, I. A.: Legion of Honour conferred -upon, Midwives, supervision of, 1C43 Amoebae, intestinal, of man (E. Brumpt), 1110 291 Native infantile mortality, 370 Anaemia, acute aplastic, 918, 1048. 1129 Acad6mie de Medecine: The bacillus Calmette- Official visit to (H. B3. Brackenbury), 726 Anaemia associated with dysphagia (A. Mason Gu6rin (B.C.G.), 230, 1077-Serum treatment Pretoria, health of, 370 Jones and Robert D. Owen). 256 (0)-Corre- of poliomyelitis, 403-Classes malonal-urea Public Health Amendment Bill, 1042 spondence on, 375, 467, 521, 610-(Sidney Elisa- (barbitone) derivatives as dangerous sub- South African Field Hospital, 232 beth Croskery). 494-Leading article, 636 stances, 581-B C.G. and non-tuberculous Typhoid immunizatiom by the mouth in, 159 Anaemia of malignant disease (leading article), infants (J. Ligni6res), 909 Vaccination problems, 1042 721 Acad6mie des Sciences: Le granld prix Lecontte Venereal diseases campaign, 517 Anaemia, pernicious, treated with liver diet awarded, 29 Venereal diseases notification, 1043 (lx'. A. Phillipps), 93 (0)-(H. F. Brewer, A. Q. Wells, and F. R. Fraser), 165 (0)-Discussion ACADEmY, ROYAL, OF MEDICINE IN IRELAND: Africa. tropical, birth and death rates in (parlia- on, 178-Leading article, 188-Report by the Section of Medicinie.-The over sensitive mentary note). 532 Medical Research Council, 398, 463-(C. F. T. child, 220-Addison's disease, 452-Narcolepsy, Africa, West: West African Medical Staff, East). 491 (0) 945-Congenital pyloric stenosis, 945-Pitui- revised list, 787-Yellow fever in, 86) Anaemia, pernicious: Recipes for Drs. Minot and tary infantilism, 946 African Congress. See Congress Muiphy's Liver Diet for, rev.. 102-Messrs. Section of Obstetrics.-Two cases of twisted Agar serum, peptoned, an improvement in Armour's booklet of recipes, 243-Welloome broad ligament with cysts, 308-Vesico-vaginal (A. Gunn Auld), 171 (0)-Correspondence on, 328 liver extract. 502-13.D.H. liver extract, 806 fistulae, 308-Clinical report on the Rotunda AGAASIZ, Dr.: Non-tuberculous fibrosis of the Anaemia, review of book on, 918.1113 HospitalI, Dublin, 771 lung in children, 815 Anaemia, secondary, liver treatment of, 244 Sectiotn of Patlhologp.-Fracture of cervical AGDUHR, E.: Possible dangers of cod-liver oil, Anaesthesia, general. hyperglyeaemia in, an vertebrae, 553-Sarcoma of the lung and liver 639 atypical case (R. L. Mackay), 892 (0) 553-Portal cirrhosis, 633-Bacterial agglutina- Age at death and the birth rate. See Birth rate Anaesthesia, inhalabion, pri'ze for research on, tion, 633-Divbrticulitis, 1025-New growths. Age, prolongation of, in Scotland (William 381 1026-Fractional test meals, 1026 Robertson), 728 Anaesthesia, local, deaths from, 81 Section of Suroery.-Conservative treatment Air Force, Royal: Report on the health of the Anaesthesia, rectal oil-ether (Robert A. Hatcher), of spinal caries, 55-Treatment of fractures. 55 force in 1926.186-Estimates, 472, 529-Parlia- 769 -Bone complications in typhoid
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