B”H The Shul weekly magazine Weekly Magazine Sponsored By Mr. & Mrs. Martin (OBM) and Ethel Sirotkin and Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz Shabbos Parshas Ki Tavo Shabbos Slichos Elul 20 -21 September 23 - 24 CANDLE LIGHTING: 6:57 PM SHABBOS ENDS: 7:48 PM Selichos will begin Motzei Shabbos at 1:10am Welcome Cantor Motzen Over Tirty Years of Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside 9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, Fl 33154 Tel: 305.868.1411 Fax: 305.861.2426 www.TeShul.org Email: [email protected] The Shul Weekly Magazine Everything you need for every day of the week Contents Nachas At A Glance Weekly Message Thoughts on the Parsha from Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar 3 The Women’s annual Taste of Rosh Hashana event which was held this week, was defnately food Celebrating Shabbos Schedules, classes, articles and more... Everything you 4 -5 for the soul. Mrs Dina Horowitz, wife of Shliach need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience Rabbi Yitzi Horowitz who is struggling with ALS, Community Happenings 6-7 shared her story and inspired the women with Sharing with your Shul Family her incredible faith, strength and positivity. The A Time to Pray food was as delicious as it was beautiful and each Check out all the davening schedules and locations 8 throughout the week woman got to take home a recipe book of all the foods that were served. Inspiration, Insights & Ideas 9 - 15 Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE The Month of Tishrei Everything you need to know for the High Holidays 16 -19 Get The Picture 20 - 26 The full scoop on all the great events around town In a woman’s world Issues of relevance to the Jewish woman 27 French Connection Refexions sur la Paracha 28 Latin Link Refexion Semanal 29 The ABC’s of Aleph Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments. 30 Networking 31 - 32 Effective Advertising Numbers To Know Contacts at The Shul 33 Daily Study A complete guide to all classes and courses offered at 34 The Shul Get The Picture 35 - 36 The full scoop on all the great events around town Quotable Quote How does one avoid acting vengefully? One should think: If a person were cutting meat and the knife cut his hand, would that hand cut the frst hand in return? – Jerusalem Talmud, Nedarim 9:4 Thoughts on the Parshah from Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Parshas Ki Savo population study, the number of identified Jews has drastically diminished. his week’s portion is distinct as it contains The origins of our being, and the source of our eternity, the Ttwo seemingly polarizing Torah, teaches us the way and gives us the power to live and perspectives. The first half carry our enigmatic strength through the good times and addresses the abundant unfortunately the hard times. blessings that Hashem gives us; the multiple expressions Before the High Holy days we realize our fundamental of our gratitude; the unique connection to Hashem that goes beyond whatever condition relationship between G-d and envelopes us. Hashem is our Father who loves us and cares for the Jewish People; and the us even when he admonishes us. exclusive love that we have for Hashem and He for us. The The recent economic and political crises that effects so many second half is the “Tochacha” of our society are only temporary dark clouds that evoke our (admonitions and retribution) which contain 98 horrific and deepest subconscious to become aware that at the end of the painful events that will afflict the Jewish People if they day there is no real permanence in the material world without abandon their holy connection to G-d and His Torah. G-d’s divine providence and blessings. This dichotomy is in fact a reflection of the Jewish Historical In the same way that this portion addresses the most difficult experience. In some periods there was Jewish growth, pride conditions one can imagine, but is preceded by extra ordinary and public acclamation while at other periods there were blessings and followed by extra ordinary assurances of our pogroms, holocausts and rabid expressions of anti-semitism. eternal continuity, so too are all of the difficulties in life only momentary steps backward in order to make the big leaps Living through this maelstrom of radical extremes, during forward. many periods of history under such difficult circumstances that every other nation facing lesser challenges completely We are in the era of Moshiach. His advent is palpable as the disintegrated, we the Jewish People continued with strength, world is shaking and trembling in its quest for reinforcement despite all odds. For the Jew, the blessing and curses (they and establishment for what is proper, good and permanent. should never be) are only external influences that affect We have suffered enough difficulties and are ready for our bodies and existential beings. Our essence, our Soul Hashem’s revealed blessings for everything good materially always remains alive and impervious to pernicious forces of and spiritually in health and peace of mind and soul as we are destruction. The previous Rebbe stated “that only our physical inscribed and sealed for a good and sweet year. beings were sent to exile, while our souls remain free”. K’Sivah V’Chashimah Tovah, L’Shanah Tovah U’Mesukah. Mit It is that essential power that is dominant and transcends the Gezundt und Menucha. temporary setbacks regardless of the intensity. Just as painful and hate fueled anti Jewish actions caused destruction and Have a good Shabbos and a great week. decimation of the Jewish People, so too during times of great bountifulness and societal acceptance do we see a dissipation and assimilation of the Jewish people. According to published statistics the Jewish People have lost more than six million Jews since 1945. No crematoriums, gas Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar chambers, concentration camps or persecution; no smell of burning bodies or lines of Jewish slaves. A quiet, consistent and formidable erosion of our Jewish brothers and sisters. Comparing the Jewish population study of 1960 to the 2000 3 Celebrating Shabbos with our Youth Everything you need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience Weekly Riddle Morah Malkie’s Elisheva Adouth's Tot Shabbat Aleph Wonder Girls Ages: 1 - 4 Grades: 1 - 3 Questions: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 1) We are the top 7 fruit and one of the holidays has us as a nickname. Montessori Classrooom 2 What are we? classrooom 2 2) No one wants me and the one who gets me will just run through me. What am I? 3) I can be brought in either straw, leaf branches, silver or gold. What am I? Answers from last week: 1) The frst born son. I get double the inheritance. Tehila's Basya's Pre Tween Girls Tween Girls 2) When you put a muzzle on an animal that is not working. 3) Amalek - We need to destroy them completely Grades: 4 - 5 Grades: 6 - 8 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:30 am - 12:00 pm RIDDLE RULES Answers to the riddles can be given to Sholom Lobenstein any Classrooom 4 time over Shabbos. The frst child to give a correct answer to each of the questions will win an INSTANT prize! mishnayos Ba'al Peh Prizes kindly sponsored by the Goldczer Family Mendy's in loving Memory of Sholom's Hebrew School Aryeh Leib ben Zev Volf obm Junior Boys Grades: 4th - 8th Grades: 1 - 4 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Classroom 1 Mishnayos Ba’al Peh Shaykee’s Debbie’s Shmuely's After Mincha Davening With Dad Teen Girls Teen Boys Montessori 3 Grades: 9th - 12th GREAT PRIZES!!! Grades: 7th - 8th Grades: 9th - 12th 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Prizes kindly sponsored by the 10:30 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Goldczer family in loving memory of Teen Girls Room Aryeh Leib ben Zev Volf Obm Montessori 3 Haime Library 4 Celebrating Shabbos Everything you need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience Kiddush This Week: Shabbos Schedule Kiddush this week is sponsored by Mrs. Alice Lowe in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson, Jacob Handwerger. Early Minyan 5:45 p.m. Candle lighting 6:57 p.m. Shalosh Seudos This Week: Mincha / Kabbalas Shabbos 7:00 p.m. Shalosh Seudos this week is sponsored by Mrs. Estela Berry Shabbos Day Hashkama Minyan 7:15 a.m. in honor of the Yahrzeit of her husband Mr. Allen Berry - Tanya / Hayom Yom 9:00 a.m. Avrohom ben Moshe obm. May his neshama have an aliya. Shacharis (Morning Services) 9:00 a.m. Children’s Programs 10:00 a.m. Upstairs Minyan 10:30 a.m. the caterer for this week’s 30 Minutes of Tanya: Classroom #1 +/- 12:00 p.m. kiddush and Shalosh seudos is With Mrs. Vivian Perez (for Women) After Davening Food Art Kiddush 12:00 p.m. Daf Yomi 6:00 p.m. Men’s Shiur 6:00 p.m. Women's Shiur 6:00 p.m. Shalosh Seudos for Boys 6:00 p.m. kiddushim at The Shul Pirkei Avos Chapter 3&4 Please help us to provide our weekly Shabbos Kiddush and Mincha 6:50 p.m. Shalosh Seudos by becoming a sponsor. Or join the Kiddush Bank Shabbos Ends / Ma’ariv & Havdalah 7:48 p.m. by becoming a Partner ($770 annually ) or Patron ($360 anually) Weekly Video of The Rebbe Sephardic Minyan Friday Evening Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat 6:45 p.m.
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