HISTORY, PRESBYTERIANISM AND THE CONFESSIONAL STATE: DAVID CALDERWOOD AND HIS WRITINGS IN THE POST- REFORMATION SCOTLAND A Master’s Thesis by MUHAMMED BURAK ÖZDEM ĐR THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY BĐLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA September 2007 To my family and my love HISTORY, PRESBYTERIANISM AND THE CONFESSIONAL STATE: DAVID CALDERWOOD AND HIS WRITINGS IN THE POST- REFORMATION SCOTLAND The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University by MUHAMMED BURAK ÖZDEM ĐR In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS in THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY BĐLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA September 2007 I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in History. ——————————— Assoc. Prof. Cadoc D.A. Leighton Supervisor I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in History. ——————————— Asst. Prof. Paul Latimer Examining Committee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in History. ——————————— Asst. Berrak Burçak Examining Committee Member Approval of the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences ——————————— Prof. Dr. Erdal Erel Director ABSTRACT HISTORY, PRESBYTERIANISM AND THE CONFESSIONAL STATE: DAVID CALDERWOOD AND HIS WRITINGS IN THE POST-REFORMATION SCOTLAND Özdemir, Muhammed Burak M.A., Department of History Supervisor: Dr. C. D. A Leighton September 2007 Thanks to recently developed methodologies in history writing, the analysis of relatively lesser known figures in the area of intellectual history, placing them in their historical context has become important in historical studies. The investigation pursued in this thesis explains a seventeenth-century politico-religious context of Scotland, through the writings of a leading Presbyterian minister of the period, David Calderwood. Here Calderwood emerges as an important representative of the expression of a confessional identity. His ideas are interesting enough to refute the claims of some historians that religion began to be excluded from all intellectual debates of this period. His works mainly reflect a radical Presbyterian stance, opposing that of the Episcopalians. The elucidation of the aspects of this radical Presbyterianism illustrates how the early modern Scottish discussion between Presbyterians and Episcopalians had a constitutive role in establishing an identity. iii History was a useful intellectual tool for Calderwood to offer a solution to this debate. But, historical precedents could provide guidance only in so far as God’s providential plan was perceived in them, as directing the course of all events, and justifying religious and moral commands—in fact, Presbyterianism—now identifiable with the nation’s historical path. Key Words : David Calderwood, Reformation, Seventeenth Century, Presbyterianism, Episcopalianism, Historiography, Scottish Identity. iv ÖZET TAR ĐH, PRESB ĐTERYEN ĐZM VE DEVLET: REFORMASYON SONRASI ĐSKOÇYA’DA DAV ĐD CALDERWOOD’UN ESERLER Đ Özdemir, Muhammed Burak Yüksek Lisans, Tarih Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Dr. C. D. A. Leighton Eylül 2007 Tarih yazımı alanındaki son geli şmeler neticesinde, son yıllarda dü şünce tarihi çalı şmalarının nisbeten önemsiz atfedilmi ş şahsiyetlere yöneldi ğini ve onların gerçek tarihsel ba ğlamları içerisinde ele alındıklarını görmekteyiz. Bu tez, on yedinci yüzyılda Đskoçya’nın nasıl dini ve siyasi bir ba ğlama sahip oldu ğunu göstermek için, dönemin önemli din adamlarından birisi olan David Calderwood’un eserlerini incelemektedir. Calderwood bu tarihsel ba ğlam içerisinde dini bir kimlik algısı in şa etmektedir. Onun eserleri aslında, günümüz tarihçilerinin on yedinci yüzyılda dinin ço ğu tartı şmanın dı şına itildi ği yönündeki inançlarının ne kadar da hatalı oldu ğunu göstermek adına oldukça ilgi çekicidir. Temel olarak Calderwood, Episkopalyen’lerin kar şısında a şırı bir Presbiteryen yorumun savunucusu konumundadır. Bu Presbiteryen tutumun içeri ği anla şıldıkça, yeniça ğ ba şlarında yo ğun olarak hissedilen Presbiteryen-Episkopalyen uzlaşmazlı ğının bir Đskoç kimli ğinin olu şumunda nasıl da önemli bir yere sahip oldu ğu ortaya çıkar. v Calderwood bu tartı şmalara bir son verebilmek için tarihe özel bir önem atfetmi ştir. Fakat unutulmaması gereken nokta geçmi şteki öncül olayların sadece Đlahi bir yönlendirme neticesinde ortaya çıkmı ş olduklarının bilincine varmaktır. Bu yüzden eğer onlardan faydalanmak isteniyorsa, bu olaylarda açıkca görüldü ğü dü şünülen bir takım dini ve ahlaki yaptırımların dürüstçe kabul edilmesi ve ya şamın her alanına uygulanması gerekmektedir. Bu da Presbiteryenliktir. Anahtar Kelimeler : David Calderwood, Reformasyon, On Yedinci Yüzyıl, Presbiteryanizm, Episcopalyanizm, Tarih Yazımı, Đskoç Kimli ği. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Even though one feels like experiencing the end of the world while writing a thesis, I am undoubtedly assured at the moment that it is only a small part of achieving greater things in life. But, if memory for a historian is nothing less than breathing, he becomes more willing to make it a perpetual reminder of the experience. So, I would here like to express my thanks to the people who have already deserved to be remembered in the future. My family has always been and will remain to be in my heart and mind whenever I intend doing something. I have done everything only to make them proud of me. My mom, my dad and my sister have all the time supported my aspirations. So, I would like to thank them for all they are, and for all they have done to me. I should also give my thanks to a special and beautiful girl in my life, Yeliz, without whose unselfish love I could not be where I am now. She is the first person who has not only encouraged me in my decision to be an academician, but always motivated me with her endless patience and kind heart as well. I am really grateful and indebted to her amazing efforts to provide me with necessary strength to overcome all hardships in my life. I believe that her being so loving and understanding will always be my great inspiration. I have also been lucky enough to have some special friends. I’d like in the first place to thank Fatih who has been a great friend and taught me so much with his vii deep intellectual knowledge so far. Hopefully, his friendship lasts forever. Indebted I am also to Yucel for his kindly and close friendship, who will certainly remain to be one of my best friends outside the academy. With Guney I shared not only a class and a flat. In his absence, Ankara becomes less enjoyable and endurable. Not to be forgotten are Sertaç Kurt, Ümit Bayık, U ğur Çetin and Cumhur Bekar, who have in different times and without complaint listened to the modest speculations of my mind. I haven’t also missed the chance to make new friends like Polat Safi, Alphan Akgül, Selim Tezcan, Yasir Yılmaz, Faruk Yaslıçimen, Harun Yeni, Cemal Bölücek, Seda Erkoç, Fatma Özden Mercan and Emrah Sefa Gürkan. Besides my friends, I express my gratitude to Cadoc Leighton for his helpful supervision of my M.A. thesis. With his new methodologies and ideas in historiography, it has been sometimes difficult and sometimes nice to see myself improving both in perspective and knowledge. Special thanks to other members of my thesis committee, Paul Latimer and Berrak Burçak, who have been supportive with their comments during the examining of my final work. And to Oktay Özel, I thank for his friendship, trust and support in our depressed times, which makes him more than a lecturer in our department. And, finally, a special place in my acknowledgements goes to the kind and helpful staff of Bilkent Library, who helped me through subscribing to one of the world’s most fascinating databases, EEBO , without which it would be unlikely to reach all the primary sources used in my dissertation. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT................................................................................................................iii ÖZET ........................................................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.......................................................................................vii TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................ ix CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER 2: CALDERWOOD’S UNDERSTANDING OF HISTORY................. 13 2.1 The Political and the Religious Context ................................................ 17 2.2 The Meaning of History in the Early Modern Period............................ 24 2.3 The Protestant Formation of Historical Studies..................................... 29 2.4 Humanist Legacies in Calderwood’s Works.......................................... 39 2.5 Antiquarianism....................................................................................... 44 CHAPTER 3: “THE EXTERNAL WORSHIP OF GOD, AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CHURCH ARE LIKE HIPPOCRATES TWINS” ...................................................................................................... 48 CHAPTER 4: “HAVE WEE NOT NEED TO FEAR THE BURNING OF OUR OWNE HOUSE, WHEN OURNEIGHBOURS HOUSE IS IN FIRE?”: IMAGINING THE NATIONAL CHARACTER OF THE SCOTTISH CHURCH...................................................................................................
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