PAGE SIX-B - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Sat., Nov. 12, 1977 It Htip Wuittd It Hip wuitm I t HMp w tm d IS W m ltd ia Http WnM I t H*lp HTwiM 1$ H Ip W tn M It HtIpWtnMI WANTED: Board Oerk to Company doing precision PART TIME COUNTER The weather TECHNICIAN - Process. SHORT ORDER COOK - o a i I nCNMCUN CUSTODIAN - Experienced, nKGtSNM MAGHK take minutes of Board of Days. Apply In person, at La machining for aircraft and work, nights. 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Needed by major manufac­ boat Industries needs: Apply Bess Elaton Donuts, 150 part timd, evenings. turer. Entry level to handle ^ucatlon monthly meetings Strada West, 471 Hartford Clear and cold tonight with lows In Manchester, East Hartford OPERATORS W/WTED and any special meetings. Road, Manchester. 1. Produellon Control Center Street, Manchester. ud ladnatritl m lct mail wmM routine testing of paper bniMdlitthr. Rlih ■UiUai rtU for the 20s. Sunny and milder Tuesday with area. Call 643-5691, 2-6 p.m. First class only. Regular meetings are held Monogor experienced In highs near 50. Probability of precipita­ Five years minimum products and processing once a month, the third Machine Loading or Short SECRETARY - Part time, rlfhl iMUriiualJta btwIU. checks. Science or paper LPN part time weekends. 7 to C«a NuUm ii oa Cawaaiqr tion near zero tonight and Tuesday. BOOK A TOY 4 Gift Party. experience. First or second liiursday of each month, from 3. For small faclllfy for the Interval Scheduling mature. Shorthand, typing - I4*-117« Outlook for Wednesday: Cloudy with background helpful. Possible 8:00 p.in. to 11:00 p.m. Must elderly In Manchester. Please techniques using procen Large phone contact. Hours to Generous awards. Over 400 shift. Openings for: routing shlfU. Fully company chance of showers. National weather newest most-wanted items. Ehiglne Lathe Uke shorthand andJ tytype ac- call Barbara Clark, 647-9908. sheets; includes materials be arranged. Pension and paid benefits. Send resume to curately. Call Supt. of%hooIs control and acquisition profit sharing plan after one map on Page 9B. For further information, Milling Machine Box RR CO Manchester at 6 4 3 ^ . REAL ESTATE CAREER - from approved sources: year. 289-9541, Mrs. Quinn. RN, or LPN - Part time, 3 to write Santa's Parties, Box P, Bridgeport Herald. Avon, Ct. 06001 or call collect Earn $18,000-1- annually. Part Shop oraer releases and 11, 3 to 7, or 7 to 11. Laurel Clntlmatlc N/C Operators Manor, 91 Chestnut Street. 1-673^494. LPN OR RN. Part time, 11 to $25.00 - 100 COLLECTING timers considered. Ralph control. Machines Include JANITOR - Part time in Inspectors envelopes. Send self-sUmp^ Pasek, Realtor, 289-7475. Lathes, BrIdKports, Mills, Manchester Industrial Park. Top wages and benefits. 7. Apply Manchester Manor Bullard, Jig w re, 'Tracer, About 2 hours a day, 5 days a FULL AND PART Time WAITRESSES - Part time Rest Home, 646-0129. a d d res^ envelope. TAYCO, nights and weekends. Apply at Please apply In person on- P.O. Box 8010, Stockton, Ca. and Tape machines. A week, 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Call Christmas help. Some selling Tacorral, 246 Broad Street. ly- 95208. MAN FOR WORK in fertilizer major function head in a Sanitation Systems, 649-9752. experience preferred. Dia­ Manchester. TIm La-MI Corporation RECEPTIONIST. Able to plant plus general warehouse small coiporation repor­ mond Showcase, 646-0012. Court order expected type, part time, evenings, work. Call Mr. Hill at 6430644. ting directly to the General MEDICAL Technologist 1 - 190 Tunnol Road weekends, and holidays to DISHWASHERS pari time Vtmon, Conn. 06068 {Printing- Manager. $14-16J)00. B.S. Degree required, nights. Apply at Tacorral, 246 coordinate hours with present RESTAURANT PERSON 2. Prooose Englnoor experienced preferred. 35 Broad Street, Manchester. employees. Apply In person. Buyer Wanted mornings, all duties. experienced in preparing hour week. Excellent fringe East Hartford Convalescent Apply at Rick’s Restaurant, rocess sheets, operation benefits. Good starting A MAN with either locksmith Home, 745 Main Street, East Must beexperimc«d in pur­ REAL ESTATE Opportunity. or alarm installation 24 Willow Street, between 8 Rme measurement, work salary. Apply Mansfield Hartford. chasing paper. Dubaldo Lesperance Realtors background is needed by and 10 a.m. and 1 and 3 p.m. flow, and tool control to Training Senool, Mansfield on South Windsor vote Monday through Friday. assist the production con­ Depot. Conn., Personnel Of­ need additional full time Connecticut Safe & Lock for Orders and expedites paper and licensed or in process CLERICAL ASSISTANTS trol manager selected as fice, Monday thru Friday, 8:30 steady work immediately. Aptitude for figures and outside services. Job demands a eight-member council — split 4-4 professionals, dedicated and Call for appointment and in­ ATTENDANTS FOR Shell above. Industrial a.m. to 3:30 p.m. An Equal for By JUDY KUEHNEL officials would be another complete­ didates Edward F. Havens and typing skills. Applicant must sense of urgency in this busy Car Wash - Manchester. Must engineering background Opportunity Affirmative Ac­ willing to give conscientious terview 236-1688. department. Aptitude with Herald Correspondent between Democrats and ly new election. The possibility of Jacqueline J. Smith each gained one customer service. E R A. be CETA eligible and resident be over 18, Friendly, neat in would be Deneficial. Will tion Employer. Mnehester and Republicans. Since the Town Charter of Manchesler. Phone 643- figures necessary. appearance, and have good eliminating all votes cast on the faul­ vote in the recount, while Robert J. Member-Broker, high com­ PART TIME HEAD Librarian report to the Production South Windsor Town Clerk Charles calls for a nine-member Council, the ty machine (289), suggested by a 9511, River East Homemaker- work record. Good income, Control Manager. $12- PART TIME SECRETARY East Hartford areas Myette lost one vote. Republican missions division, sales - For Andover Public Library, Liberal benefit program including to<Mlv6rllw Enes said today he expects that eight elected Council cannot be local television news station this Council candidate Melvin E. Tripp training program, national Home Health Aid Service. Company paid pension program. Chance for advancement. Call 14,000. for business. South Windsor approximately 20 hours week­ Mr. Clougherty, between 11 “ some sort of restraining order” will sworn in. referrals amf a friendly at­ ly. Persons with library Apply in person or call 643-1 lOI. Company will be pleased to Law Firm. Good typing skills Manchttltr Evtning weekend, would not be acceptable gained one vote. Selectman Everett mosphere. Call J. Luscia, 646- NEEDED - School Bus a.m. and 4 p.m. for appoint­ review your resume or essential. No legal experience Htrald be served, preventing the swearing in Officials today are awaiting word because it would deny 289 citizens J. Delaney (D) lost one vote and experience, or library science Drivers. Will train if ment, and personal interview, of a new Town Council scheduled for 0505, All inquiries confiden­ education preferred Send An equal opportunity employer qualifications letter. Send necessary. Send replies to Caff which will allow the swearing in of their vote in choosing town officers, treasurer candidate Neil M. Siegel tial. resume to Box 38, Andover, necessary. For South Wind­ —.male/female. 647-9016. to Box R c/o Manchester P.O. Box 525, ^uth Windsor, 8 tonight. sor. 90 Brookfield Street, 289- Herald. Ct. 06074. 647-9946 elected officers for the Planning and say some officials. (D) lost two votes. Conn. 06232. 5918.____________________ ALLIED PRINTINQ SERVICES The swearing in of newly e le c ts Zoning Commission, Board of EMuca- The possibility of an election for Board of Education candidate PAINTERS. $8,000 to $12,500 S79M4ddl6 Tumpili6W RELIABLE HARD Worker per year for experienced HIGH SCHOOLS Girls for PART TIME Flexible houurs. Manch«6t*r. Conn who wants steady employ- IMMEDIATE OPENINGS in town officials is called for by the tion, constables, town treasurer, council members only has been Marilyn C. Bloom (D) gained one painters. Work in Manchester. ment. Good income. Call 872- our silkscreen' printing Town Charter on the first Monday town clerk and Board of Selectmen. suggested as an alternative, as well vote, Republican incumbent Fred part time waitress work G o^ pay. Experience. Apply the rrark cf RN or LPN - Full time. 11 to 7. Glastonbury, Cromwell, and After schools and some Satur­ in person, CJ's Giant 4515 between 10 a.m. and 2 department on our third shift. after election. A malfunctioning It is expected that the old Town as the possibility of a “ run-off” elec­ DeGiacomo lost two votes and pfrtrxtj excellence p.m. An Equal Opportunity Laurel Manor, 91 Chestnut Contact Multi Circuits Inc., 50 Avon. Call evenings between 6 days. Apply in person. Brass Grinders, Inc., 273 Broad voting machine in District II, Council which held it’s final session tion among council candidates Republican constable candidate and 8 p.m,, 872-7103. Street, Manchester. Employer. Street, Manchester. Harrison Street, Manchester, Key Restaurant however, recorded more votes for last week will remain in session until closest to Ryan’s vote. Edward W. Kasheta gained one vote. council candidate Richard Ryan than a decision regarding the ninth coun­ Whatever decision is made will un­ Most of the changes were due to the NomM For Safa 23 Homat For Safa 2J Homaa For Safa 33 Nomas For Safa 23 Nomas For Safa 33 Nomat For Safa 33 HontM For Safa 23 Nomas For Safa 23 the number of persons actually cil member can be decided. doubtedly be made by the courts recounting of absentee ballots.
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