• ) -jj Michael Sol Collection B C S S I the roa Oly 0th jti ary rail for hay S lini MUSC trai GR corn 0’ S T YIQRII 0 RiLDI 0f 2 buil tt:s stat afl on t l’ioi efltertamtt class S5 Si Li F. Fo preSeIt by the All weigl luxui 2 The Mi1WQ’k Michael Sol Collection BedroomBedroom SkytopSkytop LoungeLounge CarsCars GoGo IntoInto Service.Service ilEHEFIRSTFIRSTofofthetheBedroomBedroomSky­Sky- TTtoPtopLoungeLoungecars,cars,thetheonlyonlyonesonesofof L • theirtheirkindkind toto bebe foundfound onon anyany rail­rail road,road, went.went intointo serviceservice on.on thethe OlympianOlympianHIawathaHiawathaononDec.Dec.9.9. ThreeThree 0therS have since been delivered, and others have sincethatbeen delivered, and ititisisexpectedexpectedthat bybythetheendendofofJanu­Janu aryary allall sixsix ofof thesethese cars,cars, whichwhich thethe railroadrailroad hashas beenbeen eagerlyeagerly awaitingawaiting forformoremorethanthanaayearyearandandaahalf,half, willwill bavehave beenbeen delivereddelivered andand thethe stream­stream lininglining ofof thethe Milwaukee'sMilwaukee’s luxuryluxury traintrain toto thethe WestWest CoastCoast willwill bebe complete.complete. TheseThese carscars areare aa partpart ofof thethe groupgroup sleeping ofof 2828 sleeping carscars whichwhich areare beingbeing builtbuilt byby thethe PullmanPullman StandardStandard CarCar Manufacturingfanufacturing CompanyCompany forfor serviceservice onon thethe OlympianOlympian HiawathaHiawatha andand thethe Pioneerpioneer Limited.Limited. TheThe 2828 carscars areare classifiedclassified asas follows:follows: I SixSix SkytopSkytop LoungeLounge carscars includingincluding 88 double double bedroomsbedrooms eacheach (all(all forfor useuse onon thetile Olympian Hiawatha.) cars SixSix cars with 1010 roomettesroomeltes andand 6 double bedrooms each (all(all now inin service on the Olympian Hiawatha.) Eight cars Eight cars with 8 duplex roomettes, 6 roomettes 6 roomettes and 4 double bedbed· rooms (all were expected to be de roomslivered (all were expected to be de· livered and in service on the Pioneer Pioneer Limited by Jan. 10.) Four cars Four cars with 10 roomettesroometres and 6 double double bedroolnsbedrooms (for supplemensupplemen. tary service on both Olympian Hiawathatary service on botll Olympian Hiawatha and Pioneer Limited.) Four Four cars with 16 duplex roomettesroomettes (intended (intended forfor thethe PioneerPioneer Limited; no delivery datedateset set as yet.)yet.) AllAll ofof thesethese cars, classedclassed asas lightlight­ weightweight sleepers,sleepers, areare beautifullybeautifully andand luxuriouslyluxuriously appointed,appointed, andand offeroffer notnot TwoTwo viewsviews ofofthethe lounge)oUDCjJe sectionsectioD ofofthethenewDew BedroomBedroomSkytopSkytopLoungeLOUDCjJe CarBo onlyonly eyeeye appealappeal butbut thethe veryvery latestlatest devicesdevicesandandarrangementsarrangementsforforpassenpassen­ gerger comfort.comfort. WhenWhen allall ofof thethe carscars arearedelivered,delivered,thetheRoadRoadwillwillhavehave21.21~ newly-builtnewly-built postwarpostwar passengerpassenger traintrain carscarsinin itsitsfleet,fleet, thethecostcostofofwhichwhichisis approximatelyapproximately$16,000,000.$16,000,000. TheThe eighteight bedroomsbedrooms inin eacheach ofof thesethese carscars areare equippedequipped withwith anan- nexed.nexedtoilettoiletfacilities,facilities,wardrobeswardrobesforfor clothing,clothing, temperaturetemperaturecontrols,controls, pubpub­ liclic addressaddress systemsystem andand radio.radio. TheThe loungeloungeareaareahashascomfortablecomfortableseatsseatsforfor 20,20,withwithaacardcardplayingplayingsectionsectionandand tablestableswithwithmagazines.magazines. TheThe2828newnewsleepingsleepingcars,cars,althoughalthough ownedownedbybythetherailroad,railroad,willwillbebeoperoper­ atedatedbybythethePullmanPullmanCompany.Company. 3 3 Michael Sol Collection ~ o • . AND THEYTHEY TALKEDTALKED ABOUT £4Q44r - owOW do you stop an injury before HII it happens? That is the diffi­diffi cult question to which the Milwaukee Road division of safety tries con­con stantly toto findfind answers, and which they hope to help thethe people of thethe railroad answer for themselves. There is, of course, no sure way of preventing all injuries, but the safety rallyrally programs which the divi­divi sion of safety has set up under the C. H. Buford. president L. J. Benson. assistant toto direction of L. J. Benson,Benson, assistant president to president, make a great deal of sense and will probably go a long way toward lessening the number of accidents suffered by employes of the Milwaukee Road. The first of these rallies was held L. F. Donald. general in Chicago on the evening of Dec. 1, manager and the second in Milwaukee on the 'eveningevening of Dec. 14. Others were scheduled for Minneapolis on Jan. 4, Tacoma on Jan. 27 and Miles City W. J. Whalen.Whalen, assistant on Feb. 7. general manager. The programs for all of these meet­meet K. F. Nystrom.Wystrom. chief ....me. ingsings are similar, opening with motion chanlcalchanical officer. pictures showing parts of several fa­fa ._~.[, 1'j mous prize fights: Tunney vs. Char­Char ~: . ~, r' pentiel',pentier, Dempsey vs. Sharkey, Louis :...I. ", ,vs.vs. Braddock, Zale vs. Graziano, Zale l,r\ ..... ~.i.1 t~~ ,,t; <::j,f. vs. Cerdan, and others. Thus keyed ,.~ ~ -~. " .. ,_.' up to a finefine appreciation of how not to get hurt inin the ring, the scene isis ! shifted to the railroad shifted to the railroad localelocale and, by J.1. J.1. O·Toole.O’Taole. general su­su means of a motion picture entitled perintendent of terminals. "The“The Safe Railroader,"Railroader,” thethe audience is given L. W. King. superinten­superinten is given specific instruction in how dent of Milwaukee Ter.Ter not to get hurt on the railroad. The mlnals.ina1s. film deals film deals principally with instruc­instruc C. E. Crippen. g8JI1ftIIgeneral tions for trainmen, but is valuable superintendent. MlhrnMiIwas toto all railroad men forfor the general kee. theme of sa!etysafety which it presents. In each case a speaking program follows, led off and presided over by Mr.Mi. Benson. Many of the general operating officers, division officers and safety engineers are present, F’ and although their talkstalks are very brief, in.in order thatthat the entire eve­eve ning'sning’s program may be completed in two hours, each of them takes a few G. M. Dempsey. general minutes inspector.inspector, ddivision I v I s Ion of minutes to drive home some impor­impor safety. tant safety pointer or to congratu­congratu latelate the men present forfor any im­im provement their recordrecord may have shown. President Buford was unable to attend tliethe Chicago meeting but did appear at the rally in Milwaukee to address the group. All of the pic­pic turestures on thisthis page were taken at the MIxedMixed with the safetygaiety talk was a '!""verY‘ pleasant dash of melody.melody, by courlesyofcourtesy of : latter meeting. litt Four Hlawathas."Hiawathas,” shown here dolD~.doing c:..a0 • A total of 543 attended thethe Chi­Chi number called "The“The Hiawatha Song.Song.” Lefl~ right:right: Bob Buenger. baritone: Bob BurrBurr,....lead; cago meeting, and, despite a heavy t5°’ downpour of rain, 550 were at the Dr. P. F. Hausmann.Hcrusmann. Archie GraILGraf I. bass: and Fred RobbiDI.RobbiflS’ b at the company surgeon.surgeon, Mil·Mil The boys always put on safety g099IgogglCS.. meeting inin Milwaukee. waukee. fore ll!tUnqletting the notes fly. 4 Meg / The Milwaukee Ma 19. Michael Sol Collection f- { TheThe BeslBest Ye,orYeur ofof OurOur LivesLives o LLLL OFOF US,US, II imagine,imagine, recallrecall possiblepossible forfor meme toto seesee farfar enoughenough AA thatthat whenwhen wewe werewere youngyoung andand intointo thethe futurefuture toto telltell you.you. These,These, unconcernedunconcerned aboutabout whatwhat mightmight unfortunately,unfortunately, areare timestimes whichwhich areare happen happen thethe nextnext day,day. thethe yearsyears hardhard toto predict,predict, buthut thisthis muchmuch II seemedseemed veryvery long:long. NowNow thatthat wewe areare wouldwould likelike toto say,say, forfor itit isis true:true: older andarid havehave aa very realreal concernconcern ef me. about whatwhat thethe future may holdhold forfor .Regardless'Regardless of how steep the grade us personally and inin a business way,way, may be inin 1949,1949, how heavy the loadload thethe years roll byby with increa~ingincreasing and how hard the pull, we will make speed. itit and the reward will be satisfying'satisfying to all of us if we put everything we I. This month, as we enter 1949,I949. have into the job and work for the we may feel that we have plenty of best interests of each other by workwork­ time before the calendar runs out­out— ing for the public we serve. plenty of time in which to further improve the things that are right And I hope that, twelve months about our.our· railroadrailroad and to correct thethe Fromfrom now, we can look back and say.say, thingsthings thatthat seem tot? hebe wrong. But “I949"1949 was thethe best yearyear of our almostalmost beforebefore we realizerealize itit we will lives!”lives! " bebe farfar intointo thethe year,year, leavingleaving behindbehind usus aa record,record, eithereither goodgood oror had.bad. EachEach ofof youyou who,who, asas anan eniploye,employe, hashas castcast hishis lotlot withwith thethe MilwaukeeMilwaukee Roa(l,Road, deservesdeserves toto knowknow whatwhat thisthis I. yearyear willwin hold,hold, andand II wishwish itit werewere PresidniPresident
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