Clonmel - Ardfinnan - Ballyporeen - Mitchelstown - Fermoy - Cork

Clonmel - Ardfinnan - Ballyporeen - Mitchelstown - Fermoy - Cork

Valid from 24th October 2016 245 Clonmel - Ardfinnan - Ballyporeen - Mitchelstown - Fermoy - Cork MONDAY TO FRIDAY (except public holidays) C C K Clonmel (Rail Station) 07:15 10:15 Clonmel (Western Rd Opp Hospital) 07:20 10:20 Ardfinnan (Opp Town Park) 07:35 10:35 Clogheen (Corbetts Hardware) 07:50 10:50 Ballyporeen (Opp Bally Hi Bar) 08:00 11:00 Mitchelstown (AIB Bank - Main St) 06:10 06:40 07:10 08:10 09:40 11:10 Kildorrery (Southbound) | 06:55 | | 09:55 | Rock Mills (Southbound) | 07:00 | | 10:00 | Glanworth (Southbound) | 07:05 | | 10:05 | Kilworth (Corbett Court Southbound) 06:20 | 07:20 08:20 | 11:20 Fermoy (Dublin Rd Wolfe Tone Pk) 06:30 07:00 07:20 07:30 07:30 08:30 09:30 10:20 10:30 11:30 12:30 Fermoy (Bella Café McCurtain St) 06:31 07:01 07:31 07:31 08:31 09:31 10:31 11:31 12:31 Rathcormac (Opp Church - Main St) 06:40 07:10 | 07:40 08:40 09:40 10:40 11:40 12:40 Watergrasshill (O Mahonys Bar) 06:48 07:18 | 07:48 08:48 09:48 10:48 11:48 12:48 Sarsfields Court (Opp Hospital) | | | 07:56 | 09:56 | | 12:56 Sallybrook (Opp Brook Inn) 06:59 07:29 | 07:59 08:59 09:59 10:59 11:59 12:59 Glanmire (Opp Stone Arch) 07:04 07:39 | 08:09 09:04 10:04 11:04 12:04 13:04 Lwr Glanmire Rd (Water Street Jctn) 07:17D 07:57 | 08:32D 09:17D 10:17D 11:17D 12:17D 13:17D Cork (Bus Station - Parnell Place) 07:20 08:20 08:05 08:35 09:20 10:20 11:20 12:20 13:20 K Clonmel (Rail Station) 14:15 16:15 18:45 Clonmel (Western Rd Opp Hospital) 14:20 16:20 18:50 Ardfinnan (Opp Town Park) 14:35 16:35 19:05 Clogheen (Corbetts Hardware) 14:50 16:50 19:20 Ballyporeen (Opp Bally Hi Bar) 15:00 17:00 19:30 Mitchelstown (AIB Bank - Main St) 12:40 15:10 15:40 17:10 17:40 19:40 23:40 Kildorrery (Southbound) 12:55 | 15:55 | 17:55 | | Rock Mills (Southbound) 13:00 | 16:00 | 18:00 | | Glanworth (Southbound) 13:05 | 16:05 | 18:05 | | Kilworth (Corbett Court Southbound) | 15:20 | 17:20 | 19:50 23:50 Fermoy (Dublin Rd Wolfe Tone Pk) 13:20 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:20 16:30 17:30 18:20 18:30 20:00 00:00 Fermoy (Bella Café McCurtain St) 13:31 14:31 15:31 16:31 17:31 18:31 20:01 00:01 Rathcormac (Opp Church - Main St) 13:40 14:40 15:40 16:40 17:40 18:40 20:10 00:10 Watergrasshill (O Mahonys Bar) 13:48 14:48 15:48 16:48 17:48 18:48 20:18 00:18 Sarsfields Court (Opp Hospital) | 14:56 | | | | 20:26 | Sallybrook (Opp Brook Inn) 13:59 14:59 15:59 16:59 17:59 18:59 20:29 00:29 Glanmire (Opp Stone Arch) 14:04 15:04 16:04 17:04 18:04 19:04 20:34 00:34 Lwr Glanmire Rd (Water Street Jctn) 14:17D 15:17D 16:17D 17:17D 18:17D 19:17D 20:47D 00:47D Cork (Bus Station - Parnell Place) 14:20 15:20 16:20 17:20 18:20 19:20 20:50 00:50 D: Drop-off stop only Route 245C Operated by Local Link Cork Operates during college terms only K: Serves Kilworth Village C: Extended to University College Cork & Cork Institute of Technology during college terms only Valid from 24th October 2016 245 Cork - Fermoy - Mitchelstown - Ballyporeen - Ardfinnan - Clonmel MONDAY TO FRIDAY (except public holidays) Sch K Cork (Bus Station - Parnell Place) 06:30 07:30 07:30 08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 Lwr Glanmire Rd (Opp Kent Station) 06:33P 07:33P 07:33P 08:33P 09:33P 10:33P 11:33P 12:33P Glanmire (Opp O’Cearnaigh Public Hse) 06:44 07:44 07:44 08:44 09:44 10:44 11:44 12:44 Sallybrook (Brook Inn) 06:49 07:49 07:49 08:49 09:49 10:49 11:49 12:49 Sarsfields Court (St Stephen's Hospital) | | 07:51 | 09:51 | | 12:51 Watergrasshill (Church) 07:00 08:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 Rathcormac (Church - Main St) 07:11 08:11 08:11 09:11 10:11 11:11 12:11 13:11 Fermoy (Boardwalk Shoes McCurtain St) 07:19 08:19 08:19 09:19 10:19 11:19 12:19 13:19 Fermoy (Barrack Hill Opp Aldi) 07:20 07:30 08:20 08:20 09:20 10:20 10:30 11:20 12:20 13:20 13:30 Kilworth (Corbett Court Northbound) | 08:30 | 11:30 | Glanworth (Northbound) 07:45 | 10:45 | 13:45 Rockmills (Opp Equestrian Ctr) 07:50 | 10:50 | 13:50 Kildorrery (Northbound) 07:55 | 10:55 | 13:55 Mitchelstown (The Square) 08:10 08:40 11:10 11:40 14:10 Ballyporeen (Bally Hi Bar) 08:50 11:50 Clogheen (Moroneys) 09:00 12:00 Ardfinnan (Town Park) 09:10 12:10 Clonmel (Western Rd Hospital) 09:25 12:25 Clonmel (Rail Station) 09:30 12:30 K K Cork (Bus Station - Parnell Place) 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:30 20:30 22:30 Lwr Glanmire Rd (Opp Kent Station) 13:33P 14:33P 15:33P 16:33P 17:33P 18:33P 20:33P 22:33P Glanmire (Opp O’Cearnaigh Public Hse) 13:44 14:44 15:42 16:44 17:44 18:44 20:44 22:44 Sallybrook (Brook Inn) 13:49 14:49 15:49 16:49 17:49 18:49 20:49 22:49 Sarsfields Court (St Stephen's Hospital) | | 15:51 | | | | 22:51 Watergrasshill (Church) 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 23:00 Rathcormac (Church - Main St) 14:11 15:11 16:11 17:11 18:11 19:11 21:11 23:11 Fermoy (Boardwalk Shoes McCurtain St) 14:19 15:19 16:19 17:19 18:19 19:19 21:19 23:19 Fermoy (Barrack Hill Opp Aldi) 14:20 15:20 16:20 16:30 17:20 18:20 18:30 19:20 21:20 23:20 Kilworth (Corbett Court Northbound) 14:30 | 17:30 | 19:30 21:30 23:30 Glanworth (Northbound) | 16:45 | 18:45 | | | Rockmills (Opp Equestrian Ctr) | 16:50 | 18:50 | | | Kildorrery (Northbound) | 16:55 | 18:55 | | | Mitchelstown (The Square) 14:40 17:10 17:40 19:10 19:40 21:40 23:40 Ballyporeen (Bally Hi Bar) 14:50 17:50 19:50 Clogheen (Moroneys) 15:00 18:00 20:00 Ardfinnan (Town Park) 15:10 18:10 20:10 Clonmel (Western Rd Hospital) 15:25 18:25 20:25 Clonmel (Rail Station) 15:30 18:30 20:30 P: Pick-up stop only Sch: School terms only Route 245C Operated by Local Link Cork K: Serves Kilworth Village Valid from 24th October 2016 245 Clonmel - Ardfinnan - Ballyporeen - Mitchelstown - Fermoy - Cork SATURDAY K Clonmel (Rail Station) 10:15 Clonmel (Western Rd Opp Hospital) 10:20 Ardfinnan (Opp Town Park) 10:35 Clogheen (Corbetts Hardware) 10:50 Ballyporeen (Opp Bally Hi Bar) 11:00 Mitchelstown (AIB Bank - Main St) 07:10 09:40 11:10 12:40 Kildorrery (Southbound) | 09:55 | 12:55 Rock Mills (Southbound) | 10:00 | 13:00 Glanworth (Southbound) | 10:05 | 13:05 Kilworth (Corbett Court Southbound) 07:20 | 11:20 | Fermoy (Dublin Rd Wolfe Tone Pk) 07:30 08:30 09:30 10:20 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:20 13:30 Fermoy (Bella Café McCurtain St) 07:31 08:31 09:31 10:31 11:31 12:31 13:31 Rathcormac (Opp Church - Main St) 07:40 08:40 09:40 10:40 11:40 12:40 13:40 Watergrasshill (O Mahonys Bar) 07:48 08:48 09:48 10:48 11:48 12:48 13:48 Sarsfields Court (Opp Hospital) 07:56 | 09:56 | | 12:56 | Sallybrook (Opp Brook Inn) 07:59 08:59 09:59 10:59 11:59 12:59 13:59 Glanmire (Opp Stone Arch) 08:04 09:04 10:04 11:04 12:04 13:04 14:04 Lwr Glanmire Rd (Water Street Jctn) 08:17D 09:17D 10:17D 11:17D 12:17D 13:17D 14:17D Cork (Bus Station - Parnell Place) 08:20 09:20 10:20 11:20 12:20 13:20 14:20 K Clonmel (Rail Station) 13:15 16:15 Clonmel (Western Rd Opp Hospital) 13:20 16:20 Ardfinnan (Opp Town Park) 13:35 16:35 Clogheen (Corbetts Hardware) 13:50 16:50 Ballyporeen (Opp Bally Hi Bar) 14:00 17:00 Mitchelstown (AIB Bank - Main St) 14:10 15:40 17:10 17:40 19:40 Kildorrery (Southbound) | 15:55 | 17:55 | Rock Mills (Southbound) | 16:00 | 18:00 | Glanworth (Southbound) | 16:05 | 18:05 | Kilworth (Corbett Court Southbound) 14:20 15:20 | 17:20 | 19:50 Fermoy (Dublin Rd Wolfe Tone Pk) 14:30 15:30 16:20 16:30 17:30 18:20 18:30 20:00 21:30 Fermoy (Bella Café McCurtain St) 14:31 15:31 16:31 17:31 18:31 20:01 21:31 Rathcormac (Opp Church - Main St) 14:40 15:40 16:40 17:40 18:40 20:10 21:40 Watergrasshill (O Mahonys Bar) 14:48 15:48 16:48 17:48 18:48 20:18 21:48 Sarsfields Court (Opp Hospital) 14:56 | | | | 20:26 | Sallybrook (Opp Brook Inn) 14:59 15:59 16:59 17:59 18:59 20:29 21:59 Glanmire (Opp Stone Arch) 15:04 16:04 17:04 18:04 19:04 20:34 22:04 Lwr Glanmire Rd (Water Street Jctn) 15:17D 16:17D 17:17D 18:17D 19:17D 20:47D 22:17D Cork (Bus Station - Parnell Place) 15:20 16:20 17:20 18:20 19:20 20:50 22:20 D: Drop-off stop only Route 245C Operated by Local Link Cork K: Serves Kilworth Village Valid from 24th October 2016 245 Cork - Fermoy - Mitchelstown - Ballyporeen - Ardfinnan - Clonmel SATURDAY K Cork (Bus Station - Parnell Place) 07:30 08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 Lwr Glanmire Rd (Opp Kent Station) 07:33P 08:33P 09:33P 10:33P 11:33P 12:33P Glanmire (Opp O’Cearnaigh Public Hse) 07:44 08:44 09:44 10:44 11:44 12:44 Sallybrook (Brook Inn) 07:49 08:49 09:49 10:49 11:49 12:49 Sarsfields Court (St Stephen's Hospital) | | 09:51 | | 12:51 Watergrasshill (Church) 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 Rathcormac (Church - Main St) 08:11 09:11 10:11 11:11 12:11 13:11 Fermoy (Boardwalk Shoes McCurtain St) 08:19 09:19 10:19 11:19 12:19 13:19 Fermoy (Barrack Hill Opp Aldi) 08:20 08:20 09:20 10:20 10:30 11:20 12:20 13:20 13:30 Kilworth (Corbett Court Northbound) | | 11:30 | Glanworth (Northbound) 08:35 10:45 | 13:45 Rockmills (Opp Equestrian Ctr) 08:40 10:50 | 13:50 Kildorrery (Northbound) 08:45 10:55 | 13:55 Mitchelstown (The Square) 09:00 11:10 11:40 14:10 Ballyporeen (Bally Hi Bar) 11:50 Clogheen (Moroneys) 12:00 Ardfinnan (Town Park) 12:10 Clonmel (Western Rd Hospital) 12:25 Clonmel (Rail Station) 12:30 K K Cork (Bus Station - Parnell Place) 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:30 20:30 22:30 Lwr Glanmire Rd (Opp Kent Station) 13:33P 14:33P 15:33P 16:33P 17:33P 18:33P 20:33P 22:33P Glanmire (Opp O’Cearnaigh Public Hse) 13:44 14:44 15:42 16:44 17:44 18:44 20:44 22:44 Sallybrook (Brook Inn) 13:49 14:49 15:49 16:49 17:49 18:49 20:49 22:49 Sarsfields Court (St Stephen's Hospital) | | 15:51 | | | | 22:51 Watergrasshill (Church) 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 23:00 Rathcormac (Church - Main St) 14:11 15:11 16:11 17:11 18:11 19:11 21:11 23:11 Fermoy (Boardwalk Shoes McCurtain St) 14:19 15:19 16:19 17:19 18:19

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