Index A BRAMS, Alice, 27 f^ADBURY, Dorothy, 79 -*^ Abraham, Daniel, 27, 28 v-^ Cadbury, Henry J., Christian Accounts, 75 Lodowick, 74 Ackworth School, 44, 71 Cadbury, Henry J., From Margaret Aggs, John, 49, 58 Fox's Library, 27-28 Alderson, Dr., 36 Cadbury, Henry J., Intercolonial All Friends Conference, 1920, 60 Solidarity, 83 Alien, John, 40 Carte MSB., 73 Alien, Richard, 31 Catt, Christopher, 49, 58 Alien, Samuel, 21, 22 Cay, William, 49, 50, 58 Allotments, 68-69 Christian Discipline, revision, Anabaptists and Friends, 82 1918-21, 61-62 Annual Meeting, 75 Conscientious Objector in Eighteenth Ashby, Richard, 58 Century, 32-34 Ashby, Richard Junr., 58 Cooper, David, Mite Cast into the Treasury, 81 ALL, Gawen, 21 Correspondents with American B Ball, William, 46 Y.M's., 60-61 Ballitore, 30, 32 Cove, Susanna, 32 Barlow, John Henry, 60 Cradock, Walter, 82 Beckingham, 70 Craven, Robert, 70 Bedford, Peter, 40 Currier, T. Franklin, Bibliography of Behmen's Theosophical Philosophy Whittier, 79 Unfolded, 81 Curti, M., Learned Blacksmith, 77 Bell, Nathaniel, 4 Benezet, Anthony, 77, 81 AVEY, Thomas, 50, 58 Berkhamsted, Great, 47 D Defrance, Samuel, 48 Birket, James, 27 Devonshire House, 59 fif Boltz, C. L., 74 Dingwall, E., Pennsylvania, 80 Bowly, Samuel, 40, 41, 46 Dissent and Republicanism, 82 Brailsford, Mabel R., Elizabeth Fry, Divinity and Philosophy Dissected, 79 Amelia Opie, 35-38 Drake, Thomas E., Quakers in Brant Broughton, 71 Minnesota, 78 Brattle, Thomas, 74 Dublin Half Year's Meeting, 30 Bright, John, in Y.M., 39, 4°> 4 r > 43 Dublin Yearly Meeting, 29 Bristol, 20, 21 Durban, Richard, 58 Bristol Records, 80 Brockbank, Elisabeth, 75 T^DDINGTON, Arthur J., Quar- Brookes, George S., Anthony Benezet, -L-* terly Meeting of Norfolk, 77 4.8-58 Brookfield School, 45 Eddington, Arthur J., Elizabeth Fry, Budd, Thomas, True and Perfect "Heretic" or Seer? 19-26 Account, 83 Edenderry, 31 Burritt, Elihu, 77 Education, E. Fry on Boarding Burtt family, 72, 78 Schools, etc., 19-26 Burtt, Mary B., Burtts, a Lincoln­ Education, 1855-58, 44, 45 shire Quaker family, 78 Education, Eighteenth Century, 49 Burtt, Mary B., Quakerism in Lin­ Elders, 51 ff colnshire, 70-72 Ettinger, A. A., James Edward Byllynge, Edward, 83 Oglethorpe, 73-74 87 88 INDEX T^ARNSWORTH, Richard, author- Hess, M. Whitcomb, The Name is -F ship, 29 Living, 79 Fenn, Henry, 49 Higgins, Godfrey, 17 Finch MSS., 73 Hill, James, 31 Firmin, Thomas, 82 Hillhouse, Agatha, 21, 22 Forster, Josiah, 40, 41, 46 Hipsley, J., 15 Forster, Robert, 46 Hodgkin, John, 40, 43 Foster, William, 21, 22 Hodgkin, L. Violet, (ed.), Epistles Fowler, Lucy, 21 of George Fox, 79 Fowler, Rachel, 20 Holdsworth, L. V., see Hodgkin Fox, George, handwriting, 28 Holmes, Robert, 50 Fox, George, letter, 30 Hooton, Elizabeth, 70 Fox, George, library, 27, 28 Howitt, William, George Fox, 79 Fox, George, writings, 27, 28 Hoyland, Elizabeth, see Tuke, Fox, George, by W. Howitt, 79 Elizabeth Fox, George, Epistles, 79 Hull, W. L, Eight First Lives of Fox, Margaret, Library, 27-28 W. Penn, 76 Frankland, Henry, 4 Hull, William L, William Pennt 76 Frankland, Mary, 5 Hunt, Harold C., William Tuke, Frederick William IV, 38 Friends Foreign Mission Association, Hutchinson family, 72 63-64 Friends House, 64 flf T NTONED Preaching, 46 Friends* Service Council, 63-64 - > Ireland, famine, 1847, 31 Friends Trusts, Ltd., 69 Quaker Records, 29-31 Fry, Elizabeth, 19-26, 35-38 7mA Fry, Gurney, 19, 21, 22, 23 TAMES II, 73, 74 GAINSBOROUGH, 70 J Jenkins, J. Gilbert, 78 VJ Galloway, Ambrose, 30 Jepson, George, 15 Garrod, John, 86 Jermyn, Isaac, 50, 58 George III, 82 Jones, R. M., Problems of Life, 78 German Quakerism, 81 Gibson, William, 62 AMP, Hubert van, 49, 58 Godlee, Mary Jane, 59 K Keimer, Samuel, 83-84 Godwin, William, 38 King, Jane, 14, 15 Green, Jacob, 45 Grellet, Stephen, 37 Grubb, Isabel, 75 T AMMIN, Ann, 72 Grubb, Isabel, Irish Quaker Records, -L' Leadbeater, Mary (Shackleton), 29-31 30 Grubb, Isabel, Conscientious Objector Lean, Hannah, 24 in Eighteenth Century, 32-34 Lean, Joel, 19, 21, 22n. Gurney family, 34, 36 Lean, William, 24 Gurney, Christina, 20 Lecky family, 31 Gurney, Edmund, 48, 50, 58 Library of Congress, 27 Gurney, Elizabeth, 20 Limerick, 31 Gurney, John, 52, 53, 58 Lincoln, 70-72 Gurney, Joseph, 52 Lincolnshire Q.M., 70-72 Gurney, Joseph J., 20-26, 38 Lister, Joseph J., 39 Gurney, Priscilla, 20 Littleboy, Anna L., London Yearly Meeting, 1855, '57, '58, 39-47 ARVEY, William F., i Livingstone, David, 39 H Hastie, James, 32-34 Lloyd, Helen, Amelia Opie, 35-38 Heard, E. A., Pennyslvania, 80 Lodowick, Christian, 74 Hepburn, John, American Defence London Yearly Meeting, 1719, 31 ; of the Golden Rule, 81 . 59-69 INDEX London Yearly Meeting, 1855, '57, '58, PARLIAMENT, j. j. Gumey and, 39-47 -l 24, 26n. Lukens, William S., 28 Parma, Volta, 28 Lynn, 54 Parnell, James, 86 Pearce, Joseph, 45 ARRIAGE, Advices, 46 Pearson, Elizabeth, 72 M Marriages " out ",43 Pease, John, 40 Marriages, cousins, 43 Peckover, Edmund, 58 Mason, Martin, 72 Pennington, Isaac, 79 Massey family, 72 Penn (Bucks.)' 7& Massey, John, 71 Penn family, 78 Maud, Esther, see Tuke, Esther Penn, William, 73-74, 81 Maud, Timothy, 14 Penn, William, chair, 31 Maud, William, 14, 15 Penn, William, letter, 30 Mead, William, 28 Penn William, by W. I. Hull, 76 Medicine, Friends in, 82 Pennsylvania, 1681-1756, 80 Meetings for Sufferings, 46 Pennsylvania, Quaker Experiment, Membership, Birthright, 67-68 83 Menzies-Wilson, Jacobine, Amelia Philadelphia, 27 Opie, 35-38 Politics and Christianity, 83 Methodists, 32, 33 Pumphrey, Thomas, 40, 43, 44 Middleton, Joseph, 49, 58 Ministers, Recording, 62-63 Ministers and Elders Meeting, 51 ff. UARE, Daniel, 31 Minnesota, Friends in, 78 Q Queries by Women's Meetings, Morrice, Abraham, 71 55-56 Morrice, Isabel (Fell), 71 Queries, Y.M. 1855, 41, 46 Morrice, William, 70 Morrice, Susanna, 70 Mortimer, Russell S., Bristol Records, T^AISTRICK, Arthur J., 75 80 IV Recording Clerk, i9i7-J937> Mountmellick School, 30 59-69 Mumby, 70 Roberts, Gerrard, 62 Murray, Lindley, 13 Robinson, Thomas, 71 Music, 25, 26 Rockhill, Robert, 71 Ross, Isabel, 28 Rowntree, Joseph, Notes on Y.M., XT APOLEON I, 38 1855, '57- '58> 39-47 -L^l Napoleon III, 40 Russia, 81 Nayler, James, authorship, 29 Neale, Samuel, 33 New Jersey, 83 OATTERTHWAITE, Thomas, 42 Newgate Prison, 24, 37 ^ Scarborough Castle, 70 Newsom family, 31 Scarnell, H., 24 Nicholson, William F., London Yearly Scott, Walter, 38 Meeting Recollections, 1917-1937, Seaman, Robert, 58 59-69 Seebohm, Benjamin, 40 Norfolk Quarterly Meeting, 48-58 Sessions, Eliza, 46 Norwich, 49 ff., 82 Shackleton, family MSS., 30 Nottinghamshire in Civil War, 80 Shackleton, Mary, 30, 32 Sharp, Isaac (Senior), 82 /^GLETHORPE, James Edward, Sharp, Isaac, 59 Sheffield Meeting, 5 Oglethorpe, Theophilus, 73 Sheppard, James, 20, 22 Ohio Y.M., 1855, 41, 45 Sippell, Theodor, 79 Opie, Amelia, 35-38 Slavery, 31, 77 Opie, John, 36 Smith, Joseph, Catalogue, 29 90 INDEX Smuggling, 7 Washington, Library of Congress, Spalding, 70, 72 27, 28 Springall, Nathaniel, 49, 50 Waterford, 32, 33, 34 Stanton, Samuel, 58 Watson, Robert, 34 Sturge, Joseph, 42, 46 Webb, Thomas H., 29 Sturge, Samuel, 42 Wheeler, Esther, 18 Sunday School Work, 31 Whichcote, Benjamin, 82 Swarthmore, 28 Whitehead, George, 30 Whitehead, John, 70, 71 Whitney, Janet, Elizabeth Fry, 35- Returns, 69 38. Testimonies in Y.M., 46 Whiting, John, Catalogue, 29 Theatre in Eighteenth Century, 83 Whittier, John G., 30, 77, 78 Thisthlethwaite, William, 42 Whittier, J. G., Bibliography, 79 Thornhill, Martha, 46 William III, 74 Thorp, Joseph, 40 Willows, William, 72 Tithes, 47 Wily, Thomas, 33 Tivetshall, 54 Winstanley, Gerrard, i Tuke family, 3-18 Women's Meetings, 53 flf. Tuke, Daniel Hack, 3, 17 Women's Y.M. London, 1850*8, 45 Tuke, Elizabeth, 7 ft. Wood, A. C., Nottinghamshire in Tuke, Esther, 9 flf. Civil War, 80 Tuke, Henry, 3 Woolman, John, 81 Tuke, Samuel, 3, n, 12, 13, 16, 17 Woolman, John, Word of Remem­ Tuke, William, d. 1822, 3-18 brance, 30 Tyzack, Peregrine, 58 VORK> 3 flf. WICTORIA, Queen, 38 -*- York, Girls School, 12-15 York Monthly Meeting, 18 York Retreat, 3-18 Yorkshire Quarterly Meeting, 3, 8, ALL, John, 49, 50, 58 13, 14 W War Victims Relief, 1870, 31 Yorkshire Quarterly Meeting and Ward, Ann, 4 Marriages, 43 Warwickshire Q.M. School, Youghal, 30 Passed for Press February, I938-.
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