Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 5-28-1966 The Ledger and Times, May 28, 1966 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, May 28, 1966" (1966). The Ledger & Times. 5371. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5371 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 4 • - V - ..., I.A•0110.10100- .0 4 4 • r vrerala• • a • • • • , • • • • , P tiltaggi • eess Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Oommunity Newspaper The Only Largest Afternoon Daily Circulation •[ In Murray And Both In City Calloway County 4 And In County •••=.10•00•01M00•••••, • United Press International In Our 87th Year Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, May 28, 1966 10. Per Copy Vol.`LX:XkVII No. 126 CONG TOTAL HEAVY IN LARGE OPERATION Cases Are Tried In Two Accidents Are Two Ball Foursome Court Of County Reported In City GIs Kill 466 In Twelve Day • Seen & Heard To Be Played Monday Court Decision Judge Hall McCuiston A two ball foursome will be held City Police reported two accid- Fighting;Operation Wahiawa 4. Around 4. A number of cases were triad on Monday, May 30 at the Callo- ents yesterday afternoon this week in the court of County way Country club with tee off time SAIGON 1711 — Judge Han NIc)uiston. According Billy Ray Thurman of Murray at 9a0 am. American sold- South Vietrarnese battalion 68 mil- iers in two censorial MURRAY Is to the court records the following Route Six was driving a 1957 Chev- The pairings for the day are as operations es southwest of Saigon Thursday Overruled killed a total of 466 occurred. rolet owned by Guy Rutledge of follows. Communist indicated that the Conenunests Don Birdsong. Murray Tee number One: guerrillas — more then a full Viet may have started nide annual ••=•••••• Jerry Alm° when he tad a collision with Route Three, reckless driving, cit- 9:00 Buist Scott, Louise Lamb, Cong battalion — during 12 days "moonsoon offensive." In a 5-2 decision, the Court ot Ap- this car had been without sleep for Herbert Wesiey Adams of Sym- Heron We hobbling arourel with ed by State Police. Pined $10e0 and C. C Lowry, Margaret Seniffett. of fatithig, US. military author- Ea.rter, US. military spokesmen peals Friday reversed Calloway Cir- approximately 48 hours, had con- soma, Kentucky Route One a %tinting stick Says if Is a rup- coots of $15.50. 9:06 Wayne Doran, Maude Mc- ities reported today. reported that US. Air Force and cuit Court in two saes Ms-mining sumed almost four beers and was Lead disc a.cting up erten Charles Moody Archer, Akno Police said tint Adams was back- Cain, John Watson, Madelyn A spokeanan said units of the Navy pints braved nearly ingot, from a fatal automobile accident driving in excess of 100 miles per Route One, speeding, State Police. ing a Harper Truck Lines truck on Lamb U.S. 25th Infantry Division ended sine flying rather to pound near Hazel. hour when his car struck the City Bro. Hoyt Owen up srly this Pined $10e0 and costs cif $15.50. Maple Street on the wrong side 9:10 Ross MoOleare Norma Frank, "Operation Wahiawa" Friday right Communist Amply lines in North FLohard Jeffery and Franklin Hall in Hazel, morning putting his wife an the Robert 0. Cope. Hardin. DWI, of the s!rf•et and struck Thurman's Dub Petty, Betty Lowry. with • total kill at 156 Viet Cong. and South Viet Nam. Henson, passengers in a car alleg- bus with her Hardin Eighth grade the Sheriff. Fined $100 and cods car as Thurman turned off Sixth 9:15 Bel Pandrich, Reba Kirk Ten others were captured during edly driven by Rumen Ray. were "Under these circumstances it U.S. military sources said today class The claw is going to Mem- of $17.50. Street onto Maple Thurman's car Henry Fulton, Betty Jo Purdorn. the 12-operation 36 miles north- killed when it left the highway sees to me that the pessengers, the guerrillas irdlioted "moder- phis for the clay and will go to Bobby Gene Campbell. 501 South was reneged on the hood and left 9.20 Jsgs Lassiter, Innen* Keen- west of Saigon. US. casualties and hit a budding, the high court who had been with him for ap- ate" casualteese on the South Viet- Lakeland the entertainment es- 13th Street. weeding, State Police. front, Patrolman Dale Spann at- en, Ed Frank Kirt, Agnes Payne. were reported as light std. proximately four hours prior to the namese speciel forces compare/ in ter Pined $10.00 and costa et 515.50. tended the accident, 9 25 Bernard Ben, Edna Knight, The LIB. 1st Air Cantles.' Divis- The appellate court seamed accident. should have observed and Doing Hoe Campo located obese ei Ray Route Junes Payne, Sadie West, ion, eweepirer the elephant grasp should have known his condition Jewell McOallon, Kirksey miles west of Saigon and 10 MUSS was the driver since the lower murt Later yesterday afernoon Peggy of the Viral Thank valley 275 trill- Fellow who is up and at OM every and therefore were contributorily Two, ferhing without a license. De- 9 30 Don Robinson, Glenda east of the Cambodian border, 4. had found in his favor. The Callo- Courtney of 100 North 12th Street • north of Saigon in "Operation day, James Porter down at the negligent as a matter of law." partment cif Fish and Wadlife. Hughes. Chuck Shuffete, Billie Co- But casualties to a reinforced way mud hl the dindliamengers was driving a 1966 Plymouth own- Craze Horse." killed a total of 311 Furd place Fined $15 00 and eats suspended. hoon detachment of American Green were oontribilierily negligent. ed by J B Courtney when she col- guerrillas during the sane period. Lathe McCalion. Kiresey Route 9 35 Wells Purdorn, Jr , Eualdene Berets who shared the camp with The appellate court need there lided with Beth Odle of 811 Sun- The Division's latest aeisault We get a lack cut of watching lob Two, fishing without a license, De- Robinson, Mart Beale, Rebecca Vietnamese were unknown. was no evidlnee the pearangers knew Events Are Planned ny Lane who was driving a 1962 Whites fly and land. They can rise partment of Fish and Wildlife. Pil- came Friday when one cd its units Ray was unable to drive properly. (lies role owned by Ross Odle. The 9OUTCOB said the guerrilla very feat and then they go into a For Memorial Day ed away with leave to retnetate Tee Number Four: intercepted a platoon ot attacking Judge Squire Welders sad: guerrillas 10 miles northeast of a battalions emerged from the sur- glide which they seern to concen- with the understanding that de- Police said that 9-00 Ben Grogan. Frances Miller, "We are unwilling to hoid as a the Cortney car rounding rice paddies in rare trate on When they land lit the ferlen obtain a license. Howard Koenen, Frances Parker special forces camp. matter of km that was going east on Sycamore When strength and began shelling the hat gnus any Unse a pea Clifton Ekkidge, Abno Route 9 06 Vernon Cahoon, Grace Jam- The Communist attack an the they climppear ineinea- Memorial Day rests at the Cal- the Odle car pulled across Syca- camp with rnotara &rad 57 mm re- smithy participates In drizeting with Louis camp was one of a series on the tritely and if they know someone One, hunting without a hews, more as it was Charles Ryan, Nancy the driver. regardless at the proof loway Country Club have a*en list- going south on Green Beret installations through- coilless rifles They del not try to is aeoune, apparently freeze They Department of Pith and Wikiele. Fandrkte of ad as follows. Eleventh The Courtney car struck storm the ustallattion, but fled af- extent of intoatoatitin the pas- Pined $15 00 and costs of $15.60. 0:10 9am Knigtit, Amite Mary out South Viet Nam and may e run along the ground and come up the Odle car in the right rear fen- lobbirig the shells on it. senger *guilty of contrelenrY neg- have signaled the beginning of the ter somewhere else Teo ball foursome from 9:00 to Elenunde Lee Wortcrnan, Fliclanan der and caused it then to Ind a- Adams, Matt Sparkman, Marie ligence.* guerrillas' much vaunted "monsoon In scattered ground action re- 12:00. Route Two. speeding, Mate Police. round and strike a sign Laster Judge -Morris Montgomery Ma offensive." ported Friday. American troops kil- A little teed frog no bigger than Fined $10.00 and oosts of $1550. Tee Number Seven: muted, Inned by Ed Rill. Mont- Open golf Two battalions hit an led at lest 51 Viet Cong. your thumb baaking In the sun and artmening in the James Winiford Potter, Oklaho- Petroknan Dale Spann investig- 900 Hoknes Ellis, Mary Prances Viet Cong yonsery American - Propeller-driven Air Force Al than hopping lethergically into the evening with a pot-luck dinner at ma City, Oklahoma, DWI, State ated this accident also. Bee, Nat Ryan 'Hughes. Eleanor Vietnamese Sewed "The facts are &Lyra/des, flying support missions shade that the driver of 5 30 p to. Police. Fined $100 and costs of Missend. Forces oarnp at Doug How. 25 miles Police also issued one citation $1050 9-05 Ralph MoCeiston, Carol west af Saigon and 10 miles east for the Anny's operation Crazy Host and hostemes for the pot- for speeding, one for improper re- Horse 275 miles north of Saigon, The mailsra housewife is one who Buren Gregory Pergieson, New Inbbs.rd, Cook ganders, Marti* of the strongest attacks in that luck dinner are messes and MPS- gistration ant one for improper area in months.
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