CONCORD SHELL HEAP Thoreau’s “Clamshell Bank,” just upstream from the “boat place” at which he habitually boarded his river craft, is gone now, having been in some unknown year bulldozed and built over during an expansion of the Emerson Hospital. This had been the site of a summer village dating to the middle Holocene, and had been the only large inland shell midden we found in New England. Who cares what colored people had been up to? Who cares about what has happened and been forgotten? Who cares for what vanished? Who’s sorry? Because, capitalism. HDT WHAT? INDEX CONCORD SHELL HEAP “CLAMSHELL BANK” 2,500 BCE circa 2,500 BCE: Early pottery in the Americas. Between 8 millennia and 1 millennium ago the Middle Archaic to Middle Woodland Hunters utilized the confluence of the Concord rivers. Clamshell Bank (Concord Shell Heap), thoughtlessly destroyed during the construction of an Emerson Hospital parking lot, was one of their seasonal camps, of which at various times there were more than 16 in the vicinity of brooks, rivers, and ponds. The intrusive humans collected fresh- water clams, made tools, cut with axes, hunted game with spears, ground food with stone pestles, cooked with soapstone pots, and presumably stored food in turtle shells. They journeyed on the rivers to obtain salt-water clams from the coast. ONE OF THE PRIMARY FUNCTIONS OF THE HISTORIAN IS TO HELP US CONSTRAIN STORYTELLING. IF, FOR INSTANCE, A POLITICIAN PRESENTS HIMSELF AS THE MESSIAH, WE HISTORIANS CAN PULL UP ONE OR ANOTHER OF THE MANY THOUSANDS OF HISTORIES OF JESUS CHRIST AND GO “NO, HERE’S A MESSIAH, AND YOU WILL NOTE THAT ON THIS LIST OF THE VARIOUS MESSIAHS THAT WE HAVE PLACED ON RECORD, THE NAME OF JESUS IS PRECEDED BY THE NAMES OF 5 OTHER IDENTIFIED MESSIAH CLAIMANTS AND HAS BEEN SUCCEEDED TO DATE BY THE NAMES OF MULTIPLE OTHER IDENTIFIED AND RECORDED MESSIAH CLAIMANTS.” HISTORY IS NOT PRIMARILY ABOUT RECORDING WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED, BECAUSE PRIMARILY IS ABOUT SETTING NEEDED LIMITS ON OUR CREDULOUS STORYTELLING. HDT WHAT? INDEX CONCORD SHELL HEAP “CLAMSHELL BANK” 1,000 CE Between 8 millennia and 1 millennium ago the Middle Archaic to Middle Woodland Hunters had utilized the confluence of the Concord rivers. Clamshell Bank (Concord Shell Heap), thoughtlessly destroyed during the construction of an Emerson Hospital parking lot, had been one of their seasonal camps, of which at various times there were more than 16 in the vicinity of brooks, rivers, and ponds. The intrusive humans collected fresh-water clams, made tools, cut with axes, hunted game with spears, ground food with stone pestles, cooked with soapstone pots, and presumably stored food in turtle shells. They journeyed the rivers to obtain salt-water clams from the coast. Then between a millennium ago and 350 years ago the Late Woodland people came into this vicinity. They migrated annually from summer camps along the coast to winter camps perhaps in Marlborough. They established 6 seasonal farming camp areas from Concord’s Bedford Street and Monument Street to the Country Club and Warner Pond. They made brush weirs to catch fish in brooks. They planted corn, beans, and melons in Concord’s well-drained, fertile agricultural soils. Wild rice flourished in the wet meadows, cranberries flourished in the bogs, and nuts ripened in the woods in autumn. These occupants wore stone pendants, ground food with pestles, collected firewood, cooked with clay pots, cultivated crops with pointed sticks and hoes, cut trees, made dug-out canoes, and shot at game with bows and arrows. When about a dozen families of white intrusives would eventually arrive, Nashawtuc Hill would still have a tiny community of Algonquian people, Musketaquid, left over from the latest greatest 1612 outbreak of imported disease. There would still be a fish weir on Mill Brook in Concord Center. These whites would soon begin to smelt bog iron at the Damon Mill site. There appears to have been during this period some population shifting from southwestward, possibly caused by hostile conflict with Iroquoians. During this Late Woodland period there was widespread adoption of horticulture in southern New England. The Wampanoag who were encountered by the European intrusives of HDT WHAT? INDEX CONCORD SHELL HEAP “CLAMSHELL BANK” the 16th and early 17th centuries were in this phase of their culture. NEW ENGLAND During the Late Prehistoric tradition, several cultures arose in different parts of Ohio. People lived in large villages surrounded by a stockade wall. Sometimes they built their villages on a plateau overlooking a river. They grew different plants in their gardens. Maize and beans became the most important foods (squash, another important plant, had been being grown since the Late Archaic). In what is now North Carolina, people of the Mississippian culture in what we describe as the Piedmont region, were continuing to construct earthwork mounds or add onto existing ones. In the five to seven centuries preceding the initial European contacts, this Mississippian culture would produce large, complex cities and maintain farflung regional trading networks. YOU WILL UNDERSTAND MY GREEN-LETTER COMMENTARIES SUCH AS THIS ONE, AS SOON AS YOU GRASP THAT YOU ARE DEALING HERE WITH A COMMITTED BERGSONIAN. IN 1922 IN PARIS, WHEN ALBERT EINSTEIN AND HENRI-LOUIS BERGSON FACED OFF OVER THE NATURE OF TIME, EINSTEIN CONSIDERED BERGSON’S CONCEPTION OF TIME TO HDT WHAT? INDEX CONCORD SHELL HEAP “CLAMSHELL BANK” BE UNSCIENTIFIC, AMOUNTING TO A MERE PIECE OF SUBJECTIVITY, WHEREAS BERGSON CONSIDERED EINSTEIN’S CONCEPTION OF TIME TO BE UNSCIENTIFIC, AMOUNTING TO A MERE PIECE OF PRESUMPTUOUS ILL-CONSIDERED METAPHYSICS. ILYA PRIGOGINE WOULD POINT OUT THAT “IT IS TRUE THAT BERGSON HAD NOT UNDERSTOOD EINSTEIN. BUT IT IS ALSO TRUE THAT EINSTEIN HAD NOT UNDERSTOOD BERGSON. BERGSON WAS FASCINATED BY THE ROLE OF CREATIVITY, OF NOVELTY IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE. BUT EINSTEIN DID NOT WANT ANY DIRECTED TIME. HE REPEATED OFTEN THAT TIME, MORE PRECISELY THE ARROW OF TIME, IS AN ‘ILLUSION.’ SO, THESE IDEOLOGIES SEEM TO BE IRRECONCILABLE.” AS LONG AS YOU ARE TRAPPED IN THE ILL-CONSIDERED EINSTEINIAN MINDSET, TRAPPED BY THE PRESUMPTUOUS ILL-CONSIDERED METAPHYSICS OF SPURIOUS METAPHORS THAT HAD TRAPPED HIS GREAT MIND — YOU WILL HAVE NO CLUE WHATEVER WHAT I AM RANTING AT YOU ABOUT. RATHER THAN BEING OF THE OPINION OF BOETHIUS, WHO WROTE IN 523AD THAT GOD, BEING ETERNAL, MUST BE “OUTSIDE” TIME AND ABLE TO VIEW THE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE AS INDIFFERENTLY AND UNCHANGINGLY PRESENT IN HIS ONE WHOLE CREATION, I AM OF THE OPINION OF MAIMONIDES, WHO WROTE IN THE 12TH CENTURY THAT ACCORDING TO THE TALMUD FREE WILL IS GRANTED TO EVERY PERSON BY GOD SO THAT WE MAY BE JUDGED ACCORDING TO OUR ACTIONS. AS GERSONIDES POINTED OUT IN THE 14TH CENTURY, THERE ARE DECIDED LIMITS TO FOREKNOWLEDGE, AS GOD CANNOT KNOW IN ADVANCE WHICH CHOICE A FREE INDIVIDUAL, IN HIS OR HER FREEDOM, WILL MAKE: “I HAVE SET BEFORE YOU LIFE AND DEATH, BLESSING AND CURSE: THEREFORE CHOOSE LIFE.” HDT WHAT? INDEX CONCORD SHELL HEAP “CLAMSHELL BANK” 1837 October 29, Sunday: Henry Thoreau to his journal: DUCKS AT GOOSE POND Oct. 29. Two ducks, of the summer or wood species, which were merrily dabbling in their favorite basin, struck up a retreat on my approach, and seemed disposed to take French leave, paddling off with swan-like majesty. They are first-rate swimmers, beating me at a round pace, and –what was to me a new trait in the duck character – dove every minute or two and swam several feet under water, in order to escape our attention. Just before immersion they seemed to give each other a significant nod, and then, as if by a common understanding, ’t was heels up and head down in the shaking of a duck’s wing. When they reappeared, it was amusing to observe with what a self-satisfied, darn-it-how-he-nicks-’em air they paddled off to repeat the experiment. THE ARROWHEAD A curious incident happened some four or six weeks ago which I think it worth the while to record. John and I had been searching for Indian relics, and been successful enough to find two arrowheads and a pestle, when, of a Sunday evening, with our heads full of the past and its remains, we strolled to the mouth of Swamp Bridge Brook. As we neared the brow of the hill forming the bank of the river, inspired by my theme, I broke forth into an extravagant eulogy on those savage times, using most violent gesticulations by way of illustration. “There on Nawshawtuct,” said I, “was their lodge, the rendezvous of the tribe, and yonder, on Clamshell Hill, their feasting ground. This was, no doubt, a favorite haunt; here on this brow was an eligible lookout post. How often have they stood on this very spot, at this very hour, when the sun was sinking behind yonder woods and gilding with his last rays the waters of the Musketaquid, and pondered the day’s success and the morrow’s prospects, or communed with the spirit of their fathers gone before them to the land of shades! “Here,” I exclaimed, “stood Tahatawan; and there” (to complete the period) “is Tahatawan’s arrowhead.” We instantly proceeded to sit down on the spot I had pointed to, and I, to carry out the joke, to lay bare an ordinary stone which my whim had selected, when lo! the first I laid hands on, the grubbing stone that was to be, proved a most perfect arrowhead, as sharp as if just from the hands of the Indian fabricator ! ! ! Friend Stephen Wanton Gould wrote in his journal: 1st day 29th of 10 M / Our Morning Meeting was silent & solid — In the Afternoon we had unexpectedly the Company of Abijah Johnson & his companion Moses Greene from Ware N Hampshire who we had not heard were out on religious service — Abijah had a short but good little testimony, & his service was acceptable — They took tea at Henry Goulds, & after tea I went up to Henrys & set a while with them - having for some Years been acquainted with Abijah RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS I AM A NEGATIVE PHILOSOPHER, NOT A POSITIVE ONE: PHILOSOPHY NOT BEING ANY SORT OF SCIENCE, I WOULD HOLD THAT ANY PHILOSOPHICAL ASSERTION THAT TRAVELS UNDER THE PRETENSE THAT IT IS FACTUAL AND ACTUAL MUST BE, TO THE CONTRARY, NECESSARILY SPURIOUS AND UNSUBSTANTIATED.
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