Captain F. J. M. Edwards, 3rd Bombay Light Assistant Commissary-, Brigade Com- Cavalry, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster- missariat Officer. General. P. Holland-Pryor, 13th Bengal Regimental. Lancers, Brigade Transport Officer. 1st Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers, Lieu- Lieutenant-Colonel F. H. Plowden, Com- tenant-Colonel J. H. Spurgin, Commanding, manding 2nd Battalion, Oxfordshire Light In- and Captain and Adjntant W. H. Bowes. fantry. „ 2nd Battalion, King's Own Scottish Bor- Captain H. R. Davies, 2nd Battalion, Oxford- derers, G. N". Mayne, Captain D. R. shire Light Infantry. Sladen, and Qaptain and Adjutant A. B. Haig. Colonel H. A. Sawyer, Commandant, 45th 1st Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment, Lieu- Sikhs. tenant T. H. Shonbridge. KUBKAM MOVABLE COLUMN. 1st Battalion. Gordon Highlanders, Lieutenant- Major E. F. H. McSwiney, D.S.O., 1st Colonel H. H. Mathias, C.B., Commanding, Lancers, Hyderabad Contingent, Deputy Assis- Captain H. P. Uniacke, Captain and Adjntant tant Adjutant-General. W. Campbell, and Lieutenant A. F. Gordon. Captain C. P. Scudamore, D.S.O., 1st Bat- . 15th Sikhs, Lieutenant J. L. R. Gordon. talion, Royal Scots Fusiliers, Deputy Assistant 1st Battalion 3rd Gurkhas, Lieutenant G. W. Qu artermas ter- General. M. West (deceased). Brigade-Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel W. R. 28th Bombay Pioneers, • Major W'. St. L. Murphy, D.S.O., Indian Medical Service, Prin- Chase, V.C., and Lieutenant G. D. M. Moore. cipal Medical Officer. 2nd Punjab Infantry, Captain C. M. Bales. Captain C. F. T. Murray, Assistant Commis- 36th Sikhs, Captain H. L. Custance, and sary-General, Brigade Commissariat Officer. Second Lieutenant W. "W. Van Someren.; Captain P. H. Rogers, 2nd Battalion, King's Sirmur Impei'ial Service Sappers, Lieutenant Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, Brigade Trans- J. R. Chancellor, Royal "Engineers, attached. port Officer. Army Medical Staff. Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. F. Gordon, C.I.E., Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel G. D. Bourke. Commandant, 6th Bengal Cavalry. Surgeon-Captain C, H. Burtchaell. Captain W. F. S. Shakespear, 6th Bengal Indian Medical Service. Cavalry. Surgeon-Major T. Grainger. Lieu tenant-Colonel G. E. Money, Comman- Surgeon-Captain W. Selby. dant, 2nd Regiment, Central Horse. Captain (Temporary Major) E. A. Kettlewell, LINE -OP COMMUNICATION. 22nd Bombay Infantry, attached to Kapurthala •Captain (Temporary Major) J. W. G. Tulloch, Imperial Service Infantry. 24th Bombay Infantry, Assistant Adjutant and Surgeon-Major C. F. Willis, Indian Medical Quartermaster-General. Service. Captain I. Philipps, 1st Battalion, 5th 28. In addition to the Transport Officers Gurkhas, Deputy Assistant Adjuta. t and mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, the Quartermaster-General. Commissary-General, Tirah Expeditionary Force, Major &.. J. W. Allen, 1st Battalion, East has brought to my special notice the services of Kent Regiment, Deputy Assistant Adjutant and the following regimental officers employed on Quartermaster-General at the Base. transport duty:— Lieutenant F. L. Galloway, Royal Artillery, Captain G. H. Weller, 14th Bengal Lancers. Aide-de-Camp. Captain S. D. Browne, Royal Horse Artillery. Captain St. G. L. Steele, 2nd Bengal Lancers, Captain G. A Cookson, 16th Bengal Cavalry. Section Commandant. Captain C. Davis, 1st Bengal Lancers. Captain 0. B. S. F. Shore, 18th Bengal Captain W. P. M. Pollok, 18th Hussars. Lancers, Section Commandant. Captain E. C. B. Cotgrave, Central India Captain F. de B. Young, 6th Bengal Cavalry, Horse. Section Commandant. The Senior Ordnance Officer, Tirah Expedi- Captain H. V. Biggs, Royal Engineers, tionary Force, comments favourably on the work Adjutant, Royal Engineers. done by Captain M. W. S. Pasley, Royal Captain L. G. Watkins, Royal Artillery, Artillery, in charge of the Ordnance Base Depot Ordnance Officer. at Kchat. Major W. J. H. Bond, Assistant Commissary- 29. I desire to record my acknowledgments General. to the following commanding officers of Imperial Veterinary Captain F. W. Forsdyke, Army Service Corps:— Veterinary Department, Inspecting Veterinary Sardar Khajur Singh, Kashmir Mountain Officer. Battery. Lieutenant-Colonel R. Gordon, Commandant Sardar Sundar Singh, 1st Regiment, Patiala 22nd Punjab Infantry. Imperial Service Infantry. Lieutenant-Colonel B. C. Graves, Com- Sardar Bahadur Gurnam Singh, Jhind Im- mandant, 39th Garhwal perial Service Infantry. Captain A. B. Denne, 2nd Madras Infantry, Sardar Sher Singh, Nabha Imperial Service Transport Officer. Infantry. Captain J. C. Hollway, 7th Bombay Infantry, Lieutenant Bir Bikram Singh Kunwar, Sirmur Transport Officer. Imperial Service Sappers. Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel H. Hamilton, Sardar Mehr Muhammad Khan, Maler Kotla Indian Medical Service. Imperial Service Sappers. Surgeon-Major S. F. Bigger, Indian Medical Rai Dhanpat, Mai Bahadur, Jeypore Imperial Service. Service Transport Corps. PESHAWAR COLUMN. Suraj Persad, Gwalior Imperial Service Trans- port Corps- Lieutenant-Colonel F. S. Gwatkin, 13th Ben- 30. The following honorary commissioned, gal Lancers, Assistant Adjntant and Quarter- warrant, and non-commissioned officers have master-General. been specially recommended by general officers Captain G. H. Bretherton, D.S.O., Deputy and heads of departments:—