
Stud.Cercet.Stiint., Ser.Mat., 16 (2006), Supplement Proceedings of ICMI 45, Bacau, Sept.18-20, 2006, pp. 263-268

Properties of the Generalized

N. Shajareh-Poursalavati


In this article, we study some properties of the generalized permutations. We introduce a fundamental structure of all generalized permutations and by use this concept, we introduce another generalization of matrices, also we obtain some properties of generalized permutation matrices. Key words and phrases: generalized permutation, directed graph, semi- inverse, generalized permutation matrices. (2000) Subject Classification: 20B99

1. INTRODUCTION Suppose that X is a non empty set and let P* (X ) be the set of all non empty subset of X . A generalized permutation, which is a generalization of the concept of ordinary permutation, is defined in [2], as follows. The function σ : X → P* (X ) is called a generalized permutation on X , if σ (x) = X . xU∈X Obviously, if we consider the singleton {f (x)} instead f (x) , for every ordinary permutation f on X , then f is a generalized permutation. The set of all generalized permutation on X is denoted by M X . For f1 , f 2 ∈ M X , we say that f1 is a sub generalized permutation of f 2 , or f 2 contains f1 , and write f1 ⊆ f 2 , if f1 (x) ⊆ f 2 (x) for every x ∈ X . The mapping g for which g(x) = X for all x ∈ X , is called the universal generalized permutation and * contains all the element of M X . Every map f : X → P (X ) which contains a generalized permutation is itself a generalized permutation. The map i : X → P* (X ) wherei(x) = {x }, for all x ∈ X , is called the identity generalized permutation. The composition of two generalized permutations

f1 and f 2 is defined as follows:

263 f f ( x ) = f ( y ) ∀x ∈ X . 1 o 2 U 1 y ∈ f 2 ( x )

It is easy to show that f1 o f 2 is a generalized permutation. By this composition, we have a binary operation on the set of all generalized permutation, i.e., f1 o f 2 ∈ M Ω . Definition 1.1. Let f be a generalized permutation on X . The semi-inverse of f is denoted by f ~1 , define as f ~1 (y) = {x ∈ X : y ∈ f (x )}. It is easy to show that of M X , is a sub generalized permutation of ~1 ~1 ~1 ~1 f o f and f o f , i.e.,x ∈ f o f (x) I f o f (x ) for all ∀x ∈ X .

2. GRAPH OF A GENERALIZED PERMUTATION Let f be a generalized permutation on X . We consider X , the set of vertices and for two vertices "x" and "y", we define a directed edge (arc) from "x" to "y", if y ∈ f (x ) . The graph of a generalized permutation is denoted by G(f). The number of the input or output arcs to a vertex α is called input or output degree in α and denoted by id(α) or od(α) , respectively. In [1], we prove that, there is a one to one correspondence between the set of all generalized permutation on the non empty set X and the set of all directed graphs with vertices in X , where input and output degrees in each vertex be positive. Also we introduced a presentation of a generalized permutation f over a finite set X of order n. Without loss of generality, we consider X as the set {1,2,K,n }. Definition 2.1. Let x be a vertex of G(f) and k be the smallest positive integer k numbers such that x ∈ f (x ) . The k-cycle (x0 x1 x2 K xk −1 ) where x = x0 ,

xi ∈ f (xi−1 ), i = 1,2,K,k −1 and x ∈ f (xk −1 ) , is called a closed orbit of length k. Note that every loop is a 1-cycle or closed orbit of length 1. Definition 2.2. Let x be a vertex of G(f) that lies in a closed orbit or loop. The k-symbol order [ x0 x1 x2 K xk −1 ] where k is a positive integer number,

x = x0 , xi ∈ f (xi−1 ), for all i = 1,2,K,k − 1 and xk −1 lies in a closed orbit, and for all i = 1,2,K,k − 2 , xi does not lie in any closed orbit of G(f), is called a pure chain of length k-1.

264 The set of all strongly-connected component’s generalized permutations on a set X is denoted by SM X . In [1], we show that, every elements of SM X is a collection of ordinary cycle permutations over X . Also, we show that, every elements of M X is a collection of closed orbits and pure chains over X . Example 2.3. Let X = {1,2,3,4,5,6} and let f be generalized permutation defined by:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7  f :=   . {}{}{}{}{}{}{}1,2 3 1,4 5 6 7 5  We present f as the collection {(1), (1 2 3), (5 6 7), [3 4 5]} where (,1 ) (,1 2 3 ) (5 6 7) are closed orbits of length 1, 3 and 3 respectively and []3 4 5 is a pure chain of length 3.

In [1], we obtain an upper bound for SM X and M X . If X be a non empty set of cardinal n, and n(n −1) n(n −1)(n − 2) m = n + + + + (n −1)!, and 2 3 L l = n + n(n −1) + n(n −1)(n − 2) +L+ n!, m m+l then SM X ≤ 2 and M X ≤ 2 . In the next section we define a new generalization of permutation matrices.


Let R be a field with identity 1R and characteristic of R be zero. By definition of generalized permutation, we can define another generalization of permutation as follows: Definition 3.1. Let X = {}1,2,K,n and σ be a generalized permutation on

X . The generalized permutation matrix Pσ with n elements is defined as:  e   σ (1)  eσ (2)  Pσ =   ,  M  e   σ (n)  n×n

265 with for non empty subset S of X , eS := (x1 x2 L xn )1×n , where

1R if i ∈ S xi :.=  0 if i ∉ S In other words, a generalized permutation matrix is an square matrix which its arrays are 0 or 1R , and for each column and row there are at least one array non zero. Example 3.2. Let X = {1,2,3,4,5,6 } and let σ be a generalized permutation defined as follows:  1 2 3 4 5 6  σ =   {2,3} {3} {4} {5} {3} {1,6} i.e., σ (1) = {2,3}, σ (2) = {3}, σ (3) = {4}, σ (4) = {5}, σ (5) = {3}, σ (6) = {1,6}. Then 0 1 1 0 0 0   0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 P :=   σ 0 0 0 0 1 0   0 0 1 0 0 0   1 0 0 0 0 16×6 The of a matrix A = a is denoted by AT :,= b which ( ij )n×m ( ji )m×n b ji = aij for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n and 1 ≤ j ≤ m .

T n Theorem 3.3. If α = ()α1 α 2 Lα n is a vector in R and Pσ is a generalized permutation matrix over {1,2,K,n} then T   P α =  α , α , , α  . σ  ∑ i ∑ i K ∑ i   i∈σ (1) i∈σ (2) i∈σ (n) 

Proof. It is easy to show that (Pσ α)i1 = eσ (i)α = ∑α j for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n . j∈σ (i) □ Theorem 3.4. If σ and π be two generalized permutation over {1,2,K,n}, then for all 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n , (P P ) = 0 if and only if (P ) = 0 . σ π ij π oσ ij

266 Proof. Note that (P ) = 0 if and only if j ∉π σ (i) . Now we calculate π oσ ij o the (Pσ Pπ )ij , we have:

n (P P ) σ π ij = ∑(eσ (i) )k (eπ (k ) ) j k=1 =|{k ∈σ (i): j ∈π (k)}|

~1 ~1 =||{k ∈σ (i):k ∈π ( j)}|=| σ (i) I π ( j) . Hence,

~1 (Pσ Pπ )ij = 0 ⇔ σ (i) I π ( j) = { } ⇔ {k ∈σ (i): j ∈π (k)} = { } ⇔ j ∉π oσ (i) ⇔ (P ) = 0 π oσ ij □

Remark 3.5. In general, Pσ Pπ is not a generalized permutation matrix. As an example, which Pσ Pπ not be generalized permutation matrix, consider  1 2   1 2  σ :=   and π :=   generalized permutations on the set {}{}1,2 2  {}1 {1,2 } 1 1  1 0  2 ⋅1 1   R R   R   R R  {}1,2 . Then Pσ =   , Pπ =   and Pσ Pπ =   not a  0 1R  1R 1R   1R 1R  generalized permutation matrix. In each case, if Pσ Pπ is a generalized permutation matrix, in Theorem 3.6, we show that P P = P . σ π π oσ In [1], we defined the directed graph and in Definition 1.1 the semi-inverse of a generalized permutation was introduced. Hence, naturally, we can define the ~1 semi-inverse of a generalized permutation matrix, i.e., P := P ~1 . But in the σ σ following theorem we show that this is not a new definition. ~1 T Theorem 3.6. Let σ be a generalized permutation. Then P := P ~1 = P . σ σ σ Proof. We know that the arrays of a generalized permutation matrix, are 0 or

1R . Now we have:

267 P = 1 ⇔ e = 1 ()σ ij R ( σ ()i )1 j R ⇔ j ∈σ (i)

~1 ⇔ i ∈σ ( j) ⇔ (e ~1 ) = 1R ⇔ (P ~1 ) = 1R . σ ( j) 1i σ ji

Therefore P = P ~1 for all i and j. This completes proof. ()σ ij ( σ )ji □

Theorem 3.7. The generalized permutation matrices P ~1 and P ~1 are σ oσ σ oσ symmetric matrices which the diagonal arrays are 1R .

Proof. For every 1,≤ i, j ≤ n (P ~1 )ij = (e ~1 ) j . Now by use the graph of σ oσ σ oσ (i) ~1 ~1 σ and semi-inverse of σ we show that j ∈σ oσ (i) ⇔ i ∈σ oσ ( j ) . Let ~1 ~1 j ∈σ oσ (i) , hence there is a k in σ (i ) such that j ∈σ (k) and i ∈σ (k) , ~1 then i ∈σ σ ( j) . Therefore (P ~1 )ij = (P ~1 ) ji and similarly o σ oσ σ oσ ~1 ~1 (P ~1 )ij = (P ~1 ) ji . It is clearly that i ∈σ σ (i ) and i ∈σ σ (i ) , σ oσ σ oσ o o therefore (P ~1 )ii = 1R = (P ~1 )ii and the proof complet. σ oσ σ oσ □

REFERENCES [1] Shajareh-Poursalavati, N. On the generalized permutations. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, 8, 3 (Dec. 2005), 365- 672. [2] Vougiouklis, T. Hyperstructures and their representations. Hadronic Press Monographs in Mathematics, Palm Harbor, FL, 1994.

Department of Mathematics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman mail address: [email protected]