Following the Prime Minister’s announcement of 23rd March, the Archbishops have written to clergy in support of the measures and again on 27 March, requiring that churches must now close both for private worship and public services. Our church buildings are therefore now closed for public worship, private prayer and all other meetings and activities until further notice. However, our online services are very active! You can access regular updates via the website: Our Facebook page is updated daily: All of our videos of services, Bible readings, reflections and a song or two can be found on Youtube: Search - Newbold Parish Church channel As mentioned previously, if you, or someone you know, would like prayer at this time, please contact Revd Ben 450374, or Revd Rhoda 07838316610, or email us:
[email protected] Dear all, It feels a lot longer than a month since I last wrote the Rector’s letter! This ‘lockdown’ appears to do strange things to time as well as to many other aspects of ‘normal’ life. Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter were particularly strange this year. It is the first time in living memory that the church has not been able to meet together at this most special time. I hope many of you were able to use the prayer resources, and palm cross, which we sent out prior to holy week. I put the 6’ cross we use for ‘Experience Easter’ up in the Rectory garden, by the boundary wall on Littlemoor, which I hope made a few people think.