En En Notice to Members

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En En Notice to Members EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 2009 - 2014 Committee on Petitions 18.12.2012 NOTICE TO MEMBERS Subject: Petition 1107/2007 by Germano Bertolino (Italian), on pollution along the Sicilian coast 1. Summary of petition The petitioner expresses concern at marine pollution off the coast of Italy, in particular between Marsala and Trapani, caused by failure to comply with Community legislation regarding the discharge of urban sewage and sludge forma purification plants. 2. Admissibility Declared admissible on 18 March 2008. Information requested from Commission under Rule 192(4). 3. Commission reply, received on 20 March 2009. The petitioner draws attention to a situation of marine pollution allegedly caused by the dumping into the sea of insufficiently treated urban wastewater originating in the city of Trapani. Several agglomerations of the Sicilia Region, including the one referred to as the city of Trapani (named Consortile Trapani), were included in the on-going horizontal infringement case against Italy relating to the breaching of the requirements of Directive 91/271/EEC1 concerning urban wastewater treatment in an important number of Italian agglomerations 1 OJ L 135, 30.5.1991, p. 40-52 CM\922945EN.doc PE421.491v03-00 EN United in diversityEN (cities and towns above 15,000 people equivalent). New data, related to wastewater treatment and collection throughout Italy, transmitted in several batches by Italy in response to the Commission's written warnings to Italy of 9 July 2004 and of 23 October 2007, have been assessed and indicate that 299 Italian agglomerations still cannot be considered compliant with the requirements set down in Directive 91/271/EEC. As a consequence, on 19 February 2009, the Commission decided to address a Reasoned Opinion to Italy in the framework of the infringement case related to the breach of obligations set down in Directive 91/271/EEC. Several Sicilian agglomerations, including the one named Consortile Trapani, remain under investigation in the framework of this infringement case. The Petitions committee will be kept informed of the developments in this case. 4. Commission reply, received on 24 June 2010 for Petitions 0972/2004 & 1107/2007 The petitioners had drawn the attention of the Commission to a situation of marine pollution in the region of Sicily allegedly caused by the dumping into the sea of insufficiently treated urban waste water originating from the city of Trapani, and in the region of Campania, around Quarto (Napoli Ovest). Several agglomerations of the Sicilia and Campania Region, including the ones referred to, (previously named Consortile Trapani and Quarto), were included in the on-going horizontal infringement case against Italy relating to the breaching of the requirements of Directive 91/271/EEC1 concerning urban waste water treatment in a large number of Italian agglomerations (cities and towns above 15 000 people equivalent). The new data, related to waste water treatment and collection throughout Italy, received in response to the Commission's final warning of 19 February 2009, has been assessed and indicates that many Italian agglomerations cannot be considered compliant with the requirements set down in Directive 91/271/EEC. As a consequence, on 5 May 2010, the Commission decided to take Italy to the European Court of Justice for breach of its obligations under Directive 91/271/EEC in a large number of Italian agglomerations. Several agglomerations in the province of Trapani, including Marsala, Mazara del Vallo, Trapani-Erice (Casa Santa), Triscina Marinella, and Castelvetrano I, as well as several agglomerations in the Campania region, including Quarto (Napoli Ovest), are covered by the Commission's referral decision. 5. Commission reply (REV.II), received on 18 December 2012. For petition 1107/2007 The Commission's application to the Court of Justice of the EU covered several 1 OJ L 135, 30.5.1991, p. 40-52 PE421.491v03-00 2/3 CM\922945EN.doc EN agglomerations in the province of Trapani, including Marsala, Mazara del Vallo, Trapani- Erice (Casa Santa), Triscina Marinella and Castelvetrano 1. On 19 July 2012, the CJEU issued its judgment (case C-565/10). This judgment, which has condemned Italy for failing to build adequate waste water management capacity, mentions Marsala, Mazara del Vallo, Triscina Marinella and Castelvetrano 1 amongst the agglomerations in relation to which Italy has been found to be in breach of Directive 91/271/EEC. The judgment does not mention Trapani-Erice (Casa Santa) because, pending the proceedings before the Court, Italy reported that, in the meantime, this agglomeration had been made compliant with Directive 91/271/EEC. Conclusion The Commission will monitor that the Italian authorities execute the judgment by building adequate waste water management capacity in compliance with the directive. CM\922945EN.doc 3/3 PE421.491v03-00 EN.
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