University of Kansas Email: [email protected] Department of French & Italian Office: 785-864-9066 1445 Jayhawk Boulevard, Wescoe 2180 Lawrence, Kansas 66045

EDUCATION  Ph.D., French Linguistics and General Linguistics, Indiana University. 2006.  M.A., French Linguistics, Indiana University, Bloomington. 1998.  B.A., International Studies, Hamline University, Saint Paul, Minnesota. 1991.


 Associate Professor & French Language Program Director (2011–present) Department of French and Italian, University of Kansas Wescoe Hall 2103, 1445 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas 66045 o Teach all levels of undergraduate French language and culture, as well graduate courses in language pedagogy, structure of French, and history of the French language. o Coordinate first- and second-year French language program, including course design & syllabus for the first-year courses and oversight of second-year coordinator and courses. o Supervise 20-24 GTAs/Lecturers, including 5-day orientation for new GTAs, ongoing pedagogical training, class observations, materials and administrative support, etc. o Contact person for the 400+ students per semester enrolled in first- and second-year French language courses: help with placement, advising, student concerns, etc.

 Assistant Professor & French Language Program Director (2006–2011) Department of French and Italian, University of Kansas Wescoe Hall 2180, 1445 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas 66045

 Acting Assistant Professor & French Language Program Director (2005–2006) Department of French and Italian, University of Kansas Wescoe Hall 2180, 1445 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas 66045

 Visiting Lecturer (2002–2005) Department of French and Italian, Indiana University Ballantine Hall 642, Bloomington, Indiana 47405

 Maître de Langue (English Language Instructor) (2001–2002) UFR Langues Étrangères Appliquées (Department of Applied Foreign Languages) University of Lille III, Roubaix, .

 Assistant to the Editor/Editorial Assistant (1999–2001) Studies in Second Language Acquisition Indiana University, 1105 Atwater Avenue, Bloomington, Indiana 47401



 Swanson, K. A. B. Dictées in the French Foreign Language Classroom: Prevalence, Perceptions and Findings. (Forthcoming). The French Review.  Anderson, R., Dolidon, A., Hackney, M., Martin, E., McMann, L., & Swanson, K. A. B. (2016, 2nd ed.). Workbook/Laboratory Manual for En avant (Elementary French textbook by B. Anderson, P. Golato & S. Blatty). McGraw-Hill. Pp. i-499.  Swanson, K. A. B., & Lux, C. (2013, 5th ed.). Testing Program for Quant à Moi (Intermediate French textbook by J. Bragger & D. Rice) on CD-Rom. Heinle-Cengage. Pp. 1-116.  Anderson, R., Dolidon, A., Hackney, M., Martin, E., McMann, L., & Swanson, K. A. B. (2012). Workbook/Laboratory Manual for En avant (Elementary French textbook by B. Anderson, P. Golato & S. Blatty). McGraw-Hill. Pp. i-499.  Swanson, K. A. B., & Lux, C. (2010). Testing Program for Quant à Moi (Intermediate French textbook by J. Bragger & D. Rice) on CD-Rom. Heinle-Cengage. Pp. 1-116.  Swanson, K. A. B., & Lux, C. (2010). Preface to Testing Program for Quant à Moi (Intermediate French textbook by J. Bragger & D. Rice) on CD-Rom. Heinle-Cengage. Pp. iii-xv.  Swanson, K. A. B., & Pons, C. (2009). Testing Program for Points de départ (Elementary French textbook by A. Valdman, C. Pons and M. E. Scullen). Pearson-Prentice Hall. Pp. i-552.  Swanson, K. A. B. (2005). French F150: Elementary French II (A learning guide). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University, School of Continuing Studies, Independent Study Program. Pp. i-185.  Swanson, K. A. B. (2004). French F100: Elementary French I (A learning guide). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University, School of Continuing Studies, Independent Study Program. Pp. i-170.  Swanson, K. A. B. (2001). Is first language learning like second language learning? Learning L2 phonology in Optimality Theory. Selected Proceedings of the Second Language Research Forum. Somerville, MA : Cascadilla Press. 23-41.  Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., & Swanson, K. A. B. (2001). Reflexes of the mental architecture in second language acquisition: The interpretation of discontinuous combien extractions in English-French interlanguage. Language Acquisition, 9, 175-227.  Swanson, K. A. B. (2000). Review of La féminisation des noms de métiers, fonctions, grades, ou titres : Au Québec, en Suisse romande, en France, et en Communauté française de Belgique by P. Bouchard, N. Guilloton, P.Vachon-l’Heureux, J.-F. De Pietro, M.-J. Béguelin, M.-J. Mathiew, & M.-L. Moreau. The French Review, 74.  Dinnsen, D. A., McGarrity, L. W., O’Connor, K., & Swanson, K. (1999/2000). On the role of sympathy in acquisition. Language Acquisition, 8, 321-361.  Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R., Swanson, K., & Thyre, R. (1999). Semantics, pragmatics, and second language acquisition : The case of combien extractions. In E. Hughes, M. Hughes, & A. Greenhill (Eds.) Proceedings of the Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 23, 162-171. Somerville, MA : Cascadilla Press.

ONLINE PEDAGOGICAL PROJECT  Swanson, K. A. B. & Kendrick J. (2012-present). French à la mode ( Online pedagogical project to supplement current 100- /200-level French curriculum at KU, but open to the public. Web design : Keah Cunningham.



 Swanson, K.A.B. A bi-directional study of the L2 acquisition of aspiration. (Under review at Language Acquisition).  Swanson, K.A.B. Learner variability in the L2 acquisition and suppression of palatalization. (Under review at Language Learning).  IN PROGRESS

 Swanson, K.A. B. The loss of the absolute genitive and null subjects in French: Reflexes of the same change in the grammar? (Revising for resubmission to Journal of Historical Linguistics).  Swanson, K. A. B. Acquiring and suppressing aspiration: The effects of phonological training.. (Revising for submission to Foreign Language Annals).  Swanson, K. A. B. The relative difficulty of constraint demotion: Evidence from French and English interlanguage.


 Issues in acquisition versus suppression of phonological properties: Evidence from L2 French and English. Invited talk for the University of Kansas Child Language Proseminar. March 2012.  The use of ‘dictées’ and goals for proficiency in the French foreign language classroom. American Association of Teachers of French. Montréal, Canada. July 2011.  Exploring the relationship between the absolute genitive and null subjects in Old and Middle French. MidAmerica Medieval Association Conference. Conception, Missouri. February 2010.  Paths to acquiring palatalization and spirantization in L2 English. International Symposium on Bilingualism, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 2009.  Acquiring and suppressing aspiration: Emergence of interlanguage constraints. Second Language Research Forum. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. October 2007.  Living and serving in Hungary. Peace Corps Around the World series. University of Kansas. March 2007.  Acquisition versus suppression of palatalization by second language learners of English and French. Mid-America Linguistics Conference. Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois. October 2006.  (Un)learning an L2 phonological process: A bi-directional study of aspiration. The 12th Annual Mid-Continental Workshop on Phonology. University of Iowa, Iowa City. October 2006.  General tendencies and individual differences in L2 phonological acquisition. Invited talk for the KU Department of Linguistics Colloquy. October 2006.  Acquisition of phonological rules in L2 English and French. State University, Tallahassee, Florida. January 2005.  (Un)learning phonological “rules” in a second language: Some evidence from L2 learners of English and French. Presented at 53rd Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference. Charleston, . October 2003.  Acquisition versus suppression of phonological processes in the second language acquisition of French and English. Invited speaker for the Department of French & Italian’s Student-Faculty Forum series, Indiana University. Bloomington, Indiana. November 2002.


 Current issues in second language phonological acquisition. Invited lecture (with K. M. O’Connor) for Multidisciplinary Seminar in Language Acquisition at Indiana University. Bloomington, Indiana. October 2000.  Is second language learning the same as first language learning? Learning L2 phonology. Presented at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) 2000. Madison, Wisconsin. September 2000.  Semantics, pragmatics and second language acquisition: The case of combien…de extractions. (With L. Dekydtspotter, R. Sprouse & R. Thyre) Presented at the 23rd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, . November 1998.  The interpretation of combien…de extractions: The primacy of syntax in second language acquisition. (With L. Dekydtspotter & R. Sprouse) Presented at Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA), Pittsburg, . September 1998.


 KU Language Training Center, Department of Defense grant for foreign language training of military personnel. French Program Team Leader (2013-present)  Sabbatical award (for Spring 2013), KU CLAS (2012)  Outstanding Woman Educator, KU Emily Taylor Woman’s Resource Center (2011)  Cramer Professorship for excellence in teaching and research (3-year award) (2009-2011)  Jessie Marie Senor Cramer & Ann Cramer Root Award for excellence in teaching and research (2008)  KU General Research Fund (GRF) Awards (FY2009, FY2010)  KU New Faculty General Research Fund (NFGRF) Award (FY2008)  KU International Programs Travel Award (2009)  KU CLAS Travel Awards for research (2006 [2], 2007, 2009, 2011)


 Departmental o Director of the Basic French Language Program (2005-present). Service duties include: -- Administrative support for 20-24 Graduate Teaching Assistants and lecturers (e.g., course scheduling, textbook acquisition and support, development and maintenance of Blackboard teaching resources site, coordination of course-wide assignments/exams and materials, academic misconduct cases, drops/adds, summer school coordination/scheduling, etc.). -- Liaison/mediator between GTAs/lecturers and their students in the 100-/200-level French courses. -- Supervision of assistant language coordinator o Paris Summer Language Institute Co-director (Summers 2013, 2015) o Post-Tenure Review Committee Chair (Spring 2015) o Undergraduate Major/Minor Review Committee (Fall 2013-present) o Core Curriculum Committee (Spring 2012-present) o Graduate Student Admissions Committee (2005-present) o Evaluator for graduate and undergraduate students wishing to fulfill their French language requirement by examination (2005-present) o Faculty Evaluation Board (2006-present) 4

o Search Committees (Office Manager 2006, Asst. Language Coordinator/Lecturer 2007, Asst. Professor of Italian 2007-08, Three-year Lecturer 2008, 2011) o Study Abroad Program Committee (2007-2009) o Instructional Technology Committee. (2005-2006, 2008, 2011) o Graduate and Undergraduate Committees. (2005-2006)  College/University o KU Applied English Center – Review Committee for Promotion (Fall 2014) o Department of Germanic Studies – Search Committee for German Lecturer/Language Coordinator (Spring 2014) o School of Languages - Subcommittee on Second Language Studies program (Fall 2013- present) o KU Language Training Center, Department of Defense grant for foreign language training of military personnel. French Program Team Leader (2013-present) o Kansas Core Outcomes – French Committee. (2013-present) o Hall Center Humanities Research Fellowship Committee (Fall 2012) o KU Applied English Center - Co-Chair of Promotion Review Committee (Spring 2011) o Fulbright and Graduate Direct Exchange French Language Evaluator (2005-present) o Fulbright and Graduate Direct Exchange Committee (2008-2009) o JFDP (Junior Faculty Development Program – U.S. Department of State) Orientation session – panel participant “Academic Life at U.S. Universities” (January 2009, 2010, 2011) o KU Center for Teaching Excellence, Ambassador for Dept. of French & Italian (2006- present) o KU Global Scholars Selection Committee (2010, 2011) o KU Global Scholars Mentor (2011-present) o Midwest Association of Graduate Schools Distinguished Master's Thesis Competition – KU Selection Committee (October, 2010)  Professional o Promotion & Tenure case – outside reviewer, French Program, University of Maine-Fort Kent (Fall 2015) o External Review for French program at University of Maine-Fort Kent (Spring 2014) o Reviewer for publishers Heinle/Cengage Publishing, McGraw-Hill & Pearson-Prentice Hall. o Reviewer for the journals The Modern Language Journal, Second Language Research, & Studies in Second Language Acquisition.  Community Outreach o Coordinator of Shawnee Heights High School visit to KU French & Italian dept. and campus (2006-present) o Volunteer for Peace Corps recruiting events (2007-present)

COURSES TAUGHT AT KU French 110: Elementary French I French 240: Intermediate French II French 241: Intermediate French II – Honors French 310: French Phonetics French 376: Advanced French Conversation


French 430: La France d’aujourd’hui (French Today) French 440: Studies in French Culture: Linguistic and Social Evolution of French French 499: Honors in French French 500: French Phonetics – Graduate level French 600: Studies in French Language Pedagogy French 701: History of the French Language French 703: Structure of Modern French French 704: Methods of French Language Instruction French 995: Investigation and Conference Departmental 5-day orientation program for new GTAs/Lecturers (week before fall classes)


American Association of Teachers of French American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators Linguistic Society of America Modern Language Association


English: native French: near-native Hungarian: intermediate Spanish: elementary Latin: reading