
Schweiz- Swiss-Zimbabwean Friendship Association

Rundbrief / Newsletter Nr. 67, Mai 2016

Editorial beleuchtet unter anderem den Zustand der Nation und Dewa Mavhinga macht sich Gedanken zum Zimbabwes ökonomische Situation verschlechtert sich Zustand der Opposition. weiter. Sogar den Banken geht langsam das Geld aus. Alle sprechen von Korruption und Nepotismus. Fälle werden Gertrud Baud, Mitglied des Vorstandes benannt und belegt, doch dann passiert nichts mehr. Was macht die Opposition? Die grösste Oppositions- Nur flackerndes Licht am Ende des partei MDC ist in mehrere Flügel gespalten. Ihr Anse- hen hat durch die Regierungsbeteiligung sehr gelitten, Tunnels nicht zuletzt, weil sich viele ihrer Exponenten genauso Ruth Weiss bereicherten wie die Mitglieder der Regierungspartei. Nun scheint es, dass Präsident Tsvangirai wieder an Ansehen gewonnen hat. Im April gelang es MDC, in „Ein Führer hört auf die Volksstimme und denkt erst an Harare eine grosse Demonstration mit über 10‘000 Teil- das Volk, nicht an sich“, sagte Zimbabwes Präsident nehmerInnen durchzuführen. Die Demonstration richtete im März 2016. Mugabe sollte seine sich gegen die schlechte Wirtschaftslage und verlangte eigenen Worte befolgen: Im April forderten mehrere den Rücktritt von Präsident Mugabe. tausend Personen sowie Kirchen, einige War Vets (Kriegsveteranen) und sein Freund In der Zwischenzeit hat auch die letztes Jahr aus der seinen Rücktritt. Die ZimbabwerInnen fliehen vor dem Zanu-PF ausgeschlossene eine Partei Wirtschaftstief, dem El-Nino-Effekt und den Macht- gegründet, die People First Party. Für was sie einsteht und kämpfen in Zanu PF. wie gross ihre Gefolgschaft sein wird, ist noch nicht klar. Mugabe leidet an Realitätsverlust. Er erklärte im April, Eine klare Ansage haben einige kleinere Parteien, dar- die Wirtschaft sei im Aufschwung und versprach Beam- unter auch Mavambo/Kusile/Dawn mit Präsident Simba tenlöhne in Höhe der Armutsgrenze, trotz einer Arbeits- Makoni, gemacht. Sie streben auf die Wahlen 2018 losigkeit von 90 %, Firmenschliessungen und der eine stärkere Zusammenarbeit an. Halbierung des monatlichen Durchschnittseinkommens Im vorliegenden Rundbrief fasst Ruth Weiss die Ereig- von US$ 500 auf US$ 224. Ohne Quellenangabe redete nisse des letzten halben Jahres zusammen. Daneben er von einem Diamantendiebstahl von US$ 15 Mrd., wobei seine Frau eventuell auf der Liste möglicher Ver- dächtiger steht. Inhalt Editorial 1 Die erste Familie Nur flackerndes Licht am Ende des Tunnels 1 Trotz Hungersnot feierte Mugabe seinen 92. Geburts- Zustand der Nation 4 tag mit einer grossen Party für US$ 1,92 Mio. Er gönnte Abduction 6 sich wie früher Auszeiten von vielen Wochen. 2015 Opposition 7 kosteten Mugabes Auslandsreisen US$ 50 Mio. Auch Will Opposition Coalition Bring Change to ZW? 2016 reiste er wieder in den Fernen Osten. Dabei kon- ZAPU Open to ZPF Coalition; Thousands March 9 sultierte der Präsident in Singapur auch Ärzte. Mugabe Diamanten 10 wirkt gebrechlich und macht bei öffentlichen Anlässen „Wenn Diebe sich entzweien …“ ab und zu ein Nickerchen. Army Kicked out of Chiadzwa 11 Als Vorsitzender der SADC und African Union erreichte Wirtschaft 12 er wenig. Trotzdem wurde seine Abschiedsrede vor der Mugabe Ruins Telecel to Punish Makamba AU, die mehr Demokratie in der UNO forderte mit Human and Wildlife Conflict; Govt to Sell Gold 13f. tosendem Applaus belohnt. China 14 Seine Tochter gebar ihr Kind im Ausland. Zu Hause China ZW‘s Largest Investor fehlen Medikamente, selbst für Blut und Sauerstoff China to Construct New Parly Building 15 muss bezahlt werden. Landverteilung 15 Tokwe-Mukosi Victims‘ Relocation; Farm Eviction , verantwortlich für Mujurus Abgang 2014, wurde zur wichtigsten Politikerin. Beim Parteikon- Zivilgesellschaft 16 gress letzten Dezember sprachen die Redner Grace WOZA – Save Education; 5 Brigade Atrocities Mugabe mit „Amai Mugabe“ (Mutter Mugabe) an, aus- Driefontein Mission Children‘s Home 19 ser der Vizepräsident . Einmal Jahresbeitrag, Impressum, Unsere Quellen 20 erklärte Grace, sie habe stets das Sagen. Ab Februar 1 unternahm sie wieder schrille Auftritte und verteilte als Mio. als Schulgeld. Eine andere Gruppe von War Vets Geschenke landwirtschaftliche Güter, die sie von einem unterstützt die Partei Mujurus. brasilianischen Entwicklungsprogramm erhalten hatte. Im Mai planen Anhänger von Mnangagwa einen Eine Anhängerin von Grace beschuldigte vor Mugabe „Marsch der Millionen für Mugabe.“ und Mnangagwa der Letztere plane, den Präsidenten abzulösen. Auch Grace selber griff den Vizepräsiden- Die Partei hat bereits die Wahlkampagne für 2018 ten sowie das Militär an und behauptete, das Militär begonnen: Sie verspricht städtische Wohnungen, ver- wolle ihren jüngsten Sohn ermorden. Gegen vier Ange- sucht, MDC-T - Stadträte auszuschalten und setzt wie klagte mit Beziehungen zur Armee lief ein Verfahren immer Hungerhilfe als politische Waffe ein. wegen eines geplanten Überfalls auf Mugabes Alpha Opposition Omega Dairy. Die Firma wird als Erfolgsgeschichte gepriesen, hat aber finanzielle Schwierigkeiten. Harare erlebte im April die grösste Demonstration von MDC-T seit einem Jahrzehnt mit mehreren Tausend Die Familie Mugabe soll 10-14 Farmen und Luxuswoh- Teilnehmern. Die von der Polizei verbotene, aber vom nungen in Singapur, Hong Kong, Dubai und Südafrika Gericht zugelassene Demonstration forderte Mugabes besitzen. Rücktritt und prangerte die schlechte Wirtschaftslage Nach Kritik an Grace trat Mugabe an ihrer Veranstal- an. An der Demonstration redete . tung in Mashonaland Zentral auf, zog jedoch nur 5 000 Mujuru und ihre Gefolgsleute gründeten im Februar die Zuhörer an. Partei „Zimbabwe People First“ (ZPF), zur grossen Zanu-PF Verstörung von Zanu-PF. Wie gross Mujurus Beliebt- heit wirklich ist, ist noch unklar, auch wenn sie bereits Erstmals gab der Präsident im April zu, die Armee habe in Zanu-PF-Gebieten unzufriedene Zanu-PF-Führer, bei den Wahlsiegen Unterstützung geleistet. Zanu-PF Mitglieder und War Vets. anzog. Wie jede Opposition wur- Parlamentsabgeordnete dürfen Minister nicht unter de ZPF durch Zanu-PF angegriffen. Im Januar wurde das Druck setzen und Minister dürfen kein Thema anspre- Haus der Politikerin Margret Dongo angegriffen. Zanu-PF- chen, worüber Mugabe schon gesprochen hat. Jugendliche überfielen ZPF Versammlungen und Die Partei, auch die Jugend- und die Frauenliga und attackierten ZPF Anhänger. Im Februar wurde eine die War Vets (Kriegsveteranen), ist hoffnungslos zer- Demonstration gegen Korruption verboten. Ein US-Bericht splittert und zerfleischt sich in Nachfolgekämpfen. wirft Zimbabwe weiter Menschenrechtsverletzungen vor. Verfeindete Fraktionen um Mnangagwa und die soge- Einige Oppositionsparteien führen im Hinblick auf die nannte Generation40 um Grace versuchen, sich gegen- Wahlen 2018 Koalitionsgespräche, die schleppend seitig auszutricksen. Eine kleine Gruppe, die keine vorangehen. Sie veröffentlichten eine gemeinsame Er- Basis ohne Mugabe hat, möchte ihn um jeden Preis an klärung. Die Ausarbeitung eines politischen Programms der Macht halten. ist nötig, nur die Ablösung von Mugabe zu verlangen Heftige Auseinandersetzungen, selbst die Zerstörung reicht nicht. ZPF ist bei den Gesprächen nicht dabei. von Häusern, offene Anschuldigungen, gegenseitige Wirtschaft Absetzung aus Parteiposten oder Resolutionen über Vertrauensverlust gehören zur Tagesordnung. Kommis- Zimbabwe will wieder Kontakt zum IWF aufnehmen. sar Kasukuwere feuerte Funktionäre gegen den Willen Und Finanzminister erwartet, dass anderer, sodass parallele Strukturen entstanden. Im der IWF im Mai seine Schuldenzahlungsstrategie April forderte Mnangagwa die Rückkehr zur Parteiver- annimmt. Er spricht von wirtschaftlichem Aufstieg, von fassung, worauf Mugabe eine Untersuchung der Partei- einer positiven Wirtschaftsentwicklung und von einem Ausschlüsse seit 2014 befahl. Dabei sollen auch Wachstum im Jahr 2016 von 3.7%. Die Weltbank geht entlassene/suspendierte Mujuru-Anhänger einbezogen nur von 1.5 % aus, mit einer Deflation von 1.2%. werden. Russland ist an besseren Wirtschaftsbeziehungen inte- Mugabe versuchte mehrmals vergeblich, die Kontrolle ressiert, was auch seine Teilnahme an der Internationa- wieder herzustellen. In beiden Fraktionen hat er wichti- len Handelsausstellung im April beweist. ge Anhänger. Er ist der Grund für den langjährigen Der Wall Street Economic Index erklärte Zimbabwe im Kampf, da er keinen Nachfolger benennt. Der Partei- März wegen Korruption und Regierungs- kongress 2015 beschloss keine Kursänderung und Missmanagement zu einer der am repressivsten Wirt- wählte Mugabe wieder zum Präsidentschaftskandida- ten für 2018. schaften der letzten Dekade. Der Economist Intelligence Unit erwartet ein Wachstum von 3.4 % für 2016–2020. Die Spaltung zieht sich auch durch die War Vets. Eine Wegen schlechter Infrastruktur, schlechtem Geschäfts- Gruppe von War Vets, Anhänger Mnangagwas, griff an klima, Agrarproblemen und fehlenden Reformen liegt einer von War Vets Minister ein solches Wachstum weit unter dem Potential der im Februar einberufenen Versammlung Grace und die zimbabwischen Wirtschaft. Gruppe G40 an, worauf Tränengas eingesetzt wurde. Mutsvangwa verlor den Ministerposten, blieb aber Die De-Industrialisierung ging weiter. Einige Firmen Führer der War Vets. Die War Vets erreichten wenig erholten sich zwar, aber zu Jahresbeginn mussten 400 Firmen schliessen. Das Handelsdefizit des ersten bei einem Treffen mit Mugabe im April, da der Präsi- Quartals beträgt US$ 2.5 Mio. Das Land ist weiter von dent geschickt mit Hilfe des Sicherheitsapparats heikle Importen abhängig. Der Handel mit der EU erhöht sich. Fragen ausklammerte. Er beschränkte sich auf das Er betrug 2013 US$ 50 Mio. und wird 2016 etwa US$ Wohlergehen der War Vets und zahlte ihnen US$ 6.4 60 Mio. betragen. 2 Die Börse verlor von Januar bis März 14% an Kapital- Mugabe verlängerte die Frist und führte für jeden Wirt- wert. Das Finanzsystem leidet unter Liquiditätsproble- schaftssektor unterschiedliche Quoten für die Indigeni- men und Geldknappheit. Zahlungsprobleme sind die sierung ein. Zhuwaos Rolle beschränkte er auf die Folgen: Die Firmen können ihre Rechnungen nicht be- Umsetzung der Beschlüsse der zuständigen Minister. zahlen und Geld kommt nicht mehr rein. Viele haben Kritiker befürchten, dass das kein U-Turn bedeutet, kein Vertrauen in die Banken. Dank des informellen sondern dass damit nur die Verhandlungen mit dem Sektors, der etwa 80% der Wirtschaft aus- macht, und nicht vom Steueramt erfasst ist, hat sich ein Schat- tenbanksystem ohne Sicherheit entwickelt. Eine wichtige Rolle spielt die Diaspora. Sie rettete die Kasse mit Überweisun- gen im Betrag von US$ 1 Mrd. Der Geldmangel hat katastrophale Auswirkungen. Die Gehälter einiger staatlicher Unternehmen wie Grain Marke- ting Board oder Eisenbahn sind seit Monaten nicht bezahlt. Die Eisenbahnangestellten streikten im März, weil der IWF erleichtert werden sollen. Die jüngere Generation Lohn seit 15 Monaten nicht bezahlt ist. befürwortet die Indigenisierung. Sie erwartet höhere Gewinne und lehnt ausländische Direktinvestitionen ab. Im April entschuldigte sich Mugabe für verspätet bezahlte Beamtengehälter, Boni und Renten. Noch vor Sonderzonen für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, in denen einem Jahr widersetzte er sich Chinamasa, der keine Firmen spezielle Privilegien wie Steuerbefreiung und Boni zahlen wollte. Beamtengehälter wuchsen 2014 um Befreiung von der Indigenisierung zugestanden werden, 16.5% – das BSP um 16.6%. Dabei sind 10% der sollen bald ausgeschieden werden, um ausländische Beamten immer noch ohne wirklichen Job oder „Ghost- Investitionen anzuziehen. Zum Vergleich: Zambia und worker“. Aber bei den Gehältern der Beamten, die 75% Mosambik erhielten US$ 2 Mrd. und US$ 5 Mrd. an des Budgets ausmachen, ist eine Sparrunde wegen Direktinvestitionen, Zimbabwe nur US$ 400 Mio. Aliko des Patronage-Systems, auf das sich Mugabes Macht Dangote, Afrikas reichster Mann, begann nun im Berg- stützt, praktisch unmöglich. bau zu investieren. Zehn Botschaften wurden die Residenz gekündet, weil Hungersnot / Landwirtschaft die Miete nicht bezahlt wurde. Einer Botschaft wurde Seit 2 Jahren erleidet das Land wegen El Nino eine die Telefonleitung gekappt. Hungersnot. Im März fiel zwar viel Regen, aber zu spät. Indigenisierung 2.4 Mio. Menschen sind auf Hilfe angewiesen. Die Re- gierung bat erst im Februar - viel zu spät - um US$ 1.5 Im April gab Mugabe zu, das Gesetz über die Indigeni- Mrd. Hungerhilfe. Bis im Februar verendeten bereits etwa sierung, das verlangt, dass 51 % der Firmenanteile an 500‘000 Zuchttiere, auch das Wild leidet. Wasserbe- Einheimische übertragen werden (ohne Angaben über stände in den Dämmen trockneten aus. Der Kariba- die Entschädigung zu machen), würde Investoren Staudamm war im Januar etwa zu einem Viertel gefüllt. „verwirren“. Er versprach Änderungen. Das Gesetz Wasser ist in einigen Provinzen rationiert. Das Trink- wurde allerdings bis jetzt nicht geändert. Aber Mugabe wasser in Harare ist ungeniessbar und Flaschenwasser pfiff den Indigenisierungsminister Patrick Zhuwao, der sehr begehrt. Die Regenfälle im März lockerten die sein Neffe ist, zurück. Dieser drohte ausländischen Situation etwas, die Stauseen füllen sich wieder. Firmen mit der Schliessung, wenn sie nicht bis am 31. März Pläne zur Abgabe von 51% der Firmenanteile an Für 2016/2017 wird 1.1-2 Mio. Tonnen Korn benötigt, Einheimische vorlegten. Etwa 50 Firmen kamen der aber nur etwa 200‘000 werden produziert. 2016 wurde Anordnung nach. nur auf der Hälfte der Fläche angepflanzt, die letztes

3 Jahr bebaut wurde. Die Farmer wurden ermutigt, klei- Die chinesische Anjin Mine, an der der Staat mit 10% nere, dürreresistentere Kornsorten anzubauen. Einige beteiligt ist, legte nie Rechnung ab. Eine Firma ist wieder Kleinbauern stiegen in die Tabakproduktion ein. Erwar- aktiv. Diverse Gerichtsverfahren sind hängig. tet wird ein Ertrag von US$ 7 Mio. Durch die Schliessung der Minen wurde ein kurzer Erneut wurden im Februar 90 weisse Farmer enteignet, Diamantenrausch mit vielen privaten Schürfern erzeugt, obwohl schon letztes Jahr Parteiexponenten vor weite- ehe eine neue staatliche Firma zusammen mit der Armee ren Enteignungen gewarnt hatten. Der Grund: Zanu-PF das Diamantengebiet wieder unter Kontrolle brachte. suchte Land für die Jugendlichen, die mitgeholfen hat- Der MDC-Parlamentarier Eddie Cross forderte eine for- ten, die Anhänger von Mujuru von den Parteiposten zu melle Aufarbeitung der Vorkommnisse, eine öffentliche entfernen. Dies, obwohl ganz viel Land brachliegt. Ausschreibung für die Bewirtschaftung der Minen und eine Vergabe an eine kompetente Firma. Als Vorbild Und ebenfalls im Februar erklärte der Land-Umsiedlungs- nannte Cross Botswana, das seine Diamantenminen minister Dr. Douglas Mombeshore, die Landübernahme erfolgreich bewirtschaftet. Diese Minenfelder weisen sei ein Fehler gewesen. Die Landreform sei mit der Ver- dieselbe schwierige Geologie auf wie in Zimbabwe. teilung von 14.5 Mio. Hektar Land abgeschlossen. Es Aber mit einem Joint Venture zu 50 % mit De Beers gebe ungenutzte Flächen, die für Umsiedlungen geeignet erhält der Staat 70% der Einnahmen. seien. Militär Ironie der Geschichte: Mugabe sagte, Zambia könne Zimbabwe Mais liefern, weil es ehemaligen zimbabwi- Mugabe bedankte sich bei der Armee für die Wahlun- schen Farmern Land gegeben habe! Mugabe stimmte terstützung. Dies bestätigt die seit längerem bestehende zwar einem Plan zu, 6‘000 Farmer zu entschädigen, Vermutung über die wichtige Rolle der Armee. Politische aber die Bewertung und die Zahlungsmodalitäten sind Aussagen des Armeechefs Constantine Chiwanga im noch offen. April erzeugten erneut Bedenken über die Rolle der Sicherheitskräfte nach Mugabes Abgang. Diamanten In letzter Zeit wurden neue Chiefs ernannt, was weitere Mugabe hatte kritisiert, dass der Staat aus den Marange Kontrollen über die Dorfbewohner bedeutet. Schulkinder Diamanten-Minen viel zu wenig Geld erhalten habe und sollen ab Mai täglich der Flagge und dem Befreiungs- dass dem Staat so US$ 15 Mrd. gestohlen worden seien. krieg die Treue erklären. Die neue Verfassung ist abge- Er löste damit einen Sturm der Entrüstung aus. Mit die- schwächt. So kann die Menschenrechts-Kommission ser enormen Summe, die etwa fünfmal so hoch wie das keinen Vorfall vor 2009 untersuchen. Das vorgeschla- Budget ist, hätten die Schulden von US$10 Mrd. bezahlt gene Versöhnungsgesetz wird in öffentlichen Sitzungen und die Infrastruktur saniert werden können. beraten. Die Enthüllungen waren vielleicht auf Mnangagwa ge- (Skorping, 24. April 2016. Ruth Weiss lebte lange im münzt, der angeblich vom Diamantengeschäft profitiert. südlichen Afrika und arbeitete als Wirtschaftsjournalistin Sieben Marange-Minen, die den von der Regierung u.a. für den Guardian und die Financial Times. Sie verordneten Zusammenschluss ablehnten, wurden schreibt regelmässig für den Rundbrief.) geschlossen, sechs Lizenzen waren zudem abgelaufen.

Zustand der Nation Eddie Cross

Die Regenzeit neigt sich dem Ende zu. Ich meine, dies chengewässer haben sich weitgehend erholt. Für eine sei eine gute Gelegenheit, sich zu überlegen, wo Zimba- Vielzahl von Staubecken im Land gilt dies noch nicht. bwe heute steht und was während der Trockenzeit – bis Immerhin, die wichtigsten Stauseen zeigen einen November – zu erwarten ist. gesunden Pegelstand – ausser Lake Kyle, dessen Wasserstand weit unter dem normalen Niveau liegt. Der Auftakt der Regenzeit, die normalerweise in den Monaten Oktober/November beginnt, war schrecklich. Wer sich für mögliche Auswirkungen des Klimawandels Auf verfrühte Regenfälle im September folgten extreme interessiert, erhält im Gebiet des Kariba Stausees span- Hitze und alsdann nur sehr wenig Regen bis im Februar. nenden Anschauungsunterricht. Wenn die weltweiten Zu diesem Zeitpunkt standen wir bereits mitten in einem Wettersysteme so reagieren, wie es die Fachleute harten Winter. Die Rinderherden fanden kaum Gras, erwarten, wird sich die Innertropische Konvergenzzone überall herrschte Mangel an Oberflächenwasser. (oder auf Englisch Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone ITCZ) nach Norden verschieben. In einem solchen Fall Dann, im März, kam der Regen. Heftige weitverbreitete sollten die Gebiete im südlichen Afrika, wo bereits in Niederschläge liessen die Flüsse über ihre Ufer treten. der Vergangenheit mehr Regenfälle verzeichnet Im Süden des Landes erholten sich die Weidegebiete in wurden, noch feuchter werden. Und genau das ist im erstaunlicher Weise. Und es sah tatsächlich danach laufenden Jahr geschehen. Im Einzugsgebiet des aus, dass die jüngste Aussaat erfolgreich sein würde. oberen Sambesi fielen grosse Regenmengen, welche Das gab Anlass, die geschätzten Ernteerträge für Mais das Wasser in den Überschwemmungsgebieten von vorsichtig von 200 000 auf 350 000 Tonnen anzuheben. West Sambia auf Rekordwerte anschwellen liessen. Das ist allerdings nur ein Bruchteil des jährlichen Entsprechend gross, das heisst 60% über dem Normal- Bedarfs von 1.8 Millionen Tonnen. Die meisten Oberflä- wert, sind die Abflussmengen im oberen Sambesi. 4 Die Victoria-Fälle, die von den einheimischen Mosi-oa- der Güter und Dienstleistungen, die wir vom Ausland Tunya (donnernder Rauch) genannt werden, machen beziehen müssen, es setzt auch die Zahlungssysteme ihrem Namen alle Ehre. Die Gischt-Säule ist höher, das im Inland unter Duck. Viele Firmen sind diesen schwie- Donnern lauter. Wildwasser-Rafting unterhalb der Fälle rigen Rahmenbedingungen nicht mehr gewachsen. Es ist nur noch eingeschränkt möglich. Dafür steigt der droht eine Flut von Unternehmensschliessungen. Kariba Stausee rapide. In den Monaten April/Mai Der letzte Tropfen, der das Fass zum Überlaufen brin- werden Rekordzuflüsse erwartet. gen könnte, sind die Streitereien innerhalb von Zanu Trotz einer Atempause für die Viehwirtschaft und einer PF, die inzwischen gefährliche Ausmasse erreicht haben. gewissen Verbesserung der Maisernte stehen wir vor Nach dem Parteiausschluss von Joice Mujuru und der einer sehr schwierigen Trockenzeit. Vielleicht 4 Millio- meisten ihrer Anhänger sind es im Wesentlichen noch nen Menschen in den ländlichen Gebieten werden auf drei Fraktionen, die am Machtkampf beteiligt sind. Da Nahrungsmittelhilfe oder finanzielle Unterstützung ist einmal die Gruppe ehrgeiziger jüngerer Parteikader angewiesen sein. Dazu kommen wohl an die 2 Millionen aus der Generation nach dem Befreiungskrieg. Geför- Bewohner der Agglomerationen, die meiner Meinung dert werden sie von der Präsidentengattin, die aber nach der Hilfe bedürfen, um den Winter zu überstehen. ihrerseits politische Ziele verfolgt. Die zweite Gruppe Alles in allem sind 40% der Bevölkerung betroffen. hat sich um den Vizepräsidenten, Emerson Mnangagwa, formiert und eine weitere Gruppe hält weiterhin zum Doch die schwerwiegenderen Probleme des Landes Präsidenten selber. sind wirtschaftlicher Natur, zurückzuführen auf das Resultat der Wahlen im Juli 2013. Unmittelbar nach Die Gruppe, die von Grace Mugabe gefördert wird, diesen Wahlen fiel das Land buchstäblich in einen verfügt über beträchtlichen Einfluss auf das Fussvolk in Schockzustand. Doch, was damals niemand voraus- der Partei. In ideologischer Hinsicht vertreten sie eine sah, war, wie hart die Wirtschaft auf den Sieg von Zanu radikalere Richtung, ähnlich wie die EFF (Economic PF reagieren würde. Innerhalb von Tagen begann der Freedom Fighters) in Südafrika, die für ihre linksradikalen, Einbruch der Wertpapier-Börse. Sie verlor im Verlauf panafrikanischen und antikapitalistischen Tendenzen von nur drei Wochen 30% ihres Wertes. Darauf folgten bekannt sind. Es gibt in der Tat eine ganze Menge die massiven Bargeldbezüge bei den Banken. Beides Beweise für Verbindungen zwischen den beiden Grup- hat sich seit 2013 verstärkt. Die Börse, die mittlerweile pierungen. Die Anhänger des Vizepräsidenten kontrol- um 60 – 70% gesunken ist, verliert weiterhin an Wert lieren eindeutig den Staatsapparat und die Sicherheits- und die Bankkunden ziehen weiterhin ihre Guthaben behörden. Obwohl sie heute noch alle Schalthebel in ab – Tendenz steigend. ihren Händen halten, haben sie Schwierigkeiten mit der Partei. Eine ernsthafte Schwäche ist dies nicht, weil Der allgemeine Vertrauensverlust führte zu einem Zanu PF als Massenbewegung kaum mehr existiert. Rückgang der Geschäftstätigkeit. Unternehmens- schliessungen häuften sich und die Liquidität der Ban- Die kleine Schar, die noch zum Präsidenten hält, hat ken verschlechterte sich zunehmend. Der Versuch der nur ein Ziel – sich an die Macht klammern und den Regierung, das Hirngespinst „Indigenisierung der Wirt- alten Mann am Leben erhalten. Sollte er, aus was für schaft“ wieder voranzutreiben, wirkte als Akzelerator der Gründen immer, seinen Posten verlassen, würden sie Bargeldkrise. Diese hat heute ein beängstigendes Mass und die jungen Radikalen auf dem Müllhaufen der angenommen und schwächt die Wirtschaftstätigkeit Politik landen und alles verlieren. weiter. Es gibt verschiedene Gründe für die Bargeldkrise. Und so stehen wir vor einem Kampf, bei dem bis zum Doch die Grundursache liegt darin, dass der Staat Geld Schluss mit harten Bandagen gekämpft wird. Eine der ausgibt, das er nicht hat, das heisst, dass er seine Aus- Fraktionen muss gewinnen. Es geht um Leben oder gaben nicht an die sinkenden Steuereinnahmen anpasst. Tod für alle. Das jüngste Treffen der Kriegsveteranen Die Regierung der Nationalen Einheit (GNU = Govern- war nur eine weitere Schlacht in diesem Krieg. ment of National Unity), die vor den letzten Wahlen die Zunächst sah es aus, als handle es sich lediglich um Regierungsverantwortung innehatte, erzielte während 4 Gespräche betreffend die Sozialhilfe für die Veteranen. Jahren trotz vielerlei Forderungen Budgetüberschüsse. Bei näherem Hinsehen wurde indessen klar, dass es Doch kaum hatte Zanu PF wieder die alleinige Kontrolle um etwas ganz Anderes ging. Es war ein weiteres übernommen, kehrten die alten Gewohnheiten zurück. Warnsignal an den alten Mann Zimbabwes, dass er die Das Defizit von 2014 belief sich bereits auf ein Milliarde Unterstützung seiner Freunde aus dem Befreiungs- Dollar, erhöhte sich im Folgejahr und wie es 2016 kampf verloren hat. Es war auch ein klarer Machtbe- aussehen wird, wissen wir nicht. Zur Finanzierung weis der Fraktion um den Vizepräsidenten Mnangagwa. der Fehlbeträge hat die Regierung Schatzscheine Wo stehen wir nun am Anfang dieses Winters? Die ausgegeben und zudem Gelder aus allen möglichen Nachfolge ist nach wie vor nicht geregelt. Dennoch Quellen zusammengekratzt. Das hat den Bargeldman- scheint sich zu bestätigen, dass es am Ende die Fraktion gel weiter verschärft mit dem Resultat, dass es zuneh- um Mnangagwa sein wird, welche die Macht über- mend schwierig ist, bei den Banken Bargeldbezüge zu nimmt, denn de facto steht diese schon heute in der tätigen – eine weitere Verschlimmerung der Krise. Verantwortung. Dagegen wird der Clown im Zirkus der Besonders beunruhigend ist die plötzliche Unfähigkeit G40 (Generation der jungen radikalen Parteikader), der Banken, Geld zu transferieren. Clearing Zahlungen Patrick Zwawo, „Minister of Indigenisation“, wohl im (RTCS Real Time Cross Settlement) werden verzögert, Abseits landen. sodass Geldüberweisungen manchmal bis zu einem Als Vorbedingung für die Wiedereingliederung Zimba- Monat in Anspruch nehmen können. Das hat gravierende bwes in die internationale Gemeinschaft wird die neue Auswirkungen. Es erschwert nicht nur die Bezahlung all 5 Regierung als Erstes die längst fälligen Reformen ein- muss, die von niemandem, nicht einmal von der Armee, leiten müssen. Dies allein wird das wichtigste Problem, in Frage gestellt werden dürfen. das auf allen Ebenen verloren gegangene Vertrauen, indessen nicht lösen. Es wird erst wieder zurückkehren, (Harare, 8 April 2016. Eddie Cross, studierter Landwirt wenn nicht nur Zimbabwes Status in der Weltgemein- und Ökonom, bezeichnet sich als „weissen Afrikaner“, schaft wiederhergestellt ist, sondern Zimbabwes weil er in dritter Generation in Zimbabwe lebt. Seit 1999 Geschäftsleute auch davon überzeugt sind, dass sie ist er Mitglied von MDC und vertritt MDC im Parlament. vom Staat in Zukunft berechenbares Handeln im Rah- Übersetzung Walter Huwyler) men der Gesetze erwarten können. Mnangagwa könnte der Wegbereiter auf diesem Weg sein, wobei dieser Weg zwingend zu offenen und fairen Neuwahlen führen

Abduction Eddie Cross

A week ago I wrote of the tragedy of the disappeared Read this report – 5894 recorded abductions since and the abduction of Itayi Dzamara in March 2015. 2000 – more than one a day for 16 years. 10 per cent Since then I have received the attached report which, to severe injuries due to torture, 70 per cent moderate to put it mildly, is completely shocking. Even to me who severe injuries. 81 deaths confirmed and over 300 dis- has been in the trenches for a long time, I had no idea appeared – probably dead. Not a single conviction even though many vic- tims identi- fied their abductors – showing a complete system of immunity for any who con- duct such operations on behalf of the State. Read the verbatim accounts of victims, just imag- ine what this means in the com- munities who have stood up to that abductions were being used on such a scale to this tyranny for the past 16 years and have not retali- intimidate the opposition in Zimbabwe. Couple this ated in any way. Brave democrats who have given their report by a respected NGO to the genocide of Ghukura- lives in defense of their hard won freedoms gained in hundi and Murambatsvina and then the vicious cam- 1980 after a savage guerilla war for Independence. paigns since 2000 and you establish a regime of terror I defy anyone not to be moved by this report and chal- and cruelty beyond belief. lenge all of us to keep up the struggle until we can Today we in the MDC proposed a urgent motion in Par- achieve what we all want for ourselves and our children. liament calling for the State to investigate the disappear- ance of Itayi and to prosecute those responsible. The (Harare, 16 March 2016) Speaker asked those in favour of a debate on the motion to stand and when all MDC Members stood, not a single Zanu PF member stood with us – what do these people think I asked myself. By behaving like this they are associated with his abduction and probable death. The TV cameras were recording this shameful display with the whole country watching.

6 Opposition Will an Opposition Coalition Bring Change to Zimbabwe? Dewa Mavhinga

Since Zimbabwe attained independence from British First party (formed in 2016) led by Joyce Mujuru. colonial rule in 1980, it has had just one leader, 92-year Looking back, many view Zimbabwe’s 2008 elections old president Robert Mugabe. This year the country’s as a missed opportunity when the opposition could ruling party, the Zimbabwe African Nationalist Union – have formed an effective coalition against Mugabe and Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) endorsed Mugabe as its ZANU-PF. In the first round of the 2008 presidential presidential candidate for elections scheduled for 2018. elections which observers and opposition groups dis- Numerous opposition parties appear too weak, and too missed as neither free nor fair, Tsvangirai won with divided to successfully loosen Mugabe and ZANU-PF’s 47.9%, leading Mugabe with 43.2% and grip on power. (contesting as an independent candidate) with 8.3%, Some observers and analysts have suggested the only and little known Towungana with 0.6% of the votes. way to succeed is for opposition parties to form a coali- However, because Tsvangirai did not win an absolute tion to confront ZANU-PF in the 2018 elections. In April majority as required by law (50% plus one vote), a run- 2016, Simba Makoni (former senior ZANU-PF official off election was held. During the run-off election state- and finance minister in Mugabe’s government), leader security forces unleashed widespread violence that led of opposition party Mavambo, Kusile, Dawn (MKD), Tsvangirai to pull out of the race with Mugabe winning called for a coalition of progressive opposition forces to in a one-man race. If opposition parties had rallied be- challenge Mugabe and ZANU-PF in the 2018 elections. hind one presidential candidate to challenge Mugabe This paper examines the current status of opposition then the opposition would have had an absolute majority. parties in Zimbabwe as well as the necessity, and feasi- The main challenge with Zimbabwe politics today, how- bility of an opposition coalition. The paper will also ever, is not just about a weak opposition that is in disar- consider the coalition’s chances of success against ray, it is more about an uneven electoral field that is Mugabe and ZANU-PF in the 2018 elections. under Mugabe and ZANU-PF’s absolute control. Some Relentless factional fights in ZANU-PF over who takes observers have argued that Tsvangirai in fact won the over from Mugabe as head of party and government 2008 first round presidential elections with an absolute have severely weakened the ruling party. There is majority but results were rigged to necessitate a run-off mounting resistance from the ZANU-PF rank and file to election in which Mugabe then unleashed the state ma- the idea, which now seems likely, that Mugabe wants chinery of violence against MDC supporters. Therefore, his 50-year old wife, Grace, to take over from him. It the main focus of an opposition coalition in Zimbabwe, was Grace who in December 2014 orchestrated the unlike elsewhere, is not just for numerical advantage, expulsion from ZANU-PF of Mugabe’s deputy for ten but mainly to press for electoral reforms. Mugabe and years, Joyce Mujuru, together with several senior party ZANU-PF have remained in power not because of officials, on spurious allegations of plotting to assassi- popular support, but because of an uneven electoral nate Mugabe. Since December 2014, Grace Mugabe field, and the use of state machinery to strike fear in the heads ZANU-PF’s powerful Women’s League and is hearts of voters. now widely regarded as the power behind Mugabe’s The primary focus for the opposition, either as a coali- throne. But Zimbabwe’s opposition political parties may tion or as individual entities, is to push the ZANU-PF fail to seize the opportunity to strategize and win elec- government to implement meaningful electoral reforms tions in 2018 because the opposition parties are splin- that create a conducive environment for the holding of tered and equally weak. credible, free and fair elections and that inspire confi- Since its formation in 1999, Zimbabwe’s largest dence in the people of Zimbabwe that they can freely opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change choose their leaders. Key to such reforms would be a (MDC) led by Morgan Tsvangirai, has splintered and full implementation of Zimbabwe’s new and progressive lost several senior officials who went off to form rival constitution that was signed into law in May 2013. political parties including the Movement for Democ- But more importantly, Zimbabwe’s security forces, ratic Change led by professor including soldiers, the police, and state intelligence (2006), the People’s Democratic Party led by Tendai agents, must have nothing to do with the elections man- Biti (2014), and the Renewal Democrats of Zimba- agements or partisan political campaigns. All state bwe led by Elton Mangoma (2014). In addition to the security leaders must restrict their activities to their MDC formations, there are several small political par- constitutional mandate and totally separate them- ties including Simba Makoni’s MKD (formed in 2007), selves from politics and from interference in political the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU) led by and electoral affairs. The government must remove , Transform Zimbabwe led by the climate of fear that covers the country and dis- Jacob Ngarivhume, the National Constitutional mantle state-sponsored structures of violence. The Assembly led by professor Lovemore Madhuku, the country’s elections management body, the Zimba- Democratic Assembly for Restoration and Empower- bwe Electoral Commission and its secretariat, must ment (DARE) led by Gilbert Dzikiti, and the newly be completely demilitarized, independent, profes- formed splinter from ZANU-PF, the Zimbabwe People sional, and adequately resourced to enable it to 7 impartially discharge its mandate to deliver free and horrendous human rights violations. A youth leader in fair elections. Tsvangirai’s MDC, Happymore Chidziva, went as far as to say, with reference to working with Mujuru’s party, “it It is on the basis of a common understanding on would be a great betrayal of those who died for the these important pillars for free and fair elections that democratic struggle if we are to be seen to work an opposition coalition should be formed. But, for together with people who presided over the abuse and various reasons, opposition parties may be reluctant to killings of our people…” But of course the reality is that come together to challenge ZANU-PF from a common between 2009 and 2013, the MDC was in a coalition platform. There is general agreement that an opposition government with ZANU-PF with Mugabe as president coalition is necessary, even unavoidable, to mount a and Tsvangirai as prime minister. significant challenge to the ruling party. However, there is no agreement on how such a coalition would be con- Joyce Mujuru is a decorated fighter of Zimbabwe’s stituted, nor is there agreement on who should lead it. liberation struggle, and her husband, the late General Solomon Mujuru, was the first commander of the armed Of all the opposition parties, only the two MDCs led by forces in independent Zimbabwe. Mujuru is widely Tsvangirai and Ncube are currently represented in Par- viewed as a reformist and a national leader, and she liament where ZANU-PF has an overwhelming majority. describes her Zimbabwe People First party as a party of Because many of the opposition parties are not repre- ‘national democrats who are guided by values of the sented in Parliament, it is difficult to measure their size liberation struggle.’ Despite her strong liberation strug- and strength with any degree of accuracy. This may gle credentials, Mujuru is viewed with mistrust by some lead the ‘bigger’ opposition parties like Tsvangirai’s who see her as a ZANU-PF Trojan horse. But relentless MDC to be dismissive of the significance of partnering harassment and persecution by state agents continues with small parties who ‘have nothing to bring to the table.’ to win her sympathisers and supporters. In March 2014, Professor Lovemore Madhuku of the NCA party dismissed Tsvangirai’s calls for a coalition, Among the smaller opposition groups Mujuru is well- he said, "As NCA, we're a full political party. We'll never respected. One of Mujuru’s daughters is married to a join other political parties. When we decided to become member of Simba Makoni’s family. So it will be easy for a political party, both Zanu-PF and MDC-T already Makoni and others to work with Mujuru in a coalition. existed.” Chances of a coalition of small political parties rallying behind Mujuru are high, but it is unclear if Mujuru’s In mid- April 2016, Tsvangirai’s MDC party organized a group will join hands with Tsvangirai’s party. A major protest march in Harare over unemployment and wors- sticking point is likely to be: who leads the coalition and ening economic conditions in the country. Thousands of runs as the coalition’s presidential candidate in 2018 people came to the march, demonstrating that Tsvangi- elections? rai’s MDC remains popular among ordinary Zimbabwe- ans. The good turn out of supporters for the protest If the opposition parties can commit to a restoration of march may also have emboldened Tsvangirai and his the 2009 structure of government where, in theory, party to believe that they do not need an opposition executive power was shared between the prime minister coalition for the 2018 elections. After the protest march, and president, then it will be easy to form an opposition Tsvangirai who had previously supported the idea of an coalition to win 2018 elections and then institute opposition coalition appeared to backtrack when he told amendments to restore the post of prime minister. That the media, “…we would rather get legitimately elected way, if Joyce Mujuru is president, Tsvangirai will be and be given the mandate by the people to rule. If you prime minister, or vice versa. don’t have shared vision, you can’t have partnership Once leaders of opposition parties overcome personal and you waste a lot of time tearing each other apart, egos and the pre-occupation with positions, a coalition pursuing different agendas.” will become feasible. But it should be clear that such a Those that left Tsvangirai to form their own political par- coalition can only be effective if its role is to press for ties have accused Tsvangirai of being a dictator, vowing key electoral reforms to enable Zimbabweans to vote never to work with him again. , leader of the freely in the 2018 elections. The opposition coalition People’s Democratic Party once accused Tsvangirai of must not be a joint platform for electoral campaigns in being a "pseudo democrat" and a dictator in the mood the absence of key reforms that include the demilitariza- of Mugabe. Personality clashes, egos, and power strug- tion and professionalization of an independent electoral gles over who would lead the opposition coalition, are management body. Without an opposition coalition that all obstacles that may prevent the coalition from becom- is focused on leveling the electoral field, then even a ing a reality. Some opposition leaders, particularly those ZANU-PF that is at its weakest, with a then 94-year old that came out of the Tsvangirai’s MDC, insist that they Mugabe as its presidential candidate, may still continue are open to an opposition coalition only if that coalition in power beyond 2018 elections. is not led by Tsvangirai. On the other hand, Tsvangirai’s supporters claim that it is Tsvangirai who commands (29 April 2016. Dewa Mavhinga (LLM, Essex) is a the largest following among opposition parties and as human rights expert and researcher on Zimbabwe/ such he should lead any opposition coalition. Southern Africa.) It is possible that several smaller political parties may wish to form an opposition coalition led by Joyce Mujuru and exclude Tsvangirai’s MDC. Many MDC supporters are reluctant to join forces with Joyce Mujuru, accusing her of having been part of ZANU-PF when it carried out

8 ZAPU Open to ZPF Coalition Jeffrey Muvundusi

Dumiso Dabengwa’s Zapu has said the entrance of with commonality of our wishes for our liberated country Joice Mujuru’s Zimbabwe People First (ZPF) in the po- and nation binds us together as we follow democratic litical fray would spur the setup of the highly-anticipated processes to achieve our goal of a free, fair and democ- opposition coalition seeking to unseat President Robert ratic state nation,” Maphosa said. He said Zapu was Mugabe’s gov- ernment. Da- bengwa is on record saying he will only consider serious engage- ment for a possi- ble coalition as soon as ZPF is formally launched. Zapu’s regional spokesperson Iphithule Ma- phosa told the Daily News yes- terday that the coalition initiative between the two parties would now resume. “Zapu is on re- cord advising the ZPF leadership to launch their party for our coalition talks to continue as there was need for ZPF to be identifiable first,” Maphosa said. “Zapu welcomes the fully convinced that a grand coalition of all like-minded newest kid on the opposition bloc in Zimbabwean poli- democratic forces will remove the Zanu PF government tics. Since they have finally launched their party, we re- come 2018. The Zapu spokesperson however, said all affirm our commitment to our coalition initiatives which political parties who subscribed to the coalition notion were underway before their launch,” he said. should come to the table as equal partners. “We do not He said what made their coalition initiative distinctive subscribe to the big brother mentality that has often was that the two parties shared a common background been shown by some leaders where they would want to both in the liberation struggle and Zanu PF. “The ex- come into this initiative as leaders of the coalition.” periences we both underwent under both the colonial (Bulawayo, 17 March 2016, Daily News) regime times and under Mugabe’s Zanu PF, coupled

Thousands March, Tsvangirai Urges Bob to Resign

Close to 10 000 people turned up Thursday as MDC-T the president in the country, we are not going to force leader Morgan Tsvangirai and his wife Elizabeth led a him to resign but we are going to defeat him in the elec- peaceful march against corruption and poverty. MDC-T tions.” The former Prime Minister mourned the collapse supporters braved heavy police presence and gathered of the country’s industries, saying Zimbabwe has been at Freedom Square in front of the Harare Magistrate turned into a vending nation. “Mugabe promised to pro- Courts before they marched to Africa Unity Square, vide 2 million jobs to the people but, instead, he has where Tsvangirai addressed them. Some of the marchers created 2 million vendors and this is why we are asking sang: “ Asi Mugabe tiudze kwawakaendesa mari.” (Tell him to resign because he has failed to run the country,” us Mugabe, where is our money?) This was in reference he added. to the $15 billion which Mugabe recently said was stolen Tsvangirai also expressed gratitude to the people for from the Marange diamond sales. demonstrating peacefully to voice their concerns. “What In a brief speech, the MDC-T leader told his supporters you did today – demonstrating for your rights to have that Mugabe had no solution to the problems faced by jobs, better education and access to health and medi- the nation and called on him to step down immediately. cine – is a testimony to Zimbabwe that we have a failed He said, “We are calling on Mugabe to step down from leadership which should go. “This demonstration today power as he is too old to continue holding the office of is a new chapter in the country as the constitution is 9 clear that it is our right to demonstrate, we are going to to proceed as planned. There was heavy police pres- be holding many more demonstrations in every prov- ence throughout central Harare with cops reportedly ince ending with a big national demonstration,” said tear-gassing people at Harvest House. No injuries have Tsvangirai. been reported yet.

The march was given a last minute green light as police (Harare, 14 April 2016, New Zimbabwe) had denied MDC-T the right hold the demonstration. On Wednesday, High Court granted an order for the march Diamanten „Wenn Diebe sich entzweien …“ Eddie Cross

Am Montag, 1. Februar 2016, hat der Minister für Berg- kontrollierten Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation bau alle CEOs der sechs Bergbaufirmen, die in Marange (ZMDC) verbunden waren. Trotz eines jeweils hälftigen nach Diamanten schürfen, zu sich gerufen. Noch wäh- Kapitalanteils blieben diese praktisch ohne Einfluss und rend er zu ihnen sprach, rückten Polizeikräfte in das Kontrolle. Der bedeutendsten dieser Gesellschaften Minengelände ein, befahlen dem Personal aller Firmen, wurde die Lizenz durch den Staatspräsidenten höchst ihre Werkzeuge niederzulegen und den Ort zu verlassen. persönlich verliehen. Es handelt sich um die Firma Maschinen und Einrichtungen im Wert von mehreren Anjin, die von der chinesischen Roten Armee kontrol- hundert Millionen Dollar wurden sich selbst überlassen, liert wird. An zweiter Stelle steht die Firma Mbada, die Büros und Lagerhäuser blieben ohne Aufsicht. Die von engen Vertrauten des Präsidenten und anderen Reaktion der lokalen Bevölkerung folgte auf dem Fuss. kriminellen Elementen in Südafrika kontrolliert wird. Sie schwärmten über das ganze Gelände, begannen Eine andere Firma mit Namen Marange Resources wird auf eigene Rechnung zu schürfen und plünderten alles, vom Bergbauminister kontrolliert. was ihnen unter die Hände kam. Am folgenden Die ACR erhielt keinerlei Entschädigung für die aber- Donnerstag erklärte der Präsident, der Staat habe die kannten Schürfrechte – auch dann nicht, als die Gerichte gesamte Diamanten-Minenindustrie nationalisiert. zu ihren Gunsten entschieden hatten. Das Ganze war Es war der Höhepunkt jahrzehntelanger Streitigkeiten offensichtlich ein politischer Schachzug des Regimes in über die enormen Vorkommen von alluvialen Diamanten Harare, um so die Ausbeutung der Diamantenfelder mit geschätzten 10 Milliarden Karat an Rohdiamanten. unter seine Kontrolle zu bringen. Ich schätze den Ertrag Vermutlich handelt es sich um die bedeutendste Ent- während der darauffolgenden acht Jahre auf zirka 120 deckung der vergangenen 100 Jahre. Millionen Karat. Gerechnet mit einem durchschnittlichen Wert von 120 Dollar pro Karat ergibt das 14.4 Milliarden Ursprünglich entdeckt wurden die Felder von De Beers, Dollar. Im Jahre 2012 erreichte die Produktion mit etwa der weltweit grössten Firma, die Diamanten abbaut und 35 Millionen Karat ihren Höhepunkt. Seither sinkt sie: vermarktet. 2006, nach knapp zehn Jahren, liess sie Auf 14 Millionen 2013, 12 Millionen 2014, 4.7 Millionen ihre Schürfrechte indes verfallen. Unmittelbare Nachfol- 2015 und vielleicht 3 Millionen 2016. gerin wurde eine kleine in London ansässige Firma mit Namen African Consolidated Resources (ACR), die Der Rückgang ist hauptsächlich darauf zurückzuführen, sogleich mit Schürfen begann. Schon nach sechs dass die technischen Probleme, die mit der Diamanten- Wochen zeigte sich, was De Beers während vielen gewinnung aus hartem Agglomerat verbunden sind, Jahren gehütet hatte – grosse Mengen an Diamanten in nicht gelöst werden konnten. In diesen Formationen alluvialen Sanden rund um eine Rippe, in welcher der lagert jedoch der wesentliche Teil der Rohdiamanten. wesentliche Teil der Diamanten noch im harten Agglome- Nach Meinung von Experten besitzen nur zwei Minen- rat enthalten war. Von dort wurden und werden sie all- gesellschaften dieses Fachwissen – Rio Tinto und De mählich in den umliegenden Schwemmsand freigesetzt. Beers. Beide Firmen sind nicht im Geringsten daran interessiert, sich auf dieses sprichwörtliche Minenfeld Nachdem ACR die Entdeckung gemäss den Regeln der zu wagen. Londoner Börse öffentlich bekannt gemacht hatte, wurde auch das Bergbauministerium in Harare darauf auf- Weniger als 0,05% der Einnahmen dieser Gesellschaf- merksam. Dieses leitete unmittelbar die notwenigen ten haben den Weg ins Finanzministerium gefunden. Schritte ein, um der Firma ihre Rechte zu entziehen und Erst nach jahrelangem Drängen des Finanzministers erlaubte danach individuellen Schatzsuchern (schliess- wachte der Staat plötzlich auf. Mit nicht zu überbietender lich etwa 40 000 an der Zahl) auf dem Gelände oberflä- Heuchelei beklagte Robert Mugabe diese Woche die chennah nach Diamanten zu suchen. 2008 wurde sich fehlende Transparenz in Marange und die Tatsache, der Staat des Reichtums bewusst, der in den Feldern dass die Minengesellschaften keine Gelder an die lagerte. Unter Einsatz von Kampfhelikoptern und Inkauf- Staatskasse abgelieferten und stattdessen die Ver- nahme von 200 Toten vertrieb die Armee die vielen kaufserlöse externalisiert worden sind. Tatsache ist, Tausend Diamantensammler kurzerhand vom Gelände. dass der Präsident und seine Familie in erster Linie vom System profitierten, das sie selbst errichtet hatten. Die Schürfrechte wurden alsdann an sechs Gesell- schaften verliehen, die alle auf irgendeine Weise mit Die Frage, die wir uns alle stellen ist: „Weshalb gerade staatlichen Sicherheitsorganen und der vom Staat jetzt?“ Die einzige Erklärung ist wohl die, dass der

10 Präsident die Kontrolle über die Diamantenfelder ganz überwiegenden Teil der geförderten Rohdiamanten übernehmen möchte, nun, da die Erträge drastisch über die Weltmärkte verteilt. gesunken sind. Der Bergbauminister ist sein Neffe und Bei den Entdeckungen in Zimbabwe wurden all diese der Präsident befürchtet vermutlich, Gelder aus den Prinzipien verletzt – es gab weder Kontrolle noch Steu- Minen könnten bei Elementen landen, die im Sicher- erung auf dem Weg der Rohdiamanten zu den Märkten. heitsapparat und im politischen Machtgefüge des Dies setzte die Preise weltweit unter Druck und schmä- Regimes vernetzt sind und zum wachsenden Lager lerte die Erträge auch jener Staaten, welche ihre Dia- jener gehören, die verlangen, dass er zurücktrete und mante-Industrie in geeigneter Form reguliert hatten. Der einem Nachfolger Platz mache. Diamantenabbau in Zimbabwe war Nährboden für Die traurige Geschichte illustriert, was in vielen afrikani- kriminelle Machenschaften. Er hat die Demokratie, die schen Staaten falsch läuft. Im Gegensatz dazu Botswana: Einhaltung der Menschenrechte und die Gewährleis- Dort führten die bedeutenden Diamantenfunde zur tung der politischen Freiheiten untergraben. Die Funde Gründung eines „Joint Ventures“ mit De Beers. Die leisteten keinerlei Beitrag zur Behebung der sozioöko- damit geschaffene gesunde Grundlage erlaubte eine in nomischen Krise im Land. Sie halfen auch nicht die ho- allen Belangen transparente Entwicklung der Ressour- hen Staatsschulden zu reduzieren. cen. Es stärkte auch die internationale Vermarktung Was nun geschehen sollte, ist die Anerkennung ge- und die Teilnahme an den Stabilisierungsmechanismen. machter Fehler durch den Staat und deren Aufarbeitung. Heute deckt Botswana einen Drittel der weltweiten Dann könnte man – vielleicht – De Beers einladen, die Nachfrage. Es ist ein entscheidendes Zentrum für die Felder zu übernehmen und sie ähnlich wie in Botswana Verarbeitung und Vermarktung von Diamanten geworden. auszubeuten. Das würde auch das System in Botswana Dank regelmässig fliessender Staatseinnahmen erfreut stärken und beiden Ländern einen erheblichen Einfluss sich Botswana heute nicht nur des zweithöchsten auf den Weltmärkten ermöglichen. Doch wie bei Vielem, Lebensstandards in Afrika, das Land verfügt auch über das heute passiert, bezweifle ich, dass sich die solide Bildungs- und Gesundheitssysteme. Vernunft durchsetzen wird. In weiten Teilen Afrikas führte die Entdeckung alluvialer (Harare, 4. Februar 2016. Eddie Cross, studierter Land- Diamantenvorkommen indes zu Bürgerkriegen und be- wirt und Ökonom, bezeichnet sich als „weissen Afrikaner“, waffneten Konflikten – daher der Begriff „Blutdiamanten“. weil er in dritter Generation in Zimbabwe lebt. Seit 1999 Dies deshalb, weil diese Diamanten leicht abzubauen ist er Mitglied von MDC und vertritt MDC im Parlament. und zu verarbeiten sind. Zudem verkörpern sie bei Übersetzung Walter Huwyler) geringem Volumen einen hohen Wert. Beim Abbau von Diamanten, die im Gestein eingebettet sind, ist dies Anmerkung des Übersetzers : Gemäss Ken Yamamoto, völlig anders. Hier sind hohe Investitionen und ausge- wissenschaftlicher Institutsmitarbeiter in Tokyo mit reifte Technologien gefordert und damit die Kontrolle Schwerpunkt Afrika, hat sich Robert Mugabe in einer und das „Management Knowhow“ spezialisierter Berg- Ansprache vom 3. März 2016 in Harare bitter darüber baufirmen. Dies erklärt teilweise die Dominanz von De beklagt, dass aus den Diamantenfeldern über die ver- Beers auf diesem Gebiet. Über die Jahre hinweg hat gangenen sieben Jahre – also während der Zeit, als die Firma erfahren, wie wenig flexibel die Nachfrage diese von Firmen ausgebeutet wurden, an denen auch nach Diamanten ist und dass ihr Marktwert nur durch der Staat beteiligt war, 15 Milliarden Dollar verschwun- Steuerung des Angebots erhalten werden kann. Sie den seien. Zum Vergleich: Heutige Staatsschuld 10 Mil- erreichten dieses Ziel mit einem System, welches den liarden, Staatsbudget 3 Milliarden!!

Army Kicked out of Chiadzwa Richard Chidza State security units, including the Zimbabwe National the sense that someone was sitting there selecting the Army, have been ordered to stop their diamond mining quality gems and stocking them away, while revealing operations alongside other mining firms that have been the poor quality stuff for sale and then claiming they operating in the Chiadzwa aera. Mines and Mining De- have been making a loss all along,” he said. Chidakwa velopment minister Walter Chidakwa told journalists in warned there would a forensic audit and “whoever was Harare on Wednesday that the military had also been responsible for any impropriety should take responsibility”. affected by the blanket ban on all firms operating in the area. Diamond mining activist Farai Maguwu last year dared “There is nothing wrong with the military going into busi- Chidakwa to “remove the army” from the Marange dia- ness in any particular sector. However, as far as diamond mond fields, saying the country’s service chiefs were mining is concerned, we have one song now and that is involved “in plunder”. “Minister Chidakwa has no muscle ZCDC (Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company). We whatsoever to tell the army generals that they have have concluded discussion and consultations, nobody looted enough. Would he survive? Would he be able to else will be operating except this company wholly- go back to his wife and children? If he cannot stop the owned by government on behalf of Zimbabweans. They generals, then this merger issue will suffer a stillbirth,” (military) will not be operating here,” Chidakwa said in Maguwu said. Chidakwa seemed to confirm Maguwu’s response to a question on the role of the army. theory disclosing Chinese companies that had been Chidakwa intimated there had been underhand deal- operating in Chiadzwa had not been forthcoming to ings and looting by mining firms at Chiadzwa. “One gets discuss the merger when government announced it. 11 Maguwu last year accused “criminals who gave Central generals. That is the reason why two Finance ministers, Intelligence Organisation operatives luxury vehicles in one from the dying opposition and one from (a) decay- exchange for diamonds. The story of Marange is cor- ing ruling party, sang from the same hymn book”. ruption from beginning to end. The Marange deal is about who is who in ruling circles and powerful military (Johannesburg, 26 February, IANRA)


Mugabe Ruins Telecel to Punish Makamba? Eddie Cross

Madness has gripped the government of Zimbabwe. It A source close to ZARNET had this to say about the deal: has once again demonstrated its malevolence and “Asking ZARNET to acquire Telecel is ridiculous. ZAR- callous disregard for the welfare of its people. The NET has been in financial trouble since its formation in decision by a bankrupt government to acquire a 60 per- 1997 so it simply lacks the capacity and financial re- cent stake in mobile telephone company Telecel is the sources to take over Telecel. It is a scandal on its own latest example of how destructive the government of to even begin to think like that. Of course it is clear that Robert Gabriel Mugabe is. ZARNET is being used as cover for some murky deal.” Here are the facts. In 1980 when Zanu PF got into When NSSA was asked to underwrite this deal its chair- power it inherited a number of parastatals which, man Robin Vela has this to say: “As promised I met despite 15 years of comprehensive sanctions against with investment committee yesterday to discuss , were fully functional. These included the NSSA’s support for the project to acquire Vimplecom’s National Railways of Zimbabwe, Air Zimbabwe and the shareholding. I understand Vimplecom’s interest to be Zimbabwe Iron and Steel Company (ZISCO). 60 percent equity and 80 million US dollars share- holders’ loan; I can disclose that NSSA’s investment The first two are bankrupt while ZISCO to all intents team and management has formally declined to partici- and purposes no longer exists. In 1980 ZISCO had the pate in the transaction based on the assertion that capacity to produce a million tons of liquid steel yielding NSSA was just funder providing an unsecured 850 000 tons of long steel products. It supplied all of loan. This is fundamentally against what NSSA’s man- Zimbabwe’s long steel product requirements with date is given NSSA is the custodian of Pensioners’ excess capacity to export. The company employed 6,500 funds on which securing the capital and gaining a return people with many others employed at its subsidiaries on the same is a critical requirement. NSSA does not Lancashire Steel and Buchwa Mine. All that is gone lend funds directly to any company. It lends to banks with disastrous consequences for people in Redcliff under strict and limited conditions. The Telecel transac- and Kwekwe. tion would not qualify as such.” The National Railways of Zimbabwe no longer offers a The lengthy quotation is absolutely critical as it conclu- reliable passenger and cargo service. Air Zimbabwe sively proves the unethical and illegal nature of the ranks as one of the most unreliable airlines in the world deal. NSSA has a fiduciary duty to secure Pensioners’ kept arterially afloat to feed Mugabe’s vanity. These funds and has no business to invest in risky commercial examples are only a microcosm of the damage the ventures. There are also wider implications on the Zanu PF government has inflicted on the country’s investment climate in a country where capricious politi- economy and resultant welfare of its people. cians make self-service decisions. This begs the question why a bankrupt government Back to Makamba. It’s common knowledge that with such a disastrous record in the management of Mugabe suspected that Makamba had an affair with his state entities should acquire a stake in a privately wife. The businessman was jailed for seven months owned company. The answer inadvertently was ostensibly for foreign currency violations. He was provided by Telecommunications Minister Super repeatedly denied bail on charges whose penalty was Mandiwanzira. He said this insane decision was made only a financial one. Due legal process was denied to at the behest of his principal. him. Today Makamba lives in exile because his free- Who is his principal? Robert Mugabe. And why would dom in his homeland is not guaranteed. Mugabe against all economic sense and logic want to But these Zimbabweans like Makamba and others in take over Telecel without the resources and expertise enforced exile are not the real victims. The people who to run it? The answer lies in his personal vendetta lost employment as a result of their exile bare the real against the Chairman of Telecel Zimbabwe and head of victims. The country suffers because it has lost some of the Empowerment Corporation that has a 40 percent its most enterprising citizens. Telecel will not survive a stake in Telecel Zimbabwe, James Makamba. government takeover. The same government could not Before an elaboration of this point it is necessary to profitably run the first mobile telephone operator highlight the insanity of government’s takeover of Tele- TelONe. Given the malicious intent behind the Telecel cel. The National Social Security Authority (NSSA) will takeover it is doubtful that the company will continue to provide the financial guarantee on behalf of ZARNET exist. The livelihoods of thousands of Zimbabweans will a bankrupt state owned internet service provider. be ruined. 12 It will also be further confirmation that the regime in the latest body blow to an economy that has spread Harare has no regard for property rights. The down- and deepened poverty in Zimbabwe and driven millions ward economic spiral will continue with resultant pov- of its citizens to foreign lands. erty for the majority of the country’s citizens. At a time In the case of Telecel, a vindictive head of state con- when Telecel’s licence was under threat Vimplecom’s demns thousands of his citizens to destitution to settle a chief business development and portfolio officer Anton personal score. It is this malicious vindictiveness that Kudryashov said: “We don’t feel welcome in Zimbabwe drives the decision to acquire Telecel by a government and it is not good. We want to feel appreciated for what that will run it to the ground. This is how low Mugabe’s we are doing and we would like to see our licence fully government has sunk. It has become insensitive to the restored.” welfare of its people in its pursuit of unbridled power A country that drives away its most enterprising citizens and selfish accumulation of wealth for a few individual. and adopts a hostile posture to potential investors is (Harare, 25 November 2015) destined to fail. The Telecel takeover by government is

Human and Wildlife Conflict Escalates in Chipinge as Three Lions Are Poisoned to Death

National Parks and Wildlife has been pushed to act tance to invest in repairing the boundary fence. So our following the poisoning to death of three lions belonging call is for government to settle its ownership dispute to to Save Valley Conservancy by Chibuwe villagers in an save people from further losses,” said Mugidho. alleged act of revenge following years of losing live- stock and crops to wildlife. National Parks and Wildlife The human and wildlife conflict between Chipinge from Chipangayi Safaris organized an awareness cam- villagers and Save Valley Conservancy is not new in paign to avert the potential danger caused by the poi- Chibuwe but a challenge that has been ongoing for soning of the lions. A team led by Evans Mhosira more than five years. The conservancy boundary warned the community that the poison on the lions may covers two constituencies namely Musikavanhu and lead to human death if not handled with caution. “Animals like dogs and birds who feed on the bodies of the lions can spread dis- eases that will eventually harm the ecosystem,” said Mhosira. National Parks and Wildlife said experts were going to conduct foren- sic processes on the corpses to establish the type of poison that was used. Despite warnings on the dangers of such actions by National Parks officials, villagers said they were not Chipinge West. The issue is now before Parliament of bothered but celebrating the reality that the marauding Zimbabwe which is expected to visit the areas to con- lions were finally dead. duct hearings sessions before the end of this month. Catherine Vhutuza, a villager from Chibuwe said the Platform for Youth Development which has been at the death of these lions were relief to villagers who had forefront in engaging parliament over the conflict is endured years of losing livestock and crops. “Mwari hopeful that an amicable solution will be reached watizwa kuti mhondoro dzafa tanga tambaashungu- should both parties be sincere and commit to ending rudzika munharaunda yeshe,” said Catherine Vhutuza. the conflict. Area councilor, Charles Mugidho called for a deeper The communities bordering Save Valley Conservancy approach to end the wildlife and human conflict along have to date lost an estimated 450 livestocks with crops the Save Valley conservancy. “The major challenge is worth over US$ 300’000 destroyed in the process. the failure by government to resolve disputes around ownership of the Conservancy and Save Valley (Checheche,18 March 2016, Platform for Youth Devel- Conservancy is not sure of their fate, hence their reluc- opment Trust) 13 Government to Sell Seized Gold Cyril Zenda

The Ministry of Mines and Mining Development has to achieve this objective, measures like the establish- given a two-month notice for anyone who claims to be ment of Provincial Advisory Boards, capacitating of the legal owner of the more than six kilogrammes of artisanal miners, technical capacity building, establish- processed gold worth over US$300 000 seized from ment of gold service centres, establishment of mobile South African citizen, Gert Johanness Drederek Erasmus, gold buying units, amongst others, have been put in more than three years ago, the last chance to claim the place to increase gold production. These efforts have loot before it is sold. Erasmus was arrested at a tollgate already started bearing fruits with gold production at Esigodini in February of 2013 with 38 gold buttons increasing by 25 percent in the first quarter compared to weighing a total of 6,1213 kg which he was in the proc- the same period in 2014 with most production coming ess of smuggling out of the country. ( . . . ) from small-scale miners,” he said then. Zimbabwe, which is hoping for a comeback to the London Some government teams on compliance have been Bullion Market Associations (LBMA), says it is working visiting milling plants as well as gold mines thoroughly on increasing its annual gold output to 30 tonnes by inspecting them and this resulted in 218 gold firms 2018. Mines and Mining Development Minister, Walter being prosecuted and heavily fined (and even closed Chidhakwa, last year said concerted efforts were down) for feeding gold to the black market. This resulted already underway to ensure that national gold output in a sharp jump in gold deliveries to Fidelity. In 2014, continues to increase as the country pursues an annual the country’s national gold output stood at 13 tonnes. target of 30 tonnes. The measures being put in place by This is a far cry from the peak of 27 tonnes that the government mainly revolve around plugging loopholes country last achieved in 1999. An increase in gold out- through which the metal leaks to the black market under put would allow the country to be readmitted to the the “Gold Production and Surveillance Project” — a car- LBMA where it was expelled in 2008 when its annual rot and stick approach that would ensure that all gold production plummeted to just three tonnes, way below produced in the country is sold through the official the required minimum of 10 tonnes. channels. The project involves the provision of financial This was at a time when the smuggling of the precious support to viable mining ventures as well as buying gold mineral was rampant as artisanal miners and big mining from miners, especially small-scale, at competitive houses were reluctant to sell their produce to the State prices.It also involves dealing heavy-handedly with gold for the then worthless Zimbabwean dollar. The local smugglers. currency has since been demonetized after the country “In 2014, we embarked on an exercise for gold mobi- resorted to the use of a multi-currency system that is lisation and surveillance with the sole objective of primarily based on the United States dollar. Following its increasing gold production and gold deliveries to Fidelity expulsion from the LBMA, Zimbabwe has been sending Printers and Refineries (the arm of the Reserve Bank of its gold for refinery and marketing to Rand Refinery of Zimbabwe with the sole mandate to buy gold),” Chidha- South Africa. kwa told delegates to the Annual General Meeting of the Chamber of Mines held in June last year. “In order (28 April 2016, The Financial Gazette) China

China Is Zimbabwe’s Largest Investor

China has become the largest foreign investor in Zimba- very likely be overtaken by the amount of investment bwe after the emerging Asian giant poured more than the Chinese are bringing in this year,” he added. Some $200 million into the country in 2014, latest figures show. of the Chinese companies at the conference included Sinosteel Corporation, currently negotiating for invest- This comes as the southern African country attracted a ments in the ferrochrome sector, China Hi-Tech Corpora- total of $545 million last year in foreign direct invest- tion, negotiating in the textiles sector and China Volant ments — a 36 percent surge from $400 million regis- Industry, also in ferrochrome negotiations and others. tered in 2013 — according to United Nations Confer- Speaking at the same event, Investment Promotion ence on Trade and Development report on Zimbabwe. minister said the move by both countries to Industry minister Mike Bimha yesterday told delegates broker private sector deals was a sign that trade figures attending the ongoing Zimbabwe-China Business Con- between the two countries were going to surge. “Most of ference in the capital that China was looking at surpass- Zimbabwe’s FDI comes from China after the Look East ing the $200 million figure this year. “China is now our Policy, however, after recommendations from our One biggest source of foreign direct investment (FDI) with a Stop Investment Centre Committee we are looking at total sum of $238 874 520 having been invested in ensuring that the investment terrain is smooth for all 2014 in agriculture, construction, manufacturing, ser- investors,” he said. vices, transport and tourism sectors” Bimha said. “As we speak right now, it is no secret that the majority This comes as United Nations Economic Commission of investment delegations that came into Zimbabwe for Africa Executive Secretary Carlos Lopez said African were from China. We project that last year’s figure may leaders had to confront the reality that Chinese investment

14 in Africa was not enough for the “mineral sacrifices” it with countries like Chad and Niger now owing to China was warranting. The hard-pressed southern African about 15 times what they receive from the International nation last year brokered infrastructure and platinum Monetary Fund. deals with China and Russia respectively, but govern- However, Mpofu told delegates that Zimbabwe was in ment has come under fire from various quarters as the the process of tapping into China’s massive FDI policy deals are yet to materialise. through investment law reform. “China certainly can do China’s investments abroad are massive, amounting to more, but at the moment as a ministry we are working $870 billion at the end of last year, according to data towards ensuring that investment processes in the released by the Heritage Foundation, an American country are smooth so that more investment comes,” he research institute. The United States leads the way, said. having received a little more than $72 billion. Of the (Harare, 26 November 2015, Daily News) total, China pledged investments of $20 billion to Africa

China Ready to Construct New Parly Building Veneranda Langa

Chinese contractors are waiting for the servicing of the $120 billion in other countries, and those investments new Parliament building site in Mt Hampden before they will be solely driven by markets and local conditions in could start construction work, Chinese ambassador to that country. The enterprise will decide whether the Zimbabwe Huang Ping said yesterday. Ping, together local conditions are suitable for their businesses and with Pan Yunhe, the chairperson of the Foreign Affairs then they will go there,” Yunhe said. He said over the Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consulta- past decade, China managed to attract large amounts tive Conference, made the pledge during a courtesy call of foreign direct investment because of favourable to Senate President and Foreign investment policies by the Chinese government. Affairs Parliamentary Portfolio Committee chairperson “The Chinese Foreign Affairs Committee encourages Kindness Paradza’s offices. Chinese businesses to invest globally and have win-win The Chinese delegation was also comprised of members situations between them and the host country. Zimba- of China’s Foreign Affairs Parliamentary Committee, bwe is still growing and we hope Chinese companies which Yunhe chairs. “The new Parliament design is that go global will see the opportunity brought by China very beautiful, but we are still awaiting construction and Zimbabwe co-operation, and promote the national of roads and installation of water and electricity for development of Zimbabwe,” Yunhe said. Madzongwe our contractors to begin construction,” Ping said. “I hailed the China-Zimbabwe relations, saying President have been trying to push Local Government minister Robert Mugabe has been to China 13 times, the most to complete those soon so that we recent visit being in 2014. “We have a lot of Chinese begin construction.” companies operating in Zimbabwe in brick moulding, motor spare parts and mining and I would like to say we Yunhe said China was willing to invest more in Africa are improving on policies on our foreign direct invest- and the rest of the world through enterprises as long as ment so that they are practical and friendly and get the business environment of that particular country was more Chinese companies coming to invest in Zimba- favourable. “Our investigations show that in the next bwe,” Madzongwe said. five years, Chinese companies will invest more than Landverteilung

Second Tokwe-Mukosi Victims’ Relocation Begins

Government has started the second relocation of Tokwe- had initially been allocated plots at Nuanetsi Ranch. Mukosi flood victims with over 1’000 families set to be Masvingo Provincial Affairs Minister Senator Shuvai moved in the next two weeks from Nuanetsi Ranch in Mahofa yesterday confirmed that an initial 1’000 fami- Mwenezi to alternative bigger plots that were identified lies were being moved from Nuanetsi Ranch. She said for permanent resettlement. The move follows a recent they will be relocated next year. “We have started relo- visit to the Nuanetsi Ranch by a Cabinet committee led cating the first group of about 1’000 Tokwe-Mukosi by Local Government, Public Works and National Hous- families who are being moved from Nuanetsi Ranch to ing Minister Saviour Kasukuwere, which ordered that farms that have been pegged for them in Mwenezi and the flood victims be moved to bigger plots. This was Chiredzi. We hope to complete this exercise in the next after the flood victims had complained that their 0,5 two weeks because we want them to have adequate hectare plots at Nuanetsi Ranch were too small to carry time to prepare for the rainy season,’’ she said. “The out meaningful farming activities as the area was con- exercise was delayed because our officials were still demned as unfit for human habitation owing to extreme compiling the list of the first group of families, who aridity and disease prevalence. wanted to be moved after we gave them the option to choose where they wanted to be resettled. We were not Government identified seven farms in Mwenezi and forcing anyone to go where they did not want to,’’ she Chiredzi districts to resettle all the 3’000 families who added. 15 Senator Mahofa downplayed fears that the families Mukosi Dam. Others are being resettled in the Mutirikwi being relocated from Nuanetsi Ranch would struggle to Section of the Nuanetsi Ranch which is close to the per- access critical services such as schools and hospitals in ennially flowing Mutirikwi River. the new areas. “We made sure that the farms where the Tokwe-Mukosi flood victims were resettled at Nuanetsi first batch of families are being moved already have Ranch after their removal from Chingwizi transit camp facilities such as schools and clinics because we do not as fears mounted of diseases outbreak because of want people to suffer,’’ added Senator Mahofa. Each of overcrowding. However, the families continued to rely the families being relocated will be allocated 20 on Government food assistance as they could not em- hectares compared to the small plots they had at bark on any meaningful agricultural activities because Nuanetsi Ranch. of the small plot sizes and scanty rains. About 300 families will be resettled at Masangula Ranch where Government is clearing land that will be (Harare 12 November 2015, ) developed for irrigation upon completion of Tokwe-

6300 Families Face Eviction from Chiredzi Farm Walter Mswazie

About 300 families settled at Samba Ranch Farm in She said while an alternative could be found, no vacant Chiredzi are facing eviction to pave way for business- farm has been identified for the families in case the man Mr Moses Chingwena who was reportedly granted evictions are effected. “We have to look for alternatives a High Court order to evict the families. The national but for now as a province, we have not yet identified land inspectorate has reportedly set a taskforce to over- any vacant land where these families can be settled. see the evictions of the illegal settlers who have been at However, for now we are waiting for the national land the farm for the past 15 years. Minister of State for Pro- inspectorate to give us their verdict after getting the vincial Affairs for Masvingo Cde Shuvai Mahofa said the necessary papers from Mr Chingwena,” she said. national lands committee was seized with the matter Last year Cde Mahofa was quoted arguing that the and a verdict to move or not to move the families will be families could not be moved from Samba Ranch as known in a few weeks’ time. She said the provincial their stay was regulated by the Government in 2000 leadership had a meeting with the committee led by when the farm was legally acquired at the height of the Police Deputy Commissioner- General Godwin land reform programme. Villagers at the farm are resist- Matanga recently and they deliberated over the Samba ing eviction arguing that they were legally settled by the Ranch issue after which Mr Chingwena was asked to Government and Mr Chingwena should be allocated provide the team with all his papers showing that he another farm in Chiredzi. Mr Chingwena is reported to was the rightful owner of the farm. have approached the Ministry of Lands and Resettle- “It is true that there are issues of that nature but for now ment with a plan to expand his sugarcane plantation we are waiting for a ruling from the lands committee. and install a sugarcane mill at the farm. Efforts to get a However, according to the papers from the High Court comment from him were fruitless. Mr Chingwena won the right to the farm and the families have to be evicted. What the lands committee wants is (Masvingo, 17 April 2016, Sunday News) only to verify if the businessman’s papers bear testimony to his claims after which a way forward will be found,” said Cde Mahofa. Zivilgesellschaft

WOZA – Save Education, Save Our Children

Introduction provide their views on what problems they are experi- encing in educating their children, to identify the specific In later 2015, Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) con- rights abuses involved, and to try to develop a strategy ducted a survey to determine the state of education and on the way forward to make a contribution towards the impact on the lives of members and their children. resolving these problems. Members of WOZA, like all Zimbabweans are very con- cerned about the deterioration in educational provision This report presents the findings; these are not quantita- by government and its employees, the teachers, which tive, but qualitative, describing the abuses but not means that most children are failing to access their con- attempting to indicate the extent of each or the numbers stitutional right to a meaningful education. The failure in of communities in which they exist. Responses to the the education system has many negative consequen- survey have been categorised according to social ces for individuals, for families and for the nation as a groups; there are responses from urban adults, urban whole. WOZA member’s number over 100’000 but the children, and rural adults. Thus they provide a snapshot survey focused on organised structure of urban and picture of the situation that prevails in our schools from rural adults and urban children. They were asked to three different perspectives.

16 Participation Tables: Female 10’332, Male 4’292, Work- share rooms through hot seating. There are not enough shops 747. desks and chairs; books and stationery are in short supply. Secondary level students revealed the lack of Abuses/violations library facilities within their communities; and the lack of The most pressing abuse is the high cost of education , reading material where libraries exist. mainly caused by levies and other arbitrarily imposed costs. In violation of government policy, many head- For some, accessibility is a problem. Children in rural masters are chasing away children from schools when areas walk long distances at school late and tired but they have not paid fees, and this appears to be most the school response is to immediately punish the late prevalent in comers further denying them the right to participate in rural areas. Some mem- bers re- ported that parents in rural areas are forced to undertake manual work in the com- munity if they have not paid fees, the most com- mon tasks assigned being moulding of bricks for construction of teachers’ houses. Ad- ditionally, some schools have requested that parents pay the annual total sum of any schooling for that day. Many children have been school fees for the year 2016 at the beginning of the denied entry to school because they do not have a birth year. The reason given is that small amounts being certificate, a document which can be difficult to obtain paid over a period are being stolen by corrupt school for some, depending on their family circumstances. officials. The inclusion of the unfunded Early Childhood Behaviour of teachers is a major problem. Aside from Development (ECD) programme into primary level has the fact that there are many unqualified people teaching also strained the pockets of parents who are already in schools, the attitude displayed by many is unaccept- failing to pay for primary level fees. The Basic Educa- able. They are said to insult and intimidate children and tion Assistance Module (BEAM) programme funded subject them to beating. Some come to class drunk mainly by foreign aid conceptualised as a support for while others harass children sexually. They are not school fees for vulnerable children is no longer function- committed to their teaching, missing lessons, spending ing in most places; where it is, the payments are not time in class on their mobile phones or concentrating on transparently allocated and corruption prevails. offering extra lessons for a fee. In some schools there is little discipline. In rural schools children are exploited to Due to the high cost of education most parents are con- perform household chores such as fetching water for stantly indebted to the schools. Headmasters’ response the teachers. to debt collection is to further abuse the rights of children by withholding children’s original birth certificates, per- The low quality of teaching, absence of commitment formance reports, and exam results and refusing to from teachers, lack of resources and teachers failing to supply registration forms for the next level of education. speak the mother tongue of pupils, failure frequently to In many reported instances debt collectors visit schools set exams and tests, as well as poor attendance rates and interview children about the property they have in from those constantly being chased away to find fees, their homes that could be collected to offset the debt. lead to poor achievement and very low pass rates. The inability of parents to settle with schools then While some may become discouraged and drop out of places the stress squarely on children who fail to con- school, even those who complete school do not acquire tinue with their education. either certificates or skills which can lead to employ- ment, thus children will also experience poverty as In spite of the high cost, facilities and learning resour- adults. A significant percentage of children never learn ces are not available. In many schools there are not to read well enough to be functionally literate, thus enough classrooms, and children must learn outside or compromising their life chances even more.

17 In some schools the teachers do not speak the local them they loiter at shops and business centres, engage language , in this case Ndebele, thus cannot perform in early sexual activity including prostitution, and con- their duties properly, particularly in the lower primary tract Sexually Transmitted Infections and pregnancies, grades. Moreover, the employment of temporary teach- leading to child marriage. Boys engage in petty criminal ers is affecting the quality of education in both primary activities, and take drugs and alcohol. Some of both and secondary schools. Children also pointed out the sexes fall victim to child traffickers, others become lack of consistency in their learning process as schools street children. Many migrate south as unaccompanied are randomly relocating teachers on a term by term basis. children, others become street children and most are victims of child abuse of one sort or another. In rural Some schools did not set exams for grade six and be- areas there is a massive exploitation of school dropouts low due to lack of payment of fees. Children feel their whom teachers employ at low wage as housemaids or right to education has been violated as they failed to get cattle shepherds. an opportunity to evaluate their performance for the year of learning. Children who are being forced into relationships or asked for sexual favours by teachers are emotionally Corruption is said to exist in some schools, particularly and psychologically affected as they fail to concentrate practised by headmasters who are guilty of nepotism, during lessons. They develop a constant fear of facing do not account for funds and misuse them. The banning the consequences of rejecting the teachers’ advances of charging for extra lessons and civvies day has led to resulting in them getting into these relationships. some schools developing extra-curricular activities that are money-making schemes, for instance asking With low achievement rates, parents in turn wonder why children to pay for culture day. Furthermore, schools they should work so hard to find funds for school fees if are forcing parents to sign debt collection forms and their children are not going to benefit meaningfully. sending debt collectors to confiscate property even from They lose interest in making the effort to keep their chil- those parents who did not sign the debt collection dren in school, thus feeding the drop-out phenomenon. forms. Corruption also exists in ZIMSEC, causing par- Teaching has become a pariah profession, a last resort ents to lose confidence in the validity of the exam. This for those who have no alternative avenue towards for- is also seen in the news headlines about O’ Level exam mal employment. Many qualified teachers have left the papers that are leaked every year. Even Grade Seven country, those who stay continue to teach with low exams have leaked regularly. motivation and lack of genuine interest. The old, pre- Accountability and transparency is lacking in most independence pride in being a teacher has turned to schools. There is a lack of parental consultation in deci- shame. sion making processes. The SDCs mobilise to meetings The Solutions only those parents who are known to support their par- ticular agenda therefore most parents hear about these While much of the blame for this depressing situation meetings after decisions have been made. The SDC may lie with government’s failing to provide, and teach- space is not a safe one for parents with alternative ers’ abrogation of their responsibilities because they are views to those of the ‘favourite’ committee members. angry over their low reward, parents also are some- Some parents who raise these views in the meeting find times failing in their duty towards their children. A long- their children targeted with abuse by teachers for the term solution to the problems must engage all these ‘outspokenness’ during of their parents. Many head- three players to urgently come together to address masters will enforce decisions using ‘power over’ on the them and find solutions. This can happen at local level, parents, many of whom are indebted and unable to in the community of each school, at district level and at make independent decisions. national level. ( . . . ) Effects of the Abuses WOZA therefore calls for a “Save Zimbabwe Education” national dialogue by all relevant stakeholders to chart a Many social evils result from the failure to access qual- collective way forward. It’s time to ACT! ity education. Children whose parents are unable to pay fees usually end up dropping out of school. This has (Bulawayo, 13 January 2016, WOZA) dire consequences for many. With nothing to occupy

Private Citizens’ Bill to Address 5 Brigade Atrocities Gibbs Dube Zimbabweans have been urged to push for a private of relatives and victims of the massacres. Dr. Mpofu citizens’ bill, which will result in the tackling of the said the ruling party is not interested in addressing this Gukurahundi atrocities of the 1980s that left an esti- matter. “… From where I am standing, Zanu PF will mated 20’000 people dead, hundreds displaced and continue in power and they will continue to ignore this others maimed. Dr. Shepherd Mpofu of the University of issue. They can only pretend to address it like the for- Johannesburg told VOA Studio 7 some lawmakers can mation of a ministry of healing and reconciliation … but be used to introduce the bill in parliament. ( . . . ) was there any healing at that time … there wasn’t. And now we need to think beyond civic organizations He said if Zimbabweans have to be united, they have to because most of them have been around for a long identify a specific entity such as a political party that time but they have neglected this issue of genocide. would push such interests in parliament for the benefit 18 One has to ask why it has been neglected.” He further probe the atrocities, which was headed by lawyer Sim- noted that Zimbabweans have been given a chance to plicious Chihambakwe. Results of the Chihambakwe address the issue, which has hogged the limelight after Commission of Inquiry have never been made public. former Education Minister , in his autobiog- The government has not even released the number of raphy ‘The Struggle Continues’, made a reference to the people who were killed by the Five Brigade. Five Brigade massacres. Various independent groups, including a report com- Coltart quoted The Chronicle newspaper, which once piled by the Catholic Commission for Justice and reported in the 1980s, that Vice President Emmerson Peace titled ‘Breaking the Silence: Building True Mnangagwa allegedly compared so-called dissidents Peace’, put the figure of civilians who were killed at and their supporters in Matabeleland and Midlands almost 20’000. The government has neither confirmed provinces as cockroaches that needed to be destroyed nor denied that state security agents and the national through the use of a pesticide called DDT (dichloro- army unit killed such a large number of people. diphenyl-trichloroethane). The vice president at that President Mugabe’s government deployed the Five time was the Minister of Security under President Brigade in Matabeleland and Midlands regions to alleg- Robert Mugabe’s government. He has threatened to edly quell the dissident menace, which they linked to sue Coltart, who insists that he stands by what he wrote then rival, PF Zapu leader, . The late in the book. “This is a point of departure for Zimbabwe- Nkomo denied any links to the dissidents and had to ans … If we miss this point we might not get it in the flee Zimbabwe when armed men, believed to be near future,” said Dr. Mpofu. Gukurahundi operatives, raided his home in Pelandaba Reverend Ray Motsi of the Baptist Church, who is also suburb, Bulawayo, where they killed a bodyguard and a member of the National Transitional Justice Working several other people. In his book, The Story of My Life, Group, said there is need to urgently address this issue. Nkomo accused President Mugabe of attempting to kill “I really do believe that the best way to deal with it is to him and exterminate his supporters. In 1987, his party actually find a way in which we begin to help the victims merged with Mr. Mugabe’s Zanu PF leading to the for- who are struggling, who are not able to move forward mation of a unity government, which over the years has even if there is no acceptance of wrong on the side of experienced serious friction. Zanu PF and those people who were responsible. “We One of the key Zapu leaders, former ZIPRA military also need to find some psycho-social approaches in supremo Dumiso Dabengwa, pulled out of the unity terms of development, building more schools in Mata- accord, noting that Zapu officials were not being given beleland (and Midlands) and providing some capital in- due recognition in the government by President jection so that people of Matabeleland can start looking Mugabe. ZIPRA (Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary after themselves.” Army) was Zapu’s armed wing, which fought alongside Rev. Motsi’s PHD focused on the North Korean-trained the African National Congress of South Africa’s Five Brigade atrocities, which were once described by Umkhonto Wesizwe during the war of liberation of the President Mugabe as “a moment of madness”. The 1970s. Zimbabwean leader has never publicly apologized for the massacres. Mr. Mugabe once set up a team to (Washington, 27 March 2016, VOA Zimbabwe)

Driefontein Mission Children’s Home Evelyn Nhongonhema until they have completed their tertiary education to Driefontein Children's Home is a project of the Diocese have a training skill course for self-independence for of Gweru, Zimbabwe. It was founded by Fr. Joseph future life. We have 2 babies, 4 are doing Early Child- Stocker SMB in 1960. Fr. J. Stocker's aim in founding hood Development (ECD), 11 are in primary, 5 in sec- this home was to care for the less privileged babies up ondary school, 10 are in tertiary education and others to 5 years of age whose mothers would have died at have completed. One is a trained qualified nurse and is childbirth. This was to spread the Good News through working; another is at Midlands State University, a third works of mercy. Fr. Stocker asked the congregation of at Polytech college. Two are doing maths and then go the Sisters of the Child Jesus (SJI) for a nursing sister for further education in tertiary colleges. who could help in taking care of these babies who needed a mother to love and care for them. Sr. Assumpta The children have duties to do such as cooking, taking Ribeiro was asked to take up this challenging task, and care of the chickens, turkeys and guinea fowl (up to she did it lovingly and patiently for more than 30 years. 340), taking care of small children, ironing their clothes, Both Fr. J. Stocker and Sr. Assumpta have since died. gardening, baking their own buns or bread for con- sumption, as well as planting and watering flowers and The Children's Home was extended and can take in the orchard. In the other big garden, we plant maize children up to 22 years old. At present, we have 32 and different vegetables. Thus all these children are children aged 8 months to 21 years. They come from 8 active in the preparation for their future lives. This is districts of the country. Some children have been reinte- their home, therefore they have to learn to take care of grated into their families with the exception of those who their own home. However, they do all these duties hap- have been dumped as babies and whose relatives can- pily and joyfully because they know that this is their not be traced. It is these children whom we have mostly home and that all these things belong to them. 19 Jahresbeitrag 2016 * Annual Membership Fee 2016 * Wir danken den Mitgliedern der Vereinigung Schweiz- We thank the members of the Swiss-Zimbabwean Zimbabwe, die ihren Jahresbeitrag bereits bezahlt Friendship Association who have paid their annual haben. Wir bitten jene, die noch keine Möglichkeit membership fee. We kindly ask those who have not dazu gehabt haben, vom beiliegenden Einzahlungs- yet had an opportunity to do so to make use of the schein Gebrauch zu machen. Besten Dank im Voraus. enclosed paying-in slip. – 30 Fr. für Einzelpersonen – 30 Swiss francs for individuals – 50 Fr. für Familien – 50 Swiss francs for families – 100 Fr. für Organisationen – 100 Swiss francs for collective members Mit ihrem Beitrag ermöglichen sie es der Vereini- With your contribution you enable the Association gung, ihre Aktivitäten weiterzuführen und den Kon- to continue with its activities and to enhance con- takt und Austausch zwischen SchweizerInnen und tacts and exchange between Swiss and Zimba-

ZimbabwerInnen zu fördern. bwean nationals.

* All jene, die den Jahresbeitrag schon einbezahlt haben, können diese Aufforderung ignorieren. If you have paid your annual fee, please ignore this request.

We are a team of eight taking care of the children: One Literatur religious nun, two men and five women who are them- selves mothers. The Children's Home faces challenges Women of Courage – Eight Life Stories in running the Home. We have financial constraints since the Social Welfare is not doing much for the Durch Interviews erfahren wir die Biographien von acht sustenance of these children. We are dependent on Frauen, die während der 1970-er Jahre im damaligen sponsors. The Gweru Diocese's main aim is that these Rhodesien als „community development workers“ auf children be brought up in a good Christian manner so dem Land mit Frauen arbeiteten, um die Lebensbedin- that they can become Zimbabwean leaders of tomorrow gungen zu verbessern. Es ist die Zeit der geschützten who are self-reliant and God-fearing. Dörfer: Der Befreiungskampf breitet sich aus und die In the spirit of humility, we appeal to all those who can Bauern werden gezwungen, zusammen in Wehrdörfern assist these less fortunate children so that we can run zu wohnen. So soll der Kontakt zu den Kämpfern unter- the Home smoothly. Here are the Children's Home's bunden werden. Das Buch gibt einen guten Einblick in details: Gweru Diocese Driefontein Orphanage, account jene politisch schwierigen Zeiten. Gleichzeitig erfahren number: 8700260718201, Standard Chartered Bank, wir viel über die damaligen privaten Verhältnisse. Gweru Branch, Zimbabwe. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. (Maia Chenaux-Repond, Women of Courage, Eight Life Stories, Earth Books, Harare, Zimbabwe, 2015) (Driefontein, 24 April 2016. Sr. Evelyn Nhongonhema SJI is the Matron.)

Impressum: Unsere Quellen sind u. a.: Vereinigung Schweiz-Zimbabwe Swiss-Zimbabwean Friendship Association - c/o J. Brogli, Bethlehemweg 10, 6405 Immensee - PC 40-16370-6 - Redaktion: Gertrud Baud, Joe Brogli Fotos: Eleonora Matare - Layout: Joe Brogli, Gertrud Baud - Druck: Missionshaus Bethlehem Immensee - Versand: Joe Brogli - Rundbrief im Internet: gung-schweiz-zimbabwe-2 -