

IN BRIEF ● is one of a number of non- sweeteners approved for use in and other items, in many countries. ● It is well-established that xylitol is non-cariogenic. ● Xylitol in is anti-cariogenic as are other in chewing gum. ● Xylitol exhibits dental health benefits which are superior to other polyols in all areas where polyols have been shown to have an effect. ● The inhibition of mother/child transmission of cariogenic oral flora leading to reduced caries development in young children is caries-preventive. ● Xylitol's specific effects on oral flora and especially on certain strains of mutans streptococci add to its caries-preventive profile and give it a unique role in preventive strategies for dental health. Xylitol and caries prevention — is it a magic bullet?

A. Maguire1 and A. J. Rugg-Gunn2

Several recent publications have focused discussion on the value of xylitol in caries prevention. Some reviewers have concluded that xylitol has a unique active role in caries prevention, while other reviewers have been more cautious saying that the case is not yet proven. Chewing xylitol gum is certainly effective at preventing caries development compared with chewing sugared gum or not chewing any gum. Xylitol gum appears to be more effective than gum or combinations of xylitol and sorbitol. One recent trial suggested that the effectiveness of eating a xylitol candy could be similar to that of chewing xylitol gum: this is valuable as it would remove the necessity of disposing of spent gum; it has also been suggested that xylitol has a positive action in addition to the favourable effect of chewing. A further recent publication reported substantial reductions in caries development in children whose mothers had chewed xylitol gum. The main explanation appears to be that xylitol changed the plaque flora of the mothers so that transmission of cariogenic oral micro-organisms from mother to child was reduced. Further developments in this field are awaited, but at present we may conclude that xylitol exhibits dental health benefits which are superior to other polyols in all areas where polyols have been shown to have an effect. In addition, xylitol’s specific effects on oral flora and especially on certain strains of mutans streptococci add to its caries-preventive profile and give it a unique role in preventive strategies for dental health.

Thirty years ago, there was no information tonnes per year, mainly going to confec- for such community programmes by public on the effect of xylitol on dental caries. tionery manufacturers and the pharmaceu- health authorities in many countries and it Since then, some 270 articles have been tical and oral hygiene industries. was of considerable interest that, in a published describing clinical studies and While there is no doubt that xylitol is recently published trial, the caries preven- investigations into possible mechanisms non-cariogenic and the cariostatic effect of tive effectiveness of chewing xylitol sweets for xylitol’s seemingly remarkable efficacy. xylitol chewing gum is well accepted, the was observed to be similar to that of xylitol The first of these studies was the Turku existence of an active anti-caries role of chewing gum.7 sugar studies conducted between 1972 and xylitol per se remains controversial. More Because of these recent events, it was 19741 at a time when caries experience was recently, remarkable results have emerged thought to be useful to summarise the evi- very high in northern Europe, and in Fin- from a trial where development of dental dence concerning ‘is xylitol a magic bul- land which is a major xylitol producer. caries was much lower in children whose let?’ Xylitol production is now over 10,000 mothers had chewed xylitol gum when Xylitol is one of a number of non-sugar their children were young (beginning at sweeteners permitted for use in foods.8 It is three months of age) during the so-called found naturally in some foods but it is 1Clinical Lecturer, School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle University 2Professor Emeritus, School of Dental Sciences, ‘discrete window of infectivity’ from moth- mass-produced principally from sustain- Newcastle University er to child (between 19 –31 months of age), able -rich hardwood sources such as Correspondence to: Dr. A. Maguire, School of Dental compared with control children.2,3,4 birch and beech wood — a process first Sciences, Newcastle University, Framlington Place, For many years, many thousands of reported over a hundred years ago. Chemi- Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4BW Email: [email protected] Finnish children have participated in caries cally, it is a pentitol which is a five-carbon preventive programmes which involved . In this, it differs from other com- Refereed Paper chewing xylitol gum in school.5,6 Disposal mon polyols such as sorbitol and , Received 13.03.02; Accepted 05.11.02 © British Dental Journal 2003; 194: 429–436 of spent gum has been seen as a draw-back which contain a six-carbon ring. It was


anti-cariogenic are clinical terms. It is clear was about 50 g per day. While the Table 1 Sweeteners approved for use in foods in the UK from the literature that some authors have and groups developed caries dur- 1 interpreted a number of definitions relating ing the two-year study, little caries devel- Bulk sweeteners Intense sweeteners to these cariological and bacteriological oped in the xylitol group. There have been Sorbitol Saccharine terms in slightly different ways, which some criticisms of the study, especially 2 Mannitol Acesulfame K have led to some difficulties interpreting regarding its design, since allocation to the Hydrogenated syrup2 Aspartame2 the findings of some studies. The terms various test groups was based mainly on Isomalt2 Thaumatin2 ‘cariostatic’, ‘anti-cariogenic’ and ‘anti- personal preference, and the nature of the Xylitol2 Cyclamate4 caries’ have all been used when discussing study excluded the possibility of it being Lactitol3 Neohesperidine DC4 dental therapeutic claims of xylitol, as ‘blind’.12 In addition, groups varied with Maltitol5 have ‘active’ and ‘passive’ effects. For the respect to their sweetener intake and possi- purposes of this review, the properties of bly their dental health awareness. 1also known as nutritive sweeteners 13 2permitted in 1983 non-fermentability and non-cariogenicity The caries data for buccal surfaces and 3permitted in 1988 will be classed as passive effects while approximal14 surfaces of teeth of subjects 4permitted in 1995 active caries-preventive (or caries- in the Turku study were analysed blind in 5permitted in 1996 inhibitory) effects will include the terms greater detail. The buccal surfaces were approved for use in foods in the UK in 1983 bacteriostatic and cariostatic. Only a rever- photographed seven months after the (Table 1) as one of several non-sugar sal in the caries process, that is the rem- beginning and at the end of the two-year sweeteners.8 The Department of Health ineralisation of a carious lesion, will be trial. While the area of white spots COMA report on ‘Dietary and described as a therapeutic or anti-cario- increased over the seventeen months in the human disease’ gave encouragement to genic effect. sucrose group, the area decreased in the their use.9 Presently in the UK, consump- xylitol group: the author concluded that tion of xylitol is about 1,000 tonnes per EVIDENCE FROM CLINICAL TRIALS xylitol consumption caused remineralisa- year, principally in chewing gums, confec- Evidence of the effect of xylitol and other tion of incipient white spot lesions on buc- tionery, and medicines. sweeteners on dental caries comes from cal surfaces. A quantitative measure of the Many clinical trials have shown that many different types of study — laboratory mean size of lesions seen on bitewing radi- chewing sugarless gum leads to substantial incubation experiments, in vivo plaque pH ographs was made using a digitised plani- caries prevention, with xylitol-containing and enamel slab caries experiments, and metric technique. The mean lesion size gums being particularly effective. Chewing animal experiments. The best form of evi- increased in the sucrose group but there sugarless gum increases saliva flow consid- dence, though, is from clinical trials — par- was no increase in the mean size of lesion erably and thus fast flowing saliva with its ticularly randomised clinical trials (RCTs) in the xylitol group. high pH and high concentration of calcium where subjects are randomly allocated to and aids remineralisation of treatment groups and they and their asses- • Partial substitution studies and dental enamel and resists caries develop- sors do not know the group identity of the supplementation studies ment. It has also been observed in such tri- subject. Often it is not possible for a subject Since the Turku sugar substitution study, a als with xylitol-containing gums that the to be unaware of the treatment he or she is number of clinical field trials have been bacterial flora of plaque changes with the receiving and allocation to groups some- conducted on daily use of xylitol products more cariogenic bacteria becoming less times has to be done on a school or com- as part of the usual sugar-containing diet — frequent. Some research has suggested that munity basis rather than on an individual either partial substitution or supplementa- xylitol has a unique, positive role in pre- basis. tion.1,7,15-35 Field trials differ from clinical venting dental caries,10,11 while other Clinical trials involving xylitol and trials in that they may have no particular research workers refute xylitol’s unique other polyols can be divided into three control group; the study may not be blind action suggesting that the caries-preven- main designs: total substitution of normal or there may be no special selection or tive effects of xylitol chewing gum can be dietary sugars for xylitol, partial substitu- supervision of participants. Even with these explained adequately by the favourable tion, and supplementation of normal intrinsic weaknesses, field trials are impor- action of chewing gum alone.12 One of the dietary sugars with xylitol or other polyols. tant as they allow the effectiveness and main purposes of this review is to summa- A few of the clinical trials using partial acceptability of preventive agents or meth- rize the evidence upon which these argu- substitution or supplementation have ods previously shown in a clinical trial to be ments rest. Other purposes of this review involved confectionery but most have effective, to be evaluated in a particular set- are to describe progress in the so-called studied the effects of chewing gums con- ting. In two of these field trials, xylitol was ‘mother and child’ study4 and to compare taining xylitol and/or sorbitol. A few trials given as several items of confectionery17,21 the effectiveness in caries prevention of which have looked at supplementation while in other studies, xylitol was given in xylitol with other bulk non-sugar sweeten- with xylitol have involved or chewing gum only20, 23,27 and these studies ers. The intense non-sugar sweeteners list- mouthrinses. will be considered later. ed in Table 1 will not be discussed. Both of the confectionery studies lasted • Total substitution studies three years. The 6–11-year-old Hungarian TERMS USED TO DESCRIBE XYLITOL’S The Turku sugar studies are one of the children consuming xylitol confectionery ACTION. milestones of dental caries research.1 The developed 45% less caries than control When considering the literature, it is main study tested the effect of almost total children who consumed usual sugar con- important that the terminology used to substitution of normal dietary sugars with fectionery. Partial substitution of xylitol describe xylitol’s effects is accurate and xylitol on development of dental caries for dietary sugars had been intended in this consistent. Acidogenicity and fermentabil- over two years in adults. This long-term trial but analysis revealed that the pattern ity are essentially terms used to describe clinical trial was a great organisational feat of consumption of xylitol was largely addi- findings from in vitro experiments and in since it involved the special manufacture tive; the frequency of sucrose consumption vivo studies other than clinical trials, and distribution of over a hundred had not decreased.16 The study therefore whereas cariogenicity, non-cariogenic and products. The daily consumption of xylitol demonstrated the cariostatic effect of xyli-


tol through its use as a supplement. The gum had on decreasing the intake of con- blind follow-up study, xylitol gum had field trial of Kandelman21 recorded 37% ventional solid sweets during the trial and reduced the caries risk by 59% and sorbitol less caries in 6–12-year-old Polynesian they also suggest that participation in the gum by 35%, compared with a no gum children who consumed up to 20 g xylitol trial may have raised oral health awareness group. In view of the long-term caries risk confectionery per day compared with a during the subsequent five years. However, reduction of 93% found after 1–2 years of control group who ate sugar confectionery. Isokangas18 stated that ‘the frequency of gum chewing compared with no-gum, the Both field studies were plagued by signifi- consumption of sweets was not, however, authors concluded that the optimum time cant numbers of drop-outs among sub- significantly affected by the use of xylitol for introducing gum for caries prevention jects; approximately 30% in the Hungary gums.’ should be at least one year before perma- study and 37% in the Polynesian study and The results of a similarly-designed nent teeth start to erupt. the studies were not blind. However, com- (although not blind) field study in Montreal parisons of the caries prevalence of partici- showed that children who chewed xylitol • Xylitol candies versus chewing gum study pants and drop-outs in this latter study gum had significantly lower net progres- A recent clinical study in Estonia tested the demonstrated that, within each age group, sion of caries than the control group chil- effect of dietary supplementation of two there were only small differences in base- dren after 24 months, and a significant types of xylitol candies and xylitol gum on line mean caries values and that the partic- number of reversals of carious lesions were dental caries occurrence compared with a ipants appeared to be a representative sam- seen in the test group suggesting that rem- control group who received no supple- ple of the entire population. ineralisation had occurred.19 ments.7 The subjects of the study were chil- A series of double blind clinical studies dren aged ten years who were given two • Chewing gum supplementation studies carried out in Belize approximately 10 pieces of gum or two candies three times a There has been considerable growth in the years ago were the first to provide direct day on school days. A double blind design use of sugarless chewing gums — about comparisons between xylitol and sorbitol was possible between the use of the two 85% of gum sold in the UK is now sugar- gums.27,28,30,31 Before this study, trials of candies, but not between candy and gum free. The benefits of sugarless gum have xylitol-containing gum had given superior use. The gum was chewed for ten minutes been investigated in a number of clinical results to trials of sorbitol-containing and then collected for disposal while the trials. In some of these, the control group gums, but they had not been compared in candies were consumed in the usual way, had chewed sugared gum, thus testing the the same trial. The trials investigated the authors reporting that ‘it took approxi- substitution of polyols for sugar. In other caries-preventive effects in primary teeth mately the same time for the candies to dis- trials, the control group did not chew any of younger children and permanent teeth appear from the mouth.’ The results showed gum, testing the beneficial effect of chew- of older children. The study on older chil- that, for each cluster of schools, the caries ing sugarless gum — its non- or anti-cario- dren included nine groups; testing, among increment was 35%–60% higher in the genic properties.36,37 Follow-on studies other things, the effectiveness of chewing control group who received no supple- from these clinical trials of chewing gum xylitol gum compared with chewing no ments than in the xylitol groups. Further- have also been important in establishing gum and chewing a sugared gum. Com- more, there was no difference between the the mechanism for the efficacy of sugarless pared with the no gum control group, the two groups consuming xylitol candies and gums. relative risk of caries development for each xylitol chewing gum. The one year Turku chewing gum study of the groups was: sugared gum 1.20 (ie an assessed the effect on caries development increase in risk); xylitol pellet five times • Mother and child study of low doses of xylitol compared with the per day 0.27 (ie a decreased risk of caries); This innovative clinical study initially use of sugared gum, and showed a cumula- xylitol pellet three times a day 0.41; xylitol investigated the effect of a mother’s habit- tive caries increment of +2.92 tooth sur- stick five times a day 0.44; xylitol stick ual xylitol consumption on transmission of faces in the group chewing sugared gum three times a day 0.48. The findings that mutans streptococci to her child.2 The 106 compared with a negative caries increment the pellet gums with a harder texture were mothers randomly allocated to the first of –1.04 tooth surfaces in the group chew- more effective than sticks and that chewing study group chewed xylitol gum at least ing a mean of 4.5 xylitol gums (each con- five times per day was better than three two to three times a day, starting three taining 1.5 g xylitol) per day.38 times a day, appear to confirm a dose months after the birth of their child. There A further two-year study was designed response and/or suggest that factors related were two other study groups: in one, thirty to determine whether the daily use of xyli- to stimulating salivary secretion are impor- mothers received varnish tol gum increased the efficacy of routine tant in the sugar-free chewing gum effect. six, twelve and eighteen months after caries preventive measures in 11–15-year- However, the more rapid release of xylitol delivery; in the other, varnish was old school children in Finland — a country from the coating of a pellet form may be a used at the same intervals. The children with low baseline caries levels. After two significant factor. In the youngest children received no intervention. Follow-up stud- years, this blind study showed a mean with primary teeth the use of all polyol ies have looked at the occurrence of dental reduction in caries in the children chewing gums resulted in a significant decrease of decay in children as well as their plaque xylitol gum of 44% compared with the the caries onset rate (p<0.05) with no sig- and salivary colonisation with mutans control group who did not chew any nificant difference in the caries onset risk streptococci at three and six years of age.3,4 gum.18 The caries preventive effectiveness between xylitol stick gum and sorbitol There was a 74% reduction in dmft seen in was observed three22 and five years26 after stick gum.30 The largest caries risk reduc- the 5-year-olds whose mothers had used discontinuation of the use of xylitol — the tion compared with no gum was found in the xylitol around the period described as greatest long-term preventive effect being the group receiving xylitol pellet gum (rel- ‘the discrete window of infectivity’40 com- seen on second permanent molars which ative risk 0.35) and the sorbitol pellet gum pared with children whose mothers had erupted during the xylitol gum trial.39 (relative risk 0.44). used chlorhexidine. There was a 71% Scheie and Fejerskov,12 in their review of The long-term effects of chewing sugar- reduction in dmft seen in the 5-year-olds this trial, point out that an important factor free gum were demonstrated by Hujoel et whose mothers had used the xylitol com- to be considered in the interpretation of the al,34 five years after the two year Belize pared with children whose mothers had results was the impact that chewing xylitol chewing gum programme ended. In this used fluoride varnish. In all three groups,


children in whom Table 3 Xylitol reduces proportions of mutans streptococci in plaque through non-specific and had not been detected at two years of age specific effects. showed lower caries experience at all annual examinations than children who Non-specific Because xylitol is non-fermentable it does not encourage bacterial growth.48,49 had been colonised with mutans strepto- Specific When mutans streptococci are exposed to xylitol they can develop mutant xylitol-resistant cocci. strains which may be less virulant in the oral environment.45,50,51 Exposure of plaque to xylitol leads to an increase in the concentrations of amino acids and SPECIFIC CARIES-PREVENTIVE ACTIONS ammonia, neutralising plaque acids.52-54 OF XYLITOL Xylitol can act in a bacteriostatic way: some strains of oral streptococci take up xylitol and The caries-preventive effect of total substi- convert it to xylitol-5-phosphate, resulting in the formation of intra-cellular vacuoles and tution of dietary sugars by xylitol could be degraded cell membranes.55-59 explained by the exclusion of fermentable Xylitol can cause a ‘futile metabolic cycle’. Streptococcus strains take up xylitol and phosphorylate it to xylitol -5-phosphate. This is then split by sugar-phosphate phosphatases sugars from the diet. But the impressive 59-62 caries-preventive effect of partial substitu- and the xylitol is then expelled from the cell. tion or supplementation by xylitol requires other explanations: the caries-preventive vert it to xylitol-5-phosphate resulting in well as the induction of less virulent strains effect seems to be greater than could be the development of intra-cellular vacuoles of cariogenic bacteria, can be considered to expected from simple substitution, and the and degraded cell membranes in mutans be truly bacteriostatic. These mechanisms result was intense research into the proper- and sobrinus streptococci, and through this have been emphasised but further research ties of xylitol. Proposed mechanisms are mechanism xylitol is acting in a bacterio- is needed to assess their clinical impor- listed in Table 2. static way.55-59 Lastly, some streptococcal tance. Although not truly bacteriostatic, Xylitol is not fermented by dental strains take up xylitol which participates in other mechanisms listed earlier (Table 2) plaque.41-43 There is ample evidence that what is termed ‘the futile metabolic will assist caries prevention. the oral flora does not adapt to metabolise cycle’.59-62 In this cycle, xylitol is taken As well as these specific effects, xylitol xylitol when tested over prolonged periods into the cell, phosphorylated to xylitol-5- consumption by the mother at the critical in humans.44,45 Any ability of a few organ- phosphate, and is then split by sugar-phos- period of mother-child transmission of oral isms to ferment xylitol is negated by the phate phosphatases and the resulting xyli- flora can reduce the transmission and inaction of other more numerous plaque tol is expelled from the cell. The clinical colonisation of mutans streptococci to her organisms so that no fall in plaque pH relevance of this process has not yet been child on a long-term basis, as described occurs on exposure to this polyol.46,47 established, but it is more likely to benefit previously.2,4 Other evidence has shown The use of xylitol has been shown to oral health than damage it. that xylitol leads to a reduction in the lead to a reduction in the proportion of Much evidence from well controlled quantity of plaque, possibly by interfering mutans streptococci in plaque.46,48 This is clinical studies indicates that xylitol with mechanisms of adhesion between most probably due in part to both non-spe- decreases the growth of plaque compared plaque organisms and the tooth’s sur- cific and specific effects of xylitol (Table 3). with sugars and other poly- face.65-68 This is the most likely explana- The non-specific effect is a result of non- ols.1,15,25,46,49,63,64 These studies include tion for the reduced colonisation of mutans fermentability not encouraging bacterial the Turku sugar studies and trials of partial streptococci in the mouths of these chil- growth.48,49 In addition, there appears to be substitution and supplementation. There is dren. a number of effects specific to xylitol. First, also good evidence that the ability of As far as the evidence regarding sali- a selective effect on mutans streptococci plaque to produce acids by of vary flow is concerned, flow rate increases resulting in the development of mutant sugars is reduced by xylitol.46,47 This during and immediately after chewing, and xylitol-resistant strains which may be less seems to be adequately explained by a a sweet increases flow rate even fur- virulent in the oral environment.45,50,51 selective decrease in mutans streptococci ther.69,70 There is no evidence, though, that Second, the concentrations of ammonia in plaque exposed to xylitol and possibly xylitol is better than any other sweetener in and basic amino acids increase when by a decrease in plaque quantity. this respect. While chewing results in sub- plaque is exposed to xylitol, resulting in Of the above intra-plaque mechanisms stantial immediate increases in salivary neutralisation of plaque acids.52-54 Third, of xylitol in caries prevention, only the flow, there have been several investiga- in-vitro studies have shown some strains of conversion of xylitol to xylitol-5-phos- tions into whether chewing gum results in oral streptococci take up xylitol and con- phate, with its subsequent accumulation, as increased capacity for salivary flow long term. The majority of these latter studies have found no increase in the capacity to Table 2 Proposed actions of xylitol produce saliva after chewing sweetened Plaque Non-fermentability by plaque organisms gum over varying lengths of time, in peo- Reduction in plaque quantity ple with normal salivary flow; certainly, Selective reduction of mutans streptococci there was no indication that xylitol had Induction of mutans streptococcus strains with reduced virulence any specific effect.46,47,69-71 Increased concentration of ammonia in plaque Pre-cavitation (white spot) carious Accumulation of xylitol-5-phosphate in some plaque streptococci lesions were observed to remineralise (heal) Participation in a futile metabolic cycle in some plaque organisms during clinical studies of xylitol, as men- Reduced adhesion of plaque flora tioned above. This led to speculation that xylitol had a specific action on enamel, and Reduced transmission of mutans streptococci a number of studies have investigated the effect of xylitol and other sweeteners on Saliva Changes in quantity and quality of saliva tooth structure and the potential for rem- ineralisation; laboratory-based studies Enamel Aids remineralisation have included in vitro experiments and


caries studies. Remineralisation occurred in effect of xylitol in the mother and child , all the bulk sweeteners are more nearly all experiments where non-sugar study, inclusion of a sorbitol group into expensive than sugar. This means that sweeteners were used during the ‘healing’ any further study would be helpful. Xyli- while sugar-free soft drinks should be no phase but there was no clear indication that tol would appear to have a unique effect more expensive than sugared drinks, xylitol had any greater effect than other in reducing adhesion and it could be sugar-free confectionery could be more non-sugar sweeteners when evaluated in expected that other polyols might not expensive than its sugar-containing coun- short-term studies.72-76 show this clinical effect. terparts. While sorbitol is about twice as Remineralisation is likely to be ade- Reports of the first clinical trials of expensive as sucrose, xylitol is about six quately explained by the increased flow of sorbitol chewing gums appeared thirty- times the price of sucrose.86,87 saliva, rich in calcium and phosphate, and five years ago.36 Caries increments were The flavour profile of bulk sweeteners is by the shorter time that plaque pH is low much less with their use compared with generally considered to be good and com- and has the potential to cause deminerali- sugared gums. Since then, many clinical binations of sweeteners are often used to sation. Any specific anti-caries action of trials and field studies have indicated the produce the best sweet taste. In addition, a xylitol is therefore likely to be due to its dental benefit of chewing gum and other cool sensation is experienced when eating effect on plaque and plaque organisms. confectionery made with sorbitol,84 polyols due to the unusual property of a hydrogenated glucose syrup,85 as well as negative heat of dissolution. XYLITOL COMPARED WITH OTHER NON- xylitol.36 The majority of studies tested Perhaps the biggest potential disadvan- SUGAR BULK SWEETENERS xylitol and results indicate that dental tage of polyols is their liability to cause All the bulk sweeteners listed in Table 1 effects seemed to be greater with xylitol, osmotic diarrhoea if eaten in large have been investigated and shown to be but it was not until the Belize study27,30 amounts. For xylitol, little discomfort is non-cariogenic or to have very low cario- that sorbitol and xylitol were compared experienced with intakes of about 20 g per genic potential. The amount and type of ‘head to head’. The results showed clearly day, although threshold levels will be lower evidence varies greatly between sweeten- that xylitol in gum was superior to sor- for children. It should be remembered that ers, with xylitol and sorbitol being the most bitol, and that mixtures of xylitol and adults in the Turku sugar studies consumed thoroughly investigated. sorbitol were not as good as xylitol but about 50 g of xylitol per day for two years: Studying the fermentability of sweet- were better than sorbitol alone. The only one of the 52 subjects withdrew from eners by plaque and plaque organisms is results of the study in older children27 the study because of intestinal discomfort.1 the simplest type of investigation: these (Table 4) recorded that, compared with In Switzerland and Finland, countries with can be carried out entirely in vitro or in the no gum control group, the relative high levels of consumption of polyols by the mouth where they are known as risk for xylitol pellet gum used five times children, intestinal discomfort does not plaque pH experiments. One study report- daily was 0.27 (ie a decreased risk of appear to be a problem. ed xylitol by plaque bacte- caries) and for sorbitol pellet gum used ria:77 however, these bacteria represent five times daily 0.74. These equate to 73% IS XYLITOL A UNIQUE MAGIC BULLET? only a small proportion of plaque organ- and 26% reduction in caries development In one of the earliest reviews, Bär88 con- isms and, in mixed cultures, they were respectively. Two different ratios of xyli- cluded that ‘xylitol may be regarded as the outgrown or their acid production masked tol to sorbitol were also investigated: the best of all nutritive sugar substitutes with by the activities of other micro-organ- 3:2 xylitol:sorbitol gum gave an odds respect to caries prevention.’ He drew isms. In contrast, sorbitol, manitol, lacti- ratio of 0.56, while the 1:3 xylitol:sor- attention to human studies which showed tol, , hydrogenated glucose syrup bitol gum gave an odds ratio of 0.49. The ‘massive reductions in caries following and are all fermented slowly by xylitol:sorbitol mixtures were more effec- consumption of relatively small amounts plaque organisms but the rates are very tive in reducing caries risk than sorbitol of xylitol’ but stated that consensus on much slower than that for sucrose or fruc- alone, but were less effective than xylitol anti-cariogenic status of xylitol had not tose.41,42,78,79 alone. In the study of younger children been reached. Soderling and Scheinin89 Reduction in plaque quantity on using with primary teeth30 all polyol gums also commented that ‘partial substitution xylitol appears to be a reflection not only resulted in a significant decrease of the of dietary sucrose by low doses of xylitol of the non-fermentability of xylitol, caries onset rate (p<0.05); the difference was associated with pronounced caries ensuring its non-availability metabolical- in the caries onset risk between xylitol reduction’ and that the favourable action ly as an energy source for oral bacteria, stick gum and sorbitol stick gum was not of xylitol was likely to be multi-factorial, but also its ability to change the adhesive statistically significant. The largest caries but did not conclude that xylitol was anti- and cohesive properties of plaque leading risk reduction compared with no gum was cariogenic. Makinen90 reviewed the large to decreased plaque quantity. A number of found in those children receiving xylitol amount of evidence on this topic and con- chewing gum studies, in particular, have pellet gum and the sorbitol pellet gum cluded ‘all adequately supervised clinical investigated changes in plaque quantity (relative risks 0.35 and 0.44 respectively). caries studies have yielded essentially after use of xylitol, sorbitol or xylitol-sor- In summary, xylitol exhibits dental identical results providing evidence of the bitol mixtures. Most of these studies show health benefits which are superior to other that while plaque quantity reduces with polyols in all areas where polyols are Table 4 Relative risk of dental caries following xylitol, there is little change in the plaque shown to have an effect. In addition, xyli- use of polyol-containing or sugared chewing quantity after the use of sorbitol; with the tol’s specific effects on oral flora and espe- gum compared with a control group with no gum (Based on carious lesion onsets per 1,000 xylitol-sorbitol mixtures reducing the cially on certain strains of mutans strepto- permanent tooth surfaces per year)27 plaque quantity compared with sorbitol cocci add to its caries-preventive profile Gum Relative risk but not as much as with xylitol and give it a potentially unique role in only.25,32,46,80-82 The clinical significance caries prevention. Xylitol pellet gum used 5 times per day 0.27 of these changes, however, has been ques- 1:3 xylitol:sorbitol gum used 5 times per day 0.49 tioned. If one accepts that reduced adhe- OTHER ISSUES RELATED TO XYLITOL USE 3:2 xylitol:sorbitol gum used 5 times per day 0.56 sion of plaque organisms was the major While some of the intense sweeteners are Sorbitol pellet gum used 5 times per day 0.74 explanation for the fairly large dental cheaper than sugar, for any given level of Sugared stick gum used 5 times per day 1.20


cariostatic and even anti-cariogenic effect ring issue in the xylitol debate. This plaque micro-organisms from mother to of xylitol.’ appears to have arisen since much of the child. Only one chewing gum group (using Imfeld91 reviewed the clinical caries research into xylitol has been carried out xylitol gum) was included in this trial: it is studies of polyalcohols and concluded that by one group of researchers led by Dr K. K. hoped that this mother and child trial will sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, maltitol, lacti- Makinen. In contrast to the conclusions of be replicated and, if so, a clearer idea of tol, hydrogenated glucose syrup and iso- Scheie and Fejerskov mentioned above, the clinical importance of reduced trans- malt have all been proven to be non-cario- Makinen, in an editorial published con- ference would emerge if a sorbitol gum genic or of extremely low cariogenicity in currently in the same journal10 stated that group were to be included in this trial. rat caries experiments and/or human clini- ‘there is enough scientific evidence to In summary, from the available evi- cal studies. He stated that claims of possible argue that there indeed exists a pentitol- dence it can be concluded that: active effects of xylitol due to its bacterio- specific or a xylitol-specific caries-pre- • xylitol is non-cariogenic; static and/or cariostatic properties ‘have ventive effect that is different from that • xylitol in chewing gum is anti-cariogenic not yet been substantiated in clinical trials.’ exerted by hexitols such as sorbitol.’ as are other polyols in chewing gum; Following publication of further studies, Very recently in the , • the inhibition of mother/child transmis- Trahan92 concluded that the reduction in Hayes94 reviewed the evidence for the sion of cariogenic oral flora leading to dental caries associated with xylitol con- effect of non cariogenic sweeteners on the reduced caries development in young sumption could be attributed mainly to prevention of dental caries, particularly in children is caries preventive; and xylitol not being significantly metabolised relation to criteria for causality — consis- • the dental properties of xylitol are superi- by the oral microflora, and other mecha- tency, strength, association, biologic plau- or to other polyols so far investigated — nisms, mostly saliva and plaque related. sibility, temporal sequence and dose this is likely to be due to a combination More recently, Levine,93 in a briefing paper response relationship. She concluded that of several specific effects of xylitol as on xylitol, described xylitol as exhibiting ‘Given that several of the criteria for well as the general effects of polyols in both passive and active anti-caries proper- causality are met, it is concluded that xyli- sucrose substitution and saliva stimula- ties. tol can significantly decrease the incidence tion. Scheie and Fejerskov12 agreed that all of dental caries.’ Xylitol exhibits dental health benefits clinical studies concerning the effect of The dramatic effects of consuming which are superior to other polyols in all xylitol on caries development consented small amounts of xylitol referred to by areas where polyols have been shown to to its non-cariogenicity. However, they Bär88 above, were observed in chewing have an effect. In addition, xylitol’s specif- felt that claims that xylitol possessed anti- gum studies, and one of the difficulties ic effects on oral flora and especially on caries or therapeutic effects and was supe- has been to distinguish between the certain strains of mutans streptococci add rior to other polyols were still to be con- caries-preventive effects of salivary stim- to its caries-preventive profile and give it a firmed ‘by well designed and conducted ulation due to chewing gum, and xylitol. unique role in preventive strategies for studies from independent research One pointer is that xylitol gum was more dental health. groups.’ Recognition of the need for inde- effective than sorbitol gum in the Belize 27-31 The work on which this paper is based was supported pendent research is an important recur- trial. Another approach has been to by Danisco (UK) compare the effect of chewing xylitol gum Table 5 Xylitol: Sources of evidence for its with chewing an unsweetened gum base. effects 1. Scheinin A, Makinen K K. Turku Sugar Studies I-XXI. Two such studies have been undertaken — Acta Odontol Scand 1975; 33: 1-349. Reduced dental caries in humans: one short-term plaque study in habitual 2. Soderling E, Isokangas P, Pienihakkinen K, Tenovuo J. Influence of maternal xylitol consumption on Long-term clinical studies xylitol consumers showed a xylitol-spe- acquisition of mutans streptococci by infants. J Dent • Total substitution studies cific effect51 and the other study — a 3 Res 2000; 79: 882-887. • Partial substitution studies and confectionery year community intervention trial35 — did 3. Isokangas P, Soderling E, Pienihakkinen K, Alanen P. supplementation studies Occurrence of dental decay in children after maternal not, although this study did have some consumption of xylitol chewing gum, a follow-up • Chewing gum supplementation studies problems in its design which may have from 0 to 5 years of age. J Dent Res 2000; 79: 1885- • Toothpaste studies been reflected in the results. Of some rele- 1889. vance is the Estonian xylitol trial,7 which 4. Soderling E, Isokangas P, Pienihakkinen K, Tenovuo J, • Xylitol candies versus chewing gum study Alanen P. Influence of maternal xylitol consumption • Mother and child study compared the dental effects of xylitol in on mother-child transmission of mutans candy and chewing gum form. Although streptococci: 6 year follow-up. Caries Res 2001; 35: 173-177. Non-fermentability: sucking the candy stimulated salivary flow, the results suggested that the xylitol 5. Nordblad A, Suominen-Taipale L, Murtomaa H, Long-term clinical studies Vartiainen E, Koskela K. Smart Habit Xylitol campaign, was active in caries prevention, as well as a new approach in oral health promotion. Community Incubation experiments the form of the vehicle used (ie chewing Dent Health 1995; 12: 230-234. Plaque pH studies gum or sucking candy). The favourable 6. Honkala E, Rimpela A, Karvonen S, Rimpela M. Chewing of xylitol gum--a well adopted practice among Finnish properties of xylitol within plaque (Table adolescents. Caries Res 1996; 30: 34-39. Ecology and composition of dental plaque: 2) are likely to explain xylitol’s superior 7. Alanen P, Isokangas P, Gutmann K. Xylitol candies in Long-term clinical studies caries-preventive effectiveness. Those caries prevention: results of a field study in Estonian children. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2000; 28: Plaque pH studies and enamel slab experiments most likely to be of clinical relevance are: 218-224. In vitro laboratory experiments xylitol’s non-fermentability by plaque 8. Department of Health. The sweeteners in foods Animal studies micro-organisms, selective reduction of regulations. London: HMSO; 1983. SI 1983, 1211 as amended by SI 1988, 2122. mutans streptococci in plaque and selec- 9. Department of Health. Report of panel on dietary Natural defence mechanisms: tion within plaque of xylitol-resistant sugars. No.37. Dietary sugars and human disease. Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy, Long-term clinical studies mutans streptococci which appear to have reduced adherence and therefore reduced (COMA). London: HMSO, 1989. Enamel slab experiments 10. Makinen K K. Xylitol-based caries prevention: is there transference. The remarkable result of the In vitro laboratory experiments enough evidence for the existence of a specific xylitol mother and child study has been effect? Oral Dis 1998; 4: 226-230. Animal studies explained by the reduced transmission of 11. Makinen K K. The rocky road of xylitol to its clinical


application. J Dent Res 2000; 79: 1352-1355. consumption of chewing gums containing xylitol, xylitol-containing mixtures on acid and 12. Scheie A A, Fejerskov O B. Xylitol in caries prevention: sorbitol or sucrose. Caries Res 1996; 30: 180-188. ammonia production in suspensions of salivary what is the evidence for clinical efficacy? Oral Dis 33. Makinen K K, Olak J, Russak S, Saag M, Seedre T, Vasar sediment. Scand J Dent Res 1987; 95: 405-410. 1998; 4: 268-278. R, et al. Polyol-combinant saliva stimulants: a 4- 55. Assev S, Vegarud G, Rolla G. Growth inhibition of 13. Rekola M. Changes in buccal white spots during 2- month pilot study in young adults. Acta Odontol streptococcus mutans strain OMZ176 by xylitol. Acta year consumption of dietary sucrose or xylitol. Acta Scand 1998; 56: 90-94. Pathol Microbiol Scand 1980; 88: 61-63. Odontol Scand 1986; 44: 285-290. 34. Hujoel P P, Makinen K K, Bennett C A, Isotupa K P, 56. Tuompio H, Meurman J H, Lounnatmaa K, Linkola J. 14. Rekola M. 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