Europass Curriculum Vitae

Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Darja Duh Address(es) Malečnik 98, 2229 Malečnik, Telephone(s) / Mobile: 0038631795091 Fax(es) / E-mail [email protected] [email protected]

Nationality Slovenian

Date of birth 02.01.1975

Gender Female

Work experience

Dates September 2007 – up to date Occupation or position held Mandated self-employed efficacy expert Main activities and responsibilities Preparation of PARs and CARs and consultation for efficacy Name and address of employer Chemicals Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ajdovščina 4, 1000 Type of business or sector Ministry of Health Dates October 2009 – up to date Occupation or position held Public Health Analysist Researcher I, Assistant Professor Main activities and responsibilities Leading the Laboratory for Clinical Molecular Diagnostics, teaching at the Medical and Faculty of Health Sciences, of Maribor Name and address of employer National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food, Prvomajska 1, 2000 Maribor Type of business or sector Ministry of Health Dates January 2005 - September 2009 Occupation or position held Researcher, Assistant Professor Main activities and responsibilities Full-time researcher Name and address of employer Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical Faculty, , Zaloška 4, 1000 Ljubljana Type of business or sector Ministry of Education, Science and Sport Dates October 2000 - December 2004 Occupation or position held Young researcher Main activities and responsibilities Preparation of PhD Name and address of employer Slovenian Research Agency, Bleiweisova 30, 1000 Ljubljana Type of business or sector Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

Education and training

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Dates March 2002 - December 2004 Title of qualification awarded PhD, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Principal subjects/occupational skills Working with tick-transmitted pathogens, molecular and general microbiological techniques covered Name and type of organisation Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana providing education and training Level in national or international EQF 8 classification Dates October 2000 - February 2002 Title of qualification awarded Masters of Science in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Principal subjects/occupational skills Working with tick-transmitted parasite Babesia, molecular techniques, field work covered Name and type of organisation Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana providing education and training Level in national or international EQF 7 classification Dates September 1994 - October 1998 Title of qualification awarded Bachelor Degree in Microbiology Principal subjects/occupational skills General knowledge on medical virology, bacteriology and parasitology covered Name and type of organisation Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana providing education and training Level in national or international EQF 6 classification

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s) Slovenian

Other language(s) Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 German A1 A1 A1 A1 A1

Spanish, Croatian, Serbian – A1

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Social skills and competences - team work: I have worked in various types of teams from research teams to school judo team. - mediating skills: I work between young researchers and their mentors as a co-tutor. - intercultural skills: I have worked in different laboratories in Europe as well as in USA

Organisational skills and - I have mentored and co-mentored several students for their bachelor degrees and PhD. competences - I have participated in several European Projects within the Frame programme 6 and 7. - I was the leading researcher of different international projects financed by Slovenian Government. - I was an efficacy expert on TAIEX expert mission on biocidal products, ref: 54415 – Zagreb, 2013

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Technical skills and competences - good command of quality control processes - microbiological techniques (cultivation , serological tests, molecular biological test: PCR, cloning, sequencing) - teaching - preparation of CARs, PARs – efficacy - preparation of guidance documents for evaluation of biocides (PT 1-5) - member of e-efficacy working group

Computer skills and competences - good command of Microsoft Office™ tools - sequence editing and annotation, plasmid map creation, virtual automated cloning, and primer design software - standard software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references

Artistic skills and competences - music (piano lessons in school)

Other skills and competences - sport (judo – national champion in 1992, diving, running, cycling), - mother (2 children)

Driving licence B

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Additional information Publications - Please find attached the list of publications (DARJA DUH Bibliography) from year 1998-2014 which encompasses 35 references published in peer-reviewed journals

Research projects Participation/leading following projects: - Research Projects financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (SRA): P3-083: The Terms of the Parasitological Existence M3-0143: Computer database supporting the defence against bioterrorism, BI-US/06-07-043 (project leader), BI-HR/07-08-009 (project leader), - Research Projects of 6th FP (EU): EDEN 010284 (Integrated project), PathogenCombat 007081 (Integrated project), RiViGene 022639 (Coordination action), ICCTD-3 510561 (Coordination action), - Research Projects of 7th FP (EU): ARBOZOONET 211757 (Network), EVA 228292 (Infrastructure), EURNEGVEC - TD1303-080414-040695 (Cost)

Work abroad 2006: - learning of molecular methodology for virus detection, Bernard Nocht Institute, Hamburg, Germany 2008: - cultivation of pathogens in cell cultures, Pathology department, UTMB, Galveston, Texas - ETIDE – european training in infectious disease emergencies, pilot course, National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Rome, Italy 2009: - learning the diagnostics methods for Rift Valley fever, National Institute for Communicable Diseases of the National Health Laboratory Service, Sandringham-Johannesburg, SAR

Meetings and conferences Please find attached the list of conferences I attended from year 1998-2014 (DARJA DUH Bibliography).

Awards and grants -2001: Travel Grant Award – American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), Atlanta, Georgia, USA - 2004: Fellowship for the attendance of 10th International Workshop on Viral Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology, Helsinki, Finland - 2005: Fellowship and Travel Grant Award for the attendance of 20th International Conference WAAVP, Christchurch, New Zealand - 2006: Travel Grant Award – American Society of Rickettsiology (ASR), Pacific Grove, California, USA - 2008: Fellowship for the attendance of 14th International Congress of Virology, IUMS 2008, Istanbul, Turkey - 2010: Slovenian Microbiology Society: Award for young microbiologists of Slovenia for exceptional research achievements

Memberships - ECHA (The European Chemicals Agency); - ESV (European Virology Society); - SMD (Slovenian Microbiology Society); - ASTMH (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene); - ASR (American Society of Rickettsiology)

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