Komodo Edit

Komodo Edit is a that allows you to create HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript files. You can save files directly to the server, and open files from the server.

Download Komodo Edit

To download Komodo Edit, visit http://komodoide.com/download/ and then click the Komodo Edit menu option.

Select the appropriate version for download.

Install and Launch Komodo Edit

Install Komodo Edit from the download, and then launch the program. Connect to your Site

Select Edit à Preferences on a PC or Apple key à Preferences on a Mac.

Click Servers in the left hand category list.

Enter the following fields: • Server type: SFTP • Name: Whatever you want, preferably something meaningful • Hostname: username.greenrivertech.net • Port: 2222 • Username: Your username • Password: If you are on your home machine, enter your password here. If you are on a campus machine, leave it blank. • Default path: /home/username/public_html

Click OK.

Save a File

To save a file to the server, select File à Save as Other… à Remote File

Select your server name from the dropdown list.

Select the folder you want to save to, and then give the file a name. Click OK.

Once you’ve saved a file to the server, you can save any future changes by typing Ctrl-S or by clicking the Save icon. Open a File

To open a file from the server, choose File à Open à Remote file

Choose your server name from the dropdown list, then navigate to your file. Either double- click it or click Open.

If you’ve opened a file from the server, then you can save any changes to that file by typing Ctrl-S or by clicking the Save icon.