
Country of Origin: Scotland Group: Gun and sporting Use today: Companion, herder. Life Span: 12 to 15 years Color: The Gordon Setter is the only setter that comes in black with tan markings. The tan markings are either rich chestnut or mahogany. There may be a small white spot on the chest. Coat: The soft, shiny coat is either slightly wavy or straight. The hair on the ears, under the stomach, chest, the backside of the legs, and on the tail is longer than it is on the rest of the body. The feathering on the underside of the tail starts out longer at the base and get shorter as it reaches the tip, giving the appearance of a triangle. Grooming: Regular combing and brushing of the soft, flat, medium-length coat is all that is required to keep it in excellent condition. It is important to check for burrs and tangles, and to give extra care when the dog is shedding its coat. Bathe or dry shampoo only when necessary. Trim the hair on the bottom of the feet and keep the nails clipped. This breed is an average shedder. Height: Males: 24 to 27 inches; Females: 23 - 26 inches Weight: Males: 55 to 80 pounds; Females: 45 to 70 pounds


In Brief: Alert and confident, the Gordon Setter that comes in black with tan markings. The tan is devoted to his family. Although they are bright, markings are either rich chestnut or mahogany they are not blindly obedient, so may appear in color and appear over the eyes, on the sides stubborn. Gordons are capable of adapting to a of the muzzle, on the throat, two spots on the variety of living situations, but need plenty of chest, on the legs, and on the vent. There may daily exercise on leash or in a fenced area. be a small white spot on the chest. Regular grooming is also necessary to prevent matting. Temperament: The Gordon Setter is Description: The Gordon Setter is slender, but distinguished both for its loyalty and obedience. robust in structure. The head is deep with a long It is a polite, sweet-tempered, devoted dog, muzzle. The muzzle should be about as long as making an enjoyable companion that is excellent the skull, with a defined stop. The black nose is with children. Intelligent and willing, it is a skilled broad. The teeth meet in a scissors or level bite. hunter that is seldom wrong about a scent. The oval eyes are dark brown. The long ears are Brave, cheerful and affectionate, This breed set low, about level with the eyes, hanging close needs lots of exercise or it may become high- to the head. The topline slopes slightly from front strung. Very loyal to the family, it can be distant to back. The short tail is not docked, and does with strangers. Generally good with other pets not reach the hocks. Dewclaws are sometimes but may try to dominate if it is lacking in human removed. The soft, shiny coat is either slightly leadership. Proper human to canine wavy or straight. The hair on the ears, under the communication is essential. This breed likes to stomach, chest, the backside of the legs, and on roam, so it is a good idea to have a fenced-in the tail is longer than it is on the rest of the body. yard. Puppies may be clumsy. Train early with The feathering on the underside of the tail starts good leadership before bad habits set in; while out longer at the base and get shorter as it not impossible, it is easier to prevent negative reaches the tip, giving the appearance of a behaviors than it is to fix them. Training these triangle. The Gordon Setter is the only setter is certainly not difficult, provided the owners are firm, but calm. If they sense the Origins: The Gordon Setter was developed in owners are meek or passive they will become Scotland in the early 17th century. This black stubborn. This dog should be introduced to all and tan setter became popular by Duke situations (people, animals and things) as a Alexander IV of Gordon in the early 19th young pup to produce a well-balanced dog. A century. They were used as bird dogs, having an Gordon Setter that has been introduced as a outstanding sense of smell. The dogs would puppy to cats will get along well with them. If point toward the fallen bird, retrieve it and bring strangers visit, they adopt a wait-and-see it back to the hunter. The Gordon had great attitude. In general they get along well with other stamina and could hunt in bad weather on both dogs and with children because they are friendly land and water, but was not as fast in to everyone. comparison to the pointers and as a result started to lose popularity as hunters chose other Health: Generally healthy, but some are prone breeds. The Gordon Setter was one of the to hip dysplasia, eye diseases such as breeds that were used in the development of the progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and cataracts. . The Gordon makes a good one-man These dogs are prone to bloat and should be fed shooting dog. The Gordon Setter was two or three small meals a day rather than one recognized by the AKC in 1884. Some of the big one. Gordon Setter's talents include guarding, watchdog, hunting, tracking, pointing and Living Conditions: The Gordon Setter is not retrieving. recommended for apartment life. It is relatively inactive indoors (if a Gordon Setter gets enough outdoor activity it will be calm when it is indoors) and does best with at least a large, safely fenced yard where it can run free. Their hunting instincts lure them to roam, so a good fence around your property is essential.

Exercise: All need a daily long, brisk walk or they will become restless and difficult to manage. While out on the walk make sure the dog heels beside or behind the person holding the lead, never in front, as instinct tells a dog the leader leads the way, and that leader needs to be the human. In addition, they will also enjoy running free in the safety of a fenced yard.

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