" 0tt!j mttk'm. xr.vi. | VOI-. |— 1 ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 7, 11*00. No. 45^ 'abbtrtiflnncme, lowing officers were elected: William 2H>bfrtiaenunt&. LOCAL AFFAIRS Hoggins, president; J. A. Cunningham, ^ rrr jt • -■*- -~r-"r :: and Harry M. Y. C. C. BURRILL & NEW /IDVKKTIHK.M ENTS THIS WEEK Brown, vice-presidents; SON, McGown, secretary; C. H. Leland, treas- Writs of attachment urer. Liquor indictments, atr* Elmer K Itowc—IMano for sale. Tlie rummage sale to be conducted by GENERAL INSURANCE * Albert II Lynnm— Notice of foreclosure. the Parle agents — street in MIhh Crosb> Drawing ami {minting. improvement society Birrill Bank Bldo., ME. G A Pareher—Apothecary. some centrally located store in Ellsworth, ELLSWORTH, M A Clark—Greenhouse. C It Foster—Furniture. will open some time next week. Con- .1 VK REPRKftKNT TIIB A Cunningham—Confectioner. tributions for the sale may be left with it Wi/gin Mhhm'—Apothccarles. of the ladies of Most Iteliablo Home and Ia;wis Friend .t <'o—Clothing. any thesociety at their Foreign Companies. A W Cushman A Son—Furniture. homes on Park street, or reported to Isaac I. cut hone. Lowest Holes noth Ilodgkius—Green them. ('ompatihle Safety. Bock spout .- E XI C SenMnary—Winter term. The woman’s alliance of the Unitarian '*> ■»'">" church at ! MON EM, TO LO AN <° uit on Improved real estate an 1 Bl.UKlllLl. ilsannusl meeting last week *— ———— —■ ■ ^Itntrrnl —a Trustees of George Stevens Academy—Nolle elected officers as follows: Mrs. Ann F. of foreclosure. Greely, president; Mrs. Alexander North Hancock: Black, first Mrs. Sarah Par- Nlary C Austin—'Trespass notice. vice-president; Cold weather the stoves and fnr- second Mrs. T. RIR f)RRf brings Cranberry Isles: tridge, vice-president; H. i iJ-LAJUTTS (tATunuuuu The Pure naces into use-more chance for fires— Capt Willis Bunker—Dory found. Campbell, secretary; Miss Abbie Joy, Absolutely You've to risk it New York: treasurer. more fires. got with your neighbors—but won't you let The us take the risk for We a coterie Century. The of the com- | you? represent of good stalwart insur- The St Nicholas. preliminary meeting ance companies. Liberal terms. mittees from the K. of P. lodges in this district will be held at West Sullivan to- For other local neics see pages 4% 5 and b BaKIng-Powder H. Geo. GRANT COMPANY, morrow to fix date and place for the | Supt. Russell, of the Cole shoe factory school of instruction which probably will is in Boston. be either at Bar Harbor or Ellsworth. W. Charles A. Allen was at home fron 1 F. Aiken is the member of the committee is the Waterville over "of Drug election. from Donaqua lodge. baking powder general Miss M. A. Clark’s greenhouse ha 1 KITCHEN A representative of one of the largest use, its sale that of all been connected exceeding Duty by telephone. hardwood handling firms in England and other The Baptist society will hold its annua 1 Scotland was in Ellsworth during the baking powders combined. Defined. meeting to-morrow evening. past week making inquiries regarding hardwood on Union river. He FURNITURE. Aid. N. 11. Higgins is reported as grad would Royal Baking Powder has -not ually improving, though still quite ill. like to get 1,000,000 feet this year and j its something like 2,000,000 feet next year. at home or Mrs. 8. E. Remick has gone to 8argent counterpart abroad. The Doctor’s Union river hardwood is beginning to ville where she probably will spend th< Its claim attention of the world. qualities, which make the bread Hardwood Kitchen Tables, Duty. winter. Mrs. Robert Pierce and two sons, after A. E. Moore is moving into his nev more healthful and the lie must lirst a visit of several weeks to her parents, cake of finer examine his patient store at the corner of Main and Franklii by the light of science, to iletermin Mr. and Mrs. James T. Cushman, returned $1.50. streets. and are where anil what the trouble is. II to-day to her home in Dorchester, Mass. appearance flavor, peculiar Kitchen must determine and Rev. VV. H. of Franklin 1 Chairs, prescribe pn Powlesland, Mrs. Pierce is accompanied by her sister, to the kind of needed to el was a at the Methodist 1 itself and are not eisely. drugs guest parsonagi Miss Hester Cushman, who after a few constituent feet a cure. He must direct the dose '' Monday. weeks’ visit to relatives and friends will and leave no room for doubt on th in other to Miss Mabel Lord is in Boston taking return home in time for the Christmas 40c. 95c. part of the patient, or the draggis ^ leavening agents. who compounds the prescription full commercial course at Bryant & Strat festivities at the Methodist church. his ton’s commercial college. Kitchen Rockers, There duty ends. A large delegation from Nokomis 1 Miss Fannie Tower will a soc’aMi Rebekah will visit the Kebekab give lodge Great efforts are made to sell alum tw.y Iw.m., tl.iu «ffonlnn n M>o Motlin baking- InHapfl nt Itluphill Rririnv pvpnimr. Th« powders under the plea that they are so many cents a pound cheaper than Royal. The admis- 90c. to dist society and friends. All arc invited ■ Ellsworth Rebekah’s have visited the sion that $1.50. The they are cheaper made is an admis- Druggist’s sion that are C. E. Bellatty will leave for Castim Blnehil! sisters before, and are assured of they inferior. But a'urn pow- ders contain a corrosive poison and should a cordial on this their second to-morrow to coach the normal schoo reception not be used in food, no matter how cheap Duty. football team for the remainder of tbi visit. Those who wish to go by buck- There is no reason why anyone season. board are requested to leave their names J He should lill the prescription pn with Mrs. Robert Holmes on or before should not have his kitchen furnished eisely as it is w ritten, lie should no [ 11. W. Dunn expects to have the live afternoon. ROYAL deviate a hair-breadth either in quail horse electric motor which will furnisl Thursday BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. when he can do it for so or kind. 11 is and 5 comfortably tity drugs medicine power for his marble works on VVate Street Commissioner Hurley has turned should he the purest and best. 11 his to sidewalks the street, set up by next week. attention during past the when in a small Humn f CO MINI! little money. should shut his to bu by way, eyes anything ^ and some work lias been few weeks, good bushes near Oak snd Lmcntn »• •• the icry best. He should avoid th The sociable of Lf jok lodge, I. O. O. F. 1 Wed V-*v ■-•r J :• •• !* Tables and Chairs to let. Tables, done in this direction. New'plank walks came a e !'n u^Hdav +}< bull—.- handling of inferior drags as he Wimi i b*»t Frldny evening whs well attended dog to stop on bird. have been laid on and Pine ball of 1 > Washington was and made a for Mr Masquerade Dirigo bietie club. 25c. each; Chairs. 50c. dozen. any other criminal act. When he ha An excclUnt supper v\as served. Tb flushed, bee-line per and a and done all this he has simply done hi D.rigo orchestra furnished music. streets, part gravel part plank Parker’s bou«e. P landed with a smash Thursday, Nov. 15. at 0 ! v a k*iL on Dean street. In about 900 ! -i no more. walk all, against the serein p» one of the —Sociable Don a • to his house, got his gun and shot if. ba!!. Admission, 25 and C3 mts, re- tndertakers and Embalmers, Duty. The schooner “Ueorgletta”, which ha * and walk will be laid. plank part gravel served seat-, 50 cent,*; u.»i tickets, 60 been rebuilt by Charles H. Curtis, sailei 1 An Ellsworth football train composed If medicine is to cure a disease, i j The schooner “Franconia” came out on cents; ladies free. Tickets :iv *.n sal* at yesterday for Sullivan, wnere she wil of high school nod town p'.-yers, played Cor. Main and Franklin Sin-«..s Kllsworth. must he good medicine—the best on] the marine railway Monday for a general Wigrin i\c Moore’s. is load stone for her owners for Providence a strong team at Milltown .ssl Saturday, good enough. Your duty to join overhauling and >• thorough repairs by lu of the fuel that the Ellsworth sell' and to your doctor is to go to th R. I. spite Charles H. Curtis. Something like $2 500 “Mrs. is n w nd. team had never before lined Bingly wmart.” very best druggist you can find, with The union sermon h 1 up together, Thanksgiving Day will be expended on her. After “In what When she takea tbe out and stair ^ probably a game, and he’d t heir vva>?” letting dollars distance Ellsworth will be Rev f they put up good preached by Georg' this is out of the way, Mr. Curtis *has becoiitt izoe.t auiu in your way. In w job heavier Gown to two touch- p> p».rty cau uppsmr doing your duty H. of the Free no opponents Halley, Baptist church, work to do on the Abbott” and so with what she she al- have every reason to think that voi “Wesley both of which were mude in the t;ck!cd get- Rev. A. li. Coar as announced las downs, will come here with by the “Storm Petrel”. The latter, besides makes the winner of the your prescription? second half. The score at the end of the ways first prize Week. other will have a new stern and jealous and dissatisfied.” repairs, was 11-0. The Ellsworth game line-up -- The marriage of Miss Mary I. Newmai new house. This has been a fairly busy was as follows: Latlin, 1 e; Whitmore, to Frederick E. Stover will take place oi season with Mr. Curtis, and his yard has uuumiscmnufi. It; 11. Campbell,! g; Doyle, c; Curtis, r Wednesday, Nov. 14, at the home of tin kept quite a number of men busy all -.A /^yN«V g; Grows, r t; Silvy, r e; M. Knowlton, bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. New summer. q b; Smith, 1 h b; Webb, r h b; C. Camp- man, on Park street. a is a Allan Joy, “Klondiker,” spending bell, f b. The Ellsworth boys were 1 LEWIS FRIEND B. treasurer. chester, Mass., To my regular line of Fruit S Nealley, great biblical and historical interest. “Murza”, whose dam was also imported ± $5.95, The Dirigo athletic club met last Mon Then he told ot his visit to Royal Solo- ± and Confectionery, Tobacco and by Mr. Tyner. The pup’s ancestors have day evening and reorganized. The fol- mon Mother lodge of Masons, not, as its $7.50, ± I have added | been prize-winners from away back. The { Cigars :j name would imply, the mother lodge of Pearl Corn was to Mr. Mr. X Popping pup given Emery by Ty- as $8.00, I masonry, ttie lodge itself is compara- | | 2Hijcrt:«mtnia. who was in Ellsworth and ner, recently, | tively young, but which has a particular 1 $ spent several days with Mr. Emery at $10.00. 5 lbs. for significance for Masons because of its 4* X j 25c. OYSTERS. Tunk pond. home near ttie birthplace of masonry. The concert and ball of the Eastport ROYS’ t Tbe gavel, like one already presented by REEFERS, ; WIGGIN’S cornet band will take place at Hancock | him to Lygonia lodge, is made of olive | hall to-morrow evening. The band will $2.50, wood from the Mount of Olives, with a | | New Nuts of all kinds. HEADACHE arrive on the noon train, and march to g handle of oak of Bashan. They were f the where there w ill be a concert. l $3.00, square, given to Judge Emery by the Jerusalem and iiOe. 2 POWDERS The for the evening, which New Figs 15 per programme Masons in the old quarries under tbe site $4.00, j was printed in full in The American | cure the worst cases of head- of King Solomon’s temple, and from pound. 8 last week, is an excellent one. One of $5.00. j which it is believed the stone fur the ache in a few minutes. Don’t 4 of musical will | the features the selections was A. W. re- with temple quarried. King MEN’S MACKINTOSH, c>,50 I New Jamaica Oranges. MIS5ES CALL & CONNICK, experiment powders said I be the descriptive overture, “Hunting g sponded to tbe presentation on behalf of to be as There is i Scene,” in which may be heard the BOYS’ $2.00 “just good”. Esoteric lodge. X nothing as good as Wiggin’s 4 sounds ot the chase — the call of the Guaranteed waterproof T MILLINERY PARLORS, huntsmen’s horns, the baying of the Headache Powders. We guar- J GOOD UMBRELLA, 40c, X hounds on the chase, and the hunting JFmanctal. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. antee them. Sent by mail on J | 40 Main Street, Ellsworth, Me. I* songs. Miss Clarry, the Bangor elo- of 25 cents. 4 X Men’s Winter Underwear. receipt price, selection |jj cutionist, will give the “Zin- I gerella”, which requires great ability Fleece-lined X 50c. Shirts nc n T NOTHING both as elocutionist and actress, but X and Drawers, «9Ca X earth & Look for the od Wiggitl Moore, j which Miss is said to render Illuminated 4 Clarry per- X All-wool $1 Shirts and I MUSIC. WILL MAKE HENS LAY ^ ^ X SHEET fectly. For the ball which will follow «2p / X 1 like Druggists. Mortar. T Drawers, All the^late popular songs and music ^ the concert, C. E. Monaghan will act as CUT BONE. lien’s Oil-tan Fleece- f\F~. S- soon as GREEN floor manager, and L. F. Moore, T. F. f received^as pnblished. X lined Gloves, ii9Ca | Mabouey, Harry C. Stratton, Dr. George J LOWEST PRICES. FOR SALE BY Caldwell, Harry C. Woodward, Hollis Ijl Satisfaction Guaranteed or X ISAAC l_. HODGKINS Davis, George P. Smith and George J. A. DRAWING AND PAINTING. Your Money Back. as ____ THOMPSON_ Downing aids. J Talk about partridges being scarce in Miss will receive in Ellsworth! Walter PATENTS. Ellsworth American Crosby pupils Yesterday morning The K. Parker was on his down to the drawing and beginning Sat- way K. J. HUNT, Sol'cl I or. painting, store accompanied by his pointer “Smut”, county paper.] Xov. 10. one of the best bird dogs in Ellsworth, i is E. M. Sqcabk, Baxoob, Me. [The only urday, %

— ——” — —-- " Tbe Veatkfr of October. That T hrobbing CHItl&TlAA K5 f>KA\ OK. Mf beet we fee* that we tare mi rant» to oadlllac loeScal ©baerrmtion* at the Maine aUTical- King’. Tbcuaand. „ rr*fi* Uai «<*a* aaor* i>rt last let «< at« atatron at Orono. dar- fercr. here their It—b? K#-%. *». H. !><•>*?*. WOMEN MUST SLEEP. 1 pcjb, (iregilrf. tar*! fXperiTc-fnl proved matehlcv for a perfect rut u-: } r rt that we are ^aiL for .ick «nd nervou. beodarbe. .:. int the month of October: SfnJ TrJT'-' K. .• V mike blood and build fj&i far pr< utlaa. Swtik B. Wriwea far Tstt iSEtlOX 17 T G- H Ba=- pure up vf.ur y,‘P? ... < \ t. \s»vr M eVsr lit *..11 So cent. back if Tb!« A^c>id Xrnooi Prostration* iuKrdraje. On.} Money not “B* that is faithful Ln that w bleb i# Mas*.] 9 Sold W iooi?r A rtqz. Suitaref furUio. by Moons, drugg^^4, is faithful a iso in acock. Bister B. and Somber vt c-yadr 03 r In IffiS tt« ruler of France fit* to one day*.It •pokes* — ~ 55 *-* *:-ic what no; what we bet bow we do it RaUf* i. ....*-?<> inch** always do, or Cada 1 noted French U*t v J*“r:v.% TV* *h :- ? He Condillac Jac, 13anking. the 4rst a-rtT of toot » the real test- on* A for *a»e moeth for Si year*. 4 6“ toe he* '* p&jwc*ac Year thought about in vera** of t v- •'. : vj >:3 w bo had d ;-*t ingoithed hin**e»I <> i.-* t^.r 3rrr-:--i5 be Ceadexia general r*:H climbing and striving even tir'^gh > rewperafarr. ..- v warfare both in France and in t fc coun- ills:; r r the *cd jo* %>ep »<• for the moot*.5!-5d* .r pain, j soexe Etit brUlb&t ranks above e*. Arrraire pupil 00 lbe FIRST ~ T "witat the canse?” a tract of 1*84 mam, tcgrtber ! NATIONAL tearer E'r.eS'i.a *-k. try. Areraae for wire srorth for Si years 4C* BANK » worth Bet*me with sr cv.-n&e* -u enlarging. of M‘. IV-eet. He took pCBM1 -I ii T -1 ati: the iZiS^er pitviagT with the Viand fl:».v. -t, f*cs wt 2i ...*’*'* rat on, It caxae laieott and we cannot reach -- ^rjgaessh. Bfirr^osss opportunities *00© after, not know- I&jX >*■ ... pf5 nets nal porwewaioa HtfhM f. -r aame B9»th for » year*. r-;^L *r. ,-t. is t *" r-cniusr. the height; others alt aim, w do rt*«o® w< 1 -r «:• TiZ up>e *.7 ing. pro tab 7. where it »*» lasted. ©or 1^ sr*~4. Owober 5‘ that t ■3 -e- -v :: ■" ■'s.rssedL asd w he a shoo id what we do ’* •* :.. neglect ability posssefc*. ran- z for the u ae. He d.vd i« France Low *>*4 for Mr BK»*ih ?<»r Si T*ar*. SAFE DEPOSIT t**v*-a!-*i ; y 3 nh"-t aft'-r ni^nt L’ee means '’** MR Affrwrt of *»ratM trit/.:. V.- J ■! *".- devefc-pcccDt- in 172£. day. t- j.r ere* Lmrned in the — until lairi;.' % Tfras*1 of r- < .if* :* ah*x»t X* * day. TV- TTi "■ *• tserroiis But little known grant » d2*CjpS'-V'.:> dar=£T.-:-<-. t : -:n •i Dwr /tttl 3rtwd V S. Friend* We arc row prepared to rett x.e«. «a00* theta £ .* fi>T not.; 2752. wb*-n the general court granted new pr*y-Ji£ deep. It ha* *ee* * >■-©* tlis-e I hare b* -'*i f ..." .• V the :*lard of Ml. Dwert to aa Eng >b ..... Stent iannnrta. clearty what :* S.•: o«r c»j»i©*n. -*r I bare been jswvre tfea; ■ •■ did not include Jl Bx, »efn> ft-r.-a ?: it ctced at*i w->uk1 m> K.tK k '.tie to etaap ear?. ■« coweraor, tot the grant Fire and Proof r% ■ Burglar of Use *i-ir-T* by tie fcat*f. *r«l fake i -*ie any of toe ma.a land. During ifcc Kevo- Vaults, -y.SA :e -t ; f, to w-'-u ,'“i« u- neetuwdi at a little e<** !«•.:;& it.- man became *0 obncx';*»* to ■ f <25- U* a-.. ur w v w i;r .Pat Mad*: a- t- lUt l.* were H. T..- ';Vrex.i* ; the coi-onist* pew«asiooa Said to be One of the Bet centre. Vanj,, ft) fch forfeited. Ip 1 la tba I &* that >.*•. r*-r ar f .• deserve a»reat '*■* n Hen Country. •: '• One tv U- <’!;: V ..••••• in Madame Maria Theresa De Gre- of prai-e for belie* so faithful to you !'• b*l|v arrived id this country from France, r t© fi;i trie r... liwc. W> are aM *-■ a-5 t& goire * t rela*.. v v -. i and wiib her bu-and appeared before Wc bcitrve that thi. vault afford, bare you £;; It a *. „i ! th.s* that y u s*t 11,0101.a ■ <- '. V te-* -r in Boston. curtty against .t;i the fe» that we fab .c ©ur duty to j©« is not fcv* tbe general court petitioning v. *. .n of er to this L '.*ai<* ■:; tr,y Vo keep tie e© tor fi )«J. There I* •© .;u*e fora confirmat right* OneDe^ i •* Fire and 1. Tree *: -V; r* that U-at I cao -l r sa«^ahat I £e*r.; like t land aa the granddaughter of Cond i *c, Burglary, * U>aea to the other »i*tm who esd o* -■- fiae and bn legal heir. me general court -e.-e 'id i:ve*. l a'..* » ugr*e-aiio? a:*2 1-e j*» la eo nracj ways. 1 her Our arc w> bsart* n^ofher, granted plea. July 6. 17ST. exempting, hanking nx-ms; arranged ai ^ few lire* are to let or e asxl ail of kt .w I -.Mer* -r<*a. jitH you set- OneMilPa •* i+nt e**~v mtu re ! wife. children. brethren. \7^ r however, the land occupied by actual rolJ! day—-or how crock I appreciate ocr M B. C day*—in m t» k »* a .1 1 life r; f. V tler*. This wa* someth!Dg unutua at every a •f.j ;»yer «?.*• Afctohte for tbooe T be re i* a cro*w le every lot, ~ V/ Privacy Eehtic- aake. Tiii* <]*>•*. i*oi u.- aa that tLej' tne time, a* but few French claim* were OHfa .... with HHKRIUAN Box* • A ad ar. etmet need of prayer, w O-MUTi* V IVWI4' :. are to Ur a ... I'or a :..aa recognized, they having long since loat ISot tbe Jowly fc*-*n that Jeans oc God | l iat t r-r -?:u i: If';* / *■ 7, Bozea from $4 to 4*0 moat of their in North Amer- I ;et* > :*.»r n. I 1 per annum I* ar where. poweMiocs p happy > ! the take it to U••'■rae a *iw It ra* had been a friend niahe* jdamar- to Hit* a. Hajstlet. -U»> ica. But France good according die and locat!.D. IPuebbi. Met ii*. £3 »»«••• err bri.wf.i r d. {■>i* t-he •••'. ■* ip;> -a < LV-l to os in the Hevoiution. and the granting ISlroti^. £2-*« |>o not r1*k tbe loss of Y*our letters arc* always a help. Ann. and your.nh.s' > j,4M| w*4* to hare known that of this favor done no doubt. when security can be obtained at * Yota ought < » partly, ir*P] your *tanza at the doe* f your klDr li coat. **■• faction*. n ..." tie-, v.■re to uKurp when eeauwvi t-< be regular in your »«• a matter of courtesy 10 our friend* and you reader*, as and irr.table with- chime in many a mmd of oar II ij* place in th«* I.- art and live* of HU 30ur*e%, you grew • lilts. Sheridans about their duties. Tbe '■*- that there was serious they go daily •i:*clpl*s. lb- b 6r-t or <11.“ ; out caa**-. Madame I>e Gregoire and her husband CONDITION tr« ruble somewhere. sharing of the*e little poem* of various ship will be hut a name and Dot a end severe children were natural z-d by Basted Costly You ought to know that indigestion, sentiments— of trust, of cheer, of comfort— Powder Earlrts Bay reality. * special *ct about the uiit time, and ELLSWORTH. ME. exhaustion. w<»mb displacement*, i* one of tbe helpful things connected w ;tb 2. True <1 rr.s* ** their titie to this tract 4 p r*qUre> nt d i zzi. best iache. and thus. clt :zer»*. f*-* V- 4*i’T. m a b'»* sr'.«h I fai ng. cur circle. A OCT MADGE. ilutinrM r. U ■ T-, ».** :. jr {• J.-'it.-/ Coameuced yiny j( baring. *V.r d h : r send the nerve- wild with of sixty thousand acre* jfA jg jg*j backache .and, embracing 11*■ «.: ir « :J ft- >y afc“3™ L.s ere-, f a* lean I».» it • » •**»-* and Jlow M* eunrot Ik.* Mr affright, an : you cannot sleep. cr more east of the Penobscot river, was ily IN p». At*.;. i rUnd of Mi. l>e*ert and set- i. s ,:*»>>• tt., ts*?e*. buss. lish. suffered all these' agonies, and Some >rw (mg* with I^efi- Diaciplo*hip is not mere enthusiasm, tled in w bat was afterward incorporated -V B. COOLIDOK, rrttulmt. was ent:rely cured by Lydia FI Pink- (jvrr ( he#tnuts. mere ecstatic feeling; it is d o:.g often, a® the town of Eden. The land was JOU.X r. harn'a : her case of of WHITCOMB. I’if-Prtn.ina. «o Vegetable Compound Tbe most this year’s crop ^^sST"- et great and sacrifice, what <”hr:«t popular settlers for an but the a to others, and offered to fl acre, CHABLES C. should be warning seem# to be one at BUBBIl.L. Jreirarw. wants us t do. campaign joke# sprung her cure carry conviction to the minds writer Las been uoahie to find any con- music LalL, New York OemystU draw .< 3. entered into with >iit the Victoria by ttitrreH Ire m she Cr-i D:sciple*hip A suffering woman of the un- veyance directly Ir >m Madame L>e every Brother#. Gu* start* All Colds and March, June, September ao I: B to■ 1>«- a MAlrtiE". Bryan completed ouid monument ELITE!* hi M*f> r ■ re buried near Hull's Cove, in Elen. vote.” man who “Banner# don't a. ... .1 ; ogbsbv g -■ U> uion u-* — n a ol If. theatres, McKinley joke yocr puoiK purveyor DfEiittr* waa no doubt subject to the arid Tar. cbtertd than cue which Hlswonli Loan war with one who had 2i '.***» ;- a. forTt.atbc. -u^gc-ii-•* » ;:um for the in more loudly atJIMMirt ma le to Madame t* r* f Jj, this :r It solicit.- grant I>« the writer is unable to -a --i ■*• the ran it* of po**ewion, say, feated who nter, d the warfare of luuulaAuo sighed, ut to suppose that Bryan jokes would go and 2s«, 5c*, $i.:o pci it* DOW Open, Share*, ?! ear*r writer » not t/e r*M< v■ s ennl-MoE ui in 1791 thet iAu f Trenton voted to [-'.it.il! front,*!) democratic candidate has not the Christian dbUpb'-mp un’e** he had i.on.riiuviW-atiofi* w: krtto or well, the the M/e At payments, ?! per shar,. approval make a demand of Madame l*eGr* gu’re for lx.t:'.. : lar^t cheapest. first counted the co«t and prepared r*.*ctiou *»t M*c elhor < f the <>durni., but none better of it with the audiences. Many of w i>e rejeru-o wtu- ul g-*od n-awt.. Address land for a sc bool bouse, a'so land for the no substitutes. work off all druc^iMs. Take WHY himself for the filet. a,, coiiiiiiui.bzadous to the comedians who political PAY RENT? first settled minlet• r, of 3no*cre*.and al! The America*. do so w ithout to when The requirement* «»f di*"lple*hip are gag*, however, prejudice you ran I»orrow on •. -_r wcartl-Me. the town privileges—wha>ev< r t hat rnigbt *harr«, rive a Cr»t we t-» B either candidate. A sketch team at ibor«jrak'< high. Shall refuse decide for Toothache Cere in Coe Minute. :: Mu:u*‘ J'es.cflt tolumri be la not clear. This cert am !y establ Is he# Pfne's Drops red ace reri month It Christ !*-* atjHc of this fact? No. What Miner’s Bowery, which tsj-ay* political l-avtmru and inter* f. t-r her ownership at that dwle to lands in will amount to hut I dle we cannot do Cod can help u* to do or hurnor. tries a McKinley verse sung by THE HJOHF.K LIFE Trenton. than you arr n.-vr pavlv. do us. As s we the male raeoilm of tbe team and HISTORY for dife ipli of Christ w i‘. * over t*>e mountain first, rent, and In about 10 year- Thy ay road. As to how the title granted to Madame win build not in our own strength, but in The end thou cans’t tot see; then tbe female member switches onto OK DeGregolre was finally settled, history is His strength; we fight not alone with And, chi d. thou luv-t a weary load, Br> an sentiment, so every body is pleased. OWN YOCR OWN HOME. silent. Trenton was formerly known as our own powers and weapons, but He W lit j>au*e and r*-!-t vrUb Me- Here is a sample of tbe material turned No. 1. of the six second-cla— As one hi* townah!;* SWAN'S For particular* of fights with and for us. W* ak in our- mother comforteth, out talking comedians: ISLAND. Inquire by Hcjckt W. ( mivan. Sv^r. ho wii, 1 com foil thee. granted by Mus-achusetts in 17G2 or 1764. selves, we can do all things through “What does Bryan want tbe presidency Flr*t Nat’l bo:. k B.'dr In June, ITSo, it was confirmed to Paul MAINE, A. w. King, President. ! Christ, who strengthened us. Let us The night grows dark, tl*e storm Is wild. for, anyhow?” 1 Thorndike and other®. There ia an ac- count the cost, but let us pay it. What Thy burdens hard to <«ar— “For Bryan.” BT count of a settlement in 1763, but w ith t he we cannot do God w ill enable us to do. Why -tagger on, thou weary child. Ho you think they’ll embalm Croker 3&tirrttsrcuni6. of tbe H. W. SMALL, M. D. When I am here to share? exception fi-et French settlement THE PRATER MEETING. when he dies?” Nay, as a mother Comforteth, before referred to, it ia doubtful if there BIaIaSWORTH Have a decision service. Give an “No, I trust ice will be cheap when be A history of Swan's Island ha* ju*t been pub- To take. Myself, thy care. were many sett tern prior to the Revolu- to associate members to dies/’ lished, and 1* n*.w ready for delivery. l>r. STEAaM opportunity —Mary Lou e Dxrkxneon. tion. laundry decide for Christ. “Speaking about Croker dying, what do Small, of Atlantic, has given much time tc ANI> The town was Feb. BATH BOOMS. incorporated 16, the prej>aratlon of this volume, which coven 2*I RLE READINGS. THE MOUIf.K COM TOUT. you think his epitaph ought to be?” 17%#, and then embraced a large ter- *44 page*. From the table of con "NO PAY, NO WASH K K The need of comfort is VHia trust in the was great, quite following Ex. xxxii. Josh. xxlr. Ruth not only one of the | prophets lent* be seen tne 26; 14-18; ritory—the w hole of the present towns of may ground which the book needle of the human a covers All kind* of ecort cw 1, 17; Isa. lv. 6, 7; Mark 13. deepest heart, but It la but bis profits from trusts were greater.” laundry worK done at 16, li, 14; Trenton and lamoine. a of Hancock TABLE dee. feoods called for and universal need. There are other is part OF CONTEXT*. delivered John 35-37: Acts many things j “1 got one for you. Why Bryan like 1, xix, lb-2b; ii, 37-41; (then called and a of I. H. K. BSTEY * CO., that are only a partial necessity, thing* that Corn Paul?” Kilkenny) piece Introduction—Aborigine*—Discovery. 26-40; xvi, 25-33. II. Purchase—Settlement and Land Title*. W©«t End R rid CP«wnrth. *« Till. would be very desirable and agreeable but that Ellsworth, with two or more re. towoBhipe. III. A Sketch of the Life of 0*1 -lame* Swan. we can do without; hut the need of comfort is It wag then in Lincoln county. IV. Biographical Sketches of Early Settlers. Oar “Because he’s a great bore. V. GoU’# ]. Dally Daly. no partial need, borrow, if It lie sorrow, Isa IJrsfcseional Carta, ia the issue 16 to 1 like a drunken VI. The Klshlng We need not be If our and and can “Why Induatry. discouraged great profound reality, only be VII. or man?” Synopsis Municipal Record*. F. w ork seems to be a small one. When assuaged by something equally profound and The man with an itch for notoriety emu VIII. Miscellaneous. i BURNHAM, real. Comfort le one of the “Because It can’t stand to call Cod w orks by men. He uses only small things liuti admits alone; got get it by lively scratching. ATTORNEY m. •ji uw (.wuiucricu. 11 ii mils w wioiue a on trust for a bracer ivier., beginnings. The mustard seed was an wirrow, os to solace a grief, to heal a hurt, the name is mis- “Now tell me is like a retired illustration of His kingdom upon earth, why Bryan The book may be obtained of the author, Da. COUNSELLOR AT LAW. It is not comfort in vital and 1 „r, I* rv. n «. »n .. applied. any help carpenter.” 2horrti3nnntts. H. W. Small. Atlantic, Me.; of 11. W. liar i Also prosecuting attorney for all c;***’!• i ful MOH. There Is no true comfort that is not I pensions against the United State*. the church to which all nations In time “Because he is an ex-plainer.” ant. MS Middle street, Portland, or of the ! horn of love, and the character and value of pub- Business solicited. about the Ushers, The Hancock County Publishing will come, hut what we must be indi- “Speaking money question, .... MaIV* : comfort depend upon the character and type of Ellhwoktb. 1 believe is when he Herbs and Plants Give Co., Ellsworth. Me. vidually concerned about Is our daily the affection from which it springs. Bryan right argues Strength silver is than and the motive which us "As one whom hie mother com that better gold. If you duty prompts ! forte th.” , a. stewart, m. d. a five-dollar and The Greek* Believed Tbi*. * In performing it, for too little value is ; Think wlrnt that means to the world weary and take gold piece put it in ® Low Ratos ® the little duties which fall heart sore children of men from whom the your pocket, it is only fo when you take it HOMOEOPATH 1ST. placed upon I'sed tbem and were mother and the mother care have But if take a Strongest For 3 MINUTES’ to the share of each one. Many regard I presence out. you five-dollar silver CONVERSATION. ! West Bbooksville, Maij*. i already passed away. With their passing there of nil these with Indifference or contempt certificate and fold it in your pocket you People. Approximately as follows: Graduate Bouton University. Member! ol goes out of life something that no relation, how Maine liomceopathlc Medical society; A merles* and try In every possible way to shirk double it—don’t you. And wnen you For distance of ever lender, can bring again. The world can Smith's Green Mountain Renovator Institute of llonio'opathy, and eorresj-oBdlBI or them. The result is that take it out you’ll find it increases.” member Boston Medical society. neglect never be for us the it was made of Herb* —The lte»t Lhi than 5 Homoeopathic quite place while is boom like a candle?” milea, 10 cents. are either thrown over on other “Why Bryan’s TELEPHONE CONNECTION. they 1 Medicine for Strength. *' *• there lingered somewhere upon it the one face “The longer it burns the less it be- 5 to 15 15 shoulders or already overburdend neg- that, l>e we evil or good, prosperous or unfor- comes.” J _ It's a fact. Smith’s Green 15 to 25 go lected altogether.—Lutheran. tunate, lovely or hateful, never would turn E. BUNKER, JR., Itates for She— Mr. a Mountain Renovator is the best greater distances In proportion. JOHN away In anger or scorn. It is easy enough to Jingle’s writings show ATTORNEY AT LAW. The People's Inherilsnee. struggle against difficulties, to meet one’s foes great deal of imagination, don’t you medicine for Strength to muscles, bravely, to bear a manly or womanly part in think? show’ that he nerves are When Christ w as dying on the cross, He—Yes, they and brain. If you weak, Service orncu at life’s so Telephone struggle long as the mother’s arms and he can he made a will. Perhaps you have imagines write poetry. wheiher from natural exhaustion, or at your residence is useful BAR HARBOR AND BLUEHILL, ME- the mother’s kiss and the mother comfort are thought that no one ever remembered Here’s a test for inebriety. If yon say from ravishes of disease, this med- always, helpful often, ! waiting for us whenever we can come back from i Bar Harbor office* : 7 and 8 Mt. IM?fM?rlB)ocl‘ In a will. If are In the it and all necessary some- you you king- the hurry and rush and crowd to claim what is cprrectly rapidly, you are ri?ht. icine will make you strong, make Bluehlll office open Saturdays. j times, and dom. Christ did, for it was to His dis- our own. The skunk nat on the stump. The stump well and It is made in you happy. cheap jdples He said, "Peace I leave with And with all that life and friendship and love said the skunk stunk, but the skunk of and is red- CLOSED Vermont, pure herbs, all the year round. you; My pen re I give unto you.” They can offer, nothing and no one save God said the stunk. only stump olent of the fragrant woods, green WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS. a man eun't make a will now offers this comfort back hut as if He had say that J again ; hills, and bracing air of the Green New England Telephone lawyers can’t break and drive a four- j gathered up Into His own heart all the loving of iUmcrtisniimts. all Mountains. and in-hand straight through. I challenge ) the yearning heart* that ha\e ever come into Db. H. W. Haines legs to notify nln,alr0E® His presence. He offers it back again with the and others that notlo** bla denta them to break this one. Let them try j Telegraph Company. until further added riches of His own matchless love and rooms will t>e closed Jon Wednesday afternoons It No Judge or Jury can set Christ’s ''TDr.FennBr'sKIDNEYI' fRrtjical. grace. Ellsworth. Oct. 23.1B99. will aside, for He rose to execute it Dear Friendtt: Himself. If He had left us a lot of gold, j and are Backache Cure. h. The Janet’s con- greely, we should never have got it, for thieves aboveJ.selections For all Kidney Bladder and Urinary J)r. Trouble*. LAine seas* tribution. Comfort is what so Baric.Heart D J4 kin would have stolen it in the first cen- many Imwam kheumatlixu. Bed WVtting, elr. DENTIST. hearts need, that something leap: eased tury. Hut He left His peace and Jlis toller'- above may warm some heai and Unfailing in FemaleWeakness. nsn Graduate of the Philadelphia Genial lonely Joy for every true believer. —I>. L. By dealer*. Ufc.aize by mail eocFrwdouia,N Y. 9 School class of *73 a new to some Street, 3 give hope struggling soul. For sale M. M. Moore. Kodol KLLSWOBT Moody. by to ftr-OFFICB IH GILES' BLOCK. Shadows rest on many homes where The Inform the people of fnrt Q Closed Wednesday afternoon* until AHiaher, More Creative Thing: to Do. end that American goes each week. If only a ray Cure vicinity he baa g notice. To do what we ought Is an altogether of and from our column Dyspepsia biB ahop an engine and 3 light hope might higher, diviner, more potent, more cre- the a ling la lighten gloom, part of our mission as orms? Digests what you eat. machines, and g H. L. D. WOODRUFF. ative tiling than to write the grandest » Blckneaa. and some unit* death, to do :g J)R. mutual helpers would be fulfilled. Children, before their presence ia M It artificially digests the food and aid* poem, paint the most beautiful picture, ed. (live them u few doses of Nature Id strengthening and recon- SING, MAIN 8T.ELL8WOBTH | pi* won* or- PLANING 5 carve the mightiest statue hr dream Dear M. II. Friend*: TRUE'S ELIXIR 6 structing the exhausted digestive Store.) If worms are present tney will be expelled. ■ (Oyer Harden’s Shoe | Flossie's an It lsthe l out the most enchanting commotion of selected poem Is inspiration to let ▲ harm .ess vegetable tonic. J-'xs. at drsnux ■ gans. latestdiscovereddigest- JIG-SAWING our l>r. J. F. TKI'K A < «».. Auburn. Me. 1 ant and tonic. No other melody and harmony. If you have past failures be but stepping stones to preparation Is at short notice. i? future successes. It is well to have can it in It in- ^ or ever seen the Lord, If only from afar; our ideals approach efficiency. Twenty*flve year*’ experience In New so pure and true and high tliat although we do stantly relieves and permanently cures ^ooooock>chxm>ooooo6 If you have any vaguest suspicion that I imrC Have Used Them Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Special attention given to chronlcjca^e4- Jesus was a better man than other LAUI CO Recomroeni as the BtST You can’t afford to risk you life by al- Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, UK. UINC’9 CARROLL men, one of your first duties must lie a cough or a cold to into Notice. BURRILL, ) lowing develop Star Crown Brand Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand Pauper jp to open your ears to Ills words and pneumonia or consumption. One Minute all other results of imperfect digestion. ATTORNEY undersigned hereby gives notlca that he Cough Cure will cure throat and lung has AND see whether they command themselves PENNYROYAL PILLS. Price 50c. and $1. Large size contains 2% time* THE contracted with the of Ellsworth troubles quicker than any other prepara- slme. Book ali about mailodfrea city AT LAW. as then. If to j Immediate relief, no danger, no pain. •mall dyspepsia >°°r* flur‘n« the COUNSELLOR to you true; they do, obey known. doctors use it as a Uaed for >car, fttui han maficof,lbe ensuing j tion Many year* by lead in g specialist*. Hundred* of t*«B- Prepared by E. C Dm WITT A CO.. Cblcao* ample provision for their with whole and for It is an infallible reme- Snonlals. A trial will convince you o ftiw;r intrinric valve support. He therefore forbids and Justice ofthkP*-*c* them your strength specific grip. in case ol all persons from Notary Pubuc for Children like it and tuppreasion. Send ten cent* for sample and furnishing supplies to MacDonald. dy croup. moth- hook. All I»r uggi*t* or by mail $1M bo*. any pauper on his ac might—George count, aa without his written over Burrill National Bank, ers endorse it. Wiggin & Moore. for The order, he will pay Office KING MEDICINE CO., Eoi 1330. BOSTON, MASS. Subscribe American for no goods so furnished. Hakbt 8. JoneS. State Street, Kllswobtu, manner, gave the visitors a cordial wel- denly at Damariacotta Monday morning. aVbnrttermmt*. ~~ come. In the afternoon there were more He npoke at Nobleboro Sunday forenoon ■F— ■ ■" present, and in the evening the church and at Damariacotta Mills In the after- was full. Picnic dinner and supper were noon. While waiting for the train Mon- served is in waa in Masonic hall. Much credit day, company with friends, he on due the committee on decorations. stricken with heart disease and died in a is said that a woman can live Nov. 5. H. few moments. The deceased was born in Claremont, N. H., and had his Went Trenton. just passed but bread and tea. We sixtieth He served three nothing H. H. Hopkins and wife spent Sunday birthday. years in the war of the after which with friends st Ellsworth Falls. rebellion, he entered Brown university, graduating doubt it unless she is an wo- Mrs. Dora Davis, who has been very ill, intelligent in the class of ’70. He completed his is better, much to the pleasure of her theological training at the Newton Insti- friends. how to tution, graduating in 1873. He was or- man,—one who knows select Darke and Edward are George Hopkins dained ns pastor of the church in employed on the Livingston at Bar job Warren in this State in the same year tea. Then it would be im- Harbor. nnd his physically 1*1 * kept first charge for ten years. Mrs. Priscilla Young, who has been [n 1883 he accepted a call to the church stopping at Bar Harbor through the sum- in Houlton, where he passed another possible. For some teas have great in- mer, has returned home. rlecade of his life work. From Houlton he Work on Mt. Desert bridge is progress- went to Fairfield and from that charge he in 1896 to the for ing well. This fine weather has been very resigned accept newly- vigorating power. Take, example, created office of favorable. The bridge will be ready for financial agent of Colby the public in about two weeks. college, he being the first and only in- the teas of Chase & cumbent of that position. “original package” Mrs. Emily Hopkins, nearly eighty- seven years of age, the oldest resident of Magazine, Kook and Newspaper Notes. Sanborn. These are almost a 1 this town, has been confined in bed for partial Among the principal illustrated articles I the last three weeks, but is slowly recov- )f the number of The Outlook ering. magazine for of for November are “Up From Slavery,” substitute food, being exceptional The sale and at hail ■ ■ ■■■ ■— M — supper Evergreen V ■ ■— ihe first installment of an autobiography last under the Tuesday evening, auspices by Booker T. Washington; “American are to of the was a grown private King’s Daughters, pleasant Educators in China,” by George B.Smytb, strength. They THE TRICK. affair. There was a good attendance, and president of the Angio-Chinese college; |21 was added to the benevolent fund. ‘The of Irenaeus order and delivered sealed in TRICK Emperor Austria,” by hermetically may involve deceit or it may E. B. Hodgkins went to the East Maine Prime-Stevenson; “Nearer the North general hospital last week to have a surgi- Pole,” Sofia Bompianl, an account of the a lead forms. If want to be display of peculiar skill. There cal operation performed and a part of a icbievemeut of the Duke of the Abruzzi air-tight you rib removed. His many friends were in reaching a point nearer to the north is deceit in some but there is to learn that the was man soaps, pleased operation cole than had before attained; “The know the taste of native tea, try one successful, and the surgeon thinks be will 3ulu Archipelago,” by Phelps Whitmarsh, a none in Ivory Soap; it is display of pecu- be able to return home in a short time. ipecial commissioner of The Outlook to Nov. 5. 8. ,he ; and another Installment pound of Orloff. \~ liar skill. It will stand any test and can be >f Hamilton Mabie’s “Wi liam "original package” Seawall. Wright TEAS. who has been Shakespeare.” to it. Benjamin Doliver, quite Orloff (Formosa Oolong). relied upon do all that is claimed for ill, is much better. Koh-i-noor (Eng. Breakfast). ELLSWORTH MARKKA. Okangb Pbkob ( & Ceylon). Trussell and of Bar IVORY SOAP IS 99»*s. PER CENT. PURE. Edgar wife, Harbor, spent iast week with J. S. Fernald and WKDSWhAT, November 7, 1900.

»MfTH 4 4«U*< CO (llfHHUTI wife. MAINE LAW BKQAKDINO WEIGHTS AND MKASI'NRS. — ————- A bushel of salt shall 60 Mrs. Emery Parker came home from Liverpool weigh rounds, and a bushel of Turks Island salt shall Eva Bass Harbor where she has been for some weigh 70 pounds. COUNTY NEWS. | Bennett, Harry Bennett, Mary Ben« time. The standard of a bushci of nett, Jennie Ryan, Lawrence Haslem. weight potatoes, For additional News, see other ,n order atnl lit for is 60 County pages. BOWDOIN ViKITKK. good shipping, pou“ Js; Nov. 5. H. COUNT i ~WS. Mrs. George Kent, who has been can- >f apples, 44 pounds. in Rockland and for some The standard of a bushci of oeansln Soilllll. In auther png«a vassing vicinity weight Improvements Heating Light- order and lit for is 62 is at home. rood shipping, pounds. A son wan horn to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bluehlll Falls. time, On of Hiilidlngs. 1 Jt wheat, beets, ruta baga turnips and peas, ing College Oct. 31. Ifitirlilll pounds; of corn, 56 pounds; of onions, 52' Tracy Mrs. B. H. Candage went to Boston Brunswick, Nov. 5 an Charles Stanley has had his old- (special)—At Mrs. Eunice M. who hns been of carrots, Kngllsn turnips, rye and Carter, fashioned torn down and a new pounds; George Stover Iirs gold his place to Bert Thursday. expense of about ftO.OOO, the beating and chimney Indian meal, 50 pounds; of parsnips, 45 pounds; visiting in Castine, returned home Fri- >f barley and buckwheat, 4* pounds; of oats, and will move his lo of the ten constituting one built. Hodgkins family Mrs. R. L. Colson went to Bangor lighting buildings 12 pounds, or even measure as by agreement. day. Bar Harbor this week. Wednesday. t he college settlement have been brought Miss Nora King, who has been at Bar The prices quoted below are the retail prices The Indies of the sewing circle it Ellsworth. Farmers can reckon from Nov. 5. B. Nov. 5. SUB. into one plant. The buildings, which Baptist Harbor for several years sewing, is now at easily ,he*e what they are likely to receive iu trade met in the chapel Thursday afternoon. KhmI Lauioiiie. hound the campus on three sides, have home and very busy dressmaking. >r cash lor their products. was served in the How are your nerves? If you are easily been connected by underground pipes, Supper evening. Nov. 5. May. During tiie fall term of school at Efltt Country Produce. “flustrated",can’t sleep, and feel unrefreshed In with a central steam heater in the base- N. Osgood and wife will cele- (Sutler. Lamoine, which closed Saturday, ti e Augustus Otia. the morning, your nerves are weak. Hood's I be brate tlie tiftieth of their Creamery per lb.30 foliovvlng w* re not absent one ment of gymnasium. anniversary Horace of killed a pupils day: makes the nerves strong mak- ! Salisbury, Brewer, Dairy. ..25 £28 Sarsaparilla by to he outdone Bowdoin wedding on Nov. 27. Relatives, friends Not by Colby, deer here one day Inst week. Cheese. ing the blood rich and pure. is soon to have a volume of Bowdoin and neighbors are invited to be present, j Stops the Cough an«l Works off’ the Cold. Willis uud wife celebrated the Best factory (new) per tb.16 £18 Sick headache Is cured by Hood’s Pills. 25c Clair Salisbury Best Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets cure a cold stories published. John Minot, The ladies of ttie ladies’ social library dairy (new).16 —Advt. j fifth anniversary of their weddiug on Dutch (imported).9<» in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. Bowdoin ’96, an associate editor of the are for a making arrangements drama, Oct. 27. Neufchatel.05 Kennebec Journal, aud Donald F. Snow, “The Donation Party,” to be given in Eggs. Arden Young had a wood-cutting bre 1901, are pushing the matter. Several of town hall Thanksgiving night. The cast Eggs are scare and strong at 25 cents. and Josie Salisbury a and the alumni, who have already tslaniished of characters will appear later. quilting party Fresh laid, per doz. 25 in the evening, ou Oct. 27. CLOSING-OUT iu the Poultry. SALE their reputations literary line, Oct. the of the 31, faculty academy Chickens.15 have contributions, among Mrs. Grace Barron and little son promised gave a Hallowe’en party to the pupils Fowl.12 Preaident Kellogg and Milton, of West and Mrs. them Hyde, Klijah in Kane’s hail. Between sixty and sev- Ellsworth, Hay. OF Bates. The stories w ill be Bowdoin Adelia Wilbur, of Lakewood, were the Ario enty of the pupils were present and en- Best loose, per ton. 1 with Bowdoin guests of Mrs. Alvonia Kingman Mon- Baled. 18 stories setting. tered heartily into the spirit of the occa- assured of the Straw. The college now seems True the day. sion. Prof. opened programme Loose. 8 CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, HAR- made from the (larcelon Nov. 3. Kay. £10 bequest estate, with a short address as to how Hallowe’en Baled. 14 which has been on over litigation going came to he observed. After the address I.HnitMii*-. Vegetable*. in the courts for several >ears. bu .60 .03 games were Mr. True and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Crowley, of Corea, were Potatoes, Cabbage, played. Sweet lb (4 ib .02 exact amount cannot be but potatoes, Beets, NESS, ROBES, BLANKETS. The stated, Beal carried out the the of Mrs. last .02 ( game programme, guests Mary Coolidge Onions, .03 Turnips, It> it will be about f500,000. and Miss Proctor was the fortune week. Squash. fl> .03 Carrots, II* .02 “spirit” stalk 05 Beans bu— President Hyde made an address before Celery, —per iteller. “Spirits” came forth all wrapped Miss Callie Emery, of Bar Harbor, is Imp Yellow Eye, 2.50 a of the Maine secondary school Pea, 2.50 meeting in sheets, and the part of the young spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. iu which Fruit. teachers at Augusta recently, was to who the j gentlemen guess spirits Mary H. Coolidge. I want to sell the next 30 my entire severe criticisms of tlie Bananas, doz .20 «.30 Oranges, doz .35 £.45 during days he made some were. Refreshments were served. Miss Annie Roberts closed her sixth Grapes, basket, I3£I5 Lemons, doz 25(i3U and in to I offer never for State j stock, order do so, it at prices methods now in use granting Nov. 5. Bob. Apples, bbl $1 y#2 Cranberries qt 10 term of school iu this district last Friday. heard before in Hancock or aid to academies aud free high schools. Urocerle*. of county, FOIl CASH, Her ability as an instructor, and es- The address has created quite a stir, and Cotlec—per B> Rice, per Ib .06 3.08 approved paper. Schooner “Kate L. is in with as a is .16 action Pray” port pecially disciplinarian, duly Rio, 3.25 Pickles, per gal .40^.60 it is expected that some legislative .4o Olives, bottle .25 3.75 These goods are to be sold REGARDLESS a cargo for merchants in town. Mocha, going rtsult. general appreciated. Java, .37 Vinegar—per gal— will OF COST ; and all in want of them cannot do better Schoouer “E. T. Hamor” is loading Nov. 5. H. Tea—per tb— Pure elder, .20 | .Japan, .453.65 Cracked wheat, .05 than call and “Do man dat’s dissatisfied an’shows it wharf get prices. stone at Campbell & Macomber’s Oolong, .30£ 65 Oatmeal, per lb .04 “kin be lb— .20 by workin’,” ssid Uncle Kben, for Boston. Mrs. Clara Johnson widow of Sugar—per Buckwheat, pkg Ordway, Granulated, .07 Graham, .04 credited wid hones’ ambition; but dc J. W. Sparrow, of Cambridgeport, the late Dr. Benjamin Ordway, died at Coffee—A Jt B, .07 Rye meal, .04 mail it talkin’ ain’ uuffin Yellow, C .07■% Granulated 02)$ Bangor Buggies, dat shows by who has been his brother- her home Sunday, Nov. 4, after a brief meal,lb I Mass., visiting Molasses—per gal— Oil—per gal— but a kicker.” plain in-law, G. E. Kinney, returns to-day. illness, at tlie age of sixty-eight years. , .35 Linseed, .55 3.6*1 Rubber or Steel Tired. .50 12 An only daughter, Miss Gertrude Ordway, Porto Rico, Kerosene, l't What might have been a serious acci- Syrup, .60 Astral oil, 13£14 StJiifitismunta. survives her and in her desolation the ; dent was the falling of the large chan- Lumber and Building Material*. of friends is ex- delier in the church the other day w hile deep sympathy many Lumber—per M— Spruce, 1 25 Bike tended. Mrs. leaves three sisters Hemlock, 11313 Hemlock, 125 Buggies, was Had it Ordway the committee decorating. Hemlock boards, 12 13 Clapboards—per M — and two brothers. Auother noble soul with Pneumatic Tires and fallen when the lamps were lighted it Spruce, 12 a 16 Extra spruce, 24 £26 Ball-Bearing Axles. j No. IT IS Tonight 1 has passed out from this little community. Spruce lloor, 16^20 Spruce, 1, a might have resulted in the burning of the Pine, 12315 Clear pine, 35§6€ If liver is out of order, causing Nov. 5. H. your church and the loss of the lives of those Matched pine, 15 £20 Extra pine, 35 <*60 Sick Headache, Heart- Shingles—per M— Laths—per M— Biliousness, were beneath it. The chain “Runabout” who sitting The man that if a'l Cedar, extra 2 75 Spruce, 2.0(1 take a dose of average imagines Buggies, burn, or Constipation, I which it was from the clear, 2 85 Nails, per tb .04 £.06 by suspended the fools were dead his would " opinions 2d clear, 1 85 Cement, per cask 1 60 broke. The chandelier and all Steel Tires i ceiling soon become universal. extra o .e, 1 65 Lime, per cask .85 only. the lamps were broken. No.., 125 Brick, per M 7£ll Hood's Piiis 1 The fourteenth meeting of the Mt. KITTKUY TO CARIBOU. Provision*. Road On and tomorrow your di* Wagons, Express Wagons, retiring, Desert local uuion of Christian Endeavor Native beef Is In the market at prices ranging w ill be regulated and and met with from 3 to 5 cents lower than western beef. gestive organs societies Epworth leagues One Week’s Windowings of News, surreys, concords. will be bright, active and read) the Somesville society Saturday. The day Novelty and Nonsense. Beef, ft: Pork, ft. you .15 If for nnv kind of work. This ha* session Steak, 3.25 Steak, proved line. At the opening Fred H. Francis, for many years en- j .103.20 Chop, 1. been the of others; il Roasts, Buckboards—New ami second-hand—to accommodate experience there was an unusually largo number gaged in the shoe business in Belfast, Corned, .07 9.10 Pigs’feet, .0; will be HOOD’S PILLS art Tripe, .05 Ham, per ft IO3.R yours. Mrs. I. T. Ober, in her pleasant died there last cold all medicine dealers. 25 cts, present. Wednesday, aged tifty Veal: Shoulder, .0* to by .18 from 2 11 Above years. Steak, Bacon, .14^1.1 people (including driver). Roasts, .103.12 Salt ,1( Silas T. Plummer, one of Houlton’s Mutton: Lard, loose .It .15 Lard In of own make. richest and most steak, palls, goods my prominent financiers, Roasts, .183.12 .113 1- died suddenly at his residence Monday, Lamb: Lard, borne rend h GREATEST STORE. .20 ft 1( MAINE’S lie was taken sick with a cold Sat- Steak, Sausage, slight Chop, 16 urday, pneumonia setting in and causing Roasts, .10«.16 I also have a few western-made goods, consisting of death. He was eighty-two years of age. Fresh Fish. Smelts are at the 0: He was estimated to be worth f600,000. being caught mouth and Concord Union river, and the market Is well supplied. Surreys Wagons. At Charles a Portland, Monday, Davis, Cod, .05 Haddock, .01 hostler, aged twenty-eight, shot and killed Halibut, .10

If you have ever seen a child in the Both makers and circulators of counter of can realize how iEdisoits you feits Honest men no Phonograph agony croup grate- commit fraud. will Better than a Piano, Organ, or Music Box, for it sings and talks as well as and ful mothers are for One Minute Cough deceive you into buying worthless coun J plays, don’t as much. the Cure which gives relief as soon as it is ad- terfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cost It reproduces music of any instrument—hand or orchestra—tells ministered. It quickly cures coughs, colds The original is infallible for curing atories and aings—the old familiar hymns as well as the populur songs—it is always ready. pilet — and all throat and lung troubles. \VTa- sores, eczema and all skin diseases. Wio —v See that Mr. Edison's signature is on every machine. Cata- PORTLAND, MAINE. aiN & Moore. a in & Moore. logues of all dealers, or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 135 Filth Avc., Naw York. 2* alia*. I would be no means COUNTY GOSSIP. CHURCH 30TK8. lxgal Xoticr*. Iqjal improvement, by ^ -Vincritan »iati nr ®l)Ct£iisiuorth the He is the loudest UNITARIAN. STATE OF MAINE. HAiMt greatest gainer. Cinnamon rose bu»bes on the / premia** B»cw> ■*: Clark-* OIBca. | in his demands because he Ret. A. H. Coar. (-— B.t.rrocr SSl.-To llu Shrrift of Supreme j„h, | simply of William P. Preble at Ialea. pastor. ewe or Wiser df Coart. BUaworth. Main*. A LOCAL AND POLITICAL JOCKBAL Cranberry I L 8. J rwyrtirf ewwwttso, ^clal Sorrm^e' U his own vehicle and has the contain hundreds of bat Tbunwiar afternoon, 2 o’clock, meeting (-— J IhWe lirpmtum. O naan so: VnUMD propels buds, only fohowtn* i* the of the waste of tbe ladies of tbe church io tbe rwiry. tIrE command you tostucfc the ffrHK dl.po.Ulon of em,v SVKK'i WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON most vivid appreciation one blossom. appealed our «nd Indietmeat for _ If estate of Nathan B. Haboard X vtoli Wbat ia lion of the Lew. regulating the nee AT of from rough high- Subject: Peraoealitj?” erfU ia the County of Essex and t end nil energy resulting Mrs. K. E. of West Franklin, of intoxicating liquors as made at the ■” Coombs, at 7 30, wealth of Massachusetts to the value Ocbl T “WORTH. MAINZ. Tbe farmer’s horse does the Thursday evening, adjourned bar Term of the saiu ways. has a hatched last that hand red dollars; and summon De- Supreme Judicial Coan pallet March, has of the A. D. ItM. in accordance BT m meeting parish. fendant. ''if he maybe foacd in ; Inct) published with thi farmer's and unfortunately laid about eggs, set and of H, of the PCBLI'HINL OO hauling, forty batched, at 7 teacher*' to before oor Justices of uprecae provisions Chapter Public La». HANCOCK OOOTT Fridej evening, 3). appear of imerr. * cannot what he thinks. and ia a brood of her all Judicial Court. next to be holdan llsworth, I. If. 11..13A BEiOTAOd HAAACer. say rearing own, at home of Mrs. 8. D. State of Maine rs James R. Ford. meeting Wiggin. within and for oar of cock, on Four cas— i before Sow. County Nol Pros. 1._ Review. the second Tuetdsr of rat. then IH**' -» Ofae—HA a Tear. 91 AC for Subject: Octobej Daniel Two of the most and there ;n our s.»»*i on t ttJ nswer unto Hcrlihy. cas— «tz nusuu, A Ktu 1-jr uina uoti**; If It is hinted that two Is furnish at 7 half-hour *ong Fine P'JBQ. Coats tab Deer Ute ready to another Saturday evening 3), A. C Hagerthy of Ellsworth, imhe County of p-jVtd’ pAt'I MrtftT t ulnae*. tlJA, 15 A*d * eeau men in or Five cases. Nol popular young Bangor, service ia tbe Hancock and state of Maine. M Pro. r—■*'1 *. ai: manta *j* nctoHdu Yankee crew to meet Sir Tnomaa Lipton- vestry. George W. eastern Maine for that matter, may In a plea of the case, ler the said De- Morton. Two •At in. a. tr j«ur The British sailors the Nov. 11—Morning aervice it lp: crsea. Nol Pro. ! measures for uni- ! challenger. of Sunday, fendant, at said Ellsworth, the 4tb day of Re*p. b»T. Adi i. luw-la m* A..*. mud wEI now give in their in* left State. 10.30. Sermon tbe A D. 19*8 his Note of 9* nsrf* amt e* AppTiruTtiyA. forms with considerable assurance i “Shamrock” of 1899 were picked men from by pastor. Sunday May. by PnJut-aory B. that date, by him for value re- George Young. Two° whole of the British but school st 11.45. subacrupd. cases. Nol Pros. ! that will have a chance to wear the range coast, ceived, promiaed the PlainBff to pay him or B*sIn***mw»*afeusAba#taou>f ft* Ad treked they A. K. Barron. One were hit order the sum of two years case | «u aid I>.s<<• .jritr* aa> u>. Thi them in The prophets they clearly outclassed by the thirty METHODTVT EPISCOPAL. fiftyidoilars Nol Pros pataUS* early January. after date with interest: I Two cases’ BaJUC'jC* J'.STT PXTSXISFtJI-O Co, KSi* that Frederick H. to say Representative or forty Yankee tars, taken, all of them. Rev. J. P. Simonton, Vet, often the said De- Capias issue. ■urtii. Kate*. | pastor. though requested, C. M. IHIano. Park hurst, of will be the next fendant has not but neglects One cas# Bangor, from a single little Meioe coast hamlet. Friday evening at 7 30. Epwortb league paid **td|auni Nol Pros. and that another *o to do, to the d»mag el of said Plaintiff commissary-general, This a fact in its F. H. Gould. Two which, way. speaks quite meeting. as he sanC the sum of one hundred dol- esses WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1900 fellow and | * good widely-known prac- lars, which shall then and mTe be made to reties de-’ as eloquently of the quality of American Nov. titioner, Dr. E. B. Sanger, of Bangor, Sunday, 11—Quarterly meeting. appear with other due And have Mgjj- aa the old victories of daro^res Thomas P. Jones. is also seamanship time sermon there this Writ with doings therein. One case will be surgeon-general. It Morning service st 10 30, with by you your Nol Pros. (he Klr-rtIon. Witness, Andrew P. Wisweli. Chief Justice Resp.P harS that Fred Hale, of Port- the “Constitution" or the “Kearsarge”.— Sullivan, fol- left Butte. n* whispered Rev. B. W. Russell, of Wed of said Coart. at Klivworth. this 2*1 h of day Preston H. The of the elec- land. son of Senator Hale, will be Boston Journal. st August iu the of our Lord one thousand Joy. One case story yesterday’s lowed by communion. Sunday school year Nol Pros. another of Governor Hill’s staff.— — nine hundred. J. P. Ksowltos, Respondent hav- tion is fully told in oar news columns, 11 45. Fresching by Mr. Russell st 7 p» m. Clerk. ing gone out of the bus!- Levitton Journal. Nellie end Elwell of Bartlett's | Bartlett, Tuesday evening at 7 30, class meeting. Hiscocx m: August 2*. 1900, at 5h., JO m., so far as it can be told at this time. 1 p, Murphy. Two cases. Island, are interested to know if any one FREE BAPTIST. in the afternoon. H*«P- the virtue of this Writ. I hare attached all *[?} haTiag* It is not a of The announcement of popula- besides tbvmeelvee saw the rainbow Oct. By left State. simply story republican Rev. Georye H. SaUey. pastor. the real estate of the within named Defend- Charles Riley. Two cases. tion of the made the at about 10.30 in the ant. Nathan R. Hubbard and all the right, more by 28. evening. They evening, at 7 30, montbiy con- Nol Pros for want of evi- victory. It is than that. It is Friday title and interest which the said Defendant census bureau has started were through the field. dence. speculation coming Galley ference. Nathan E Hubbard baa in or to any real es- William the story of the grand voice of this Tracy. Four cases about the effect in apportionment for There bad been a light shower which had Nov. 11—Preaching aervice at tate. situated in said County of Hancock, to Nol Proa. Sunday, the value of One hundred dollars. Resp. harlac* raised and the left State. great people against Bryanism. members of It is cer- passed over, moon, breaking 2.00 p. m. school at 3 15 p. m. Congress. quite Sunday L. P. H->orxa. Sheriff. Ralph R. Wentworth. On- the clouds in the all that it that several states will through southwest, Social service at 7 p. m. case. Nol Pros. and represents. tain, however, Haacocx as: August 29. 1909. I this day Resp*’ made a lunar rainbow with one seem- haring left Mate. end 7 30 p. m Y. P- 8. C. E. filed in the office of the Register of Deeds in returns lose one congressman and among Tuesday, Edmon F.bo. One case. The figures of the election ! said County of Hancock an attested copy of Pin. ingly on Green monntaio, the other up OUT-OF-TOWN 8KBVICES. • «». Costs $i.V Psid. them is Maine. There is any so much of nu return on this Writ as re- Four than hardly toward Lamoine. bow cases. Law on tell the story more forcibly The lasted bat a Rev. George H. Salley, of tbe Free Bap- lates to the attachment of real estate; with Demurrer donbt that tbe new apportionment the value of the Defendant’s which Si Exceptions. short time. tist will conduct service Thurs- property Michael words can. _ church, 1 am by this Writ commanded to attach; the McCauley. Two will not be made on less basis cases. Fine any Nov. st West Hancock names of the date of the W'rit, and #3®. Costs #» day evening, 8, parties; Paid One than Another man has come to the defense the Court to which it ia returnable. case. Nol Pros’ 200,000. same Sun- and preaching service at place L. F. Roorit, Sheriff. T.W. Underwood. Two cases! The County Attorneyship. of Deer Isle aailor boys, and quotes tacts Fine t*». Costs Nov. at 10 30 a. m. #». paid! day, 11, STATE OP MAINE. One case. Nol Pros The death of Charles H. Drummey, MSW CHI RCH. and figures which seem to establish the Rev. J. P. Simonton, of tbe Methodist Baicoci as. Supreme Judicial Court. Oc- Arthur Mitchell. One case will cause a right of the Deer isle boys to all the free tober A. D. Nol Proa. coanty-attorney-elect, will at Fullerton school- Term. 1900. church, preach John in this office after Jan. Tbe Free Baptist Society of Ellsworth advertising they are getting. This cor- Upon the foregoing Writ Ordered: That C. Heriihv One rase vacancy 1, bouse Thursday evening, Nov. 8, at 7 the Plaintiff give notice to the said defendant Fine #1®. Cos-s#iv pajd’ respondent writes from Stonington, and Two which will be filled by Will Build. | o'clock. to appear before the Justice of our Su- cases. Nol Pros. appointment Judicial to be holden a: Ells- Annie Tbe Free of Ellsworth, signs himself “F. W.” Everybody down preme Court, Harkins. Three cases. Gov. Hill in the new Baptist aociety, j Rev. A. H. Coar, of tbe Unitarian worth. within and for the of Hancock, Continued. by easly year. in that of County at a last voted ; part Hancock connty knows on the 9d Three candidates for the meeting Thursday evening, church, will preach at Waltham Sunday Tuesday of January A. 0- 1901. by James Harkins. Two cases. appoint- who “F. W.” snd csn an attested of said Writ Continued. unanimoualy to build a new cburcb, and is, vouch for the publishing copy ment are now in the field—John E. | afternoon at 3 o'clock. and this order thereon, three weeks succes- James Stewart. Two fact that be knows whereof be writes. cases. tbe firs: steps toward that object were sively in the Ellsworth American a news- Fine *3®. Costs #3D. Paid. Banker, of Bar Harbor ; Bedford This is be in Ellsworth in our of One case. Nol jr., tageu by tbe appointment of a soliciting what says: paper printed county Pros, for FAKMKKN’ ISSTIUTK. Hancock, the last publication to be thirty want of evidence. E. Tracy, of Winter Harbor, and Lin- I see of committee. by your paper lart week that s Tre- «•»» w irw» prior to uiu m urtuij vupry. wo case*. Fine wood F. Giles, of Ellsworth. Rev. H. the of tbe roont man want# to krow what all the bulla of January next, that he may there and *300. Costs *30. Paid. George Salley, pastor North Ribwort ti Farmer* Will Have then in our said Court and answer to One case. Mol baloo and free about Deer Die appear Pros for Mr. Bumcer’a friends is tbe chairmen of tbu committee, advertising aaid suit. want of evidence. argue that, cburcb, one This Month. Johx F. Kxowiro**, ; -allor* mean. I wi»b to way that the Deer Die Clerk of the Coart. M. I*. he has served the sod takes bold of tbe work with tbe en- Sup. Jud. One case. though customary a far- ; -a!'or# have earfipd ami are justly entitled to all Arrangements are being made (or A true copy of the Writ, Officer's Return and bias to issue. Due case. two the circumstances are thusiasm and energy that have marked bis Order of Court thereon. Noi Pros. terms, the advertising, etc. Deer Die furnished about mers’ institute at North Ellsworth, > Oorts towa-d tbe cbnrcb aud Attest. Jobs F’. Kxowltok. Clerk. E. C Be nt/on. One case. such tnat he is warranted in building up ■ ha f the crew for aspiring cup delender "Mayflower” In Saturday, Nor. 17. The general subject Capias to issue. Two cases. since to Kilswortb. Not to the and that it society coming IMS, bad the crew for “Volunteer” In 1887, a will be small fruitt—strawberrie* and STATE OF NAfXE. Pro#. appointment, may | Patrick It is proposed to build a cburcb coating full crew ami fire officer# for the “Defender” In * Bresnahan. One —t.ui culture will BASCOCK SA:— To the « be best to continue him in the office. | plums principally apple &heriJT* of case Fine *100 oirts *15. ■ ooui on me sue oi me L. 8, our rewpect ire ('ountie*, or either of present aiso receive attention. Tuere will be an j Paid. One case. Noi Pros. Mr. claim lies in ( \ their iJeputiet. CfREKTIXO: Tracy’s principally at School and Church streets. officers for the “Columbia” in 1399. C. Oliver Out A. Judkins. One case. cbapei | with command tbe fact as interesting programme, probably you to attach the good* or Noi Pro*. that, his friends claim, have been Iseiin said in a telegram after the race “I con \IrE Rough plans already drawn, ) musical feature*. ▼ f estate of Nathan K. Hubbard of Hiv- E. Leslie Mason. One case. Deer Isle on the best crew world he was next in line to and have met with of j gratulate the erill. Essex County, Maasacbuseti* to the Fine *1«X Cos'# *15. Paid. according general approval Erue«t L. the has ever seen.” Deer Isle is furnlstirg cap Wooster, “strawberry vaiueof One hundred and fifty dollars, and Two Casts. Not Pros for !cr.t. twice been a candi- ! members of the and the State prece having society summon the aaid infer dent, if he be want of eviden< e. tains for some of the largest ships owned in San king” of Hancock Point, and Willard may and iiia name been the association. found in your precinct) to appear before our Asher Moody. Two cases. date, having Francisco; her captains have commanded ship* Pbihipe, another big strawberry reiser, Justices of the Judicial Court, next Continued. The a 30iofl Supreme only one besides >lr. Drummey’s pre- plans contemplate building owned In Liverpool and Loudon, England, and vriii be present to lain about the cultiva- to be holden in Ellsworth, within and for our If Spofiord. Two case*. County of Hancock, on the second Noi Pro* for want of evi- feet—50 feet on School street aud 30 feet has a larger per cent, of water and coast- Tuesday sented at the last convention. deep tion of this most popu.ar berry. State Sec- of October next, then and there in our said dence. on Church street. The entrance will be ing captains and furnishes more masters for Court to answer unto Alexander C N. The Iritr.ds of Mr. Giles urge the retary McKeen will also be present, and Hagertby P. Curran. Two cases. on the eastern end of the reached “team and sail than ten towns In the of Ellsworth Hancock County, Maine. Continued. building, yachts any Prof. of of an probably Woods, Orono. In a plea of the case, for that the said De- John W. Doe. One case. Fine desirability having attorney a covered walk from United States, and America feeD justly proud by Church street. The farmers of North Ellsworth have fendant. at said Ellsworth, on the fourth day * W> Coats *15. Paid. from the office not of the Island down in Maine. I the above Ellsworth, having This will obviate the of the in- hope of May A. D. lfttfc by bia Note of LDrie N. Ford. Two cases. necessity entered in Promissory wlii tin: Tremont writer. I know that lately quite largely strawberry that date, by him subscribed, for value re- Fine #300. Costs *30. Paid. been held by an Ellsworth man since convenient of stairs from the School enlighten flight and ceived, promised the Plaintiff to him or F. M. Two Tremont has as good, smart and capable sailor growing, uext year will produce pay Usjne- Fine Coats *30. Paid. by a rolling so that the two them or other Maine not and though his name was not pre- partition help any boy*. methods of fruit raising. Alderman H. feudant has paid said sum but neglects T. H. Lander. Two case*. rooms may be thrown into one so to do. to the damage of said Plaintiff as Fine #300. Cost* #30. Paid. sented ?t the last it was large F. Maddocks is one of the leaders In this convention, he says) the sum of One hundred and fifty C. E. Loch. On# case. Fine room, with a seating of about dollars, which shall then and known that he was a candi- capacity movement to make North Ellsworth the there be made *»«W. Costs #15. Paid. generally LAKEWOOD. to 300. the audience room will appear with other due damages. And have Thos. E. Lee. Two caws. Separately, fruit centre of Hancock there this date but withdrew in favor of Mr. growing county. you Writ with your doings therein. Fine #300. Cost a #30. Paid. ■*eat 200 and the a little nearly vestry There was a box supper at A. H. Deuico’s It is hoped that the farmers’ institute Witness Andrew P. Wisweli, Chief Justice T. E. Met orraick. Twocsmu. Drummey. more than 100. of said Court, at Ellsworth, this 12th day of No! Pros. Saturday evening. will he not Heap, having largely attended, only from September, in the vear of our Ix»rd one thou- out of the the main entrance gone business. At which, as already sand eight hundred and M. C. Ralph E. French, of Franklin, Mas*., is North Ellsworth and vicinity, but from ninety-nine. Morrison. One case. (lain In stated, will be on the eastern side of the J. FyiCnowltom, Clerk. Fine *100. Costs #15. Paid. Population. friends here. Ellsworth and neighboring towns. visiting Haxcock as: September 13 1?09, at » h.. in F'our cases. Noi Pros be- that the census re- will be a vestibule about We had hoped building, 10x10, the forenoon. cause of error in com- The hunters are improving the fine turns would snow Maine to have a pop- running up into a tower. From the Hy virtue of this Writ. I have attached all plaint. weather. two fine deer at the real Cha*. N. Small. caw. ulation of 700,000 or over. This result vestibule doors will into both They captured estate of the within named Defend- One open vestry ant. Nathan E. Hubbard and all the Pine * HO. Cost* #15. Paid. is not but the ac- Green Lake recently. right, quite accomplished, and cburcb. title and interest which the said Defendant A. I). Stuart. Four case*. tual show a handsome . Costs #30. Paid. as well as in all else that makes a furnace, filed in the office of the Register of Deeds in said One case. Noi Pros. Maine is in the time, if deemed advisable, can quite badly, ilia many friende to county of Hancock an attested copy of state trreat, progress- provision hope 8. L. Treat, Jr. Two cases. ao much of my return on this Writ as relates ive and not in the decadent class. An be made in tne bastineut for a kitchen. see him about again in a few Jfsr Salt. Fine #a». Costs *3u. Paid. days. to the attachment of real estate; with the in One ease. Noi Pro*. incre.o>e of 33,280 the past ten There will be elaborate in the Nov. 5. F. value of the Dtfendant's property which I am nothing for sale John V. Wheaton. One case. is a noble for Maine to square piano by this W ril commanded to attach; the names years snowing architecture of me building, but It w ill to Mas. Eunta E. Pine *100. Cost* #1.5. Paid. PIANO—Second-handcheap. Apply Kowa, of the parties, the date of the and the make when we consider how 17 Pine Ellsworth. Writ, Three canes. Noi Pros. largely be a neat and and an St., Court to which it is returnable. sightly structure, How's This? Alberta One the life blood of our .State is sapped to L. F. Hooper, Sheriff. Margeusou. to tbat section of the cltv. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for case. Nal pro*. to other Btates. Improvement FURNACE—In first-class order; fire give strength ca-e of Catarrh that cannot STATE OF MAINE. F\ V» Coburn. Three cases. It is to have any be cured by box almost new to of this increase is hoped sufficient funds in Apply Currosr Law The significance Hall's Catarrh Cure. ClOAL Me. Haxcock b*: Supreme Judicial Court. Oc- on Demurrer A Ex- hand to nooDtAKD, Ellsworth, best understood when we compare it begin'work early next spring. F. -J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O. tober Term. A. D. liMh ceptions. the bate known F. .1 Cpor. the Writ. Dunn. One case. with the in the few decades. We, undersigned, first-class, brand new wheel, foregoing Ordered. That the Jerry gam past for the Jn?*t 15 and believe him Plaintiff give notice to the *»>d Noi Pros. Cheney year*, BICYCLE—A19U0 model. List at #60. Will be sold at defendant to Between 1380 and 1390 the in honorable lu all business transaction* appeAr before it*e Justices of our Arthur Jelliaon. One case. gain Baptist Conference* l*erfectlv a great bargain. Inquire at The Ahekican supreme 1870 and able to out Judicial Court, to be holden a: Continued. was 12,141; between The Hancock conference of financially carry any obligation* office. Ellsworth, population county Bap- made their firm. within and for the K. A. One case. F'ine and 1380 it was and between by County of Hancock, on Sprout. 22,030; tist churches met in West A Wbole*ale To the 3rd of January A. D. *:oo. Coats #15. Paid. One Ellsworth Monday Tkcax, Druggist, on Pine St. for sale on easy terms. Tuesday lyui. bv 1860 and 1870 there was a decrease in an attested case. ledo. o. or to rent. of A. I. Sacs publishing ropy of said Writ anil No! Pros. aud Tuesday, f be churches of the county HOUSE Inquire nans, this order Maine’s of 1,364. Waldisg. Ki.vwan A Mauvi.v, Wholesale American house. Ellsworth. thereon, three weeks »uccLr I n ai.H W r U HALL, f? Gray, noth of overcoat left on buckboard Penobscot, Hancock I law, the Copperupolis house sold generation. county, Maine, their deed being fair and carnival. Owner by mortgage dated *>oui,ht in for tid taxes to 189*. more than ELLSWORTH. IjlOUND—Lightduring may- December a. un; prior No state has done Maine Winter Harbor. 3. d. 1896, and recorded in Han- was have same by proving and at that time aud j. now town property paying cock county of in property. to build up other states, but it has The conference opened Monday after- charges. Clifton Woodward, Ellsworth. registry deeds, volume 307, Another unmarried moved iuto the j 5H. conveyed to the trustees of couple a share of its for page George Couperopolis house, therefore I ask. that the kept good energy I noon with a service conducted by Kt-v. Stevens academy, a by- corporation existing suffrage be conceded to the vrotuen of the home it law at B’nehll! in said consumption. May keep W. C. Westeott. Dr. Dunn on to county, all the real State of Maine; and in spoke 2.rf. estate of the late the name of CJod and more of it here in the future, Leander A. Grav, l«»e of the State of develop- Stale work. Rev. R The Favorite Penobscot; the humanity, .Maine and the United Monday evening. being same deeded to Leander States of I our almost limitless resources and in house all on A. America, demand th»- protection of ing my including first Gray by Benjamin Gray, recorded in H n- the D Olds preached an interesting sermon floor. game of my State. Cuuiculocus Park was the State ever worthy of its ROOMS Apply at 13 Central St. Sophia cock registry of deed*, vol. 91. making page 3->4, also fired last summer in order to the deer, Here’s for and on “A R*-markable Choice”. J. Chilcott. another lot deeded said Leander A. Grav bv get proud motto. hope moose and caribou. Now, week and es- Chelcias Gray containing four acres, and one days of a of Yesterday forenoon’s service was con- pecially Sunda> s, guns and are slaugh- expectation population 7-J0,000 floor and basement— from the same four dog* containing acres and tering deer on Austin in of the in 1910.- Kennebec Journal. ducted Rev. D. C. and in th» STORE—Rooms—firstin Masonic block on State street, until or proparly spite by York, rom radius operation sixty-five College, now Kroonsthese several will be and wife. therefore, by reason of the bleach of the properties prose- condition cuted for violation of statutes bearing upon miles. On Maine highways, thereof, mid claim! a seventy A of young was very pleas- Bucksport.Maine. corporation receiving of stolen as accessory party people "ald »nd goods, being machine with the same entertained at the home of mort*»lf8. gives Ihil to theft. Pive hundred dollars will be the same antly Henry novicen0o^•ed. The teachers brought “" !iertb)r to draw a the condition of mid animals necessary given To remove a troublesome corn or ^°n,.“nd.wherfa"has / into intimate relations with the stu- been broken, now, therefore, by of merchandise as would be bunion: First soak the corn or bunion in reason of the breach of the amount condition thereof1 $500 REWARD dents at the tables, and in the social I claim a foreclosure of said if the roads were well built. warm water to soften then it down mortgage. For the conviction and of dere- required it, pare life of school, ALBEBT Lymam- punishment and literary the Nov. 7,1900. lict game warden or wardens of Hancock— n -1 the as as without Tran-- ion to and from farm, closely possible drawing _-BALL, who permit the laws of the State of Maine to i It offers courses preparatory for en- costs about three times as blood,and apply Chamberlain’s Pain Balm be violated. therefore, to best New I have forbidden on these twice daily, robbing vigorously for five trance England colleges, trespassing prem- much as it The goes Nov. 8. ises, according to the laws of the State of ought. expense Thursday, and courses minutes at each application. A corn plas- a commercial course, in Maine, and the statutes jpf the United States on after year, while a propor- and and year be worn for few elocution and music. REMOVAL, governing private property public ter should a days to pro- private smaller would LEWIS parks. tionately expenditure tect it from the Bhoe. As a lini- HODQKIN9 has removed I now give notice to wardens that they general Winter term opens Dec 4, 1900. from No. 4 to No. game on Da. 7, Hancockstrei?,tre*t-,he Tkl must make arrests in with the make the highways permanently good. ment for lameness and Reserved seats sale at Wiggin & residence of Dr. L. W. compliance sprains, braises, HodgkW* laws. benefited For catalogue, write to Ellsworth, Me., Oci. 31. The farmer would be most rheumatism, Pain Balm is unequaled. For Moore's drug store. Prices, 50 and 35 I herewith notify all dealers that I will on the the roads. The cyclist, sale Geo. A. and cents. 25c., Dance S. A. BENDER, prosecute any one ouying game shot from good by Pabcheb, Ellsworth, Admission, tickets, Austin estate. By order of who is the principal advocate of this W. 1. Pabtbidge, Bluehill, druggists. 50c., Ladies free. Bucksport, rialae. Subscribe for The American M. C. AUSTIN. North Hancock, Me., Nov. 6,1900. electoral vote stands according to re- Bryan that year to 2.490, or 990 more tban jSUrfjrrtissrmmtB. Kaflroati* ant Sttintftaata. publican claims up to this afternoon. this year on a total vote 1,270 smaller. mckinley and IN BLLS'WORTH. SUMMARY OP ELECTORAL VOTES. 44 In 1896. 1900. Ellsworth the vote was unusually The *Best is light—648 against 942 at the recent Sep- tember election and 835 at the presidential >» ►» the Oct. 1000- « 4> 2 election in 1896. Cheapest.” Commencing 8, 9 BAR HARBOR TO BANGOB. ROOSEVELT! a * a a % McKinley’s plurality in Ellsworth this Experience teaches that ▲. m. p. n.p. v. year Is 235 as 349 in bat BAB HABBOB 10 25 8 9ft. 1 & i 5° against 1896, here, 2 CQ %S a > clothes wear 4 .••••• too, in the *96 good longest, Sorrento. 00 Alabama. 11 11 making comparison, popu- Sullivan. 4 2ft. Arkansas. 8 .. 8 list vote (or Bryau in 1896 should be de- goodfood gives best nutrition, Mt Desert Ferry. 11 1ft 4 661 9 10 California.. 8 1 9 .2 02 ducted from In that a Waukeag, S. Fy. 1) ft 9 17 Colorado.J. 4 4 McKinley’s plurality and good medicine that Hancock. 11 28 ft Oft 9 20 Connecticut. 6 6 year, reducing it to 253, or only 18 more Franklin Road. 11 3ftj 6 14 9 80 Delaware. 3 3 cures disease is the 1148 94 9 60 tban this year with a total vote 187 less. naturally Wasb’gtonJc f5 Florida. 4 4 best ELLSWORTH 11 53 ft 81 9 68 Georgia. 13 13 The following table shows the vote in de- and cheapest, blood's Ellsworth Falls. fll 68 6 87 10 08 Idaho. 3 .. .. 3 tail: is the Nlcolln. fl2 12| 6 61 10 17 Great Illinois. 24 24 Sarsaparilla best medi- Green Lake. fl2 22, 6 01 flO 27 Protection, . .. ELLSWORTH’S VOTE BIT WARDS. 15 15 cine can Lake House. f8 11 Iowa. 13 13 Wards money buy, because Holden.. fl2 38 0 20 flO 42 Kansas. 10 10 Brewer 58 02 ----xTot’l Plu it cures when all June. 12 6 48 11 Kentucky. 12 1 13 others fail. Bangor, Ex. St. 1 05 0 60 11 09 Ixtuisiana. 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 BANGOR, M.C. 1 101 6 56 1115 Maine. Poor H#alth— "Had poo, health for Republican 6 6 McKinley, rep. 125 132 52 42 82 433 235 P. M.ja. H. A. M. 8 8 in and Prosperity, . 55 55 years, pains shoulders, bach hips, Portland. 5 3ft 1 80 8 80 Massachusetts. 15 15 Bryan^dem. 21 17 60 198 with constant headache, nervousness and Boston. 9 6 67 7 2ft Michigan—. 14 .. 14 Wooley, prob. 1 3 2 1 5 12 061 no . 9 9 Debs, socialist, 3 1 1 2 appetite. Used Hoeds Sarsaparilla, BANGOR TO BAB RARBOB. 9 9 . gained strength and can work hard all Missouri. 17 .. 17 RECEIVING RETURNS IN ELUBWORTH. F. M. A. M. Victory! Montana. 3 3 .. eat and welt. I took Boston. 7 00. 9 09 Progress! ] Election returns to arrive in day; heartily sleep Nebraska. 8 8 .... began P. K. tt because it helped my husband to Nevada. 3 .. 3 .. Ellsworth about 8 o’clock, being received

.1—i of Frank 3trurrtiarmmts. atfentisnuBts. CITY MKRTIXU. NEWS. ««*k. Tk«j were the fue»l» COUNTY Dantatn and wife Monday nxbt. Aldermen Dispose of Routine Busin*** for Additional Co*nip Xtara, iw « # j full of water «frml day*. has teen Yaised your kidneys every three minutes. and we/e Brady presen:. W ill jam Reed was made a Master Masco The are Is oar motto in our and taken along aide the wharf. Capt. kidneys your announcing boll* of Aocorwr*. blood purifiers, ife.. <[ Saturday night. Eaton expect* K» get her patched up so be fa. Rolls of accounts were passed as follows: ter out the waste I Mr*. B. L and mother, who have can go to Rockland or f -r re* or Noyes Backsport Impurities in the street coaxissmEat ROLL to White returned b'o^ {been tbe Manntains. P*i«- If are Highways. §1*4 1'* I they sick or home off .... Saturday. W. has to Petit Menan. of FALL OPENING Mdewalke.... Jjo M A. Ciark gone order, they fail t0 do Bridge*. 15 borne for a few their work. Ij Stephen Ftfleid is days. R- B. D x a few days at j Capt. spent ,,} week to take Pains, aches and "$.y w He goes to next I home while his vessel was loading. rheu- TEACHERS’ *ALART ROLL*. matism come !> j! of a Jointer factory. from ex- charge is a new ell on cess of High school. fVO 't> A. B. Robbins building uric acid in the at Suits, : LUj Rftoot*.. 7S2» Rev. A. A. Bickford and family are hie boose. blood, due to neriec’ed Cloaks, Capes, Ooeanvflle Mrs. Bickford’s pa- kidney trouble. 14 i » vi-itiug Nov. 5. Thelma. trouble causes R* LL or Accocwra no. 9. rent*, Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Hatch. Kidney quick or unsteady West Kdr*. heart beats, and makes one feel as fTTRD. SAME. AMOY'S T William Emerson returned from Blue- though lisas of Indian i* had heart trouble, Dress Police. Timothy Ihmoran, *5>* Gage Walls, Point, they because the heart is Furs, Goods, Silks, h’lt last ^eek and brought a flne-Iookiug j; Minus t 45 o ves in || Carpets, lonl. reta: in Boston. ; visiting over-working pumping thick, kidney- Joseph McIntosh, »' « I horse with him—one he raided on h;s blocd through veins and M 6 06 Mr*. Clementine of Seal Har- poisoned arteries* Parlour, Higgins, to be Chirr* 6(* farm. It used considered that 1 Sweeney, is her Mrs. L zzie only urinary a t bor, v.vitiug daughter, troubles were to be traced Goods. Small ME had ram. 6 to has sold the naphtha to the kidneys j Wares, * Capt. Harry Gray Fancy Charles f* Smith, Hadiey. but now modern science * that j; launch to the Puritan” proves nearly DL «t*> belonging yacht Fields. all constitutional diseases have 6 ■» Mrs. Grace Fogg ha* been visiting her their jj Chart** II Gray, begin-* to Percy Stubba. of steamer A‘ex H * <* engineer in trouble. Gray. • later-in-law. Mrs. Higgins, at nlng kidney , Frank t«D Dream”. Aquaie Carter, 4 “Day If you are sick you can make no * Harbor tbe mistake S and Underwear. Herman Kcbenaguda, m Bar past week. Hosiery Two children of Albert Welch died this by first doctoring your The ij Jaire* W Itarlft, * O kidneys. mild Murray W. Lurvey and Mka Lora Gray the effect of i City library, C I Welch. 11 <\ week with diphtheria. No new case* have and extraordinary Dr. Kilmer's 0 !> W Ellsworth ater Co, 5 K> were married la*t Saturday evening. Rev. Swamp-Root, the great kidney |j Adelaide True, ST v been reported, and it is hoped the doctor* remedy We C. F. tbe soon realized. It stands the for W'f have never claimed onr goods to be the cheapest in quality. \ Smith A Held, SI 75 and board of health now have it under Burleigh performed ceremony. highest its ] J P 1*75 wonderf ul cures of the most 0 have no desire for such a reputation, for we know that cheapness without 11 ENjridge. control. Nov. 5. a. distressing cases II P Phillip*, 12 and is sold on its merits v a vital element. If we sold so a of sis Charles K 1 12 elfelUiniT ignores cheap quality gw (> I-auriatCo, H. M. Tnayer’a engine-boase on St. Bar narbor. all in * School, Charles 4 Treworgy. 5 36 by druggists fifty-j # or such trash as some dealers are selling, it Would not he in I on big only cheap Charles! Welch, IS »o Helena island burned Monday night Capt. Ellis W. Bray, of Lynn, Mass., cent and one-dollar eiz-| Charles K II l« € but it would be Bn which our cnstomem would l»e I Higgins, of last week. As Mr. had not I of Bar died there Thurs- es. You may have a price poet John 114 75 Thayer formerly Harbor, Keif. bottle mail getting. We do things differently; we give Edward Haney, 23 f«? been operating there for some days, tbe day from injuries received by being sample by Ban. <* J llarobl Maddocks, 4 «! free, also how to fire is thought to have been tbe work of struck a train on pamphlet telling you find Ethel 4 O' by tbe Revere Beach Jordan, out If ycu have kidney or bladder trouble. VALUE FOR VALUE. Ij*wrer>re 4 *»■ an railroad lrst was Treworgy, incendiary. Saturday. Capt. Bray Mention this when Dr. Clarence Alley. 4 paper writing Kilmer J while on the end of one of tbe fcjt J 4 Bartlett Tracy, returning from sitting sleepers N. Y. • Everything we offer we guarantee to be of good quality and of good G Pray, 3 ,U Co.. Binghamton. A urUo M Joy, 4 52 tbe poatcffice on Tuesday evening, was on tbe railroad, and did not notice the W value. The woman who this store knows what she is w > Moore, 7s <*' patronizes buying; I! train was Millie and Gertie Seeds, 4 attacked by a bull belonging to William approaching. Capt. Bray thirty- ir You or Enjoy there is no deception she knows she is getting School Jame* M •*' J misrepresentation; a|. house, Harbour, Small. After several attempts he suc- five year# of age. He was born in Mil- J P KHi ridge, 41 ^ good quality of goods at a f air value. We have done business in Ellsworth ! ceeded in him tbe horns bridge, but was for several con- J ( A M Foster, 1 .’4 getting by until, years A Fine Cup of Coffee, a we sold e>««!.s than A W * p nected with tbe Maine Central ferry boats for thirty years, and during that time have more dry ^ Curtl*. watching hi* chance, be sprang for a C H Grlodal. 12 15 here. He worked hi* wsy from a deck- 4 the other dealers The reason is we to give our thus serious that in all combined. always try 11 rntns r. '‘argent, * large boulder, escaping hand to mate on the “Sebenoa”. After realize baying bulk m Samuel Moore, I 5* injury. H:s clothes were torn in several the “Sappho’’was hullt be was promoted Charles A 3 63 Joy, to of the “Sebenoa" and during I M 50 places, and be had a few braises. captain VALUE FOR VALUE. Brooks, tbe absence of A W Curt!#, 5 33 temporary Capt. Dickson will understand that There have been several different storie* perhaps you you j J J II f'.rvMiahan. 1 30 : during the fall of l>i> was in command. ikcuid m For the fall as we scoured the markets for best Sand season, usual, goods # Rupt of school*, W'lijtani H i>r»s*er, 45 s,; in regard to the burgisr who entered r red Fire Austin H 1 10 : H» iifM 11 # adapted, the latest in style, best in quality, reasonable in price and large # dept, Joy. E. Webb’s store. That in The Cluuie* 4 Brown. «’►" printed “White House” < Mias <*r‘>rg:« Jl«»it, of Buy in assortment. We base no superiors in our line of business, and are # E*iward Brady, M, 12 5i American la#*t week was correct. The Ma«-achtJ#ett*, J J I* KM 14 30 tbe weM*kn'«wn is in ridge, is a more detailed account of | pianist, Bluebill, € equal with the best of them. If you want K J. 0u following CooUngect, F lloojer. 10 : where ah*- wi.| •peri'l a few months. Mocha A Java Coffee j Ellsworth Water 8 A3 the affair. At aT>out 11 o’clock Co, Mondaj Wtitle her** *be a limited nutn- Maiaridon Rcnall, 1 50 will’crept ii FOR night of la*t week. Dr. B. L. w ho tier of on and uaud ttn VALUE VALUE, J I' Rldrhlge, 7 C- Noyes, pupil* piano harmony. ^ —in hfrmetuaiiy f \ John A Hale, 5 01 was passing Webb’s store, noticed a 2 tbs., — with all the coff w the to it is at C A 1 13 only place get f Jot, of a dark lantern in the store. He from the r w B Campbell, 1140 dfcOfrti&niirnis. grance preserved John Brany, 2 00 notified Webb that there were burglars in • delight your palate and ten so Charier E V* 22 Higglca, his store. They returned and found the C B Moore, 4 no Pure Mr«6 M Manley, 75 burglar outside. He had entered through WHEN YOU ORDER Sfrictty A W < >• 51 M. urtl#, a window, thrown out what goods be GALLERT’S. T M Speoeer, Gu and Unadulterated, j Tin.'-thv Ik»novan, 1000 could conveniently carry, and was put- J P Eld 5 56 ridge, them into a when Mw*r«. ting bag Webb ** * I. ft Wyman, 37 on Baker’s Chocolate White IfotBe Coffee is rh- rt w K 24 'O and arrived. It John iKirte, Noyes being dark, they &• A W < SOW u-haian, could not make out w he»-e he wa*. but T ¥ Mahonev. 24 <0 just perfectly r* i ,kf-' \ 15 Different Departments 15 Mott W JelUrott, 75 from the sound he was potting the stuff \ Warren E >I>rici, 5**' Vte? j into a boat. They started in the direction or Baker’s Cocoa it; then till get :: N J M o.>re, 30 25 ing y' surely Charier II Iteed, 3 15 from which the sound came when up Stocked. { Electric Ellsworth Water 50 EXAMINE THK PACK | jj Fully light, Co, $137 popped Mr. Burglar and started towards H nine II- Wright Co., A G F. Yu f RECEIVE I the street. He saw hie at about Total. fi.me -y pursuers Roar i the same time that AND MAKE SC RE Coffee 'ce TAX COLLECTORS’ STATEMENTS. be was seen, lie ws* I Principal I>i:p*T. 1—Cloak < 1. td Dress ordered to but in.-tcad o* so fTlAT IT kisARA ipes, Su ta. Skirts. 4 Statements were received from Tax Col- stop, doing OUk Boston. Mass*, l/eS*A, ([ 2—Silk, Wash Wool Waists, Petticoats, Cotton Underwear, # lectors Holmes and Whitcomb. Mr. i sprang over the bank into a grout pi e TRADE-MARK J Wrappers. # Holmes’ statement showed amount of taxes and about two feet of water, thus rnakirg “ collected to Nov. 5 to be 19. Mr. ; his escape in darkness. Six shots were I I 3—Dress Goods, >ilks and Velvets. £24,734 J Whitcomb’s statement of 1999 tax showed fired at him but none of them is thought “La Belle II 4—Carpetings, Bugs aud Matting. 5 1 have just received T that of due at of to have taken effect. L'pon gelt ing a Curtains aarl Portieres. > £12,410.47 beginning pres- lamp 0 ft—Draperies, the was found on the bank where “ ent municipal year. £3,203 76 had been ! booty Cliocolatiere" X from New York a 0 O—Blanket*, Table Linen, Crashes, Towels arid Housekeepers’ good f 0 collected to Nov. 5 leaving the balance of it bad been dropped. If Messrs. Noyes # Goods. # r- 1&# tax still uncollected £9,306 71. and Webb had known the thief would I'cder ths darisi•>»-* tv»e tT q Coarts assortment of l^adics’ i T—Prints, '■heetings and Domestics. # have come out on the no other Cbocokts or Coc<« is mtstied j WANTS TO BUY SCHOOLHOUSE. street, they could ** | :< Is be Usd or sold *s Bsaer's Chocoku | of all have ** ? and Children’.* t ft—Dress Linings kinds. # Alderman Jellison reported that easily captured him, but they or Baker’s Coco*.” Coats J. * appli- he bad a + x .) If—Embroidery Linens and Materials for Fancy Work. cation had been made to him by would- thought boat and possibly a pal. and CaiM*s1 of the latest 4- l(k—Dress Trimmings and Dressmakers'Materials. S be purchaser of the «choolhou«e in dis- At any rate he got a good scare, and prob- f (1 Walter Baktr & Go. Limited , 11—Ladies' and Gentlemen’s Street and I trict No. 16, which had not been used for ably won’t come back soon. Webb says a at () Kid, (riving Gloves; # F»7At«LM*IKI> styles the lowest £ | bullet couldn’t to travel as fast as 17S0 Silk, Taffeta and Cashmere Gloves; Wool and silk Mit-• several years, asking if city would sell begin the same, and at what The matter that burglar. Please call and tens; Misses’and Children's Gloves and price. MASS. prices. j; j if Boys', Mittens.# Nov. 5. DORCHESTER, *• was referred to Aid. Jellison for investi- Eugene. If 12— Underwear and Yams. # COLD I Hosiery, as to status of MBDAL, PARIS, 900 examine before u gation property. buying | 13—Corsets of all the leading makes and Penobscot. |. styles. J The board took a recess to Wednesday “ 14—Laces and Embroideries. Mrs. Judy Waite is on the sick list. elsewhere, at f J i forenoon to canvass election returns. | The Methodist church looks fine ^ i IS—Small Wares and Motions. S in lta new coal of paint. Orlnnd. SCIENCE A. E. MOORE’S, B. H. Cushman is putting a few re- | Mrs. I. Ferry Harriman is recovering • on his house. Smith T 1 Patronize the leading and best dry goods # from a serious illness. pairs JUiiklinp, Leander Snowman has returned from a store in Eastern Maine, the There will be a dance at the town hall Main St, Ellsworth, Maim X ]> thereby getting J to Moss. Saturday evening, Nov. 10. trip Springfield, PROGRESSES if best results— # Mrs. Charles of Joseph Grindie, whose illness was re- Nichols, Brookavllle, has been visiting Mrs. Ruth Smith this ported last week, still lias in a precarious VALUE FOR VALUE. week. condition. Great strides are made IO EDWIN M. MOORE. J| \ dealer In all kinds of + O. L. Sellers has to A little son arrived at the home of Mr. gone New Hamp- every year. But the meth- where be will be rmk, MJt, l»M ud Dry and Mrs. Tracy N. Eldridge, November 1. shire, employed this win- od of curing Dyspepsia j ter as teamster. [ Tracy Norwood.] remains the same. FISH. i | All the schools in town closed M. Mrs. Andrew Ginn is very ill. Her Friday “L. F." Atwood’s 1 in the Bitters^ GALLERT. \ which excepting Bey will uBu^uicr «iiu nun, i,uiou uriuu, nave dvcu district, Is still the most reliable close Nov. 7. § sum mooed from PortUnd. Wednesday, remedy. Prof. a J«y D. Atwood will leave Wednesday Purgereon gave very pleaaing en- tertainment to a small Simple Indigestion,! for Bangor, where he will receive medical audience at Grange ball one Chronic or CLARION STOVES. treatment from Dr. Bigelow. Mr. At- evening last week. Dyspepsia | Cod, Haddock, Hallbat, Blueflah,J RANGES, FURNACES, ♦ wood waa over a fall- Rev. C. Garland the Bilious Attacks Mackerel, Oyetere, Clams, Scallope, injured year ago by occupied pulpit at yield Lobsters and Finnan Haddiea. 0 ing from his wheel, and since that time the Methodist church Sunday evening, at once. All dealers Paarl, Agate and and A 0 Plumbing Heating. haa been in a belpleaa state. For a few after an absence of three due to Campbell True Bide.. East End BrlJgt, weeks, sell “L. F.” montha a alight improvement baa been Illness. ELLSWORTH, ME. t Granite Ware. Blue-Flame Oil •0*0*©*0»0*0*0*0*0»0«*0^<2* perceptible. The game of ball here Saturday after- Crockery and Tin Stoves. A quiet borne wedding took place at noon between the Penobscot nine and the Daniel Gibb’s laat Thursday Bluehill nine resulted in a score of 9 to 8 Cold weather is I evening, here, and it is when Mr. Gibb’s daughter, Miss Helen, in favor of the visiting team. Ware. Fishing Tackle. time to waa married to Albert Gott, son of the Nov. 5. SUBA. buy substantial _ late Capt. and Mrs. Richard Gott. The Hot Water and Steam Heating. Arnhem- bride is one of Orland’s most popular ite Mrs. Mary Rowe Is at Holden visiting Fall and Winter _ ladies and a young graduate of the E. M. relatives. Clothing. C. Men s Suits from seminary, class of 1900. Mr. Gott is an *3.50 up. Youths' Suits from *3 up. J. P. Grover and wlte were in Ellsworth J. P. enterprising young man who follows the Children's Suits from 75c. ELDRIDGE, Saturday. up. sea, sailing in the T. M. Nicholson fleet Sumner and wife were Main Street,.Ellsworth, Me. for a number of seasons. Congratulations Dudley at Ban- of many friends are extended to the gor last week. Furnishing Goods. young couple. Mrs. M. S. Kelllher returned to her Underwear from 25c. Nov. 5. G. up. home at Brewer Thursday. llats and Caps—Latest Styles. Hancock. Mrs. A. W. Silsby returned from Ban- The Hallowe’en name party given by the gor Saturday, where she has been visiting ^ sidewalk society waa a success in every triends. OWEN BYRN, way. There was a poverty sociable at the town Clothier and Pamola Furnisher, grange, Saturday evening, en- ball Saturday nlgbt. Proceeds go to the CLARION Water Ellsworth. tertained several visitors from the new ___ Street, ON A church. | grange in Eastbrook. Frank Giles bas moved his family to RANGE OR The 9. W. society will present “The Dis- Aurora, where they will spend the winter An Old Business in New HOVE, trict 9chool at Blueberry Corners” in the with Mrs. Giles’ mother, Mrs. Ritchie. Quarters. town hall Nov. Wednesday evening, 21. Lawford & Wakefield, of Bar liave A sociable will follow the entertainment. Harbor, i,,. *7, completed their building on Water street: FURNACE new Admission, 15 cents; children, 10 cents. with a party of friends, were fishing and '\lth machinery; have equipped it with a 10-horse I bunting at Lead Mountain poDd last ,notor’ aml are ready for business. We manufacture SIGNIFIES THE The Chautauqua circle of twelve mem- and deaUntnC bers will HIGHEST GRADE hold its first meeting next “I have used Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol- at the rhnrsday evening home of Miss era and Diarrhoea and find it to wterial and manufacture. CLAR- Remedy, DOORS, SASH. WINDOW Abbott. to be BLINDS. FRAMES, MOULDINGS. Nancy Subjects read and be a great medicine,” saya Mr. E. 8 IS results that cannot be ob- discussed: “The Uivalry of Nations,” “The ... Sawing, Planing, Turning, and Jobbing. give of Ark. “It cured me o' e French and “A Phipps, Poteau, eep g ass and and do ed with ranges and heaters of inferior It’s more economical to Revolution,” Reading putty, repairing where these articles are needed. quality. Journey in the Orient.” A cordial invi- bloody flux. I cannot speak too highly of dealer does not have the boat. If your the CLARIONS, write to as. tation is extended to all who are inter- wins the It.” This remedy always good Whitcwood even are not Board and Plank on hand. ested, though they members, of those who use it. Constantly to be present. opinion. If.not praise, The cures which It effects even lu 1 Nov. 5. A. quick _ the most severe cases ;make it a favorite bqnsey & S^WOOD^BISHOPCOvBiitiitll^ For sale Geo. A. _e:. Hood’s Pills cure Liver lilt. Biliousness, In- everywhere. by Paboheb, SON._ llgestlon, Headache. Easy to to Ellsworth, and W. I.Pabtbidge, Bluehill, — take, easy The Ellsworth American only COUNTY paper. 25c—Adrt. The Ethe >perate. druggists. Ellsworth American—only COUNTY Paper.